It is that time again. ๐
I looked back and read my Christmas POST of 2019 to prepare and get into the mood to write. I asked Holy Spirit to make sure HE was writing this and that I would keep it brief! Let's see if it that will work.
I will say this... the 2019 letter ( link below๐๐ป ) was indeed shorter than 2018!! I need that emoji now where both hands are up! ๐คท๐ผ♀️ Let's see how the 2020 letter plays out!
Christmas 2019
As I read, I was amazed. I had literally forgotten my 'word' for the year.
Clarity. 2020 was to bring clarity. It has. It did.
I feel, in the past 3 months, SO much has transpired in front of our eyes and I believe God is moving in many believers to see "new and clear revelations". I heard another mention her word for the year a few weeks ago at our SALT or LIFE group and I asked myself..."what is mine?"
"what was mine?" ๐คท๐ผ♀️
I asked Bren too and we both sort of laughed. I feel we are both trying to LIVE in the present right now, that we are just making each day count we can get very busy in that moment and our word for the year - just got placed in one of the piles that I keep trying to organize in my home!
BUT GOD. THAT word was indeed perfect for this year. ❕
So, as I read it - I was tickled - OF COURSE! ....... Clarity!
There has indeed been MUCH clarified this year - and much that we are waiting on God to reveal.
I will just put it out here first -- if you read past my soap box... you love me and will catch up on our news, if you don't make it past these next paragraphs - I am sorry. I pray you won't debate me, but give me a call and let's talk!!
No, we don't believe we will take the Covid Vaccine. Yes, we have social distanced a bit, but mostly - we have gathered, and lived, and gathered and enjoyed the perks of being 'home'. Family dinners and church and hugs!
Yes, we both believe we have had COVID but have not taken a test. It was with minor symptoms but when the taste buds disappeared - we kind of said...oh, I think we have become a part of the heard immunity. No, we don't wear masks unless we must. And, yes, we are the ones that will smile at you at Publix without a mask. But we keep our distance -- we just do. I don't or won't shame you for believing what you do - please don't shame me and remind me, that I am not doing my part. I believe I am. We don't believe this was a world wide pandemic, the numbers never really justified this. Indeed, this is a crisis, but we are going to trust that God has allowed it and He will provide the protection and guidance. ⏰
But, we have stayed close to home and washed our hands. ✋We don't buy into the conspiracy theories - but, we do believe this is a man made virus - meant for harm and the timing is.....interesting.
Please.. don't debate me. ✋
If you wish to stop reading - that is OK too. Your opinion is yours.
But, we do believe many are living in fear and we just won't. We believe we have lost more lives through suicide and abortions - and that is what truly pulls on our hearts.
๐We have had some around us - that have contracted the virus and they didn't fare well, but that is also true of other ailments. And, we have prayed for many -- many, and we continue to pray for a 'cure' or real discoveries of what is truly needed for our world -- more answers and Jesus. Our hearts have been truly saddened by the news of many hurting ones. ๐ And we pray, for our front line workers and health care people that are indeed, always serving.
I will share one more insight -- in God's Word, it tells us HE knows our comings and goings and we have a birthdate and an end date in His Kingdom calendar -- death is always hard. Some do die too early - but God knew. God knows.✋
Some seem to escape death and yet, others don't. I won't play God or try to figure it out -- I won't take matters into my own hands - but, I trust HIM and the ENTIRE bible, and as I read -- we are getting closer and closer to seeing Jesus return. ✝️
So we cast EVERY burden onto HIM...
๐ We pray and believe, we will be raptured out and up -- and those left behind, we pray that their eyes will focus on Jesus and seek HIS Word to know how there will be a 2nd chance.
In the meantime, we should be clear about WHERE we will be when we do take our last breath - whether from a ventilator in a hospital or just as we head to bed...
Jesus is the Savior and we truly pray those around us know Him well, personally... then that peace and that blessed assurance is felt and experienced. When that is indeed happening - the expectation of the Christmas holiday brings much JOY. We expect much from God this holiday season and will celebrate with our loved ones. ๐
So, there -- THAT was rather bold, ๐คท♀️ yet, it is nothing I wouldn't of said if we were face to face, I just prayed over this and asked Holy Spirit to bathe this in HIS grace and mercy -- truly... I am nothing if but just a sinner - saved by HIS Grace. ๐
Now to our family news -
The BIGGEST news.... we are getting another daughter!
Bren and I enjoyed the year - taking cycle trips and several trips to Wisconsin as I have been ON LINE and teaching since March, as long as I have the internet - my classroom travels. This year has been challenging, but I am SO thankful for my job and I still get to make connections to our parents and students. Indeed, this is NOT ideal - but - I work with a team of great teachers and WE ARE making it work! I am not sure what 2021 will bring, we are praying that we can go BACK and be LIVE in our classrooms by Spring. God can bring that to fruition. ๐๐ป
The BIGGEST news.... we are getting another daughter!
Brendan has enjoyed the year at the Insurance office and some new friendships with a love for Harley cycles as well. He spends a lot of time in study (God's Word) and on his phone, as he is chief marketing person at our offices and he travels a lot keeping brokers with our phone number close for quotes. He is also very prayerful about the next President and how this all will play out, if you are close to him, you know exactly HOW he thinks and feels and I am SO very proud of his faith! ๐๐ป And - He has also enjoyed being back at the gym - each morning. I join him 3 days a week -- this 'middle' age stuff is NO fun! LOL ๐คท๐ผ♀️
The BIGGEST news.... we are getting another daughter!
These girls -
These two have grown SO much. The photo below ๐๐ป from 2 years ago, but I will update a little. Ava is just 5 and she has become this very sophisticated young lady that does not forget a thing. She is very happy being MOM to SJ, but that can bring its own troubles. SJ wants to do everything that AVA does and THAT does cause some troubles too -- as they are almost the same size now. Just give SJ another year! ๐
Both girls are in a wonderful school where they are loved and learning much. Each time Ava visits, she is writing her ABC/s on a Post-it note and I have saved them all and to see her progression from September to now - is amazing.
THIS teacher's heart is full. I taught first grade for 6 years... and I would LOVE to be her teacher. I pray -- but don't think God will move me to her school - but, I do pray. Since September, SJ's amount of vocabulary and imaginative play is just remarkable. Each visit there are more baby words that are longer used and she corrects me. She used to say, "waa wee" for water and now she will look at me and say, "NO Mimeeee, its warrr ter". ๐
Both girls are loved so much -- and nightly Face time calls and trips to Mimi's hooousee is a must every few days.
The BIGGEST news.... we are getting another daughter!
Cindy Renea Wine will join our family - officially in January.
She is kind, funny, and I have SO enjoyed getting to see her smile. I have known her for about 2 years but marveled at how GOD had already knit our families together. As, the Holy Spirit would remind me of stuff, I kind of did watch her grow up from afar! And, the cutest thing, one Saturday, in looking at a photo album, I came across this. ๐
Look below, that is Cindy and Hunter on a bench at a soccer game way back when he was four and she was six... how sweet.
We were planning a trip to Wisconsin and I was trying to show Hunter what the Wisconsin Dells were and as Cindy skimmed the photo album, she noticed her soccer team and said, "hey, I played for Don's Appliances" ........ THEN the laughter as we studied the photo and I pointed to HP and she pointed to her little self. ๐ Little did we know -- and the screams of FUN!! How cute, HOW adorable, and HOW perfect! And he even had his arm around her - back in 1999!!
THIS was just a very sweet, very FUN confirmation that God is in the details.
The BIGGEST news.... we are getting another daughter!
She is an excellent cook and I LOVE that she 'dishes' the comebacks and comments right back to Brendan when he wants to give her a hard time. On our Wisconsin trip, I was humbled as I noticed that God created Cindy to be Brendan's other daughter - I relish their banter back and forth.
As I watched from 'afar' this year... I got to witness Hunter move home, due to the STAY AT HOME order and see him, make some new friends, rekindle some other friendships, and begin to assimilate back into Okeechobee. I really felt he was going to stay SOUTH but God. God changes plans, or was this God's plan from the beginning? Probably! Hunter also joined our Insurance Office in October and fits nicely into our future plans for growth in the office as his Grandfather begins to step back and retire.
Then I had the pleasure to watch a courtship and I even got to be in on the surprise of the 'asking'.. this Momma or Mumzie as HP calls me, is smitten and full of JOY. We are thrilled with the extras that Cindy comes with and it has been so sweet enjoying the extended family over the last 3-4 months! The wedding is in January, 2020 brought some clarity with our family and with the addition, we are just praising God.
Last but NOT least....
Taylor and Jake ... we have enjoyed them on many Sunday's during the shut down, as our church continued and they were on line, so the Sunday dinners were pretty consistent throughout the summer and into the fall. WE enjoy meeting them for dinner and asking them to hop in the car and join us here for dinner or a football game. ๐๐ผ
The photo below is from when SJ turned 2 -- she is about to be 3 in about 3 weeks. She has mastered potty training this year and it took a few extra months, but poopy training is finally being mastered! yeah!!
Taylor works at our Insurance office and runs between the Okeechobee Office and the PSL one. She watches over several different aspects of HR and Payroll stuff and can be found each week helping Lowell with an email or some new 'tech' thing -- as we ALL try our best to stay up with the currents trends, but that generation is just BETTER at it! This momma gets great joy seeing Hunter and Taylor work together and dinners will usually have some aspect of the 'office' to speak about! She is also VERY much into her oils -- and calls herself the 'hippie ' mom. However, the stuff works and her testimony of just the # of doctor's visits that SJ had in her first year, compared to her 2nd is a remarkable FACT and proof that those 'ancient' oils are indeed God blessed. I LOVE when I see a call from her and love that our mother-daughter relationship has changed to friendship with that Ma's tone... she is my first born, I learned a lot in growing her and as SJ reacts and gives me the side eye... I love to let Jake know -- THAT is from him. LOL.
Speaking of Jake, he continues to work for Westside after school but his main job is being an inclusion teacher at Centennial High School. He still coaches to an extent and mentors but mostly, he has been DAD and he is a good one. Ava and SJ adore him! This past summer, between his efforts and his mother's, Ava became a fish and next summer, I believe SJ will follow suit. Jake's parents permanently moved to TN at the beginning of the year -- so we now try and plan some 'visits' to TN! We bought our cottage right next door to them for a purpose - and then they moved..... am I a little sore about it -- NA.... they are building and that will be a cool get away come next summer! But we miss our neighbors and Sunday dinners are not quite the same!!
Halloween was a fun memory - SJ is obsessed with Umizoomie. It is a cartoon that was created several years ago and runs on Prime network. SJ, probably has the first three seasons memorized and it is really a good show, it teaches kids many concepts. Both Ava and SJ know the difference between a hexagon and a crescent!! Seriously - but when it came time to Halloween, this Mimi set out to make a costume. I had to laugh. Taylor priced one on Etsy and I bragged that I could make it cheaper - well.... I didn't Between the elements and the time.. I got MUCH satisfaction as the Pre-K teachers all recognized the accuracy of the costume, but, indeed, it was not cheaper making it myself!
SJ and Ava on Valentines Day in 2020 |
SJ and Ava are dearly loved and we so enjoy our time with them... did I say that already?
One last memory -
In July - we went with Jake and Taylor to North Carolina and enjoyed a beautiful time exploring Chimney Rock and the sites near Waynesville . The Buttered Biscuit will probably never forget us - but we certainly had a blast! Traveling with a toddler is always filled with fun and needed patience!
We pray and hope to have many more vacations with these kids!
Ava enjoys reading books and so does Sawyer and reading with them is an adventure. I love to see and hear Ava as with each visit, I can tell she has learned even more.
Both Ava and SJ are looking forward to being a flower girl in the upcoming wedding!! Well, let me clarify - Ava is. She gets it. She was a flower girl in her Uncle Nic's wedding, Sawyer - probably won't understand -- but will have a BIG smile on her face and do what Ava does as she loves her Uncle Hunteeee
Ok, going to wrap this up --
The BIGGEST news.... we are getting another daughter!
Bren's parents are doing ok, older hips and knees tend to cause some trouble, but they stay active and we love the time spent with them. My folks turned 76 and 75 respectfully this year and I had the pleasure of seeing them a few times as I traveled to Wisconsin. My dad stays busy delivering for Napa and my Mom is still a Wal-mart Clerk! This summer she got to work in the plant department and loved that! We are thankful for their health!! A few of my siblings will travel south for the wedding and I look forward to that -- but, many are very busy with their kids and sports!
Again, if you are a far away friend - we have a guest room -- with a very comfortable Temperpedic... or we will once HP is married in January, then it is OPEN again! If you are a close friend, we pray that in 2021 - there will be many opportunities to have dinner or sit for a chat, in spite of the world's problems.
This year, one of our BIG blessings have been to get to know a few new friends. Through our Church family, we have met and gathered with several that are dear to us. We have also rekindled several friendships that have been such a blessing, that we know - will be prayer warriors for us when and if needed! However, when Will and Kerry ( Taylor's in-laws) moved to TN, the neighbors that moved in... became family as well. Our friend, Sonia and her daughter are here cause they literally lost everything when Hurricane Dorian hit Marsh Harbour last September of 2019.
I treasure and love the fact that I am one of 9 in my family. I have a cousin list of 24 and when you add in their spouses and all of my aunts and uncles -- there are a lot. Our new friends, Sonia and her husband, Ross - lost 18 of their family members. I stop and think and cry - if I lost that many. I know I would be a different person. Many of those family members were never recovered. In one storm. On one LONG day when that hurricane beat on that little island. As we began to enjoy her Bahamian cooking and we began to share our stories... we knew why God placed her right next to us. Perspective and Clarity.
There are often - many around us, that God brings to our table or to our lives -- for HIS purpose. And in that process -- of learning to love them or getting to pray with them... God blesses - us.. me with the blessing of them.
Fellowship. Human touch - communication. Mother Nature, Covid 19, the Media, and MUCH of our politics and the 'world' have TAKEN TOO much from us. 2020 was a year of clarity. It is almost done.
I don't believe we are going to be 'back to normal', we must begin to LIVE through Christ within our circumstances and be HIS hands and feet.
But, I want normal back... and I am determined to do some things -- like normal and trust that God will bless it and protect it.
I am also believing that my word for 2021 is grace. I have had that word before -- but, extending grace is something I want to pray for daily and share. Our world is a MESS, but those of us that love Jesus -- I feel we need to do a better job of letting the World know why we have that peace. ๐คท♀️
And with that - I really need to close.
So, I have a feeling that THIS letter is now longer than 2018 and I know for sure it is longer than 2019's.
May you all have a Merry Holiday and may the knowledge and expectation of Jesus and WHAT HE meant for us -- be enough. May HIS grace be enough.
Merry Christmas - and Happy New Year.
Our door is open - and we love company.
May you and yours have a blessed day!-- Michelle and Brendan

November 2019 - Ava 4 and SJ almost 2. |
๐ PS, did I mention we are getting a another daughter?? ๐ ๐