Tuesday, January 26, 2016

If you ONLY knew......

I have read an awesome book -- "Audacious" by Beth Moore.
I have read it and  I go back over it often.
There is SO much to soak in.
 It is truly a quick read if you just read but if you begin to live it...think it.... it may take a year to get through it.

I don't see myself putting it on the shelf anytime soon.

Tonight I re-looked at one chapter -- about a word  -- a tiny word.  all.


The chapter starts, "to see ALL women come to know and audaciously love Jesus Christ.


On Sunday, during our praise and worship offering to HIM this one song -- totally held me... on my knees and I began to see -- Here is a link so you can listen to it and then the words. 

Link to Jesus we Love you! by Paul McClure

"Jesus We Love You"

Old things have passed away
Your love has stayed the same
Your constant grace remains the cornerstone

Things that we thought were dead
Are breathing in life again
You cause your Son to shine on darkest nights

For all that you’ve done we will pour out our love
This will be our anthem song

Jesus we love you
Oh how we love you
You are the one our hearts adore

(Last time end on)
Our hearts adore

The hopeless have found their hope
The orphans now have a home
All that was lost has found its place in you
You lift our weary head
You make us strong instead
You took these rags and made us beautiful

Our affection, our devotion
poured out on the feet of Jesus
Our affection, our devotion
poured out on the feet of Jesus
Our affection, our devotion
poured out on the feet of Jesus
Our affection, our devotion
poured out on the feet of Jesus

As I just allowed Holy Spirit to just take over my head and every other thought left, I could literally see the place where Jesus was having His feet washed by Mary's tears...

She was broken and poured out -- totally in LOVE with Jesus and giving her everything to wash His feet.

And as I began to rock back and forth to the beat of the music as I continued to see and just stepped back in time and stood there - watching Mary Magdalene   continue to wash His feet -- I knew that I knew, Our Father was well pleased with the women that attended and came to our BE Inspired Event this past Saturday.  It was a beautiful offering to HIM.  Women gave testimony to HIS faithfulness and to what HE was doing within them.

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.
It is always good to hear a person's  testimony.

Mary was in Love with Jesus.
I know from that point on - she wanted everyone one around her - to feel and experience that love that she had for Him .....for themselves.

Don't we want that for our lost loved ones around us...the confused ones around us... even the one that may be sharing our bed.  ???????? 

It seems unreasonable, illogical, and unreachable -- this vision that ALL should come to know and audaciously love Jesus Christ --  and I believe many may not -- But HE gave HIS life for ALL.  He gave His life as a ransom for all.

"For the grace of God has appeared with salvation for ALL people".

He won't force it on you but it is yours if you want it.  It is yours if you want Jesus.

I do want that for all around me --

When we can truly see ourselves right there - broken and poured out as HIS feet -- "nothing else seems to matter"......  He can place everything into perspective.

I can't get that last verse out of my head -- it has consumed me since Sunday...

"my affection, my devotion...poured out on the feet of Jesus"
"my affection, my devotion...poured out on the feet of Jesus".....

What about you -- can you sing that -- can you feel that devotion and affection for Him?
It is ok if you can't... for some 38 years -- I figured and thought I knew ........but, I truly was never at a place to let HIM really close.     It was not until the Lord allowed a crisis of faith - that  I became broken and poured out.

Lord, for whomever this is for  - this eve... 
May they hear the words of this worship song and know that they know... their devotion is poured out on YOUR feet and if not...God I pray, they will open their hearts and allow You to come in.  In Jesus name.  Amen.  

Trust --

I came across this post from March of 2013 -- 

--My husband and I went to see a family at a hospital today, a family that we have been praying for for several days now and we prayed over their son in Critical Care.  He is not doing well, and there is a good chance he could spend Easter with Our Heavenly Father, but we are believing in a miracle!  How do I know that, or believe in that miracle?....Trust...in HIM.

Trusting is a HARD thing.  When it comes to the 'bottom' of it, people will say they trust in this or that, but to me it takes a WHOLE lot more faith to trust in a person than it is to trust in GOD.

People fail us.  God does not fail us.  But what happens when....HE does not heal or he does allow the heartache to last.....ah, yes, THAT is when we must TRUST - right?

Or Rely on HIM?

 I found this:  The thing is to rely only on God.  The time will come when you will regard all this misery as a small price to pay for having been brought to that dependance.  Meanwhile, the trouble is that relying on God has to begin all over again EVERY day as if nothing has yet been done.  - CS Lewis.

Pretty profound hugh?

God's timing is perfect and it is no accident that I have called out to HIM and begged for healing for two special people this week.   Now we must trust that GOD will do HIS best work.


Trust hangs somewhere between knowing what your heart longs for and trying to dictate the shape or timing or outcome of your heart's desire.     
It lies in the willingness to accept the particulars of how and when and where God chooses to intervene.  It waits in the cool shade of surrender.   - Paula Reinhart 
There are loads of things that lead us to TRUST God...

....like knowing your marriage may end
.....like taking a phone call from your sister and hearing the words, 'we have lost Blake'...
....like  seeing your parents hurt each other with words and realize the hurt has gotten so deep...
....like moving across the country for a job
.... like jumping feet first into a new challenge when you are scared to DEATH!
....like sitting at the foot of a bed and watch a child struggle to breathe
...like seeking a new job when you know it will be a challenge
.....like getting a phone call that totally shakes your life
.....like finding a lump and sitting under a PET scan and wondering if the cancer is back
.....like moving back home when a family is broken
.....like hearing the words, 'I don't love you'...
....like coming home and being scare of what you will find...
....like believing your were never loved...
....like hearing of another's heartache and it brings you to action but ...what could you do?
....like thinking that you are unloved..
....like believing that a hurt from childhood could harm your entire present reality
....like being tossed back and forth by the winds of change...
...like....being so hurt as a child, that you have cut off anyone that could hurt you as an adult, but that makes you isolated...
....like... ...like...like...

Some of these experiences are mine...others are people I know...and others are just experiences...that is not the point - the point is what has caused YOU to trust God?

Paula Reinhart says that the root of trust comes from being grounded in the fact and knowledge that you are LOVED by God.  That no matter what, as long as I am loved by God..HE will lead me to the light in this cruel world.   Do I know that - that I am SO loved?  HIS word says I was so loved before the foundation of the world.

Learning to trust my husband again has been hard, but I trust him through my Lord.
*** Update...I trust him completely now -- as I trust God and whenever the enemy wants to taunt me, I just remind him that GOD has us and him.....
Learning to trust God, has been something I have been working on for YEARS!
****Update....  I trust God a LOT more now.  I originally wrote this post in 2013... my level of TRUST for God is greater, as I have seen great miracles and faith but I have also had some real hurts as well -- but EACH time, HE is still a Good Good Father  -- He just is.  
Learning to trust God when it comes to our immediate friends and family and with their healing....

Paula says, "if we let ourselves be loved by God, our hands release their grips on the reins of our lives and we stop trying so hard to be the one with all the answers".

God has the answers.  I don't.

Will Trace's cancer be shrunk to its disappearance?  ( Trace went to be with Jesus in November of 2013, she is healed now.  But I have a few new friends battling now with cancer and I am believing for a total healing - here!!  ) 
Will Chris sit in church again - soon? ( Chris had a miracle and attended church again.... I have not seen him in a long time - believing he is living for the Lord.) 
Will I ever get this figured out? ( I think WHEN that happens...I will be with HIM.... we were not made to FIGURE it all out -- we were made to CRAVE HIM and seek HIM!) 

I am believing and trusting-

Paula says this too:

God is always good.  If life is like a deck of cards, then God is always the wild card.  He is not subject to our human efforts to influence outcomes, we are subject to HIS.  His story is the great story being told- and none of us  know exactly how our own story will read - only that it will end well!  This is why we trust, in the important matters, always feels like a risk and why it entails courage.  

God does not have to explain Himself to us, we worship a God who is mysterious - too mysterious to fit into our formulas.  It means God is not our best friend, our secret lover, or our alter ego...HE is our God.  It evens means that it is just as frightening as it is delightful to stand in HIs presence.  Our creaturely relationship with God is one in which we are, at the same time, both irresistibly drawn to HIm and humbled by the grandeur of his holiness. 

I know this, heartache is NOT God's discipline for us.  That is NOT the heart of God!   Sometimes it is easier for people to blame others or themselves.  

But accepting the mystery of what we cannot know will lead us to the heart of God - where we trade our craving for explanation for a simple willingness to trust God.

God is so good.  HIS word says, 'surely goodness and kindness shall follow him all the days of his life'...for those who put their TRUST in HIM.

Today is EAster, many will put their trust in stuff.  Some will trust that Publix will still be open, and find it is closed today!  Some... will trust and believe there is no 'hell' -- our God could never do that for His people.    Some will think or trust they can 'get it right with God later, after their are married, after they finish college, or next week'.....
There are people that will trust their car will work tomorrow so they can make it to church the one day of the year they feel guilty...

Is this your TRUST?  Or is Your TRUST in HIM?

When you fall in love with someone...YOU want to be with them, YOU want to read what they wrote, YOU want to tell others...YOU WANT that and you begin to build that relationship and eventually you  TRUST them.  It is the same with God.

 LORD for this blog post this eve - about trust.  I pray it will speak to just one and they will trust YOU and grow deeper in their faith with YOU.  



Thursday, January 21, 2016

Does he realize what he is doing?

What keeps coming into my head is today....

Does he realize WHAT he is giving up? 
Does he realize that he is pushing her away?  

God brings many prayer requests to me along my path.  I am involved with my local church and because of that I get a few extra prayer requests as well.  I always need to be careful about what I post but try my best to keep everything general as often when I am praying for a marriage or a wife and "this" is the circumstance ...........I usually know 2-3 more  circumstances that are VERY similar and need that same prayer.

I thought about that -- how we are all so different and yet -- need the SAME thing.....Jesus.....healing...comfort...peace... clarity....restoration.  

  It really does not matter WHAT the circumstance is --what matters is that some action is being taken place to seek help....Prayer! 

I haven't blogged in almost 10 days.  Last night I finally put the finishing touches on a re-post called "Dear Mrs. Alone".  That post has content that always takes me to a place of reflection, but the enemy would take me to that place and remind me of pain.  However, I am on THIS side of the healing that when Holy Spirit prompts me to share that powerful letter again.....I share it.

A few different prayer requests have me thinking one thought over and over -- 

Does he get it Lord?  Will you please SEND him another man to speak to him and REMIND him of what he is missing?

Lord, would you PLEASE have another speak to him  -- and shout at him, "what the hell were you thinking?".....

And then, Lord, please send him someone to speak life into him...

I got to thinking...what if Dear Mrs. Alone was Dear Mr. Alone?

Just a different perspective today.
When is deep pain and crisis with my own marriage, I would consistently ask God to provide for my husband....some way and some how....the KNOWLEDGE of HOW I was thinking, feeling, and walking out my faith in the private times.    When you are living in the same house you can sort of 'see' what the other is doing and all.........

But when you are in separate houses, the enemy has more fodder to just throw at you and it becomes a battle of the mind!  So like I said, the that  letter  ( Dear Mrs Alone.) written from a wife truly humbled me the first time I read it,  kept me humble as I would read it again and again, and now reminds me of the glory and restoration that we have come from.  

Then perhaps....a man needs to read this from a different perspective...

Dear  Mr. Alone,
         Thank you for your letter.  Your letter is something men should read so  I am placing it in my book for others to read.
                           Sincerely, Debi Pearl

Here it the letter:

Dear Mrs. Pearl,

I would like to tell my story . . that others may be warned .. I'm  alone but never thought I would be … I made many mistakes in my marriage but I wish someone would of pulled me aside and given me some advice. I hear many young marrieds or men complaining…but they need to seek God’s word,  they need to be open to the truth.

The things I did or failed to do were not everyday, constantly overt, or  in the face actions. They were subtle, ebbing and flowing, but there, nonetheless.

When my wife acted selfishly at home, allowed her tempter to flare, and sometimes said curse words, and then went to church and acted spiritual, I wish I had prayed positively for her instead of withdrawing a little emotionally from her and letting my cynicism and lack of confidence in her be so manifest. I wish I had openly showed love and acceptance of her for herself, not impatiently wait until she acted right.

When my wife failed the children, failed to have devotions, failed to be spiritual, failed to submit as I  lead, I wish I had completely trusted God and maintained unity, honor, reverence, and honored her  with a glad and trusting heart. I wish I had  the children honoring her and praying for their mom instead of allowing my martyred attitude to manifest itself so openly.

When she made a statement about someone or something, I wish I had not always put her opinion down, letting her know she was wrong again.  I wish I had asked her opinion and not assumed I knew what she would say.

When she acted like a boss or too 'girly', I wish I had remained quiet and prayed for her, loved her anyway instead of letting her know what I thought about her and her actions.  When she was emotional, I wish I had allowed her to be.  When she needed that physical touch, why did I not just GIVE it to her?  When she needed to know she was being FOUGHT for......why did I just look at her and think she was silly? 

When she tried to make it  up to me,  for some failure, I wish I had not been so cool, waiting for her to suffer a little more and be more intense and sincere about her apology.  When she wanted to talk, why did I not listen?  When she just needed to be with me, why did I push her away? 

When she spent money I thought we did not have, I wish I had remained quiet and trusted God. I wish I had shown continued confidence in her, regardless of her decisions.

When she wanted me to do something, and I did not want to do it, I wish I had cheerfully complied instead of making her sorry she asked.   Hardheadedness is not a trait to endear any woman to a man.   When the doctors told me to fix the situation, why did I not fix it -- why did I allow her to become my nurse maid and then held her accountable when it did not work out?  Why did I not become the man that she needed? 

When she needed a man to believe in her, admire her, approve of her, accept her, regardless of her failures, I wish now that I had been the one to give her those things.

When I thought keeping her faults before her— just small things she did and said— and keeping myself a little standoffish in my approval of her, was the only way she would change, I wish someone would of taken me aside and told me how badly mistaken I was to think that it was my place to apply and keep the pressure on.  Oh, I know much had to do with how she kept her self up.  Lord, I know I am a visual person and what I would see would either turn me on or off, but I pray I would of realized that my appearance and my words would either turn her on or off.  Forgive me Lord. 

When she were in the company of family and friends, I wish I had reminded them all of her faults and what she was not doing for me.

When how she felt love did not fill my love tank, and I felt a void emotionally, I wish I had borne all things and hoped all things, and loved her unconditionally, instead of giving up inside and turning to friends,  family, or other things  for my  support and needs. I never saw the need to endear myself to her. I took for granted that she would fulfill the wife’s moral obligation to love me. I wish I had gone to “God’s Communication School” for the whole man.

I wish someone would of told me . .

Sincerely, Alone


 Lord, does he realize what he is giving up?  Lord does he realize his part in this?  

In Jesus name, Amen!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Dear Mrs. Alone -- Suck it up or.....

   The Lord has reminded me of a post that I created some time ago.  The first time I wrote and used the following was back after Labor Day of 2010.  Little did I know at the time that by Labor Day of 2011,  I would be packing 18 years worth of memories into boxes as we had sold our home....

But  back to  September of 2010.... I was reading something that changed some perspective.

   Submission.    What did it really look like?  

True submission to HIM, being broken and poured out.  THAT is the only way we can come before him with godly sorrow and then godly repentance.

I believe that our pain will continue until we truly worship HIM and not our pain, nor our spouse or ex-spouse. 

I believe that  often the pain continues...because one does not obey what God has asked that person to do.

I believe that often, WE justify how we feel or do because we believe WE deserve that or it...when in fact, we are to empty ourselves of us and allow the filling of Jesus and Holy Spirit.  

I believe that that when we consistently deny God and WHAT HE can do and do our OWN thing....there comes a point where that 'parachute' may not open.  

We already know  that God will allow junk to happen, as His purpose is to draw us close.  But what about all the consequences of our actions....walking those out - hurt and frustration?   But I still believe that if we praise HIM in the storm and live faithfully and obediently.....HE will bring the beauty out of those ashes -- FASTER. 

Most often people don't understand submission. 

It took the loss of my marriage before I truly found God.  As Holy Spirit showed me, I had created my own god out of my marriage and husband.  I was always busy doing -- but not doing WHAT the Lord had asked.

When my hands got into  this book, I spent 3 days in tears, reading to myself and quickly drying those tears making sure NO one saw them. This book spoke volumes. 

But, submission really had to be TO God....  and I had to seek godly advice then His grace and mercy prevailed through me.

And with that submission, I had to change and DO something different.  

Consequently....I had become 'sick' of fighting, 'sick' of waiting, and 'sick' of just being neglected and a sweet women reminded me to SUCK it up and deal - or get OUT, but make a decision and then stick to it.  However, that decision needed to be OK with God.

I knew what God had already asked.  I knew what I was to do ...buy my flesh rallied against me.

And, it also took DOING something different  --

Maybe the one reading this tonight is AT that point --- maybe God has drawn you to this blog post this evening and you are reading the following letter and hearing from God too.

After I read it, several times, I knew I had to seek and ask forgiveness of my husband.  This letter sort of hits MANY different aspects of a marriage and its problems.  

I posted it first on September 21, 2010.  I felt  Holy Spirit led me  to post it again. 


Dear Alone,
         Thank you for your letter.  Your letter is something woman should read so  I am placing it in my book for others to read.
                           Sincerely, Debi Pearl

Here it the letter:

Dear Mrs. Pearl, I would like to tell my story . . that others may be warned .. I'm  alone but never thought I would be … I made many mistakes in my marriage but I wish someone would of pulled me aside and given me some advice. I hear many young marrieds or woman complaining…but they need to seek God’s word,  they need to be open to the truth.

The things I did or failed to do were not everyday, constantly overt, or  in the face actions. They were subtle, ebbing and flowing, but there, nonetheless.

When my husband acted selfishly at home, allowed his tempter to flare, and sometimes said curse words, and then went to church and acted spiritual, I wish I had prayed positively for him instead of withdrawing a little emotionally from him and letting my cynicism and lack of confidence in him be so manifest. I wish I had openly showed love and acceptance of him for himself, not impatiently wait until he acted right.

When my husband failed the children, failed to have devotions, failed to be spiritual, failed to lead as he should, I wish I had completely trusted God and maintained unity, honor, reverence, and submission with a glad and trusting heart. I wish I had kept the children honoring him and praying for their dad instead of allowing my martyred attitude to manifest itself so openly.

When he made a statement about someone or something, I wish I had not always put his opinion down, letting him know he was wrong again.

When he acted like a jerk, I wish I had remained quiet and prayed for him, loved him anyway instead of letting him know what I thought about him and his actions.

When he tried to make it  up to me,  for some failure, I wish I had not been so cool, waiting for him to suffer a little more and be more intense and sincere about his apology.

When he spent money I thought we did not have, I wish I had remained quiet and trusted God. I wish I had shown continued confidence in him, regardless of his decisions.

When he wanted me to do something, and I did not want to do it, I wish I had cheerfully complied instead of making him sorry he asked. Hardheadedness is not a trait to endear any woman to a man.

When he needed a woman to believe in him, admire him, approve of him, accept him, regardless of his failures, I wish now that I had been the one to give him those things.

When I thought keeping his faults before him— just small things he did and said— and keeping myself a little standoffish in my approval of him, was the only way he would change, I wish someone would of taken me aside and told me how badly mistaken I was to think that it was my place to apply and keep the pressure on.

When he were in the company of family and friends, I wish I had not taken on a martyred air when he left to go off and do something on his own.

When he did not know how to show love, and I felt a void emtionally, I wish I had borne all things and hoped all things, and loved him unconditionally, instead of giving up inside and turning to friends and family for my emotional support and needs. I never saw the need to endear myself to him. I took for granted that he would fulfill the husband’s moral obligation to love me. I wish I had gone to “God’s Beauty School” for the whole woman.

I wish someone would of told me . .

Sincerely, Alone

Lord, I am not quite sure who will read this today.  

Maybe you wanted me to post this just as a reminder to myself, if that is the case - OK!   

I reread it and heard her pain. 

 Lord, I pray right now for the wife or one who this may be meant for, Lord, may she see YOU and follow YOUR lead in helping her marriage get back onto the right track, under YOU.  
 Lord,  I Love you and thank you our miracle. Amen.  

Lord, maybe some one just needs to be reminded that it is time to SUCK it up and deal, or make a change.  

Lord, maybe the one reading this is tired of the insanity.... and that they will finally NOW do something to change and get out of that RUT.  

Lord, maybe that means professional help and therapy -- make a way.  

I thank you again Lord, for my miracle ......for the fact YOU went to that Cross for me and my sin.  Thank you Lord for forgiving me!    

I am humbled.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

When life is HARD --

Lamentations 3. 28-29 says:

"When life is heavy and hard to take, go off by yourself.  Enter the silence.  Bow in prayer.  Don't ask Questions. Wait for HOPE to appear."

LIfe gets heavy.   I have heard it said --  "we are  either coming out of a season or going into a season of something.  The 'little' time in between can be a brief respite of bliss -- or it just is a time where we can catch out breath."

I get that.

Whenever,  I think my life is REALLY hard...God shows me another person who 'has it worse'.  However,  when I thought my life was at its WORST -----guess what, it got even worse.

And when God gives me a reminder to put things in perspective - I am always humbled.

Sometimes, well most times, when we pray over something or someone -- the enemy comes back at us with vengeance and the situation gets worse!!

Maybe you feel you are pathetic and/or  too shameful to speak about something important?
Maybe you no longer can live at home with a spouse that has abandoned you --  mentally, spiritual, and physically?
Maybe you have seen more HURT since you have been claiming that Jesus is your Savior than you did before you were saved?

Or maybe just maybe...God has not lived up to YOUR expectations?  

The next line in God's Word says to go off by yourself.

I LOVE being in my car listening to Christian radio and I get lost there.  Many times when I was in a season of 'muck'...I would just drive and get away -- and listen to music and pray and speak to God.

I thank God that in that time of my life - my kids were self-sufficient!

Getting away by myself can also be retreating to my bedroom, watching an old 'classic' and just cry and let the tears wash away some of the hard.

So, HOW can you go off by yourself?  What can you do tomorrow to get away from the situation or person for just a short time?
Have you just given up and forgotten?

Or, when you got away -- what did you do?  

Insanity is doing the SAME thing over and over and getting the SAME result.

I hate to sound like a broken record that just repeats and repeats...but WHAT will change?

Then ENTER the silence -- that means LISTEN for God to speak.  He is constantly speaking to us - but we are mostly always too busy to hear and so - we miss it - until HE finally gets our attention.

This may take several days, weeks, or even years.  I stop typing right now and think back to 'stuff' that took days...weeks...and even years....  and I am reminded -- HE did not leave or forsake me.

What IS HE saying to you?  
What does HE wish you to do?
If you have not heard a clear directive, then it is wise to remain steadfast on the LAST thing HE spoke to you about....  

HE wants you to wait......

Bow in prayer.  I get by myself and I just talk back and forth with God the Father.  Sometimes it is very formal and most times it is just a conversation.

I also write prayers in my journal.  I email prayers.  I head to FB and express a prayer request on a private group chat.  I also sing prayers.  Praise while I  can and try to pray as much as I can.

What do you do?   Do you pray about the situation as much as you have complained about it?
Have you got your self a WAR room?    ( SEE the MOVIE)
Do you and God have that type of a relationship - are you praying without ceasing?  

Don't ask Questions -- THAT is my hardest  -- I mean, God created me to analyze and ask questions...I usually don't DO something at work or at my house -- unless there is a reason to do it......get me?

How do I not ask Questions?  I ask God a lot of questions -- but, I don't expect answers --

Sometimes our being 'absent' is the BEST way to allow another to OPEN his eyes.
Sometimes our being quiet will allow another among us to finally OPEN up and speak.

And when the directive is clear or the circumstances change.....can you just accept it and not question it?  
What do other people around you see coming from you?
Are you displaying faith and trust?  

Wait for HOPE to appear.  Waiting sucks.  Waiting sucks.  Waiting sucks.  I said it over and over - God's timing  ---WHY does it seem that GOD is so sssslllllllooooowwwww -- but I have blogged about this before - I get that now - HIS timing is best.

HE really knows best -- and waiting is WHAT we need to be able to do.

But waiting sucks and it is hard.  That is why it is a breath of fresh air --- to get into HIS Word --and look for answers, listen for Him calling out his guidance and extending His comfort.  But we have to wait --

A wise friend said, "it won't be much longer...but it will still take a little more time"....she repeats herself often -- wise woman.  I now repeat her.  

Where are you right now?  Are you waiting for hope to appear?   Are you willing to wait on God?
Perhaps something has happened and it feels like EVERYTHING you had accomplished in the rebuilding or the restoring was now.....  nothing. 

Maybe you are reading this and YOU TOO have had a SET back...you have received news of a new hurt that YOU did not expect....and  this hit has whammed you --  then.....deal with it  - 5minutes at a time.  

I will pray in agreement with you right now - GOD has this...and HE will provide every need and HE can redeem.  

Believe it.  

Lord, help me to go off -- help me to not analyze and judge.  Lord, for the one reading this -- may she  or even he get the courage or guidance to  do this -- to ENTER into this Word from You and allow it to change them.....To my sweet sister who is feeling SO much guilt..
TOO much guilt....  HE is aware and HE is at work.  Lord, I pray that her husband would be the man you intended him to be.  ( If not Lord....  he is ready to head to you.....  But Lord, that sounds so cold, but when another does not want to live and change and will continue to stay in the rut of insanity...then what?? )  
 Lord, I know -- YOU will make a way and move the mountain.  
In Jesus name - amen

Homework:    Go off and be by yourself....only YOU and God..if only for 5 minutes and question HIM but don't ask for answers.  LET HIM lead.  


Saturday, January 9, 2016

A repost and specific prayer... updated. Desire.


Really?  I mean - THAT is the desire men have right?
Is that not WHY we were created?

Nope -- God created us because it was not healthy for a man to be alone.  God uses marriage  -- Marriage is a covenant agreement in which a man and a woman are legally and spiritually joined together as husband and wife.

Genesis 2: 24-25 says..."a man will leave his father and mother "-- "and be united to his wife" -- by an act of our will -- there is a bond   -- "and they will become ONE flesh" --

Physical oneness is the ultimate consummation of sexual closeness.  But we need bonding and to  choose to separate from ourselves and be loyal to another.

Matthew 19.6  "they are no longer two, but one.  Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."  

Ladies -  I am listing these suggestions in love.  We fulfill our husband's desires by admiration - praise his positive character traits and respect the burden of his responsibility.   ( proverbs 31.23)

Support them - provide a peaceful home, atmosphere, and manage the home....if you both work, then share the chores.  ( proverbs 31.27)

We were created to CRAVE companionship - he does too.  Develop a mutual interest and learn to talk to him about his work and what he does.

Be attractive.  ( proverbs 31.25)  Develop inner beauty that earns respect and display inner strength regardless of outward circumstances.  But also -- open YOUR eyes.  What are you attracted to?  So...what does he see?

Sexual Fulfillment (1 Corinthians 7. 4-5)  Talk to each other about your sexual desires and give assurance that your husband is sexually adequate.

I found this list above and I had to take a deep breath and ask myself...am I fulfilling his desires?

So with that, I will just add a little personal touch:

 As I said, I went over that list above about ways to fulfill your husband's desires and checked out the scripture links and asked God -- how am I doing?

I do admire my husband - now.  Seriously, I always did but I let that become an idol -- long story, different blog, but now, I make sure that he knows what I do admire.

 I do support him and he supports me but when a marriage is tested -- you figure out  why there is tension and we both are in a place now where we know HOW to get readjusted.

We had to have help - a professional counselor that TAUGHT us how to communicate.
We had to have help - a professional counselor that TAUGHT us how to communicate.
We had to have help - a professional counselor that TAUGHT us how to communicate.

We had to have help - a professional counselor that TAUGHT us how to communicate.

We also had to come up with some NEW ways to have companionship -- got a Harley -- now we are both going to the gym.    It is SO easy to get complacent and in a rut..in EVERY area of our marriage -- if you get my hidden meaning -- be creative.

And I will be honest - our therapist was also a sexologist - just saying -- godly counsel well blended in BIG time  and if you read this blog often - you understand that our marriage has been tested and we  survived - it was a miracle and I am so thankful...but tonight -- someone reading this ...

..maybe needs to pray this prayer and maybe rethink her marriage -- and admire her husband or find something new to do with him....etc, etc.

Or...the husband...needs to read this and rethink what he is doing....  

Lord, I come to you and I ask for the one reading this, that she will find the courage in YOU and the strength to change what needs to be changed...weather it is how she speaks about her man or how she treats him.  Lord, I pray she will admire him ( God we are believing he is admirable )  and that she supports him.  Lord I also pray she will dig deep and change what needs to be changed, or even 'spice' it up a bit - but mostly God - I pray the wife reading this has a relationship with her husband where she feels comfortable and loved -- and if not - open her eyes...open his eyes and may they seek the wise godly counsel and professional counsel needed to solve the problem.  God I don't want to SEE one more family hurt by divorce or separation ...not one more...Lord God - we are Christians - may these wives and their men - may they understand the covenant with You - In jesus name, Amen.   

Lord, I come to you and I ask for the one reading this, that he will find the courage in YOU and the strength to change what needs to be changed...weather it is how he speaks about his wife  or how he treats her.  Lord, I pray he will admire her ( God we are believing she is admirable )  and that he supports her.  Lord I also pray he will dig deep and change what needs to be changed, or even 'spice' it up a bit - but mostly God - I pray the husband reading this has a relationship with his wife where he feels comfortable and loved -- and if not - open her eyes...open her eyes and may they seek the wise godly counsel and professional counsel needed to solve the problem.  God I don't want to SEE one more family hurt by divorce or separation ...not one more...Lord God - we are Christians - may these wives and their men - may they understand the covenant with You - In jesus name, Amen.   

And...I have to UPDATE this... give her the courage to do the HARD when he no longer wants to live... or wants to fight for her....  

And give him the courage to rethink what he did...and I pray she is OPEN to having the marriage -- even though there is divorce...to be opened....to be restored.... as the children need both parents.....

And give them BOTH the courage and the strength to FIND the funds and SEEK the professional counsel needed....to make those changes.     

God....   may they believe what YOU intended for marriage......   

And PS LORD -- the sex thing....God YOU created something lovely -- if it is not lovely for her - help them seek help and if it is not lovely for him - show her WHAT to do and /or seek counsel.....  Yes, Lord, it seems weird and so embarrassing...but it really does NOT need to be.  YOU got it Lord, I know you do - give them the courage to SEEK YOU and fix it.  As it is something YOU created for our pleasure - I bind the enemy that has made it about him...Lord God - restore. Amen.