Saturday, December 21, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

Wow -- for this girl who wrote blogs practically WEEKLY or daily back in 2010.... 2011.... I came to this place this morning and noticed the LAST time I wrote was for my Christmas Letter of 2023. What a year!
So - here we go. I actually prayed and went over and over again in my thinking about this letter.

 I asked God, What do I want to say? ( James 1.5) What photos do I want to share and honestly . . . . . Holy Spirit just placed a quietness within me. I have shared photos -- I don't need to tell every detail -- and then, I quietly hear, "I know you will speak My Word" ( Jerm 42.4) And I am reminded to speak from the heart! 

2024 has been a year of many changes, adventures, and disappointments, and revelations and there is one thought or 'montra' that I have been speaking to myself each day -- "Good Morning Lord, ok, we are still here - what do you need me to do today?"

 I mean, between the election, the earthquakes, two hurricanes close to us, the fires, and all the unrest - - - one can't deny that our world is in chaos. 

At the end of last year, some questions were proposed to me. 

What is God's assignment for YOU today? What is the divine appointment HE will bring to you? And, what is a touch that needs to happen with another one around you? All good questions.

 All good thinking -- backed up by HIS Word, but also it's also rooted into one of Henry Blackabee's study, about seeking God -- "find where God is at work, and JOIN HIM". 

Therefore with that thinking, that  plan for each day ---has been my ENTIRE 2024.

 Some mornings I wake and go, "ok Lord, you didn't rapture the church . . so I will be joyful within my day". Ya!

 Somedays, I wake and know WHOM exactly Holy Spirit wants me to reach out to? And  other days, I just wake and remind myself that HIS mercies are NEW each day!! Praise God!

And, obviously, my writing hasn't been on blogs but when and where He asks.  Sometimes it is an email.  Sometimes it is a card.  Sometimes it is a letter and often it is just holding one's hand or answering a phone call and listening and praying.  

I can honestly say, that even when my flesh ( the enemy ) wants to remind me of ALL that I didn't do or accomplish . . .  I go back to WHOM HE is and WHAT HE says of me and WHAT HE needs me to do or just be STILL in. . .  

So anyway, with that, the Pritchards have had a FULL year. 

 Church  and our family take up most of our time!  Brendan and I make any excuse and say YES often to helping babysit, watch a ballet program,  sit at a soccer game, or give a bath - - whatever needs to be done.   And, if you follow my FB page, you can usually see WHAT we have been up to. 

 We have four precious grands, all present at that  ( above ) family photo  taken in late August.  Taylor and Jake have blessed us with three grands!    Ava is in the 3rd grade and just turned 9.  She is a speedy soccer player with the, most,  kindest heart - still!!  She is always the first to make another feel better with her actions or words!   She loves to create and loves her siblings and is a sucker for any pet or animal.  

 Sawyer Jane or SJ, is an athlete too, dancer, and creative artist that feels everything BIG!  She is in first grade and it is so fun to watch her learn to read.  I enjoyed that with Ava too - she IS an avid reader, but this year with my  new school job, I am working with K-2 students and see the daily process of how our brains learn to read and watching SJ has been a little more special.  And, watching her helps me . . .help the students I see daily, as I have a great reference point.  SJ does not meet a stranger, just take her to lunch and see,  and  she survives eating only the basic 4 food groups - mac - n - cheese, pizza, bananas and peanut butter sandwiches !    So take her ONLY to Moonswiners in Fort Pierce, as that is the only restaurant Mac n Cheese --that will suffice.  She turns 7 in two weeks  and boy, she is ready to be SEVEN. 

Bode is two and a half and probably has the brain of a 30 year old MIT student.  He is also very athletic, jumping and running and enjoying his stroller rides and walks outside and he has a soft smile that melts your heart.  His name means "messenger" and his story is being revealed daily.  To hear him laugh brings MUCH joy! Much!  He is very tall, and fast on his feet.  

And our youngest - is Grayson Blake.  Hunter  and Cindy's first child will be two in March.  He has quick little legs and will talk your ears off.  He loves to "cook cook" and right now his favorite word is "wow".  To hear him say, " mim meeee" is a treat. ! He loves to be outside in the dirt and do everything his momma or dada do.  He is a little copy cat that has a determined spirit that can't be denied.  It could be his red hair . .  . . or it is cause he is a carbon copy of his parents.  ! 

All four of them are a blessing, and I don't use that word as a catch phrase - - watching your children be parents, is a piece of heaven on earth,   which is awesome,  and it is also the most heartbreaking at times when you have to sit back and watch them navigate and pray . . . praise God, OUR Lord doesn't fail us or them!  

Prayer is IT!   Period. 

And Church - our church family is so dear to us.  It is a blessing to WANT to be in the company of like minded peeps -- who are NOT perfect, but we all humbly seek HIM and do our best to be HIS hands and feet.  By no means . . is there judgment or discussions about others,  and it breaks our hearts to see families broken - but - we know WHO can help and HE is the healer. 

 AND we LOVE to join hands and pray with God our Father to bring the hurt out,   heal the hurt,  and then,  walk in freedom.   Brendan and I try and do this daily through our work circles.  I am at year 37 teaching, and year 14 with PECS or the Seminole Tribe.  I love my job, and teach social studies to second graders in the afternoon and work with phonemic awareness interventions with  K- 2nd graders in the AM.   Brendan is still with the Insurance Company and helps Hunter and Taylor busy with his ideas and leadership.  HP and TP have fully taken over Pritchard's and Associates and lead by example, they had GREAT mentors  in Mom and Dad, Marilyn and Lowell!  BTW, they are enjoining their "city living" and doing well.  

WHAT a JOY that is to witness - another's faith - and,  DEEP surrender to the Father. 

 What a gift God has given us - HIS mercy and GRACE. 

 And this season is a GOOD reason to 'come back to HIM',   or JOIN in, or SEEK HIM for the FIRST time.  So, with that, our church family is so important.  And, if you don't have one, please come visit ours.  It may not be the flavor you like, but HIS Word is preached and we see it lived out.  And, again, if ours is not within your thinking -  then SEEK another.  It is important and I know, that finding peace in all this world - ONLY comes through Jesus and by the Power of Holy Spirit.  

 In the last year, we have had a SALT  ( Serving And doing Life Together ) group that  have been the prayer partners in the good and the hard times.   Bringing friends to our home for some SALT each week,  or gathering at a home for a meal is sweet.  Some other church peeps and family are the best to have motorcycle rides and adventures with, Sunday hugs  after services each week are the BEST.  It is important to have a community.  We welcomed  a few SALT groups  as they served us when we had to quickly pack up and move Brendan's folks into their new home - in town.  The house sold and they bought a home all within a month.   What a blessing they all were and even now, they continue to fill in gaps and holes created by life.  Being connected to people that love Jesus too, is truly a gift.  It just is.   

Both Brendan and myself have had the privilege to be a part of some different ministeries within our church body and we see God at work, we see where GOD can do GREAT things, and we just continue to seek HIM as to what our part in all that is. . . . .Therefore, even if I tried to keep this Christmas letter short - - my words about Jesus and HIS birth are going to trump all the other news.  Truly - both Brendan and I would  love to pray for you if you ask - - 

And we'd ask you for prayers  too  -- for the new year -- unsaved loved ones, dear ones fighting some health issues, our grands and their safety and schooling, our one grand whom we pray for daily to hear his voice,  our health, and just seeking Jesus to make sure we are within HIS will . . . .  I bet, these requests are similar to  the ones within your family too. 

 I know this - God will win.  AND HE is ever present when we ask . . and yes, HE is ever present , praise GOD HE is.  

Ok, time to wrap this up -- whoops, I need to update you on my parents.  Jim and Sandy  are not retired yet, still working very hard and playing cards when they can.  Recently my mom had a hip replaced and dad celebrated his 80th birthday this summer.  We pray, try to convince dad it is time to retire and downsize - - but, if you know my Dad . . .  LOL  I love them dearly and pray for them daily.  My siblings are with full families and their children -   my nieces and nephews --are in college, high school, grade school, and beginning their families as well!  I have a few GREAT nieces and nephews and ENJOY them all when I can see them!  

As a kid, I would get sad, when I would ask my Uncle Tony, "how come you don't know when your sister's birthday is?"   As a 7-8 year old, I could not fathom how BIG one's family could be.  From my  7-8 year old world - it made sense to KNOW it all, and yet, now, as a 58 year old, I  can recall that core memory often . . with so many cousins and the time . .  And now, I GET how hard it is to remember it all and be present with them all.  Therefore . . . 

💚We need to just seek God for the touches -- Whom are you suppose to speak to today?  Whom can I pray with?  

💚We need to just seek God for the assignments -- Who does God have in your path and what does HE need to to respond to?  

💚 And what DIVINE appointment did God arrange for you today --  and HOW shall we or HOW would HE want you to respond?  

THAT has been my thinking for an entire year - and it will be the same for NEXT year.  I am not asking for a 'new buzz' word for 2025 from God.  I am just reminding HIM that I wish to be present and be HIS hands and feet and share HIS gospel when I am asked.  What a gift JESUS was/ is.  

Merry Christmas.  

Thank you for reading it all.

  Love, Michelle and Brendan too!   🙏