Friday, January 30, 2015

It happened. Today is Victory Day.

I believe.  We believe.  Our Father has faith in us.

Do you believe that God can make ALL things new?  

Can he bring forth a love between two people that displays and shows others WHAT HE intended for marriage?  

Is WHAT we see on TV and on the movies for real?  Is that what marriages are to look like?  

What is God's purpose for marriage?  

What does the STORY of your marriage say about HIS grace and mercy?  

Is your marriage alive and healthy in HIM?  

"If we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently" Romans 8.25

Wouldn't it be nice to be a part of something that encourages both men and women to see that marriage is not a MOLD that confines them.  Wouldn't it be awesome to believe everyone has the creative license to design their marriage as best suits their individual needs and divine purpose.  

 How will you write YOUR story?  

  •  - Because we live in a day when there is so much divorce and distractions, many are afraid to even begin their stories. what you have seen - NEED not define what lies before you.

  • - Because there are those who feel trapped in the middle of a chapter they don't like, don't close the book on your marriage - turn the page with HIS help.  

  • - Because there are countless couples that believed their  love story would never end, only to discover the pages have been abruptly torn from their divorce..addiction...or death -- YOUR story is NOT over!  

  • - Because volumes COULD be written about all the different types and problems ... and yet - each one story can be so different ....that maybe OUR story can help inspire another. 

  • - Because Jesus still thinks marriage is a story worth telling - IT Is HIS framework for how He loves us.  

  • - Because we dare you to dream again -- Come with us -- John and Lisa Bevere 

I pray our story continues to grow -- I believe in marriage!

"The Story of Marriage"  by Lisa and John Bevere -- A DVD Series at His Church - Its Jesus' CHurch
Coming soon --

  I wrote the above and blogged this back in October of 2014.  The Story of Marriage was published in August of 2014.  I got 'news' of this book and its contents back in the early months of  2014.  

Tonight - as the church was full -- a dream was fulfilled.  What Satan tried to destroy, God redeemed.  If I went to heaven this evening.... all will be fine.  Thank you Lord.  
I am still awake, living on about 10 hours of sleep in 2 days, but this overwhelming feeling of joy, expectation, and pure God glory just can't be still.  There is nothing, nothing like a Jesus high.  

I had a few laughing moments with God.  I am mature enough to know and realize when the enemy attacks as I see a new face come and then I hear the enemy say, "but so and so did not come".....and the battle continues.  It won't stop - Satan still thinks he may have a chance.  God is winning and HE will win the entire battle -- God wins. 

Everyone worked together and this evening our church put on its first Marriage Event.  Success.  And we still have 2 more weeks!  

If you are reading this and you attended, I pray it touched you like it did me the first time I watched the DVD and listened to the Bevere's.  If you are reading this and saying, " I had no idea!"....You can still come to the next two weeks.  If you are in a hurting marriage, God can restore it.  And if you are in a season of joy within your marriage - God wants to enrich it!  I know it.  

Lord, thank you 
Thank you 
Thank you 
Thank you ....You know my inner hurts and fears about certain aspects of this eve and yet, I have peace and all fear is gone.  The enemy may try to remind me of 'all' the postage I sent inviting others that did not come but MY Lord, YOU remind me that YOU had EXACTLY whom needed to be there  - there!  
Lord, the dinner afterwards with my family, extended family, and new family -- was the icing on the cake. What a tremendous blessing and Ebenezer Stone - a marker in history.  Today is Victory Day.  

Thank you Lord, Satan tried to destroy God's art work - but we prevailed.  Satan tried to prevent today from happening -- but God won.  

Lord, there are hurting marriages that attended this eve - 
Lord, there are new marriages -- 
Lord, there are good marriages that want better  and there were couples that are seeking You - in each circumstance --  may they believe that YOu are God and may they seek You like never before.  Lord, thank you ! 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Scary prayers.

Today I was reminded that God asks us to pray.  And Lisa Bevere has challenged me before -- to pray  those scary prayers.

So, I have not done this in a long while....I am just going to publish my prayers this eve -- and I am going to pray BIG...SCARY prayers...that makes SATAN sit up and take notice and I am going to believe that  HIS will ....will be done!  

Lord, first of all, thank you for the chance to pray ....thank you for the miracles that  You have bestowed...and thank you for continually interceding for me, for my family and for others.  

I praise You Lord for  everything -- and thank you for continually loving me.  

I pray GRACE big over each and every one of my family, my circle of friends, and  those that read this. 
I pray that they would show YOUR mercy to those around them and  to those that YOU bring close. 

Lord, I come to you for my church and its family -- Lord, that my pride and sense of competition not overwhelm and overtake...that I empty myself of me and fill me with YOU...that YOUR will be done within ALL that we do there...and all that I post or say on FB or in the public eye...I want to make YOU famous and I want to be YOUR servant.    I want to make sure that You are proud of me and that speak when YOU say to speak and I hold my tongue when I need to as well.  

Lord, I pray for the financial blessing upon my church -- Lord, that the people   would tithe and believe that YOU are indeed their Lord.   Lord, that their resources increase, that their jobs become more secure and that with that blessing they will honor you.  Lord, that  spiritual  pride  not  creep in.  Lord that materialistic stuff not overcome.     Lord, that they don't cheat you out of anything.   Lord -- that they would submit everything to You.  

Lord, I pray for the Youth within the church, the Youth within the city of Okeechobee and this generation right now that will see even more wonders and signs. That this generation be open to YOUR harvest.  Lord, I pray for the 'details' that have to be fixed, planned, and sorted out as we continue to grow.  May the DNA of the church really be - HIS Church -- YOURS... Ours...that it is nothing like ever before -- that people will see YOU within.  

Lord I pray for all the teachers...workers...and people that I work with each day -- that they seek You, that they call YOUR name.  

Lord, for my students, my children, and my family ...that as it says in Jeremiah .....that YOUR plans  - plans to prosper them and not harm..... be fulfilled.  

Lord, for my sister in Christ - I claim a healing with her body and brain.....that this situation right now will be a testimony of YOU healing power and by the next visit to the neurologist  - there will be a considerable difference and the doctor will confirm the healing.  

Lord, for the marriages.... as I sit here - there are several plus several more  that I can name in crisis.... it does not matter if it is her or him....  I still see EACH of them as YOURS.  Some of levels of faith in You, others really need salvation.....  Lord,   I will still believe that each of them can be restored.  Period.  I am 'scared' to claim it - as even as I  type, one is so close to the final paperwork...but I claim the heavens to part open and send healing to each and every person within them!!  

Lord, for the upcoming Marriage Event that Bren and I are hosting...Lord, for the technical stuff, for the  curriculum, and for the 'snack' time...that all will mingle, that hearts will be open and that eyes would see and that ears would listen to WHAT you have to say through the  DVD's and YOUR word.  

Lord, for the Encounter Weekend in March.  Continue to guide and direct me - show me BIg stuff.  Prepare hearts now.  

Lord, for hurting hearts...there are many I know, lakdfl;aksdjfladkjfaldkfja;ldkjfa;lsdkfjadlkfjasl;dkfjsdlkfjad;lfkja;lsdkfjsd;lfjasdlkfjsdlkfj   
 -- there I listed them all........  heal, comfort, and give them a sign to HOLD on.  

Lord, I believe in BIG things.  Lord, I know my grandchildren will serve You.  Lord, I believe You , I believe in You.  I believe in BIGGER things...I believe in BIGGER dreams...  I believe YOU want to do even MORE within us and around us.... USE me Lord..

I  pray for my man - God - that each cell within him - cries to YOU and honors you -- that his eyes remain ON You, that his thoughts are YOUR thoughts and bless him Lord in such a way for this 'stepping out in faith' ...out of his comfort zone in hosting this marriage conference.  Thank you Lord, for this blessing.  I remember when this curriculum was advertised - and it was a dream to 'do it' ..and now..YOU have brought this forth - 

Lord, we don't want to 'not' say what YOu want us to say ..and yet, we don't want to say WHAT  You want us to hold within.... but USE us Lord -  as we seek Your Spirit and as we Trust You ....  

Lord, I want more of Your gifts.  Lord, I want to see a miraculous healing within my circle...I want to be more effective for YOU ...I want to share YOUR gospel without fear.   Lord, I want to be Your obedient servant.  Lord, I WANT a house too -- soon -- sooner than later.  

And Lord, I want that hunger within me to never leave.....   

We know YOU have this and YOU have our back..Thank you Lord. 

IN Jesus name...amen.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


This original  blog post was posted almost 2 years ago had over 286 'hit's or reads.   I guess SEX sells.  I was pretty personal in that blog, about our struggles when we sought out some professional counsel and such.  However, I knew, I needed to  delete some of the post for today's blog  update...cause, I believe some of the info just needs to stay in the past. 

 But --  some of it needs to be reposted.  

There is a new show on Bravo or is "Donnie loves Jenny".  I admit - Jenny McCarthy is beautiful - I love her hair, her frankness, and she is funny.  On HD TV...her face has wrinkles and bumps -- but she is real.   And she is pretty crass..... and well, she probably needs Jesus -  -  - 

Tonight the show centered around  her husband ( former BackStreet boy ) Donnie Walburger and his need to seek a colonoscopy.  Brendan could not handle it - the jokes and such about the procedure kind of grossed him out.    I found that funny, cause if you are around us for any extended time, you may  get a 'poop' story or there is some reference to something that may be funny to us but not funny to most...  But anyway . . . 

Brendan made the comment, "gee, anything to boost ratings - isn't it sweeps month?".  

And I said, "yes... February is sweeps month".  Then the commercial for next week is "sex".  And it is February next week. . . sex sells.  

Which brings me back to this blog post.  

Here is the updated parts.  

Sex is a thermometer in a marriage.  God created the act and the pleasure that comes with that act.
And I will be blunt - if it is not good -- then see a doctor and do what needs to be done -- to make it good again - seriously ......God did not create 'OK'.....HE created 'FANTASTIC!'........  Just saying...

Women's attention goes to kids, finances, emotional stress, sickness,  and strife - we are constantly juggling.  A week can pass...a month...even months and a woman can be  pretty much 'ok'.  Then when a disaster hits -- she seems to be surprised.   Woman have sex out of affection.  So why have sex with a man that is not being affectionate -- or making you angry, disappointed, overworked,  or unsupported.  For the men - sex is a pure need.   Everything gets clouded if that need is not met -- but I also believe that those roles can be reversed.  Why wouldn't the enemy use sex to steal, kill, and destroy and break up a home - a family......THAT is what he does ---

We went to a sexologist/family crisis therapist.  She is wonderful and she loves God and is pro - marriage, but she was also very realistic and forthright -there were many sessions where I did not like her - at all!     It is tough, opening your heart and baring your hurts to another -- believing that maybe perhaps she can give some insight and yet, many times she just opened new areas of conversation and perspectives.  But, she taught us some very good tools to communicate better - and speak to each other with respect.  

There is a book called Love and Respect that is VERY good -- and it talks about the 'crazy cycle'.  There is a book called "Everyman's battle"  and there is an "Every woman's battle"...and then there is a book by DAve Carder called "torn asunder"  --- all EXCELLENT resources for a Christian man or woman trying to seek some help and counsel when a marriage is in trouble.  But I would seek YOUR own Pastor and his wife -- ASAP for guidance and direction!

 Anyway -- back to the 'sex'....

If you and your husband are not having sex.....there is something wrong -- period.  

End of story.

It is what it is.  I am just saying.   Unless you have both decided to abstain for a time - for prayer and fasting on some matter --  God's word says,  "do not deprive one another except with the consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer: and come together again so that Satan does not temp you because of your lack of self-control"  ( 1 Corinthians 7: 4-5)  

 Sex between a man and a woman is God's idea -- HIS idea....Sometimes, we really can't keep doing the SAME stuff all the time.  I mean, the definition of insanity is 'doing the same thing over and getting the same results'.  

People change, it is OK to change.  Becoming ONE flesh is a part of what transpires when we have sex.  .....That bonding...that intimacy...the openness.  No wonder Satan uses it to destroy people and families.    

But anyway -- the month of February is approaching.  The month of LOVE...Valentines Day and  this coming weekend, my husband and I are hosting a Marriage Event at our church.    Unions..... marriages... and all aspects of what God intended for marriage has been running through my mind  - over and over for the past month.  

Again, God created Sex.    

I believe successful marriages understand and value sex. I believe happier couples are active.  I believe God created this to be a good thing -- 

So with that, the follow is a prayer I wrote - if your marriage thermometer is going low ...I strongly suggest you SEEK HIS help and begin today -- to fix it..through Christ. amen.  

Lord God, I pray you will bless the sexuality in the marriage of the one who is reading this, and God I seek great fulfillment for the husband as well as the wife.   Lord, restore what needs to be restored, balance what needs to be balanced.  And Lord, protect it from apathy, disappointment, criticism, busyness, unforgiveness, deadness, or disinterest.  I pray that they make time for one another -- I pray that this couple reading this will make time for each other..... that they communicate their true feelings openly and remain sensitive to what each other needs.
 Lord, that they would keep themselves sexually pure in mind and body and close the door to anything  lustful or illicit that seeks  to encroach upon them.  Deliver them from the bondage of past mistakes, remove from their thoughts the effects of any sexual misconduct in thought or deed that happened outside of the marriage bed or prior to the marriage -- TAKE away anyone or anything that would lead us into temptation or infidelity - and help us to abstain from sexual immorality !!!
--- I pray they will desire each other -- no one else.  Lord, I pray the fire within them would be attended the flames of a couple that wants to serve you and stir within  the others that are apathetic - a sense of urgency.   And I pray that EACH  person within these marriages would  figure out what needs to be done to be attractive to each other -- Show them both - HOW to be the kind of partner the other needs. God I pray they won't use the 'sex' thing as a tool for manipulation or withhold it for selfish reasons...God I pray that they would seek YOU and be ONE flesh - worshiping you in every act of love.  Amen.
And Lord, if they need to seek a sexologist - Lord, God -- give them the courage - remind them there is NO shame in being honest and seeking help.  God I pray their pride would NOT get in the way - there is NO shame to admit - we are messed up and need help -- then YOU can get the glory.  Lord, I pray that if there is hidden sin - reveal it - NOW in that couple - so that the healing can then begin. Amen.  

Lord, you designed marriage as a  present time lesson  that displays Jesus' love for His bride - us, the church.  Lord, we are created in your image so I thank you for that honor.  Lord, as we seek You - may every action we live out be one that glorifies you.  

Friday, January 23, 2015

Do you want me?

This is an emailed devotional I get from Dr. James Dobson.  Today's post hit me hard.
My Grandmother just passed away, Dementia troubled her last few years and eventually Alzheimer's eventually set in.  
Commitment --   let our yes be yes and our no be no.....  

John and Lisa Bevere make a comment about 'being married'.  How many want to be married, and they remind us that being married is a HARD thing -- becoming one flesh is something God intended, but HE uses the gift of marriage to teach us ... to be committed and to teach us to be self-less.

Everyone woman I have ever spoken too -- wants this -- well, most women.  They want to be cherished and have a husband that is committed.

Read the last line -- I will trust God and what He has in store for us and my husband. I pray that this disease NEVER enters our lives....and I will thank HIM for his healthy blessings and believe the commitment will be there - no matter what.

Do You Want Me?

by Park York
I rise early on this Friday, as I do every day, to prepare coffee and mix a protein shake. The television news plays quietly in the corner. Flossie, my wife, is still asleep.
Sometime after eight, she begins floating out of slumber. I bring the shake to her bedside, put the straw in her mouth, and give her cheek a little pat as she begins to drink. Slowly the liquid recedes.
I sit there holding the glass, thinking about the past eight years. At first, she asked only an occasional incoherent or irrelevant question; otherwise she was normal. I tried for two years to find out what was wrong. She grew agitated, restless, defensive; she was constantly tired and unable to hold a conversation.
At last, a neurologist diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease. He said he wasn’t sure—a firm diagnosis could come only from examining brain tissue after death. There is no known cause for this malady. And no known cure.
I enrolled Flossie in a day care center for adults. But she kept wandering off the property. We medicated her to keep her calm. Perhaps from receiving too much of one drug, she suffered a violent seizure that left her immeasurably worse: lethargic, incontinent, and unable to speak clearly or care for herself. My anguish gradually became resignation. I gave up all plans of retirement travel, recreation, visits to see grandchildren—the golden era older people dream about.
The years have passed, and my days have become routine, demanding, lonely, seemingly without accomplishment to measure. Flossie has gradually dropped in strength and weight, from 125 pounds to 86. I take some time to work with a support group and to attend church, but the daily needs keep me feeding, bathing, diapering, changing beds, cleaning house, fixing meals, dressing and undressing her, and doing whatever else a nurse and homemaker does, morning to night.
Occasionally, a word bubbles up from the muddled processes of Flossie’s diseased brain. Sometimes relevant, sometimes the name of a family member, or the name of an object. Just a single word.
On this Friday morning, after she finishes her shake, I give her some apple juice, then massage her arms and caress her forehead and cheeks. Most of the time her eyes are closed, but today she looks up at me, and suddenly her mouth forms four words in a row.
“Do you want me?” Perfect enunciation, softly spoken. I want to jump for joy. “Of course I want you, Flossie!” I say, hugging and kissing her. And so, after months of total silence, she has put together the most sincere question a human being can ask. She speaks, in a way, for people everywhere: those shackled by sin, addiction, hunger, thirst, mental illness, physical pain—frightened, enervated people afraid of the answer, but desperate enough to frame the question anyway.
And, Flossie, I can answer you even more specifically. It may be difficult for you to understand what’s happening. That’s why I’m here, to minister God’s love to you, to bring you wholeness, comfort, and release. Mine are the hands God uses to do His work, just as He uses others’ hands in other places. In spite of our shortcomings, we strive to make people free, well, and happy, blessing them with hope for the future while bringing protein shakes every morning.

Looking ahead…

Unlike so many people today, this gentleman who so gently cared for his wife clearly understood the meaning of commitment. As her mind and body deteriorated with no hope for a cure, he willingly abandoned the hopes and dreams he had worked to achieve. She needed him desperately, and he would be there for her, even though she could give nothing back—not even a rational “thank you.” This, in all its magnificence— and sorrow—is the meaning of love.
No doubt you have dreams of your own for the rest of your married life. Just remember that God may have other plans that depend on your unswerving commitment to each other—no matter what.
- James C Dobson

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Our desires......

Sometimes,  I can get so mad -- I want Jesus to come back  - yesterday.  Have you been that mad?  
Sometimes, I can get so overwhelmed that I can't speak.  
Sometimes, I  just vege and find that time passes too quickly.  
Sometimes,  I can get so tongue tied that I allow the enemy to whisper..."see, you are not well spoken"....  

But on other days...there is more time reflecting on ALL that HE has done and is doing within my life.  And more often than not, there is MORE laughter and just fun - even when a circumstance seems defeating.  And very often, I just marvel at WHAT I am blessed to be a part of.  

And sometimes,  like today, I get so tickled and excited about what I see God doing - that I just can't help but dance or jump for joy.    So if you saw me swerve today as I drove home - I do apologize....  I was a praising. 

Today, while driving to work, I wrestled with a conversation with God.  I mean:   I prayed...I reminded God again of how 'I WANT it to go down' and then.... I got quiet and His Holy Spirit filled my ears and reminded me of HIS plan and will.  

 I am beyond blessed - period.  

Most recently, I get to start each day in a prayer circle.  What God continues to show me through these women  and men now - delight my soul.  Today, as one of  God's esteemed...prayed...I heard or I was reminded of our desires.  

There are dreams and ideas that we have.  We have to look and ask God as to ....ARE these dreams and thoughts of YOU Lord???   Or are they of my flesh?  Are they good -- ??  

But many times, I am reminded that the secret desires I have  - deep down in my prayer lists ...are really good desires that HE placed there.  

If I am placing God first, if I continue to fill my head and heart with HIS Word and I seek God for every answer, then  what comes out of me...should be of God as HE is within me.  

Today, as my friend was praying and saying the words, "in YOUR will Lord, answer what is in Your will"....I could hear the Holy Spirit remind me that someone ...someone was experiencing doubt at that moment -- how do I know? 

I get this feeling,  and this thought,  like I want to talk but then I don't want to...and then I question my self and pray and ask God to remove the thought if it is NOT of HIM.   And sometimes...I get tongue tied...   and when I am 'scared' of saying it -- it often is of HIM.    This all transpires in about 4 seconds.    This happens more now, more in  the past 3 years than it ever happened my entire life....but I am seeking this ...I want a word of knowledge to give another... I want the Holy Spirit to reveal GREAT revelations to me... I want to speak life into others....I am seeking...  HIM...    any  anyway....   

Lord, I pray people SEE that in me.  

So, back to this tug of war with my thoughts, prayers, and communication with  the Holy Spirit while my sister in Christ is praying and then I know -- share it.  

"For someone here, that when  D. prayed, YOU WILL BE DONE.....  some one  said to herself, "no, that won't happen".. and I know the Holy Spirit wants you to know - God placed that desire there and it is HIS dream as well - so continue to pray".      And then... Whoosh....  wow.....  

Later in the day, God confirmed  this was a word from HIM to me, but even if I wouldn't  of gotten the confirmation, I  know that  it was of Him ....and I believe it was a reminder to myself.   (And yet, I got confirmation it was for another as well. - God is the PERFECT multi-tasker.)    

 So as I went home today and drove my 30 minutes..I re-prayed all the prayers that I said in the AM and with each 'impossible' task...I smiled and said, YOU will take care of it Lord... as THOSE are the desires YOU placed within me.  AMEN.  

When I get in those angry spots...this is one verse that  will comfort: 

Proverbs 24:20 for the evil man has no future; the lamp of the wicked will be put out.

When I am reminded of that CRAZY prayer request and my 'human flesh' believes the prayer is  just a weak attempt to think that something can change.....  I am reminded to seek HIM.  And I can read this:  
Proverbs 24:14 Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.

And, when another is doubting, I can quote this:  
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Lord,   I had not blogged much for several months...and now 2-3 again in a week.   Thank you for giving me that desire and have it rekindled.    And thank you for giving me the topic.....
Lord, thank you for this word today - I received it, I accept it and I will continue to pray for my CRAZY peeps ..that need a BIG dose of You first and then you can redeem and restore.  

Lord, thank you for those moments when You speak so clearly and we know that we know..... it is YOU.    Lord, I WANT that for all the women I call friend... I  WANT that for all of the women and people I call family .... I WANT that for anyone who wants it.  Amen.  

Lord, this blog is for you - a reminder that YOU win.  I am humbled, thank you again for this life I have right now -- I pray that You will continue to guide and lead -- empty me of me... and fill me with YOU.  

In Jesus name, 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

God can MEET us within our dreams --

THIS is a repost  from  four  years ago, it blessed me today,  as I read it again.  I posted it almost 4 years to the day -- and yet, as I re-sing the song mentioned  and as I pray -- the knowledge that GOD is JUST as present and as  real today as   HE was to me 4 years ago just excites and pleases me.   God has healed much and answered much, but even today -- there are new women and people within my circle of influence and care that are seeking a miracle and seeking God's  divine intervention.  

I found myself, today,  literally making the hand motions in my car,   like I was using a lasso and rounding up ALL the prayers that needed to be spoken and I found myself overcome with the 'much' of it all....and then - peace, as I could come boldly to the throne room of my God and just lay each request  down ---and the  lasso'd prayer list -- at the cross.       

I hope, if you are reading this, it blesses you as well, or share it with another.  

Lord, as I rode into work today the sunrise was so spectacular and it opened my eyes.  And Lord, I saw a similar sky as I drove the beginning of the sunset.

  Lord, YOU  graced a songwriter with this song.   "HE'll break open the skies....and save those that cry out HIS  name".

 I thought of that, over and over and sang that song in my head today....YOU do break open the skies....YOUR word says that YOU don't want anyone to perish......I am just amazed that YOU love us that much.  And you love us over and over 24/7..... I remember back in February  ( 2011 ) when I had a vision of you, on that horse and you bent down and scooped me up...and placed me on the horse in front of you.  That scooping motion was so real. I could see and and feel it. And then, YOU gave me another vision of that BRIGHT yellow light - YOUR light.  I remember it being so clear and yet so bright that I wanted to look away but I didn't.  And it only lasted a few seconds, but there was such a peace and warmth with it.  Then later in the summer, when I listened to and read the story about Todd Burpo's just all came together and I really believed that I had been privileged enough to experience that yellow - YOUR light and then  that warmth.  It is a vision and a feeling that I will never forget.  I don't share that with too many as some may not believe it is true - but I do.  I used to think all that sort of stuff was just 'freakish' but now, YOU power and how you work is such a mystery and YOU make real things happen.  I see you Lord, as the warrior on the horse, coming in to rescue me.  

I remember back in July of 2009, as I was doing a bible study how YOU seemed to jump out of the DVD and speak to me because I had this bracelet on....and the verse was " I have engraved your name on the palm of my hand ".  The circumstance, the event, the DVD, and well -- it just was like YOU were directly there and telling me.  I know that  I know, you continue to delight me and help my faith get stronger and stronger.   That sunrise this am, that sunset was just another reminder of YOUR power and YOUR love for us.

Lord, I am praying today for several sisters in You -  I consider it a great privilege to pray on  behalf of their circumstances ...I want them  to experience YOU like I have.    I WANT them to see you BREAK open the skies !!  I don't want them  to experience any more  great sadness or hurt ...but I can attest - YOU bring beauty out of ashes and sometimes the blessings come through tears.   Lord, I pray that as each of them  awakes  today, each will see a sunrise and know YOU are there.  I pray each of them will have a divine Encounter  with YOU Lord, and I also pray that each of them experience a  healing, spiritually, and that the families  are being blessed.  

Lord,  there is hurt within  hearts....old hurts that continue to creep in - it has to stop.  Lord, there is hurt within her husband -- but she is being faithful to pray.  Lord, in the meantime, help her to walk in this faith and not be a 'thorn' within his side.   Lord, for her children -- help her to seek You and show her children that she is following You -- not the 'norm'.  Lord, that his eyes would open - period.   Lord, it is time ....but we will wait on YOUR timing as we know that is best.    Please, Lord,  as You draw her near -- she will get that relief.  Open her eyes in such a new way.   Allow her to WALK the path you are setting, not swaying to the left or to the right but to YOU.  Lord, may YOU be her counsel, may Your word confirm it.  

Lord, I pray she would dream tonight and have a vision that would increase her faith and give her great hope.  Lord, YOU are in this...YOU inspire these prayers, may they not only give her hope but may she really believe that YOU will heal her as YOU break open the skies ....and she would see you in a new and real way. Amen.

In Christ, 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Peace beyond ALL understanding -- even when you get embarrassed!

 Can you really have peace.  

Do you have peace?  

I do.  

I mean, over the past month there has been some stress.  The holidays, seeking God for details and confirmations for the Women's Conference we had at church, and then my kids...  one is dating a new person  and she never really dated before--- she is an adult...but I had to have a COME to JESUS moment with God about my own behaviors and fears -- which - HE handled.   It was a glorious meeting!   ( with my flesh and all......Seriously, God is so so sweet! )  

And then, I was blessed with a TAX bill that I had NO idea I was  late in paying.    In my brain, I did not have 'property' on our property and it never occurred to me to pay a tax on the land.  I could blame by husband - as he is a real estate person and he just figured that  I had paid the taxes and I NEVER got a therefore - when our names are printed in the paper and our lot is up for auction - please note - it is now paid in full and clear of ANY tax penalties and fees.  EXpensive lesson.     And it is  no one's fault  -- really, the taxes were pretty minimal - we would of paid them we just UNAWARE.  We decided to thank God that someone happened to see our name on the deed or ticket going to the Courthouse and decided to send a copy of the notice to our Insurance Office - praise God or I would be reading my name in the paper this coming week and probably ...  would of been having another COME to Jesus meeting with ......  

But - praise God we have the funds or the means to get the funds to pay and then move forward.  

Moving forward -- even in the middle of a crisis.  

Is that possible?   Yes.  
Is there peace, even when you know that you know you don't have the funds to 'pay' a bill of some sort -- YES -- it is possible.  

This  is what was in my Jesus calling devotional today:  

 Dear Beloved , MY Face is shining upon YOU – beaming out PEACE that transcends understanding.  You are surrounded by a sea of problems — but you are FACE to FACE with Me.  I am your Peace.  As long as you focus on Me, you are safe. When you start to sink, simply call out, "help me, Jesus!" and I will lift you up. 

The closer you live to Me, the safer you are.  Circumstances around you are undulating, and there are treacherous –looking waves in the distance – FIX your eyes on ME, the ONE who never changes.  By the time those waves have reached you – they will have shrunk to proportions of MY design. I am always beside you, helping you to fact today's waves.  Laugh at the future – stay close to Me!   - Jesus 

Hebrews 12.2 – And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your  minds in Christ Jesus 

Matthew 14: 29-30 – Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and , beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!". 

Philippians 4.7  - Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God 

My eyes are fixed.  
Several new problems and new prayer requests entered my brain in the past two weeks, two hours, and two days... some so very overwhelming and others that may seem trivial -- but yet in HIS eyes -- and in their eyes -- BIG requests.   HE knows.  

We serve a God that understands it all -- sees it all -- and answers each call...  
I am honored to call Him friend and confident -- 
I have peace -- in my circumstance ....even if I have to have a 'hissy fit' for 5 minutes, the Holy Spirit brings me back to my true heritage..... GOD wins... GOD is my rock and my right hand -- 

Lord, may this just encourage one to believe -- THERE is peace in every storm  -- when we FIX our eyes on You.   Our circumstances may continue to be hard and 'suck' as my daughter would say ...but we have to be willing do be in that HARD spot... until YOU change it...   Lord, getting TO THAT peace is takes faith - May you grant the person reading this a miracle today -- so that he or she  have a mile marker with you -- so that  she  can HOLD onto that action, that deed and believe that YOU can move the mountains and that THIS too shall pass....  and that YOU will bring beauty out of every ash - I believe it - I pray he will too.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Been Busy...

I was totally amazed this eve as I sat to write, it has almost been a month since I have blogged.
Blogging to me - has been therapy, and IS therapy.  Writing is so much easier for me -- than actually speaking to others.  LOL.  Seriously.  I get tongue tied and ALWAYS think, "oh..I should of said...".
But -- I guess I have not had  much to say.  I have always ONLY wanted to write - when it was worth the time to read.

I understand.  Time is so important!

As I stated, I am amazed.  The holiday is always busy and it was a sweet time with family, but I thought often about writing, but the Holy Spirit was not moving me to get the fingers to some keys.   So therefore, I never did.

Then the new year began.
  I have been a bit busy -- making lists and checking them twice and in between I got to take a trip home to Wisconsin and see family and shed some tears as I got a final look at the body or shell of a body that was my Grandmother.  What a legacy.  She was 44 when I was born.  Weird.  I am 48- almost 49.  She was 92.   It just seems strange to know or think about WHAT was going on in her head when she was 44 -- she still had kids at home and she was running them to the Junior High!

 She entered a nursing home almost 3 and 1/2 years ago when her mind was failing her.  Dementia.  That is an awful condition.   Every time I stand at my SMART board and try to spell for my 5th graders and can't.... I speak out, "no, I do not have dementia!".    ( However, it can grip you here and there -- )  The time home was sweet with time to build a snowman and SEE the 24 cousins I have.  That was pure joy - catching up.  We relived memories over and over !  Priceless.    

And then, I had the INCREDIBLE opportunity to help or be the 'list maker' for a God ordained event called BE Inspired.  WHAT a treat...what an awesome Saturday at our Church and what a way to START the new year -- inspired.  I am unsure I can do the event justice by just stating a few highlights, but I may try -- and do a blog post - later.

Now to WHAT God reminded me of this eve...

HE wins...HE restores and HE redeems.

I sat with a woman this evening and listened as I heard and can see how she is trusting Jesus and calling upon God to FIGHT her battle.

I was also made aware  of some revelations over the weekend -- women ARE emotional and that is how GOD made us.

And, God reminded me that HE is proud of me -- as something I said in passing to one, was overheard by another and those words spoken -- reminder her -- HE calls us to be obedient.  And how I found out about this situation ??- again- it was just a sweet blessing.

God fights for us.
God continually fills us -- embraces us and when we will seek him - HE finds us.

This evening, I can share with you -- God has commissioned me again to pray for 40 days...this time for my man.  I am so proud of him and proud to be his... as he is HIS again.   And I won't post or publish the prayers that I am emailing him each day -- but I was reminded that God had called me to be an intercessor for my husband -  my man.

I am the other 1/2 of the one flesh...when he is struggling...then I am too and I fight for him.

We are also 'hosting' THE Story of Marriage which is a DVD curriculum conference that our church is presenting to couples.  With that, the enemy feels it is his duty to attack and just throw darts  - but we put our armor on and FIGHT.

So, for right now - that is what HE has me doing.  Cheerfully and with GREAT expectations!  amen.

I have also begun to help with some jail ministry.  This is indeed -- a ministry.  I am humbled to see and then meet these women, my heart hurts for them, but I also boldly pray that each of them would seek God with every cell in their body -- and become free from this bondage of satan and that when their time is over, they would grab ahold of Jesus' coattails and believe that HE is the one that changes us and that they CAN have a full and abundant life - when obedience is first.

Lord, thanks.  
Short prayer this eve -- many around me need a mountain moved -- so move it please. 
Many around me don't have that personal relationship with you -- God may they SEE what they are missing and want it - want YOU more.
Lord, move ...  thank you for fighting for me.  
Thank you for the answered prayer and thank you in advance for moving those mountains.  