Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Who is my Jesus? Blog #4 When we question.


So, who is my Jesus when I question?  

I simply go back to prayer and HIS Word.  

In the last 5 months there has been much within our country and our world that is 'going wrong'. 

The Election - the mask mandates, and MUCH have littered our news agencies and the media so much so that many have just boycotted the News all together.  We have.  

Last year  or rather several months ago, a  BIG revelation about Ravi Zacharias came out and my world was not shaken, but I questioned and asked opinions and read articles.  I wanted answers. 

I really never listened or followed Ravi,  until these later years.  However when he spoke in the area of Apologetics - he certainly had a way with words.   His words made sense and in the last year, I have met people that did his bible studies, became Christians because of his lectures,  and followed his teachings and went to his conferences.  They did feel a blow when all the news was finally released.  Truth is always -- well, truth always will set us free.  

And I believe the timing was purposeful for God, as it always is, but the promise that God won't be mocked is something that I have praised but also grieved.... it is hard when the truth hurts.  

 Last year or maybe it was 2 years ago when he passed - I watched the funeral or memorial service and marveled at those that spoke and what they said  about him.   I found myself praying, Lord - that I would impact people for YOU in that way!!   

 I was most impressed with his daughter and her testimony.  I watched IG and Social Media in the days that led up to his death - post photos of  prayer circles and visits with other church  leadership.  He was impressive.  Then I watched Social Media and IG fill the feeds with the news of his sexual misconduct and I watched an interview give by Lori Anne Thompson and I cried.  

  She was mocked and literally scorned and finally - she was vindicated and set free.  Yet still, the consequences of sin - hurt. 

I prayed for his wife and daughter for several days and I prayed that in those last moments - he confessed to his wife -- all that was hidden.   As I questioned God.  And I had to come to a conclusion so I could move forward.  

 I do know that if he came CLEAN before Jesus  ( and I prayed he did this before his wife too) , then as  he met Jesus on his death -- then, indeed, he is walking the streets of heaven.  I had peace in that.  As He always spoke and taught through God's Word - which is truth.  However,  if he did not.  If he justified his sin and if he continued to lie - until that last breath -- I believe he is in hell.   That is my opinion and with those concluding thoughts - I was able to move forward.   Why did it matter to me?  It just did.  As I said, I have prayed for his wife and his daughter. 

Praise God , this  is NOT a question I have to answer or be held to - but.... again, what a shame.  But, he is not the first leader that, we as man have placed on a pedestal  -- as men and women will fail.  We are human.  

Today, a memory popped up where I had shared a quote from Ravi - and I prayed for the tremendous PAIN that is still connected to his self-centered actions and life.  Sexual misconduct is indeed real and can be very addictive  - but it is treatable, and if left  to continue - it is sin.  Pure and simple.  There are SO many more that HIDE sin.  At times, when I get in my head -- it is very easy to 'judge' my sin compared to others.  

When we compare - we are either - superior or inferior to another and THAT is NOT what God teaches or expects and that a trick of the enemy to get us to sin.  Falling into that trap is indeed - deadly. 

When I question, I take my questions to God. 

 There are many questions I throw at Him daily.  There are questions HE gives me answers to and others I don't.  Many I may never  GET an answer  for --- until heaven.  

There are many questions floating in my head right now - this list is not exclusive to just me.  I have a feeling that you may have these questions too.  And on any given day, the complexity of these questions - varies.  

When will Jesus return?   Do you not see what he is doing Jesus?  

Will I see the Rapture?   Why haven't you answered her on that prayer? 

Will there ever be any more trust with the Government? 

Are the 'mask' and  'no mask' profile pictures and tags on photos,  leading into a season like we had,  over seas back in the 1930's,  when Hitler asked the Jews to wear the Star of David to be identified? 

Why did she get jabbed?  Do they think I am the crazy  one because I choose to be conservative? 

Is he living in fear?   Why would he not just reach out?  Where were they?  

Why won't they use their common sense?    How can you justify this?  

Why is she so stupid?   Am I that stupid?   Do they see Christ in me?  

What is next?   I am tired and why can't you come soon Jesus?  

Will she beat this cancer?   How do I pray for her?   Will she allow me to hold her?  

Will he SEE that his own SIN is worse than calling the crud out on his wife?  

Will she really just ignore me and call herself a Christian?  

What did I say now?  

You see, questions -- today, I am being transparent.  There are MANY questions that I take to Jesus. Many that HE does answer and as I continue to GET into HIS Word, HE does lead and guide me to HIS truth and HE shows me much.  

Jesus is the one I take my questions too.  HE is the BEST one to answer and when He decides to let  me wait it out - HE brings comfort.   He also alerts me to stuff -- stuff, that I know, HE will redeem and HE will address -- in HIS timing.  

Jesus is the BEST answer for all of our questions - if you have one or would like to talk and pray - reach out to me.  I LOVE talking about Jesus, but I love talking to people too!