Friday, December 30, 2011

Saturday - Day 17--prayer....winning......

Here is a photo of my champ....His team, and it was a team effort,  won the Disney Showcase on Friday. Beating 3 State Cup Champs and teams ranked #3 and #13 in the Nation.  
  We started playing on Tuesday and each day we played and advanced a bit further.  
It was an exciting week...for many reasons.  It was the end of the year....we stayed 24 hours at the Gaylord Hotel in parents were able to see him win a game....Brendan's parents were able to see him win as well and attended the final....and even today, Brendan and I drove all over town trying to find the right internet access so we could  WATCH the game on the internet TV...just to hear the play by play and see what was said about the game.....winning...everyone loves to win......don't we? 

I got so carried away on Friday, as I saw Minnie and Mickey for a brief moment and wanted to get a photo with them but I was not fast enough.  Then after Hunter and his team won, I knew I would see Micky and be able to get a photo as last year, after the awards ceremony Micky came out and we snapped a photo with him.  But this year.....after the awards, they  ushered the kids into a make shift area with black curtains all around and guess what....parents could not see Mickey or the team.  Disney wanted us to head to the picture viewing area, see the one on the screen and then purchase it for $20......whoa.

As I walked away, mad.....God reminded me of how HE continually is speaking.  Who gave us that drive to win?  HE did.....Who knows exactly how we feel when we don't win...HE does.....and yet in our flesh, we can get so caught up in winning and in our flesh that we forget....GOD wins. 

Like I said,  this entire week has been a big blessing even when the enemy wants to intrude my thoughts and remind me of the past.  I was reminded that I must always renew my mind with HIS words.   Even at this tournament, he ( the Enemy ) will remind  me of actions and words just one year ago and yet...too bad SAtan....GOD wins.....God provided such mini blessings all over the place...we, I just have to look. 

I think that can be one of the hardest things...just to wait on God.  I used to say and still do - God's will is NOT a penalty, even though it felt like it at times.  Hang in there....I can relate.......

Ok -- that was the personal reflection -- we  ( Brendan and I ) were both so proud and happy for the entire team, they have worked so hard.  Brendan and Hunter drive 100 minutes one way to get to practice...down in Boca... Hunter continues his great grades inspite of being on the road so much and they ( the team ) deserve a win, they have worked hard, practiced and all of them have played hard since they were was nice being a winner we await to see what their National Ranking will be.....

Lord, help me to look at YOUR victory.  THIS life is temporary.   As this year comes to an end, I know my Secret Sister is probably looking forward right now to a new beginning as well as I.  Lord, heal her.  I don't have much time right this minute, but I am going to say, heal her....over and over again, as I believe you will.  Lord, and if she has thoughts that intrude....I bind them Lord, and pray she will seek YOUR words.  I know it is hard....even when I cry out, make it easy remind me to seek YOU.   I pray that she will be hopeful tonight as she celebrates with her family and I pray she will take the new year, one day at a time and look for you to win.  I know she loves you Lord,,,,,,,,,, I love you too....everything is under you Lord..Thanks.  AMen. 

Psm. 90. 14  Satisfy us Lord, in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all of our days....of and my secret sister too and anyone else who is reading this.  Amen.

Secret Sister Prayer #16 -Friday, December 30.

Lord, today...several times....the Enemy really tried to get in to my head..........and I would stop and renew my mind.

Then it would happen again.  My flesh would 'want' to go backwards and experience a little fleshy pity and yet the Spirit within me...would not allow it.

So Lord, I am reminded today that this life we are in, this journey...until we are called home, is not going to be easy but we must stay focused and always...always...look to the hope we have in YOU..not in those around us or our own  flesh.

So, that is the focus of my prayer this ever for my secret sister.....

Lord, I come to you and am I so so thankful for this opportunity to be able to pray for another.  Lord,  I believe that today YOU just needed me to know that YOU are still in the midst of all of my life.  So Lord, I pray that she understands this and she too has experienced  this oneness with you.  Lord, there are going to be many hard days in front of her....she will take two steps forward and then 1 step back.  She will question most everything, and she will want to quit...but I pray a strength in her to hear YOu and to seek YOU in all around her so that she will ....want to see this to the end and be totally healed!  Lord, YOU do tremendous things, but what you do within the heart is the most blessed event.  I thank you Lord.  I also remind her this evening that she will be healed, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and people will notice Lord......and the glory will be given to YOU.  Amen.

Please let her know, she is deeply loved.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Secret Sister Prayer Day #15

lord, today was a day of highs....and yet, one 'low' can set me back.....
lord, I thought of my pal often today and said short prayers...and thought..maybe today was a day of highs for her too and then a 'low'....

lord, you know my 'low' hurt... and it hurt bad......and yet, I am NOT sure of what to do about it, only that I will pray harder to you...or maybe pray even more....but I will include my secret sister....

lord, I pray she is seeking you right now  and that there was  no 'low' today....Lord, I am claiming victory for her...we are at Day #15.....others have noticed my prayers and are being ministered to as well....which is what you said could happen.......

WE are to bear one another's burdens....Lord, tonight, I say an extra prayer for my hurt..heal me lord, may tomrrow be a new start... for my secret sister too- -- not sure how her day went, but I know you know....

we are at your mercy, amen.....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 14....Prayer for my Secret Sister... ME TOO..

This prayer is going to be quick.....but I am going to pray it all day..... "me too".   The photo represents a sweet thing.  I was getting photos of nephews and nieces before I headed home to Florida and this one came to me and said, 'mee too'...He is a sweetie, his name is Bryce.  The other morning, we, Bren and I were trying to sleep for the last few minutes before our day had to begin.  It was a day to get up, get going and then head to soccer.....Bren kept hitting the snooze and we were spooning...and he apologized for hitting the alarm for the 5th time.."no need to apologize, I am loving the cuddling"  is what I said and he said, "me too".  Those words......awesome.

God wants a 'me too'...HE wants to be with us constantly, calling on HIM I will on behalf of my Secret Sister today -- HE will win!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Prayer 13....Tuesday, December 27th

Our Father which art in heaven....hallowed be thy name...thy kingdom come thy will be done....HIS will is perfect for us, period.  HE can heal, HE can restore and HE can make all things new.
Lord, today I have been thinking, praying and asking what the focus of my prayer should be for my Secret Sister .....and I believe it is just this -- Lord, I am praying for her.  Lord, I pray for her family, her heart, her head, and her physical as well as her emotional healing.  Lord, I bind the Enemy and pray that he does not bother her one bit more.  Lord, I pray that as she seeks you, a peace which surpasses all understanding falls upon her.  Lord, I thank you for her and her life.  Lord, I know you can heal her - thank you for allowing me to ask.  Lord, YOU are the perfect friend and I find such comfort to know that YOUR son Jesus has been at your right hand side all this time.....interceding for her.  YOU are Lord, and we thank you. Amen.

To my Secret Sister.... God loves you!

Monday...Day #12 Secret Sister Prayer

It really bothered me that I was unable to get to the computer and GET on to post Day 12's prayer.  That was yesterday...however,  God gave me a sweet reminder last night when I fussed about the 'choice' of restaurant my cousin picked to eat at.. HE knew....HE knew I would see you and that it would bless me so to see your smile.  My dear pal and Pastor/mentor reminded me today in a post he did that God ordains each and every moment....every moment.  HE knows exactly what is going to transpire and what is our best.  On Christmas Day, someone stated, 'well, God will get you'... and I though---HE does not 'get us' ...WE get us.. WE have free will... we put ourselves in situations and  then we cry out to God to get us out of them.  And yet, HE knew exactly what choice we would make and yet, HE loves us anyway and HE is there, when we call upon HIM and HE then brings beauty out of ashes. HE knew my relative would though that comment out and HE knew that it would effect me profoundly.  I used to think, "God will get me...or you may deserve that consequence because you did not follow God."    I was VERY judgmental.  I was very righteous....but not in a godly way.  It took several situations over a long period of time to really break me....God watched...cause  HE knew that eventually I would seek HIM totally and for the right reasons.  Yesterday when my flesh fussed as I did not wish to eat 'mexican', HE gently reminded me, HE has every step ordained.

To my Secret Sister.....HE has every one of your steps measured and ordained as well. HE has you -- and HE knows.

Lord, I come to you as I prayed for my sweet sister yesterday and I was blessed by her hug and smile and her beauty... YOU have her Lord.  You  will heal her......You will make a way when there seems to be no other way.....I thank you Lord.  Amen.

Secret Sister Prayer #11

Day #11 was Christmas Day.  Praise God that we celebrate and remember the moment of Christ's birth.  I learned from my Pastor that biblically, we are to remember HIS death and resurrection but no where in scripture does it say to remember HIS birth but how blessed  we are that we do.  My internet was down but you were prayed was a simple the day was spent with family and I knew you were with family....and we remembered that Jesus came to comfort ...and HE knows exactly what is needed and what is desired.  I find comfort in that.

Dear Lord, today we celebrate your birth...create a new birth in my sweet sister....this 40 days of prayer is going to be a rebirth to the REST of her life...a life that has less pain, and more sweetness with you.  Amen.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

...this Christmas....

“So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” Luke 2:16-20 NIV

Mary pondered things.  That has been a phrase I have said to myself and to counselors MANY times over the course of the past few years....she pndered these things....she treasured up all these things....
I can tell you today what I treasured this week, I treasured the fact that a sweet man called me from the mall as he was looking for a Christmas present for me and decided that I really needed to b there with him to get some 'new boots'.....This meant a lot as two years ago, I got a candle, yes a stupid candle.  At the time I was so mad but just smiled and said "thanks".  Now I know and realize, it was just a gesture..his heart was elsewhere.  And last year, I did not even get a card.  Now mind you, I had a REAL hard time picking a card myself last year for him  and settled on one that said, Happy Holidays and that was it....and he stated, he felt bad about not getting me a when this year rolled around and he actually went to get something...this is treasured!   WE had agreed 'not' to get or give gifts last year which was probably for the best  but even when one says 'no gifts' ....we all, deep down inside, want to be thought of and want to be loved enough that we get a gift anyway.  However, as I said, this year is a treasure.   And believe me, he knows I love candles and scents so if he comes with a candle this year...I will treasure it.  But, just to be on the safe side when I was shopping yesterday, God blessed me with a GREAT pair of boots, I called and said, 'hey...??  can I ??  "  Merry Christmas to me from my hubby!  Ha  Ha. 
I can tell you another treasure, I am cooking this eve for my folks and my inlaws and my family...all together this year - wow. 
I can tell you another treasure, I had some minor surgery this week and by Day 4 of recovery my healing was a moving as I was off of pain medicine and enjoying the pampering!
And another thing, my girl is being asked to take care of a young charge...the fact that her parents think that highly of my girl is a treasured thought.
And another treasured thing, my son actually seemed tickled that there was a present under the tree for him as all he wanted was his I phone S and basically that is all he was getting. 
And just now a sweet woman asked me to pray for her...she considers me a woman of God...that my friends is the highest thing that I treasure...that God has done a work in me and I am forever changed. 
I also must stop and reflect upon this day...the day we celebrate a lady and her husband found an inn and in the quietness of the night a child was born, a babe in a manger that changed our lives...forever..I am most thankful for HIS life and HIS gift...amen. 
Lord, I love you -- thanks.  Thanks for making this Christmas a miracle...may I never forget and always ponder these things as they are treasures in my heart. 
I love you Lord, YOU are enough...YOU are my gift, may my life be a gift back to you. Amen.

Secret Sister Prayer #10 ...for your hubby

Dear Sweet Sister in Christ, today is Christmas Eve and you are on my mind.  I wish to be mindful to what God would have me pray and print or publish I opened my computer HE reminded me of a prayer that another friend gave to me--- to say--- for my man.  It is a prayer she prayed over me... so I will now give it to you.  In is a prayer you can change,  and pray over anyone...your aunt...a cousin....even yourself.  In fact, I am going to write it for myself first ....when you read it, insert your name instead... it is from HIS holy word and the book of Ephesians, chapter one, starting in verse 17. 

  1. Dear Michelle, I keep aking that God of our Lord JEsus Christ, the Glorious Father may give you, Michelle, the Spirit of wiscom and revelation, so that you may know HIM  better.  Lord I pray that the eyes of Michelle be enlightened in order that she may know the hope to which YOU  have called her, the riches of your glorious inheritance is in your holy people, and that there is incomparably great power for those who believe.  Lord, that power is the same as the mighty strength you exerted when you raised Christ from the dead and seated him at your right hand in the heavenly realms,  far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in te present age for also in the one to come.  That is great power that Michelle can acess....Lord, again that Michelle will know the hope to which you have called her.  I thank you Lord, Amen. 

Ok Sweet Sister...I prayed  this for my husband and that was the first prayer I said this am.   I pray it often.  Being a former Catholic I LOVE written prayers that can be repeated...just saying.  I know and can understand that your husband  is not the spiritual  head of your household right now.  I  know and I can understand how you would look at your own daddy ....and in many ways he was the leader of your family.  I realize he was not perfect and I am sure he had many faults, but a daughter's love for her dad is priceless.  I , even to this day, seek the approval of my dad and he is/was  not perfect.  I pray and pray that  he, my own daddy,  would fall in love with Jesus in such a way...his siblings and my mom needs that. 

Your family needs your husband to be the spiritual leader of your home.  YOUR family needs that spritual covering.   Every family does.  I praise God that you are not 'dividing' up your time right now between families.  Praise God that your entire family will celebrate tonight and tomorrow and  that your kids won't have to be at 'dad's ...later....etc.  Your husband is whom God has for your -- he is your other half.  He is flesh of your flesh.

 God put a love so deep into my heart for my own husband that when I really wanted to give up and give in ...I couldn't...all I could do is obey and love.  Love is patient.  Be patient for your husband as I believe God is going to transform him as well.  There is going to be healing in you....and he is going to notice that only a powerful God could do that.  And he is going to want that.  Period.  That power,  as it is spoken of in Ephesians, that power that placed the stars....through prayer we can acess that power.  So, with that, I will write the prayer one more time and write it with your husband in mind.  Today is Day 10 of my prayers and focus on God reminded me..HE thinks YOU are worth it.  Amen.  !!! 

  1. Dear Lord, I come now and I pray for my husband, I have faith in you Lord and and faith in the Lord Jesus. I give thanks for you and for you remembering me in my prayers.  Lord, I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give my husband the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that he may know YOU better.  Lord, I pray that the eyes of his heart may be enlightened in order that he may know the hope to whichYOU have called him. Lord, I pray the riches of YOUR  glorious inheritance be seen in YOUR people and that he would see your incomparably GREAT power and believe.  Lord, I leave him at your cross....he is yours God.  I am just his help meet.  I wish to be side by side with him in worship, but YOU must do a work first.  Lord, I thank you for my husband.  Amen. 
 Merry Christmas Secret Sister, you are deeply loved.  - michelle

Friday, December 23, 2011

thank you Lord....

I noticed today, while in Walgreens,  a young family that is now divorced and the dad had the kids today and tomorrow with the switch off being planned for last tomorrow.....

I realize that many families have to do that...and many make it work.

Lord, I am just saying, even though my kids are 'old', praise is given to you that......this is NOT going to happen with my kids.

YOU continue to amaze me, that simple revelation left me in tears - praise you O LOrd. I praise you in the am, in the pm, on the commode, in the the good and the bad times - thank you Lord.  Sorry I got silly there...did not want to cry again.

Thank you - Michelle

Secret Sister Prayer #9 Today was HARD.....

Hello my friend.  Today I found myself sitting at lunch with my mom and a sweet friend and the chatter turned to nephew.  I love him.  I know that I know he is in heaven.  My sister, even though it has been 3 years now has good and bad days.   Something that can be so small....will set it off and then again, a person can say something and have no idea and it sparks an emotion.  I am aware that today...  a few years ago you too lost someone dear.  As the chatter continued, my mom shared a story about my nephew.  You see, my sister and her husband and several other people still feel that Blake contacts them, contacts her.  I won't get into the details.  The stories and 'stuff' that happens is pretty incredible.  Part of me really wants to believe it  but a big part of me wants to believe that Blake and your loved one are SO happy being with Jesus and they have NO concept of time that they are not even worried or needing to contact us.  And yet... as my mom shared the story with my friend, my friend shared what she believes and she believes that Blake did make contact.  It comforts my mom, my sister and many makes me think.  But today, I want to tell you that may be struggling with some sort of contact as well.... and this is what I do know - God knows.  God is in control and I  tend to want to think that God, in HIS infinite wisdom...does allow us the comfort we need and some of us need to have that contact....or a story... or maybe some of us just need to be reminded that our loved ones ARE with Jesus.  I felt today that....I believe that God just wants to remind you, that your daddy is in heaven.  Period.  YOU will see him again.  And I do believe he is aware of you, as my nephew is aware of us, but there is NO sadness there.

Lord,  my prayer is simple this evening...on the eve of Christmas.....comfort.  Wrap your arms around my friend so tightly that she sleeps well this eve.  Lord, I have claimed YOUR healing for her heart, her physical strength and for her family ....every relationship.  May tomorrow be a renewed and blessed day as she enjoys the knowledge that YOUR son came so that we might live.  We thank you for that.  Amen.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

who is WISGALINOKEE ...???

So who is this WisGalinOkee....well, she is a gal in Okeechobee...ha ha ha ha ha ha .....feeling a little silly this eve.  For the FIRST time in my 45 years.....I invited my folks over to my house ( our rental ) for  supper and a movie that I ordered on the TV.

Really?  Yes REally.  This is a FIRST!!!!    Incredible.  Just saying, this sort of thing has never happened.  I moved out of the house right when I could....went to married....moved away.....and well, now my parents are at the point where they can visit and 'leave' the farm.  They no longer farm.  My mom works part-time at Wal-Mart and my dad works for a bigger farm operation doing field work but they gave up farming many years ago.

They drove down for Christmas.  They visited our other home  a few times and I had them for dinner once but their visits never really were long enough or I guess maybe I just didn't make the time to have them over.  For the past 10 years or so, I did not have a 'guest' room.  I still don't and in this rental -- there is hardly enough space for us, much less visitors so my sister has gotten the family visitors for many years now.  She is better at entertaining anyway.

So, anyway, we had supper, ordered a movie and made popcorn.  Just a simple night, but a FIRST.

I marvel at how God can take the most simple event...and make it such a sweet memory.  We sat around, kidded, and Taylor and I bantered back and forth.  We enjoyed a great movie... I had to learn how to put the CC on as they all were a bit hard of hearing, but it was fun.  It was simple fun.

God wants our simple fun.  HE just wants to have our complete attention and I am sure that HE relishes when we just simply come to HIM.   A scripture verse from Psalm 108 really hit me today, it was about  OH God fix my eyes on you.... it really spoke to me.  When we really fix our eyes on HIM....other things that seem important ...don't seem that important anymore.  When we really fix our eyes on HIM...HE has the chance to fix us.

They headed home, to my sister's house. I am not sure what tomorrow will bring.  They are here on vacation but seem to want to spend time with, I would want to be poolside not speaking to anyone.  But, this is what they simple attention.

Lord, as the holiday approaches, forgive me for not just simply coming to you.  Lord, you are always there...always just simple and never overbearing.  YOU love from afar and right here.  I think I will say I am sorry until I see you ...sorry it took me so long to really realize how much YOU loved me and how much I really did not love or understand about loving you.  Thank you for the wait ...thank you for just simply loving....may I never forget.  Thank you for tonight.  I can't wait to see what simple joy you will provide tomorrow.  I love you Lord.  thanks.....


PS, this Wisconsin Gal that has been in Okeechobee now more than she was ever in Wisconsin.....just loves being YOUR girl... but it is just too hard to change the name of this ya!

Prayer #8

Oh Lord fix my eyes on you.  I read a devotional today based on Psalm 108 and it speaks about keeping our eyes fixed on you.  When we fix our gaze and fix our future on HIM...HE can fix us.   Lord, I come to you this eve.....I have thought and prayed for my secret sister and several other people today.  Lord, I want to obey your command and pray without ceasing.  I thank you for answered prayer with one friend. I spoke to her at 10am and she needed a new spot to do her work, by 1pm, you had provided that.  Instant.  I like those kind of instant prayers.  It is great for our have a quick answer.  Lord, I have also read a few older posts today and marveled at how desperate I was at times, how needy, and how thankful.  You have and continue to do so much but it has not been instant.  It takes faith to wait on you.  So, I believe that is what I am to remind my secret sister tonight.  Wait on the Lord, my sweet woman of God...wait on HIM.  HIS answer to your cries is in the works but it may not seem instant.  Trust HIM.  HE loves you and wants the BEST for you and your kids, your husband and your family....we must keep the faith.  I trust you enjoyed your day 'off' and as you prepare with your family to celebrate the coming of Jesus -- may this Christmas remind you that HE is the reason for the season.  As I have already told you -- you will enjoy the month of December again, it was promised.  Hang in there.  Lord, be with her this eve.  Amen.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Secret Sister prayer Day #7

Lord, your word states, just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of the varied grace of God.  Lord, I have been given a good gift, you have been healing and restoring me and my, I ask in honor of my sweet sister, restore her heart.  Lord, heal her.  Lord, I have claimed victory and I will continue to claim it as I know you want so much from this want her to be able to tell others about how YOU healed her and she will glorify you.  Lord, as I pray, let it be YOUR words and with YOUR strength that you supply her each and every need.  Lord, she is probably getting ready for the holiday.  She may be cooking or even at her mom's getting other things ready, right now, where she is, may she feel you alive and around her and when she reads this prayer today, she will tell herself, I am going to be healed, this too shall pass, I am waiting on you Lord.  I thank you for the honor to pray outloud for her in these next 40 days.  I love you Lord, amen. 

PS Lord,  thanks for the physical healing you did in the past few days for me and for the covering of a husband who prayed ...that meant the world to me.  May my husband and my friend's husband, really see how wonderful you are today, may they just be awestruck.  Amen.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Secret Sister Prayer #6

Matthew 21.22 says:   If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Lord, my sweet sister needs a gentle reminder today that when we come to you, you will answer.  Lord, we have asked in prayer and we claim healing for her in all areas.  It is THAT simple.  Lord, I pray for my sister in Christ.  Amen. 

Kind of short -- right?   Yesterday I had a personal day.  I did something for myself that I have never done before.  As I sat or laid down in the doctor's office...I could not help but think about how fragile our lives are.    And yet, we can put our trust in Doctors that may not be total strangers, a sense they are.  So why then is it tough or hard to really TRUST God with everything.  Every little thing.  God watches everything, HE knows everything.  It is hard to fathom, but when we really put our whole trust in HIM, our lives do change.  It took me a long time...some 44 years to truly see that I DID NOT trust HIM.  I am now thankful that when I get anxious...I have a prayer sister or friend that reminds me to trust.  I prayed about trust yesterday too but I believe trusting God is one of the hardest things --it requires much faith.  WE are given the  perfect amount of faith...we just have to exercise it and believe it.  We can also pray for more faith.  I do that often.    Anyway, in not trusting....could it be that I am  worshiping my problem instead of worshiping HIM.   Just a thought. 

To my secret sister.....YOu have been heavy on my heart all day again.  Maybe today was extra stressful for you, but God wants you to know, HE is going to heal you.  Believe.  Ask HIM right now for the comfort that ONLY HE can give. 

Merry Christmas from the Pritchards

Merry Christmas
God is just so good, so good.  Even when you don't think so, HE is.  HE is truthful, honest, and perfect. God is my hero.  The Holy Spirit is My guide and Jesus's sacrifice saved me..saved us.   All three, one God, one....united....with me with us..all of us.  This Christmas, I consider our family a miracle as well.  The Enemy fought hard to destroy it and continues to lie, steal, and kill....but God has already conquered that!  So like I said, I consider our family a miracle!

Jesus is the miracle of this season, he was born in a manger......HIS story gets sweeter and sweeter to me  each year.

Taylor  ( TP )  will graduate next spring, she is  getting near the end of her degree...she gets to do her  one day a week practice this semester.  In the mean time,  she is here at home and we enjoy her when she is actually at home.   I am looking forward to spending some time with her at volleyball again;  she is coaching BIG LAKE and she has her own team!!   She works at the INS. office part time, babysits, and has many friends and therefore we don't see her too often at home.  I am just so proud of her.  She has been a real friend and prayer warrior for our family for me.  She is a true and loyal friend and delight to her mother and others!!    I find it very easy to confide in her and then opps, she will say, "mom, that is TMI...I am your DAUGHTER not your best friend".  She is a great listener and has a gift for ministry as well.  I can't wait to see what God has for her in 2012.  She has a blog, go to my blog page at  and find the link to hers or check out her Facebook page and you can find it there too.    She is a talented writer and God's girl.  She loves her 'Lort'.  We speak each other's language.....

Hunter  ( HP ) is a Junior.  He starts his school day in Brendan's  American History class this year.   I can't tell you how much joy it brings to me to hear what Brendan notices about him at the high school level...his maturity..his personality...  and his GREAT grades!  He is taking IRSC classes and getting a jump on college.  Right now he really thinks accounting is it. Soccer is still a BIG part of our lives.  He plays on a Nationally ranked team, we spent 2 weekends ago in North Carolina at a college showcase  and next week we are in Orlando for another tourney!  I believe he will or can be a lawyer some day -- we debate a lot.  Brendan and he enjoy MANY soccer, basketball, and football games - anywhere.  It is fun to listen to their commentary.  They speak each other's language.....

Brendan and Me....still teaching.  Brendan at OHS and me....I took a different job and work out at the REZ...teaching with a small class size  and with an aide...I AM in Heaven on earth! (my experience in Okeechobee was awesome but it was time for a change)  I am meeting and making new friends and it gives BP and I many new things to talk about!  We also bought a say 'we' cause he has my full blessing!  He is practicing, daily, and I am hoping for a ride very soon.  The plan is for me to take the road class in February and learn to 'drive' one too.  So right now, it is more Brendan's bike than mine!  I don't have room enough to really share all good things about this new adventure.  Are you thinking mid-life bet ya and we are embracing it!  He continues to work at the Ins. office after school and when his 30years (6 more to go) of teaching are done, he has plans to work there full time....if Lowell ever retires! 

 I am doing new things and changing just won't 'hear' mine coming around the corner.  Can I tell you that NOW I can tell a real Harley by its sound, its is a sweet sound!  Around here we now call it mid-life delights!   I said I was teaching and Brendan is too, he really does enjoy the students and now with HP there, it has been  extra fun for him.   He does not like these 'bragging' type of letters and would rather be quite private, but he really is a great History Teacher and all of his students enjoy his class.    Hunter wants to go to FAU or UCF and he does want to play soccer, he has the talent to play division I...we shall see! Hunter has a sweet girl friend,  loves to "game"  still  on that Xbox, and he is a movie watcher. And many times you can see  and hear Brendan and Hunter doing sports commentary as they see it.  I enjoy that time, sitting on the couch and just warms my heart, it heals!

Me, if you follow me on FB you  probably noticed  that my hero is Jesus.  The past three years have been a real self-discovery of who I am and who I am in Christ.  God prepared me and held me even when I did not know what would transpire.  And then when circumstances were out of my hands, HE did a humbling work in my heart and head and I had to face up to things and deal with things that only God could get me through.

  God's will is never a penalty and HE has sustained me through this year of 2011.  2011 was  a year of much uncertainity, but I can say this, I have no regrets as everything that has happened or anything the Enemy used to  destroy  a family  .....our family stuck it out. With much prayer and God, HE  wins.  Exodus 14.14 says:  God will fight for me, I need only be still.  So, I sat still and waited on God.   HE has guided me through my Pastor and his wife,   I have been in counsel, and  we have been in counsel (still are) but I can honestly say my Pastor and his wife were key players in our lives this past year.  Both of ours.

They were a 'walking' Jesus to both Brendan and I and I am so thankful.   I was baptized again early this spring  and rededicated my life to Jesus.  I guess I would sum it up like this;   I knew I loved God but I was NEVER really in LOVE with HIM.  And I never really trusted God to meet every need.  So, HE allowed some real growing this past year(s).   I had a personal  encounter  with God in February  (a retreat called The Encounter Weekend through the Assembly of God church in Vero Beach)  that was a real turning point in my life.  I joined Fountain of LIfe church and participated in a 30 week course called the School of Leaders.  I became a part of a prayer ministry team and a cell pastor. I had a cell group of young woman from March until August that blessed my socks off.   Blessed. Blessed. Blessed.  That cell group transferred  to Youth Night at our church which is being led by our Youth Pastor and his wife.  So, right now I am just waiting on God to clear my path and  show me my 'next' ministry.

  Our family has been healing, making new memories and enjoying the present!   In June we decided to sell our home and rebuild.  Only God could of orchestrated it so well, it sold within 5-6 weeks and on October 1st we moved into a rental and bought property.  We have house plans, but watching now for maybe a house on short sale....not sure. God and Brendan are handling that. I have complete peace.  Rental life is new and different but I am praying it will be a sort season.  I love telling people how Good our God is, I have a passion and love for the lost now that I never had.  I am looking forward to 2012....and to see WHAT God has in store for me next.  WHAT God has is store for Brendan and the kids....each day is a new day.  God does heal and HE answers.  I consider it an honor to be called 'HIS'.

I am most grateful for what God is doing...Merry Christmas from me...and my family too.

These were on the counter for our Anniversary. We did celebrate 24 years this past August. What the Enemy tried to destroy, God brought beauty out of the ashes.  God restores, have faith! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day #5, Monday, December 19. 2011

Lord,  today I am trusting that this post will POST later.  Lord, I am trusting that as I go to my own little 'appointment' today that I too will experience your healing touch.  Watch over every aspect of the doctor's hands and his assistants and I thank you for touch.  Lord,  I am praying today, as today is Day #5 of the 40 days of prayer for my secret sister.  Lord, another dear friend gave me Isaiah 61 at one time.  She told me that I was going to be called  an 'oak of righteousness... a planting of the lord, for the day of HIS splendor'.  At the time, I just thanked her and said, 'ok'.  I have a little better understanding of that verse now in Isaiah.  Lord, I am humble that someone would think my prayers are powerful and that I was righteousness... I am not... YOU are and YOU make me that way when I live for YOU.  Lord, you have done a planting and a healing in my life and if I can encourage my sweet friend to hang in there..that she too can be an oak of righteousness...then I want to share that.  Lord,  I have claimed healing in YOUR name for her.  And when she is past this, when she is beyond this, she will look back and see how YOU did a planting in her life.  Lord, YOUR word states that you will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated.  Do that... she is hurting,  she has been hurting for a bit and YOU can rebuild.  Rebuild her life, rebuild her faith, rebuild her desire for that expression of love, rebuild the faith she had in YOU once, rebuild the relationships that have been severed, just rebuild.  Lord, I thank you.  Lord, I consider it an honor and privledge to pray on her behalf.  I know that I know, you will heal her.  I pray that today as she reads this, she will see you in a new an amazing way.  Amen.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day #4's prayer.....

Lord, I have been thinking all day of what you would like to share with my secret sister and this picture captures it.  I believe she needs to know that her husband can be a great man of God.  He can.  Lord, the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me....this is stated in YOUR word.  YOU have anointed  me  ( JESUS) to preach good news to the poor and and YOU have sent him to bind up the brokenhearted and to proclaim freedom for the captives.  It is probably very hard for my sweet sister to think of her husband in this manner... but he can also preach HIS good news.  He can also help to set the captives free...once he sees YOUR miracle of healing in his wife.  So, tonight, I pray for him.  Lord, I take authority over the Enemy that has her husband entrapped right now.  He does not understand how and why YOU would heal totally and completely, but he will.  Lord, I am seeking that within this week, the Enemy that continues to lie to him will be bound and he would look upon his wives' situation with new eyes.  May he see something in her that intrigues him...that he notices.  And Lord, may he just be OPEN to it, period.  May he not want to explain it or justify it but may he just be open to YOUR divine intervention.  Lord, he too needs a healing of the heart.  He needs to fall in love with you so hard, that ...he stands on his knees.  Lord, I know and have watched what you have allowed others to go that they come to YOU.  Lord, go ahead, give my sweet sister peace but work on her husband's heart.  Period.  And Lord, I will claim again today, her total healing...physically, spiritually, and emotionally and Lord, I give YOU all the praise.  I love you Lord.  She loves you too.  Amen.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


OK  HDM - Harley Davinson Man.....

My man has a Harley.  I am just saying that as he drove up today, to the Ins. Office and got off the bike looking all cool.........I think I fell in love with him all over again.  There is something about a tall, dark, and handsome guy on a bike.  I have always liked that...and well, just saying, it was cool. 

Anyway, yes, my man has a Harley.  Today was his 'first' highway ride.  He was like a kid who had just gotten his first piece of candy, the smile was a MILE wide.  This is a good thing.  It is a great thing.  He has my full he practices to give me a ride and our goal is to take a short trip soon! 

Anyway, some may laugh, but I have total peace about this.  I have learned that God works in mysterious ways and HE uses EVERYTHING to speak to us.  HE is speaking to both my HDM and me.  ( I call myself the HDC...harley chic..) 

Anyway, God does cool things. 

Thank you Lord. 

Lord, all I have to say is protect him.  May there be an extra set of your golden angels all around that bike and him....and may he only watch the road and listen to you as he rides.  Thank you Lord for using a bike, thank you Lord for saving a soul...mine too.  I love you Lord, may he love you more and more each day.  Thank you for giving me my husband.  Thank you for making the bond so strong and thank you for sustaining me, so that I would not give up....please do not stop.  And Lord, I love you - your HDC. 

Prayer #3....

Ok, first of all...before I write today's prayer, I asked God to let me know what the prayer should focus on. 
Healing... being Grateful... and trust. 

Trust is something that just when you think you trust, you realize you didn't or don't.  Trust is really putting our faith into action. 

Last night, I trusted my husband and we went to a movie, "the Descendants".  I knew of the theme of the movie.....but I trusted.  It was a hard movie to watch...but I trusted..... and there were a few moments in the movie where I was asking God, 'really....this is too close to home'.  But GOD answered.  And besides, George Clooney is eye candy.. just saying.  Trust.  Trust.  When we really give our everything to God and trust HIM and trust HIS plan......there are glorious changes and restoration. 

I sit amazed at HIS power and how HE fixes and does things in the most unusual ways.  But then again, HE is God.....

Ok, now this prayer is for my sweet Sister in Christ: 

Lord, may we walk with YOU and TRUST YOU.
Dear Lord,  I come to you know and I say, thank you.  Thank you for the family you have given my friend.  Thank you for the provision and all of the gifts you have bestowed upon her.  Lord, but she needs another gift, a gift of total healing and restoration in many areas of her life.  I thank you Lord, that she took the first step, and she is seeking you, so today, I pray that she will just think and ponder on that word trust.  Lord, I pray she would begin to trust YOU to heal her.  Lord, I have claimed healing and I will believe that she will be healed.  I know it.  Lord, I pray for her today as she begins the weekend and there is 'down' time and more family time and this is when the Enemy likes to come in and push buttons.  No buttons today Lord.  Lord, I pray that today and in the next 37 days that she just feels so much peace and comfort and that she will be able to hear and notice how the Enemy loves to camp out and lie to her.  No more lies.  She is deeply loved and she is YOURS.  Lord, I pray that her trust in YOU would grow.  As she commits everything to YOU, and she begins to LET YOU totally change her,  she will be different.  She will begin to heal and her family will see that and take notice -- for YOUR glory Lord, Amen. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day #2 A prayer for my sister in Christ...

Lord,  you woke me at the crack of dawn again and I so thank you.  And you reminded me of my 'prayer couch'..... Lord, I pray that my sister in Christ has a prayer couch. I pray she will find a spot to meet you each day.  I pray she will find a spot to come and allow you to speak to her.  Lord, I claimed healing for her yesterday.. today I am to remind her that YOU can heal.

Lord, thank you for Isaiah 43... vs. 18-19   "Forget sweet sister about what has happened, do not keep going over old history.  Be alert, Be present, I am ABOUT to do something brand new.  It is bursting out.  You will see it... can you see it now?  There it is.. I am making a road through the desert and a river thru the badlands".   Lord, thank you for that word...

Lord, I know you will make a road for my friend in her  hurt right now.  Lord, you will make a new road in her life as she is willing to come to you and seek you with all of her hear.  Lord, YOU will make a river of live flow out of her.... I know she loves you Lord,  she is hurting.  Come quickly.

I am claiming total victory in her live, in every aspect,  physical, spiritual, and in her home... I believe it Lord.  I will believe it enough for her today.  Amen.

Dear Secret Sister -- YOU made my day.. today.. well, God certainly orchestrated our special meeting and thank you so much. - michelle

Thursday, December 15, 2011

God to me... this appears to be a couple.... Lord... there are many hurting couples around me now.  Lord, the Enemy is really TAKING a stand and getting into where YOU should be.  Lord, I just pray for all of them.  Period.  You know whom, you know what, and you know the why... Lord, I bind that Enemy and cast him away from those couples and I pray they will seek YOU on their own free will and not listen to the enemy.  Period.  Lord, I humbly say thank you for my own 'couple' and I thank you for the sweet tender mercies and the slow restoration that is occuring.  I am no longer 'cautious' but trusting  YOU totally.  Lord, YOUR will be done.  I am so humbled and great-ful God.. yes, Great-ful!!  amen. 


PS... YOU are a romantic.. YOU are Lord.  Thanks!  

A prayer for my secret sister - Day One

Lord, I am so humbled  that you have led me back to this special lady again.  Our paths have crossed here and there over the 20+ years that we have known of each other and you know my  heart Lord, as  YOU have directed her into my path, out of my path, and then again.... for YOUR purpose.  Lord, thank you.  I believe YOU want me to boldly pray and come amd proclaim healing for her. Lord, I believe YOU will heal her and I wish to encourage her and claim healing for her.  Lord, as your word says ... in Matthew, I want what YOU want.  Lord, I pray for my Sister in Christ, she needs a direct hug from you Lord, she is at a point where she needs your direct guidance.  Lord, I pray that this time of trial will be short,  I claim complete healing for her in every area of her life and I will give the thanks and praise to YOU Lord.  As YOU are the creator.....Lord, I pray she will know that she is YOURs... as it says in John 1.12 and I pray that she knows she will overcome this present hurt and challenge.  Lord, she is yours.  Amen. 

To my Secret Sister ... I promise you, God can heal you.  HE loves you so much more than you can ever imagine and I can't wait to see what is going to transpire after these 40 days.  I am so excited to see WHAT HE will do. 

the SANDY factor...... new friends

Ok, first of all, I am just so excited......when God gives me the WHAT to write about and then practically writes it for me...... I just get so excited.  I always wanted to publish a book or write and this allows me to do so.  It is the BEST sort of writing...I get to write is published..........and it is there for others to read and enjoy or not.  I get the therpy of writing and the joy of knowing that God gave this to me. 

And, I pray and believe it is written to help another, pay it forward so to speak.  Everything that I do or say now -- I really want it to be about GOD, sharing HIS love for me and how HE can set the captives free. 

Ok - back to the Sandy Factor. 

Ok.  If you must know, the past 3-4 years have been pretty rough in my personal life.  However, God has used different friends... new ones... old ones... faithful ones... to speak and minister to me.  God is like that.  HE is our BEST friend and he places certain ones in our path. 

Ok,  now to Sandy, and there is NO coincedence that her name was Sandy, that is my mom's name.  God has a GREAT sense of humor and purpose and HE reminds me that my mom is one of my best friends too.  But his Sandy is not my mom. 

Let me explain.  In my pain and pathetic state about a year ago, I would drag my  butt to church and each Sunday walk up for prayer, cry, break down, and believe  THAT God was going to heal and restore my family.  It became a regular thing.  I was pathetic....I grabbed at the people who were showing me hope.  One Sunday, in January, just after Christmas, the Enemy really lied.  That morning he continued to tell me that I did not need to go forward...nothing was changing... I could pray from my pew.. people were sick of me walking up there, crying and looking all pathetic.  And I believed the Enemy.  I did. 

I sat in my pew, head down, tears falling out of my eyes and just asked God again,   .....why?.......
After only a few moments, a beautiful lady came up to me, put her arm around me and said,  "Your name is MIchelle right?".  And I looked up at her through my blurry eyes, and shook my head yes.  I had no words.  And she said, "you don't know me, but I know you.  I have been praying for you for months, my name is Sandy and I am here to tell you that God loves you and HE is going to heal your marriage".  I just melted.  She was mom, grandma, and best friend all wrapped into one and she has such a belief that it could happen.  She ENCOURAGED me.  She helped me hold on, one more day. 

The next weekend came and again, I sat in my pew and she joined me and prayed.  The next, I went forward but would not actually go up for prayer and she came to me.  Again... The Sandy Factor.  Everytime I saw her, she just held me and prayed and believed that my husband was a good man and that God was dealing with him and that he would be the man I needed him to be.  Her hope, her hopefullness was contagious.  The Sandy Factor. 

She continued to pray, call me and then I began to meet with her at a cell group each Tuedsay.  We prayed often, I cried when she went back 'home'  and I look forward to her winter visit again.  She has never met my husband, but has prayed for him for over a year... can you believe that?  That is a human...being Jesus to me.  That was God. 

The Sandy Factor has returned.... I coined that phrase... I want to be 'sandy' to others... 
Lord,  bless the original Sandy right now, thank you for her love for you and her new friends.  Lord, bring others to my path, I want to be 'sandy' to them. 

I love you Lord, Thanks. 


I want what you want Lord... Matthew 6.33.

When has God used you to be 'sandy' to another?  Please share it with me...if you would like... make a comment!  Thanks.

Monday, December 12, 2011

just saying.... awesome...

My head is full of thoughts and 'cements' and clarifications and confirmations.  God's healing hand did a major work in me this past weekend.  Again.  HE is so perfect.  It was a combination of little things,  a very big things, and then just a simple dance... that can change and CEMENT a belief that won't be shaken.  I want to write more and share and I will.. when HE allows me to.

Thank YOU Lord, for everything.
I am great-ful... much gratitude!

YOU are Lord.  YOU are the healer.  YOU are the BEST husband, friend, and parent-- YOU are LOrd.
May I never forget that.
- Your daughter - michelle

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

just saying...

Some times there are just no words.... just hurt.  Sometimes no matter what is said, still hurts.

Sometimes all you can do is believe in HIS word and soak it in.... Exodus 14.14   .. The Lord will fight for me, I need only be still.

Lord, today was TOUGH.  Only you know it all.  Every part of it.  I am tired of the Enemy's attacks.  I claim YOUR victory.

Lord, the therapist stated that YOU needed to know exactly WHAT I wanted.  Lord, I want to be loved for being me.  Period.

That is real.  That is honest.  That is all.

Lord, I love you.  Heal.


I am humbled... broken... and tired.  So tired.  But, I will trust in YOU.
- your daughter... Michelle

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

being thankful.... grateful....

This is a photo that has always captured my attention.  I have spoken to several people and they too will say -- they love this photo/picture.  I can find it on cards in a Christian Book Store and I have given it to many but I believe, even though it shows a man being held by Jesus -- it could easily be me...  being held. 

I am most thankful and grateful. 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  A National Holiday where we state what we are thankful for: 

I am thankful for: 

my family, Taylor, Hunter and Brendan  -
my extended family in Wisconsin and here in Florida -
my old friends, new friends, ministry friends, cell group girls and many others -
my car-
my dog -- Bella
my . . . . the list could go on and on....  it could, maybe the next post needs to be 100 tidbits of JOY and thankfulness.   ......  

 but in all reality, I am most thankful for the man who went to the cross for me.

HE died for me.
HE took a nail.. no  several nails for me. HE shed HIS blood to cover my sin.  ... my sin...mine.. not HIS....

When I stop to think about WHAT HE really did.. and not just for me but for Taylor, For Hunter and For Brendan too - as well as countless others... I am most humbled.

The cards say it - 'we should have a spirit of Thanksgiving every day'.. it is so true. 

Lord, I am MOST thankful to call you Lord,
To call you friend, husband, lover, and need meeter.
Lord, thank you for today and everyday.
May your light shine BRIGHT out of me, may I always seek YOU first and may I never lose touch of the PIT that YOU have brought me out of.  This past year has been difficult and yet I would not trade ANY moment as in each momemt  - YOU were always there.  They say in counsel you should never use the word 'always'... I understand why, because as humans we can't always be..... but YOU can.  YOU have always been and I know you will continue. 
Thank you God. 

Isa 49.1  "I will not forget you!  See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands!"    Lord, this is one of many scriptures that have sustained me.. and will continue to minister... thanks!  <3 

Happy Thanksgiving Lord. 

- your grateful daughter, beautiful princess -- michelle

PS .. thank you too for my wonderful friends... friends you use each day to speak to me... thank you for smacking me in the HEAD with YOUR truth!  I hear you!  <3 

PPS .. to my 'lake' pal....  you are in the CENTER of HIS will -- hold on, be thankful for the HE will not let you down, but be patient and wait on HIM. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

memories....... our 2nd home...


This was our home for almost 18 years..... seems hard to believe but when the decision to sell came about in mid June and we had a buyer in August, all one could say was - this is God's plan. This econmy... this market... in Okeechobee.... believe me, this was God's plan. I have wanted to post about our home...wanted to share a few memories, but I was also careful as I don't want to allow the Enemy to use any part of this to harm, hurt, or cause a set back. However, I read a blog today from a woman named Elisabeth and she is 'not' in my shoes but is selling her home and moving after some very real situations and I could relate. She stated she put a piece of paper on the counter of her home and began to write the memories that she was leaving behind and that Jesus would walk her through the grieving of moving away.

I liked that. Another friend of mine, recently sold her home and moved 20 years life and I just spoke to her the other night -- about the emotion one feels. I could relate. I could relate to Elisabeth. I wanted to blog, and write.. but it just was not the right time to write.. now I believe it is.

The Enemy wants me to remember this place as a place where hurt began and hurt continued... hurt comes or sin comes to our hearts... not a 'place'. The past is the past, and I don't wish to remember our home in this manner. I want to remember the good times, the great times, and the times we had to use the neighbor's shower or bathroom because of a problem.  The time that Taylor screamed for 3 solid weeks when we moved in because she did not like being by herself at the other end of the house.  I want to remember how I bathed Hunter right there in the kitchen sink.  I want to remember how I washed Taylor's hair after we found lice... and I want to remember how God spared Taylor from being a burn victim when I left a hot iron on in the extra room.  I want to remember every Christmas morning and the kids being taped as they woke up and opened their gifts.  I want to remember all the hiding placed I put their EAster baskets.  I want to remember how we repainted and how the kids picked their furnishings when we put them in their own rooms.  I want to remember EACH and every holiday when we pulled out the Christmas decorations and we decorated. And I want to remember the 'storm of the century' and see my husband, Hunter, and Taylor all pick up the branches of broken trees from the back yard.  Or when the hurricane's came through and we had to sleep at the Veranno's and poop and pee in a bucket outside.  And I want to remember the golf balls that would hit those trees at times... and we could hear a distinct 'ping'. That is what I will choose to remember.

 The kitchen was a place of gathering - ALL the time.  Funny how this picture looks so perfect - the kitchen was never perfect.  You would constantly see clutter on the counter or a kid's backpack sitting by the door and not to mention my book bag or Brendan' s stash of insurance stuff that he was working on.  I believe the BEST memories here were that of baking cookies... at the holiday time.  I also remember MANY gingerbread houses that were made, decorated, and then destroyed here.  Or how about the day we realized that Bella could get up on that table and EAT whatever was left.  Oh my.  The window overlooked our private sun bathing area..... I think Hunter used it more in the past few years than I ever did. 
 Before there was furniture in here...this was dance city USA. When the kids were young, dancing around the stereo was a constant especially when Aunt Diann visited or when Chanley and Jaiden were over.  And there were MANY nights where you could see Brendan and I dancing... goofing with the kids, and even in the moonlight before bed.. now that was a good 8-10 years ago, but I believe the dancing will start again.  I do.   You can see the beautiful outside... many rabbits crossed that yard and watching the kids swing on the neighbor's  tree was a standard.  There is also the day when I was looking outside only to see Daron shoot or maybe it was Todd -- shooting at one of those bunnies -- that was not a 'fun' thing.  And then the TV....  Every night, this area was full -- especially if there was a sports game on.  Now, we have four tv's... we each have our own... but yet, we still end up fighting for the one in the living room. 
 Our bathroom .... couldn't take a photo of the kids'  .. need I say more?  My tub.... the curtain that Grandma Ziemann made and the shelf that Lowell made to cover up the window so I could use my tub....  
 Many ,many, many, many ,dinners and guests ate at this table.  I remember how tickled I was to find this table, a gift from my grandma, and then a matching hutch.  It also gave me the perfect view of our forest outside.. that DID have colorful fall leaves in the fall....winter.. it really did. 
 And our reading room -- where we had many a family pow wow's......  were heated discussions happened, where fun transpired, where devotions occured for a bit,  and where prayer was.  The blog that I read, which prompted me to write, spoke about her prayer couch.  The couch she layed on and called out to God.  I can attest to that -- if you can make a 'black' light that shows the leftovers of blood after a crime... can you make a light that shows how often my tears soaked that couch?  Or would the light show how often my knees pressed into that carpet?   And I must say, Brendan's knees were on that carpet too.. just at different times.  That is probably one of the factors for the hurt -- we needed to be there together on our knees.   Again, I guess those may be some of the 'bad' memories but they are real.  I sat here one particular night with both of my kids and we prayed for our family... and it is a memory that was real and was so loving....and God answered that prayer. God is doing a work in our lives.  God is in heaven.  HE is real.  HE allowed this beautiful home and HE allowed the hurt that entered, but that is in the past now.  I praise HIM for HIS timing and HIS comfort and I thank HIM for holding each and every tear that was shed in that home -- on that couch -- each one was never shed without HIM knowing. 
This was our home for almost 18 years.....  seems hard to believe but when the decision to sell  was proposed, I knew it had to be, for us to start over, it was time to move away from our 2nd home and begin an adventure of 'rental' life... it was the RIGHT descision.  God provided us with a great rental and for now, as we plan for our 3rd home.....and we make the decisions of carpet, hardwood floors, and cabinets... I marvel at how God is so good. 

To be quite honest,  for years, I prayed that God -- someday I would like to build again and  THIS time, not skimp on stuff.  That is going to happen -- now when??  That is to be learned. 

Thank you Elisabeth, for blogging. Thank you God for publishing her article on and for leading me to her blog.  Thank you for leading in her life, as through her - healing took place again for me. 
Healing.  I loved #10 NW 138th Street, Okeechobee Hills, Florida  34972  -- right now, I am at peace.  Thanks.  And, I pray for the Brown's that now own our 2nd home...  ( our first home was Apt. D 202 by Pogey's)  ... I pray that our home, which was built and cared for in love will bring much joy and pleasure to them and their kids.  Amen! 


Monday, November 14, 2011


Ok.  so ..... I went to see this movie.  Tremendous... Tremendous... Tremendous....

I never did see 'flywheel' which I believe was the first production from the Kendrick brothers.  Then came "Facing the Giants".....  great movie.    Then in 2008  "Fireproof" came out -- which made a significant impact.    And now... "Courageous"..   What a movie.

God completely baffles me at times.  HE makes me think about things and HE does not 'answer' in the way in which I believe at times... most often HIS plan is much better, but HE laid it on my heart to make sure I saw this movie.

This movie should be a MUST see for every father.  Period.
This movie can change the course of a life.
This movie can be used by God to reach many lost ones.
This movie makes your laugh, cry, think, and reflect.
This movie seemed so real.
This movie is one that many of us can relate too.
This movie is tremendous.

I believe that our world will change if the men in our lives don't step up.
Step up ... However,  we as women need to allow our men to be courageous.

As women, we need to know how God created 'our men'.  They are different from us.  HE created them to behave and act in a certain way.  Men are different from women - God intended it that way.  Men are the ones that hold the spiritual covering for the home.

This movie presented a good plan of how to restore a family.... but it also reminded me that I have a high calling too.

I must allow the men within my life - to be men.
So, I will pray for them.

I will pray that they will call upon the God that created the heavens and earth and who placed the stars in the sky.... I pray they will ask for God's favor upon them.

As women, it is important to love our men, unconditionally.  So, this movie reminded me to recheck myself --to make sure I was loving as Christ loved HIS church.

Thank you Lord for the movie and the direct word you gave me....seeking YOU Lord, in every situation and I pray the Kendrick brothers are already starting on the next film.  Amen.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

when you know it is time to quit....

so..   when does one quit.... ???

I was mixing up some cookie batter to roll out some cookies.  The Youth Group at Church are having a bake sale.  I had successfully stirred up 2 batches of my Grandma's roll out cookies and used up all the flour.  So, I put the eggs, sugar, and butter in the mixer and turned it on to 'cream' .....  and I turned around to grab the new bag of flour out of the pantry and in the 45 seconds it took to grab it, I turned around to see this....

the bowl was practically off the mixing stand and the batter had crawled up the sides of the bowl and was flying out.. it was everywhere...   there was a centrifugal force of that sweet yellow butter,sugar, and egg cream.....   the dog was even covered but I could not grab her fast enough to get a photo.

Clean up time...  quitting time.......  

I could not establish how much batter was really left in the bowl so I quit.  I cleaned.

I got to thinking - there is a life lesson in this.  And there was.

My life goes up and down.  One day I am so strong and the next, a little thing can set me back.  I kept asking God this morning -- 'what'????    HE reminded me of HIS security.

I am secure in HIS love.  I am HIS.
God reminded me HE wins.  HE does not quit....  HE could of scooped up the batter and added flour and made some really good cookies, but I would of needed HIS divine HELP.... I would need some supernatural power.

Right now, on this Earth - I can access that.  I cleaned up the batter and knew HE was there, always scraping my feelings up of this or that - what has been splattered here and there and HE adds to me and makes me whole again, tasting sweet.  IT is HIM.  Not... what this person says or does for me. Not what I am expecting from this one or that one.  Not what I can do on my own -- it is HIM.  ONLY HIM.  HE has to do it.

HE reminded me today, that quitting is NOT an option.  Funny,  last night at a certain point because of a certain thing.... I had really thought about quitting.  For the first time in this journey that I have been in with my family, my husband,  my friends.... I have wanted to quit ... I have asked, "can I?"...  But last night, the  Enemy really got in my head and really made me feel that quitting would be easier.  That dart came - and it was grabbed and held at bay -- not by me --- by the Holy Spirit.  HE reminded me of past victories and HIS plan is always good.  HE reminded me of the reward awaiting -- to see a whole family restored.  So, last night before I finally closed my eyes......  I asked God for a fresh new start today.

HE answered -- this am, I find it interesting that the thought of "I am quitting"..    is now like a distant thought, but it did bring me back to the Cross...... we can't do anything without HIS help.  I can't worry about tomorrow- HE is my security.  I can't allow the Enemy to put thoughts of quitting in me - I will renew my mind.  Every moment -- Every minute.

Maybe this will bless you today -- if you read to the end.  

God answers prayers.  HE allows hurt and pain -- for a reason -- so we rely totally on HIM and HIM only.    When we are restless - we need to SEEK HIM more.  WHEN we don't know what to do - we TURN to HIM.

And it is God who establishes us with  you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put his seal on us and give us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee ---2 Corn 1.21-22

The Holy Spirit is our guarantee -- HE is fighting for us and HE gave us the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us while we are here... so when we want to quit, we know that we know, that is not what our Lord wants.  And so that we know,  HE will come and add scrape us up -  and add what is needed so that we are sweet and whole again.  HE restores.

Thank You Lord,  YOUR love makes me smile.

You know Lord, that the  Enemy really wants to beat me up today - do me a favor and kick him into hell - thanks, michelle

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I had a friend today ask me, what would you do?

These are some of the greatest pieces of HIS word and 'advice' that I have collected in my spiral in my purse -- which I go to daily -- which I say out loud and re-say outloud often!!

-a wife's prayers for her husband have far greater effect on him than anyone else's... even a mother' it says in Matthew 19.5.. man leaves father and mother and becomes one flesh...

- there is a difference between a choice and a mistake.... I am sorry will cover a mistake... but a choice... will need a "will you forgive me?"..   and that can reset a relationship...

- what am I to do?  Glorify God...

-be someone that people want to be around...  

-don't let the torture of loneliness that leaves you longing for anyone who will look into your soul.... overcome you... seek HIM..... let HIM see you ... don't seek others.. seek HIM!

-the joy of seeing something hopelessly dead be brought back to life -- is the greatest joy we can know..

- Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.....    Love never ends... 1 Corn 13. 7-8

- Praise HIM in the storm...

-Hide the word in your heart.. that you might not sin -- Psm. 119.11

- those who sow in tears shall reap in joy!..   Psm. 126.5

- above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins..   1 Peter 4.8

-HE will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry.. Isah  30.19

- romans 12.12.. be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer..

- The Lord says, " I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you".   Psm. 32.8

So -- see -- this advise sounds good,  and I believe and look to each and every card in that spiral .. and there are more... and I will go to them often  and yet,  in  my quietness, the enemy will sneak up and just pounce.... so, we must have our armor on -- being ready to battle those firery darts..

We need to stand firm and claim HIS word, hold up our shield of faith and put on that belt of truth and righteousness...   it all works when we are ready -- to be ready  = prayer.

So Lord, I don't have any advice.  I know nothing - but YOU do.  YOU speak loudly to those who asked and to me.. via your word.  YOu know today, that I am claiming victory inspite of the fact that I am weary and tired.... and you know I want it 'faster'.. but I know that YOUR time is best and I can't wait.  So, rather than allow the enemy to remind of of what is 'not yet'.... I will proclaim you and proclaim what will become..

my family will be completely restored, the hurts will be all in the past,  the awkward moments will vanish,  the counsel will turn to prayer and then it will pay forward..... the ministry will be revealed,  the  one will have his eyes opened and the other will too... the needs will be met..  the joy will resound all of the time  and what  YOU have lead me to believe... will come true... it will be better than ever.. in every situation, in every event.. with everyone... and with those and them and the others ... and then, another trial or season will come along, but this time, we will have victory in our back pocket so we will be able to fight harder, believe more, and get through that too -- until you call us all home...... thank you Lord.  YOU are a great and mighty God.  I love that illustration how we fight with toothpicks and you come in with cannons!   Ex. 14.14 -- YOU are fighting the battle and winning - I need only be still.

Lord, this prayer goes especially to those two women on my heart right now - and me -- open their the eyes of their men..... let them get a glipse of what could  be,,,,, may they want it.... may they experience you in a whole new way -- amen!
 - your daughter...   michelle

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God is faithful....

Just a quick catch up... It has been like over a month since I have posted something....  even though the Lord has been speaking and I have been learning and I have wanted to POST... HE has not had me to that point.

I always want to make sure, it is HIM speaking as I believe a few people read this ... besides myself... and my daughter.  Or at least I hope a few do read it.  Ha ha.

10 things..

1.  God is faithful cause no matter what, HE makes all things new.  Our lives in the Pritchard house are a bit different and yet very much the same.  WE have adjusted to a new place and trying our best to figure out the next plan .... building a new home.  It has been fun to dream, but yet we don't want to be working and killing our selves for the next 20 years to pay for it.  Just saying..  

In February of this year, God gave me this:   Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy!  Psm. 126.15.

Planning a home has been some of the joy!

2.  Taylor got a tatoo -well, I am not  THAT pleased with it but she is an adult.  An adult that only pays her insurance.... and her car payment... and now she is paying her schooling....  so.....  anyway, she still amazes me.

3.  Hunter finished his R3PL.... and they are the CHAMPS!  We do regionals in June....  then Nationals.. hopefully a soccer filled summer!   He is s Junior---  turned down an escort position for Homecoming, and spent over 1/2 of his allowance on one weekend to see some DJ.... go figure.  However,  his grades are great!

4.  Many people around me are being attacked by the Enemy -- oh.. I so want to squish him like a bug and I will get to watch it..   at the end of his reign - GOD wins!      In the meantime, I call it a privilege and an honor to serve HIM and pray for them..        Isaiah 30.19 says He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry.

5.  I am MOST thankful for the little things as HE has been most gracious. HE has.  Things are not yet where HE wants them, but they are moving forward, praise God that the past is forgiven and slowly being forgotten!  Amen.

6.  2 Peter 3.9 says:   The Lord is no slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness,  HE is patient with you ... me.... not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance -- therefore, I will rejoice in the lost ones around me and continue to pray for them.  Amen.

7.  Bella .. has adjusted to the new place, she was 4 years old last month.  Brendan even speaks about getting another one -  can you believe that?  No way!!   No more puppies.... even though Bella is the smartest and best dog after Whizzer ( who by the way is still alive -- almost 15 and living with Marilyn and Lowell ) but, we have 'been there, and done that".

8.  Romans 12.12  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.    THAT is for you -- for me... for many.   Faithful in prayer... Thank you Lord for helping me to be faithful -- and it won't stop.

9.  My job.... I LOVE it.........  what a tremendous blessing - just new people, new challenges, and the chance to really teach and have the resources -- what a neat thing.  Not that my 21 years in Okeechobee were 'bad'... no way - praise God for my mentors and peers there -- Okeechobee is blessed and so is PECS!!  

10.  My walk... thank you thank you thank you ------- I raised the $2300  and did the walk with blisters that did not totally wear me out.  It was a glorious weekend of fun but also reflection.  And it was an Encounter with God-- HE spoke loudly to me while walking!

And so -- that is my catch up --   Psm. 32.8 says  The Lord, says,  "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.".


Lord,  watch over me... I believe something is about to break open again -- and I am getting excited - excited.  Not sure what - but thank you.  You know the secret desires... bless them Lord,

- your daughter