Monday, March 28, 2011

love song to a Savior . . . .

Love is a funny word. I mean people make movies about it. It is the 'center' of our world and then there is that word that God is love. I mean - HE is the ultimate definition of Love - Isn't HE? So, in the past few years . . .this word has been in my head, my heart, my thoughts and in my prayer life .. I mean - what is love? What does love look like? And at the bottom of it all -- I realized something very important -- I did not - or I was not "in Love" with my God. I mean - I understood what was done for me at Calvary -- but, to be IN LOVE with my Lord. Well, that has changed. And today it is time to blog about it . . God's timing is so perfect -- today when I turned on my xm radio, I was blessed again, as usual, but today -- this song was on.

BEFORE I share about the song . .I must state that is was raining CATS and DOGS today and I was headed to the Circle K to get grandma coffee. . . . . . The photo is of last August and she does not look too good there - but now she is in the Nursing home and each day, to see her and her smile is a treat . . . She is trying to 'walk' again and each day, I see strength. But here is a woman who dedicated her life to Christ and was a missionary in Ghana .. and now . .she relies on the help of others to get all of her nourishment, interaction, and needs. She is like a baby again, she has come full circle and the joy I get in bringing her coffee. . and when she called - "I love you daring" .. .it meant the world to me. I love her greatly .. like she was my own grandma -- I mean she is my grandma in law . but, I will claim her. God used her today - to remind me of how far I have come. Praise HIM.

Now back to the song:

This song --- is Love Song to a Savior by Jars of Clay - it is an old song back from 1989 . .old . .really, yet today -- it was playing. Is that not God or what? That is God. I have this song practically memorized and yet - it was a very real song as I would sing it years ago and know - 'just enough to call you Savior - not enough to call you God' . .that was me. As I said - that was me. Now- today, I am in Love with my Lord, this song - has a whole new meaning .. .not sure I have heard it in the past 3-4 months .. so today - was HIS timing. Here are the lyrics:

In open fields of wild flowers,

she breathes the air and flies away

She thanks her Jesus for the daises and the roses in no simple language Someday she'll understand the meaning of it all

He is more than the laughter or the stars in the heavens

As close as a heartbeat or a a song on her lips

Someday she'll trust Him and learn how to see Him

Someday He'll call her and she will come running

and fall in His arms and the tears will fall down and she'll pray . .

I want to fall in love with You

Sitting silent wearing Sunday best

The sermon echoes through the walls

A great salvation through it calls

to the people who stare into nowhere,

and can't feel the chains on their souls

It seems too easy to call you "savior",

Not close enough to call yo "God"

So as I sit and think of words I can mention

to show my devotion.

I want to fall in Love with You

WOW -- I mean - I could of written this song. Those chains . .there are still ones around me so full of chains. They can't even feel it. Through life's circumstances, through heartache, and just living . .that song is now a LOVE song to my Savior who is my God. I am in love with HIM. wow. I want that for each and everyone one of my family and extended circle of friends. And, I want that for total strangers . .as God wants that -- that is the weirdest thing -- as before I would of never thought of that - nor wanted or cared about others . .unless for some reason I wanted too. How sad - I mean -- what shame --?? Hugh -- no, no longer any shame being felt here - that was my past. He has forgiven me. It is gone. The chains are gone -- I can 'see' it . .and it has forever changed me but the enemy will not use it to defeat me. I am made new in HIM.

AND -- today -- I got to thinking about some other ways that I know I love others . .and that I show others. .

and they show me that I am loved . . . .

cause . .. . . the list would go as this . .

-cause of the constant prayer for them

- cause of the belief that they too can be free

- cause of the 'battling' with the rain to take one a small cup of hot coffee and kiss her face

-cause of my heart and its forgiveness that GOD had done with me

-cause of the joy in my heart -cause of the peace in my heart

-cause I just know I am in the Center of HIS will

-cause of the WANTING to pray -cause of the answered prayer

-cause of the smiles

-cause of how God is using me -cause I believe in HIS word and claim it instead of the enemy's lies .

THERE are more reasons why I know I love my Lord now -- and love others -- some more unconditionally than others. .And I love the lost and hurtful ones .. I do. I mean - I don't plan on sending them flowers . .ha ha ha . .but, I will pray. I will pray for the ones in my future that will hurt and harm my family . . .I will pray for those who persecute me . . as it is not me they get offended by but Christ in me . .as that is my 'job' . the great commission .. to share HIS love. Lord, I am in Love with you - and in awe that you waiting this LONG for me .. . so I will wait for the others . .amen. Your priceless princess -- michelle

Do you want to love HIM as your God?

Are you in Love with HIM, if not - ask.

Matthew 7. 7-8

Ask and it will be given to you: seek and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, it will be opened.

Don't wait until God allows some pain in your life to get your attention, ask HIM to be your true love and hero now.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

be transformed by the renewing of your mind .

To my child,
be still in my presence, even though countless tasks clamor for your attention. Nothing is as important as spending time with Me. Nothing is as important as spending time with Me. While you wait in My Presence, I do My best work within you: transforming you by the renewing of your mind. If you skimp on this time with Me, you may plunge headlong into the wrong activities, missing the richness of what I have planned for you.
Do not seek Me primarily for what I can give you. Remember that I, the Giver, am infinitely greater than any gift I might impart to you. Though I delight in blessing My children, I am deeply grieved when My blessings become idols in their hearts. Anything can be an idol if it distracts you from Me as your First Love. When I am the ultimate Desire of Your heart, you are safe from the danger of idolatry. As you wait in My Presence, enjoy the greatest gift of all: Christ in YOU the hope of Glory! --God

I love you Lord - I HEAR you Loud and Clear . . . 'this' won't be an idol again' . . YOU are.

Romans 12.2 Revelation 2.4 and Colossians 1.27

be still

Lord, right now -- you know how the enemy wishes to defeat and boy or boy, has he really decided to kick up trouble in just the last 24 hours, but YOU LORD, are the winner.

God wins. Love that. Been saying that.

Thank you so much for the blessings and answered prayer in just the last week. YOU do continue to amaze me.

In Hosea today, YOU spoke loudly, and YES, the last chapter was my favorite. I am reminded by the H/S that YOU are first, and all else is 2nd. .. .

And Lord, even though Mel Gibson is getting a lot of press and he needs to be set free, the talent and wealth that You allowed him . . . created a very unique tool -- that movie, The Passion.

Watching just the scene where you prayed .. Jesus -- I realize it was a movie, but that image, that scene . .can take one so so deep . .like your word -- it is alive.

Thank you for that this am.

And again, I am humbled at the mercies You grace me with.

I am going to post the Jesus Calling devotional today - as it is for me. It is for my dear friend that is on my mind . ... .and it is for many others. YOU know whom they are. And maybe it will speak to a total stranger using this.

YOU are the alpha and the omega.

I love YOU Lord.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

. . preoccupying your mind . .

Dear Beloved,
Thank ME for the glorious gift of My Spirit. this is like priming the pump of a well. As you bring Me the sacrifice of thanksgiving, regardless of your feelings, My Spirit is able to work more freely within you. this produces more thankfulness and more freedom, until you are overflowing with gratitude.
I shower blessing on you daily, but sometimes you don't perceive them. When your mind is stuck on a negative focus, you see neither Me nor My gifts. In faith, thank Me for whatever is preoccupying your mind. This will clear the blockage so that you can find Me.
I love you, Jesus

From Jesus Calling - March 18th 2011.

2 Corn 5. 5
2 Corn 3. 17
Psm 50. 14

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This is Blake -- aka - BLAKER!

Is this not the sweeeeest smile you have ever seen? Jeanette called me tonight and asked me to come and 'see' it . . . besides texting it to everyone. Anyway -- check out the features of this. JJ believes that Blake still leaves her 'feathers' -- that is sweet.
The top right has his famous Power Ranger emblem on it and his shirt has the Texas Walker Ranger badge. His green shirt - a favorite of his . and those glasses and his hair cut. That smile -- where he seems to be saying "gee or cheese" and that flick of the wrist . . and that scranny arm . .the artist, even though he never knew Blaker -- captured him, perfectly.

Then you will see Pongo -- his famous first movie - 101 Dalmations. Which, we only got back after he went to heaven, we still have the original box we had to redecorate after the original box was destoyed. He - Blake, kept it from us, trying to 'hide' the fact that he had it .. too funny. Simba is there -- the first movie we went to see - or one that we remember. He loves his Disney movies. And then, the wolf from Balto - the toy he played with . and what else is there?
The note -- about a few months before he went to heaven, he would continue to say "I love you mom and dad" .. so much so that both Craig and Jeanette had to say, "Blake, you don't need to tell us that every 5 minutes, we know you love us". " ok Dad" and yet, in HIS tender mercies .. that memory of him saying that over and over - would fill their hearts over and over once he went to heaven. God, is so so good to us.
The connection to fishing with his dad and being on the boat and his favorite fish that he loved to catch, I believe Craig said it was a sheephead?

I know that Blake got to see this painting today as well.
He probably, maybe, got to see the artist and I know he is just tickled that that it made his mom so happy tonight. That makes 'us' feel better but just knowing he is in heaven, awaiting us, that is sweetness in itself.

Well Done Craig -- thanks for sharing this -- for all of us to enjoy.

Blake - you are still missed. I look forward to your hug - after I hug Jesus first -

I love you Blake -- your '20th' birthday is approaching .. .

Happy Birthday!

- Auntie Chell

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I am . . . .

A dear sweet friend sent this to me -- I need to drink it in this am:

God is at work, behind the scenes.

Don't worry about what you hear or even what you see.

Hold you head up high and claim who you are.

You are God's workmanship (a mighty woman of God!)

You are the wife of a man called and treasured by God.

You are the mother of two precious children who will carry on your vision and hope in The Lord after you have gone.

You carry the Light of the World within your heart and He is shining out on the world as you walk through it.

You are on a special mission to reach many souls who you come in contact with everyday, speaking life into their dry and thirsty lives.

You have hope, so to are hope.

God has commisioned you, nothing can stop you.

Believe is true.

Today we had lunch with a man who had lunch with the Prime Minister of Isreal two days ago. He told the Prime Minister he was leaving to go to Okeechobee, Florida and then come back on Monday. The Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyaho (spelling?)said "Why are you doing that?" and he said, "I really don't know...It's a God thing."Imagine that.

God can do anything, Michelle....He is showing us that we will know for sure, that He is with us and He has a plan for us.

Don't be afraid.........His hand is on you and He is blessing you as you believe and trust Him.

See you tomorrow!! love, linda

Lord - I believe you -- I do. I am here to answer the call -- use me.

Thank you Linda -- "ditto" when it comes to a mighty warrior woman of God -- thank you for always letting God use you to verbalize the hope .. when it seemed the darkest . .

I said the 'high' of the Encounter lasted the first week .. .the knowledge of seeing HIS eyes. .spread into the 2nd week Post - Encounter, and this am . . reading this . . believing this and just being in the audience to hear this man being used by God enough for the 3rd week . Post - Encounter.

Looking forward to what God will show us next - amen.

Exodus 14.14!

HE will fight for me, I need only to be still. . .

Saturday, March 5, 2011

coming into FULL circle . .

Here is the clipboard .. . .maybe I can't get it all into the post, but Brendan's sister gave this to him over 20+years ago .. . and now he handed it down to her . .how sweet.
Coach Pritchard did a wonderful job today.
What a grown- up.

coming FULL Circle

What a blessing, what a tremendous day . . What a sweet sweet memory and gift I was given today. Thank you Lord!

About 11 years ago, we began a journey -- Brendan and I . .traveling on weekends with a girl and a very young and rambunctious son . . to different locations each weekend in the Months of January, February and March . . .Volleyball......Club Volleyball ............... Big Lake Juniors......

HP always needed entertainment, so he always had his hand held PS 2 . or something like that, and there was a soccer ball in the trunk, and a cooler with juice boxes and snacks. Brendan and I would take turns driving - sometimes it was Tampa, other times Orlando. Our favorite trips would be the 2 day tournaments where we had packed up, spent the money and THEN watch a win. . . however, they were few in the beginning. ...wins I mean at the beginning. And we watched a girl that loved the game and had potential but a bit awkward. About 11 years ago, the memories began.

I remember laughing and reading with Laura McCall.
I remember HP and Josh McCall running around the Milk House at Disney.
I remember Brendan having to take HP outside at the Disney Complex so he could run around .. he was a bit hyper. And he would kick that soccer ball around!
I remember Subway -- and more Subway and then .. . a family dinner at a restaurant. To this day, Taylor does not like Subway.
I remember 5am wake up calls to leave by 6am to be on the court by 9am . . .hours away.
I remember many laughs, sore throats froms screaming, and those chairs. . . .those chairs.
I remember falling asleep many times in a gym with screaming parents, players, and others.
I remember 'stupid' calls .. 'lifts' and other such things.
I remember DRAMA. h the Drama between the girls .. the players. . Girls .. are full of drama.
But Taylor, usually remained drama free, she just had to deal with it.
I remember the bathrooms .. . with no toliet paper.
I remember disgusting restrooms with awful smells. And I remember countless bathrooms without toilet paper.

There is this one facility in Rockledge .. that .. well, I think Cathie Carpenter and I brought our own toliet paper one time . ... .
I remember getting lost and we did not have a GPS system.
I remember getting mad at the coach . .and then . loving him to pieces.
I remember the 'smell' of the gym.
I remember the 'coldness' of some of the places we played. And then the soccer blankets or Gator blankets.
I remember when I had to drive to Jax for the first time by myself . . .and I hated driving. . as Brendan had to be home that weekend -- maybe soccer had started for HP .. but, I did it -- drove all the way there and back .. . without getting the painful .. I have to sleep ..woes . in the car.

I remember many of her team mates. . and their parents and how we would laugh, complain, and cheer.
I remember the concession stands. .. .and the wearable stuff to purchase . .. and then there was that tournament at the fair grounds. . .
And I remember the tremendous amount of dedication . ..on Taylor's part and our part.

All good memories .. .

But NOTHING .. .like today.

Today I came full circle. I only wish Brendan would of been there to enjoy it too -- Taylor invited me to drive with her to Lakewood Ranch . .as she coached her club volleyball team. Brendan was going to come and watch her coach but it was a 2.2 hour drive . and her Honda Civic seats 2 long legged people comfortably . 3 long legged people . . .I would of been stuck in the back and sitting in that gym from 1pm - 8pm . . I can hear Brendan say "I been there, done, that, and I will come and watch a tournament that is a bit closer!" And I can't blame him. If I did not have a sweet book to read I too would of thought twice.
(As one gets older .. we tend to really spend our time wisely and riding in a car for that length of time now sort of upsets the bones.)

Anyway, like I said - Full Circle.

I walked into the gym, the Petrik Auditorium and set up my chair. The very place I watched Taylor play maybe 2-3 times. The very place we brought HP to play soccer a few times. Full Circle, it was the most outstanding outstanding and tremendous blessing. Can you tell I was pleased? Just that little happiness ... you sort of get a little snip it of how God must delight and enjoy us . .. when we come full circle.

Then again, that is hard to imagine. How glorious God can feel . . yet, it is cool to know that he happiness I felt was no comparison to the delight HE gets from us.

I was the passenger. I tagged along as she got herself a sub and soda and then emptied out the car with the v-balls and got her team of 12Pink BLJuniors . ready.

I was so so tickled .. She has Brendan's quick witt and stern voice -- "do this, and get going on that" And she has little patience for drama; therfore, puts up with no drama -- that is from Brendan.
She also has compassion and sweetness and knows exactly what to say to them. I will take credit for that. She loves the game of volleyball.

I sat in one of those chairs . . and watched, read, cheered, enjoyed sweet company with a friend I had not seen in a bit and just enjoyed a blessing today. It had come full circle. What a blessing it was. Thank you Lord.

You do delight us.
You Lord, have great and mighty plans for us.

I can't help but think of the verse in Galations about the hard work 6.9 . .brings forth fruit and rewards. . can't think of it. Oh wait - let me check my phone . .. I can just look it up.

I believe God may of had a different purpose for this verse but it spoke to me. As it says:
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. . ..

WE did not give up -- we pressed on and enjoyed every vollley ball season. Some seasons were seasons of winning and other . . losses.. some with major drama and other years, maturity! Taylor has not given up, she continues to love the sport . and maybe this is not the perfect illustration for this verse, but it touched me .. . ..

We should not give up on stuff . . .practice ..hard work .. does pay off. Loving your kids . .showing them God's grace and bringing them up to Love our Lord .. brings a great reward.

I was so proud of her today - I was so proud of her today.
This blessed me so.

Taylor, you are a mighty woman of God who is a great role model for all around you - including me .. but those girls . their lives will forever be changed because you gave of yourself.

Thank you for inviting me today - I had one of the MOST glorious days. I did. I really did.

It has come full circle.
Lord, I have come full circle in the recent week too -- thank you for waiting for me.
Thank you for giving me this blessing .. .waiting on it was illustrated to me, If we had not been the wait . . this day with Taylor would not of been as sweet.
March 5th,
Make friends with the problems in your life. Though many things feel random and wrong, remember that I am sovereign over everything. I can fit everything int a pattern fo good, but only to the extent that you trust Me. Every problem can teach you something, transforming you little by little into the masterpieces I created you to be. The very same problem can be a stumbling block over which you fail, if you react with distrust and defiance. The choice is up to you, and you will have to choose many times each day whether to trust Me or defy Me.

The best way to befriend your problems is to thank Me for them. The simple act opens your mind to the possiblity of benefits flowing from your difficulties. You can even give persistent problems nicknames, helping you to approach them with familiarity rather than with dread. The next step is to introduce them to Me, enabling Me to embrace them in My loving Presence. I will not necessarily remve your problems, but My wisdom is sufficient to bring good out of every one of them. - Jesus

Lord - wow -- again, you are such the Daddy -- thank you for this. I will nickname a few things today but I praise you Lord - as you took away many of the other 'pains' from the other named problems .. . what you DID for me this past weekend -- hug I got from you -- the healing -- from my Encounter with YOU -- Feb 28th will be forever celebrated in my home - my day of total freedom. Total. And today, there are new things the Enemy has set before me -- to challenge me, he is mad -- oh he is mad .. but YOU are glorious and the WINNER.

Do it Lord today, may today be the day of wrestling .. where there is a breakthrough. Amen.

- michelle