Sunday, May 24, 2020

Faith over Feelings - Expectations -Prayer #34

Presently we are on a bit of a vacation. 

 My expectations for school changed -- Virtual teaching and trying to get my students to get on line and do their best, do what I KNOW they can do, and execute the correct actions to turn  in an assignment was wearing at me.  My students were not working to what I expected.  Some where - but others just didn't or couldn't.  

My expectations were not being met. 

My  expectations for the pandemic didn't meet with my satisfaction as well. 

 I really did not think we'd have to shut down - so, I left school at Spring Break with no resources in my school bag.  My expectation was that I would be back in my classroom on March 23rd.   

My expectation was not met.  

When we landed, it has become tradition to stop at Rocky Ricocos's for pizza.  So much of my home state has shut down so we couldn't stop, but eventually, I was able to get to my College town - Whitewater and we had that traditional slice of Sausage pizza.  

With Rocky's Ricoco's, pizza- there is an expectation.  The sauce is like no other.  The cheese melted, the box, and a diet coke to wash it down not only brings a sweet memory of college, but it also tastes GOOD. !!!! Thank goodness, that when I took that first bite, I got exactly WHAT I expected.   

With family, with friends, even with our own children - we have expecatations. 

We expect respect from our children.  We expect our friends to affirm us  and be the best friends to us, and we especially expect our spouses  to meet our needs.  

We expect.  

But -- we are ALL human and we fail -  

For FAR too long - I placed expectations on my husband - a man, and he failed me.  
Our children will fail us. 
We will fail ourselves.  


Then again, if we DO NOT have any expectations -- then we won't be disappointed.  

I do live with expectations -- it is just I live now with my expectations through the filter of Jesus -- I wrote this before in a blog.  

I am sharing it again.  

It would appear that I have been here before - disappointed by some unmet expectations.  


 All we  really can ONLY count on or  look to is  our Heavenly Father...for HE lives up to our expectations. 

I am reminding myself today:  

I can expect Jesus to always intercede for me on my behalf.
I can expect God to always love me unconditionally.
I can expect the Lord to hear my prayers.

He touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you." Matt 9.29  

I can expect the Lord to move mountains.
I can expect miracles from the Lord.
I can expect HIS will to be done within my life.
I can expect that I will find ALL answers to whatever I need to know with the pages of HIS Word. 

I can expect that God will do what GOD wants to do.

I am God, and there is no other: I am God and there is none like me.  Isaiah 46.9

I can expect that I am whom God says I am ...through Him.
I can expect much from my best friend...the Lord and  Holy Spirit.
I can expect  Holy Spirit to constantly speak to me, comfort me, and teach me.
I can expect an eternal home...

 -- be eternally minded -- this place is temporary --- 

When a colleague fails us -
 -when a professional we trusted in  fails us,
 -when we see something posted by a person we are mentoring and it hurts us,
 -when an adult child makes choices that have some very hard consequences,
 - and when a spouse leaves the marriage and you are blindsided,  so rejected,  you  expect some sort of explanation,  but you  are NOT getting it --

----- I think we must GO back to  placing all expectations before HIM.  

However, I think it is OK to grieve for a brief moment, maybe even  kick at a box kicking dummy as we have worked so hard and prayed so hard with this one......and yet, he or she  failed us.

Place any and all expectation -- in the LIGHT of HIS presence...  Measure it all against heaven and eternity.     Place every expectation within HIS hands.   

And with that, I can forgive the temporary stupidity....
I can forgive the way another treated another...or the way I was treated --
---and I can get back to speaking life and praying over that one  or situation and believe that God is at work and I will wait on HIM.  

Peace comes. 

 The "situation"   may not of turned out as I had hoped, as  the person may of failed the expectations I believe I was to see....but God will  make something beautiful out of it. 

And I trust my LORD to WOW work it out and that... I will look back at this time and situation and know that I know -- and see ...HOW HE moved.  !!!!!!

There is one reading this  - today  with  disappointed expectations--
There is one that I prayed with this week, and this one is trying to find answers to unmet expectations   and even --   expectations that have been shattered--

 HOLD ON....  God will answer. GOD will heal those expectations.  God can be expected to work through this and HOLD you while you are trying to release those expectations. 

HE is close to the brokenhearted and HE will and can heal -- seek HIM.
EXPECT HIM to answer -- EXPECT HIM to help...


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Faith over Feelings - What if Jesus walked into the room? Blogged prayer #33

What would you do if HE walked into the room?  

THIS song is a part of the new Elevation Worship album that dropped in the past week.  Today, this song has been played over and over.  

This is my prayer -- today -- goodness LORD -- HE is here.   

Praise HIM 

"What Would You Do"
(feat. Isaiah Templeton)

What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you say?
If He walked into the room
How would you praise?
If He walked into the room
How would you shout?
If He walked into the room
How would you shout?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
Yes, what would you do?
If He walked into the room
Yes, what would you say?
If He walked into the room
How would you praise?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into this room
Yes, how would you shout?
If He walked into this room
What would you do?
What would you do?
How would you shout?
If He walked into this room
What would you do?
If He walked into this room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do? (Somebody do it now)
If He walked into the room (Somebody do it now)
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room
What would you do?
If He walked into the room

He's here right now
He's here right now
He's here right now
He's here right now
How will you sing to Him?
He's here right now
How will you shout to Him?
How will you worship Him?
He's here right now
How will you bow before Him?
He's right here now
A very present help
In the time of trouble
He's here right now
He's here right now
The King is in the room
Your Healer's in the room
Your Savior is in the room
Your Provider is in the room
Your Redeemer is in the room
Your Champion is in the room
He's here in this room
So what will you do?

Jesus Christ
The King above all kings
Jesus Christ
The King above all kings