Friday, September 30, 2011

driving to school today . .

Just saying how wonderful this was . ..Taylor was asleep in her room. Hunter, Brendan, and I walked out through the garage together and into our cars and then we said good byes and I love ya's . .just saying - HOW wonderful it was.

Amen. God wins.


Monday, September 19, 2011

powerful words from GOD today -- believer - rely on HIM

Dear Beloved, there is a mighty battle going on for control of your mind. Heaven and earth intersect in your mind; the tugs of both spheres influence your thinking. I created you with the capacity to experience foretastes of heaven. When you shut out the world and focus on My Presence, you can enjoy sitting with ME in heavenly realms. This is an incredible privilege reserved for precious ones who belong to Me and seek My Face. Your greatest strength is your desire to spend tie communing with Me. As you concentrate on ME, My Spirit fills your mind with Life and Peace. The world exerts a downward pull on your thoughts. Media bombard you with greed, lust, cynicism. When you face these things, pray for protection and discernment. Stay in continual communication with Me whenever you walk through the wastelands of this world. Refuse to worry, because this form of worldliness will weigh you down and block awareness of My Presence. Stay alert, recognizing the battle being waged against your mind. Look forward to an eternity of strife-free living, reserved for you in heaven. - God

Eph 2.6 Psm 27.8 Roman 8.6 and 1 John 2. 15-17

Thursday, September 15, 2011

reading into something . . ... . . . . . . . .

Just saying, the ONLY truth that can always be relied upon is HIS word.

HIS word speaks truth. IT can cut through the bull and hit you right between the eyes.

HIS word can also comfort and sustain you when you feel like you are unloved and totally alone.

HIS word convicts but also heals.

HIS word is our lifeline.

HIS word is the love letter HE left for us.

HIS word can be alive and active in anyone's life but you have to want it.

HIS word was in the beginning.

ONLY HE could of came as a man, Jesus, and used the word so powerfully because HE was the I AM.

HIS word brings life.

HIS word should be something we want to read.

However, it seems to be the LAST thing many read . . . until something happens that makes you want to read it.

Last Wednesday, I witnessed a little boy, a boy of only 5 years of age. He wanted to pray with the power of the HOly Ghost. He knew the Holy Spirit was already in him, but he wanted his prayer language.

I watched his Pastor, walk him through a simple prayer. Aidan wanted it. Aidan asked for it and when Pastor Dave said, "Aidan, do you hear something in your head or on your tongue that you wish to speak?" And Aidan said, "yes". I watched a 5 year old pray outloud in his prayer language. It was incredible.

For so many years, I thought that prayer language was for others. I was scared of it. I banked on the fact that I did not 'need' that to go to heaven. Then a time came where, I was at the bottom, and could not speak one more word out of my mouth to pray. I was tired. And a few other events happened and I got a 'phrase'. But oh, how the Enemy reminded me that it could not be real. But, at that time, I was not ready for it. However, when I prayed using my prayer language, I noticed more peace, and more of HIS glory.

But, I quickly allowed the Enemy to cause self doubt and my prayer language became somewhat of a 'trophy' or just something that I knew that maybe I had . .but I did not use it. I did not practice it. I did not 'fan the flame' as my Pastor will say now. Then God allowed MORE crud to come in and once again, I found myself wanting MORE but now, I needed more and I needed a holy power to move out of bed, to believe in the impossible , and I needed it to pray with as I was tired of praying. I was tired of repeating myself . .for a lack of better words, I was just at the end. And then, because of some circumstances and my willingness to seek forgiveness and give forgiveness, God re-blessed me with my prayer language and this time, I knew it was REAL. I remember that night, it took me being really broken and seeking forgiveness of another friend and then bam the words really came. This time I fanned the flame and I practiced.

NO one would tell me it was fake. Power was felt. I changed a bit more.

I witnessed how easy one can receive it. I took the long way. May my grandkids get the easy route and may they seek their prayer language as young kids, for God's kingdom is at hand.

Thank you Lord,

I wrote this on Thursday, but have not been able to get back to it until today. Thank you Lord, for answered prayer, for your direct word today and for the accomplishments that have transpired within our family. Lord, thank you for the extra power you have blessed me so, may I never forget the bondage that was there, may I remind free until the day I see you face to face. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

psalm 136, rewritten for ME . . . . .

Psalm 136

1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! Michelle gives thanks to God. HE is good.
His faithful love for Michelle endures forever.
2 Give thanks to the God of gods.
His faithful love for Michelle endures forever.
3 Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
His faithful love for Michelle and her family endures forever.

4 Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles for Michelle and for Brendan and for Taylor and for Hunter because.
His faithful love endures forever.
5 Give thanks to him who made the heavens so skillfully. HE also made Michelle so skillfully, HE gave her a heart that wants to please and can love unconditionally.
His faithful love for Michelle endures forever and now Michelle has a LOVE for HIM that she believes will never waiver!.
6 Give thanks to him who placed the earth among the waters.
His faithful love endures forever.
7 Give thanks to him who made the heavenly lights—that Michelle has looked at and watched and she would remind herself that HE made those stars so HE can make something out of nothing.
His faithful love endures forever.
8 the sun to rule the day,
His faithful love for Michelle and her family endures forever.
9 and the moon and stars to rule the night.
His faithful love the loves ones of Michelle endures forever.

10 Give thanks to him who killed the firstborn of Egypt. And HE allowed something in Michelle to be killed as well. It had to be done.
His faithful love endures forever.
11 He brought Israel out of Egypt. And HE brought Michelle out of a pit of mire and muck and HE slowly brushed and cleaned her up and loved on her.
His faithful love endures forever.
12 He acted with a strong hand and powerful arm and held Michelle each and every time she asked as well as other times when she did not have the strength to ask.
His faithful love endures forever.
13 Give thanks to him who parted the Red Sea. And he allowed division and a parting with Michelle and her idols and still [a]
His faithful love for her and her family endures forever.
14 He led Israel safely through and HE held Michelle in her darkest and most sad moments,
His faithful love endures forever.
15 but he hurled Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea and HE came to the rescue and took care of Michelle's enemy - God wins.
His faithful love endures forever.
16 Give thanks to him who led his people and Michelle and her family through the wilderness.
His faithful love endures forever because HE is eternally good and HE loves Michelle and her entire family more than she ever could.

17 Give thanks to him who struck down mighty kings and HE opened and shut doors that needed to be, HE sold a home in a market that is rough, HE provided a new place to start over where one could afford, and HE also provided property and at HIS rate so we can rebuild again - litteraly. HE also provided godly counsel and secular help to sort out the mighty kinds and to SET them straight and to 'cancel' their power so real problems and solutions can be discussed and life can begin again as well, as providing the Pastor and counselor that HE uses to restore.
His faithful love endures forever.
18 He killed powerful kings—and the principalities that HELD us at bay for far too long.
His faithful love endures forever.
19 Sihon king of the Amorites,
His faithful love endures forever.
20 and Og king of Bashan.
His faithful love endures forever.
21 God gave the land of these kings as an inheritance—and HE has an inheritance for Michelle and her family that is going to be GREAT . . Michelle can't even imagine HOW great it is going to be.
His faithful love endures forever.
22 a special possession to his servant Israel.
His faithful love endures forever.

23 He remembered us in our weakness.And HE was always there and still is for MIchelle in good and in the bad, and she is most humbled that she is loved THAT much.
His faithful love endures forever.
24 He saved us from our enemies. Oh God, YOU saved me. Period.
His faithful love endures forever.
25 He gives food to every living thing.Oh God, your word is the breath that sustains me and I am so thankful.
His faithful love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven.I give thanks for the God in heaven. I praise you Lord, and YOUR love has endured forever and I trust it now.
His faithful love endures forever.

Lord, thank you for today for the special women that prayed for me. Today, the enemy wanted to destroy me. Today, YOU made me strong enough to grieve what I needed to grieve but then move on to YOUR promises and YOUR truth!! Today, you ministered to me, via church, your warriors, and your truth. Thank you Lord.

Thank you for this blog . ...I am SURE you did not mind me personalizing this psalm. I love you Lord.

Michelle - your beautiful daughter!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

run for your lives . . . .9-11-11

10 years ago, tonight, I sat with Hunter at the TV and we watched some of the footage of the Twin Towers. Then we headed to bed, and he spoke about death and asked questions. It was at that moment when I believe he truly felt and understood his mortality. He was 5 1/2 . .He is now 16.

Lord, what can transpire in 10 years is amazing, hurtful, harmful, wonderful, and yet . . . .it still passes by so quickly that it seems like yesterday.

It was about 10 years ago that our family rededicated our lives and went as a family and joined a beautiful church and enjoyed wonderful fellowship and life was good despite the horror of what was going on in New York and around our world. Life gets hard fast, but you tend to not realize it because you get so busy - too busy. The Enemy used that business in our family to slowly erode away some basic practices. However, that is the past and God is the God of 2nd chances.

I believe many got 2nd chances in the days following the 9-11 event. Many also met their maker and I can imagine that many were lost to eternity. I make no bones about it. I was scared that day. I remember that morning. I had taken my 4th graders to computer lab and the tech person there was in tears and on the phone. Her son was in the military and oversees and she was trying to check on him a she had the TV on and was watching the news after the first Tower was hit. She cried, she was worried. I got the kids settled, told her to shut the TV off and walked to the office where there was already some fuss and people where off to the Library to cut access to TV for the rest of the school and I sat down on a table and watched the next 20 min. and the 2nd plane hit the 2nd Tower right on TV. Right there. I was shocked and scared all at once. Was this really the end?

*** Today is now Tuesday. A few days after I started this post. Today, in our marriage counsel, we had to speak about honesty. Funny how even with this blog, I am reminded of 'how' I was 10 years ago and what I allowed to show, what I allowed to be spoken, and what I hid within me. Honesty. I was scared. I was doubtful of my salvation. I loved the Lord, or thought I did to the best of my knowledge -- yet, still it was NOTHING like the relationship I have with HIM now. Hunter was 5 1/2. I sat with him that night in his room and we spoke about death and heaven and salvation. And I timidly, asked him if he knew Christ and what HE did for him. I remember feeling awkward and now, realizing how important this decision is/was, I would now be jumping up and down, but back then, 10 years ago, I timidly told Brendan.

Anyway, that was not my point, my point is this -- run for your lives. I did not see what was happening to my life, my family, my marriage because I really did not want totally trust God. But deep down, I wanted the BEST from God and I wanted to be close, as close as possible to HIM. Those were my prayers when I did ask.

We should run for our lives to HIM. We need to be careful that we don't get too busy and complacent about stuff. We need to be honest with ourselves and others, and not try to hide from God. HE created the stars and knows the number of hairs on our heads -- HE knows anyway.

I believe 9-11 was a wake up call. We need to run for our lives and make sure, that we daily seek HIM.

I am no longer scared.

I am honest with myself and others now. After tonight, I won't 'hide' stuff or a thought, but seek to reveal it when HE wants me too as then it can be dealt with.

Lord, I pray that this random reflection will glorify you. I posted a video a few days ago that really hit me hard, it was called run for your lives ... LORD, may I always run to seek you in good and in bad. Thank you for counsel this eve. Thank you for the thoughtful conclusions and illustrations; however, I seek YOU. YOU are the ultimate counselor. YOU are our healer.

Your beautiful daughter, that knows YOU esteem her with HIGH regards,

Thursday, September 8, 2011


The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful. James 5.16
The intense prayer of Michelle is very powerful. James 5.16
The intense prayer of HIS warriors is very powerful. James 5.16

prayer . . . . many times we say, "all we can do is pray" . . . .

Each time I hear that now, especially when I say it, I get a sick feeling . ."sorry Lord" . . . . .

THAT IS WHAT I AM to be doing -- that is the BEST thing I can do. That is what we are called to do. And we are to pray without ceasing.

I admitted last night, in my praise time with God . ."it is easier to have belief when something you have prayed and prayed for, comes into view".

It is easier when a prayer is answered to believe in another prayer.
It is easier to pray for a sick friend when you have been in prayer for another and they were healed.
It is easier to pray for one with a real harmful disease when you have had a miracle in your family and cancer or another illness has been totally destroyed.
It is easier to pray and believe that you can cast out strongholds when you have sat at the foot of another and watched the most glorious this occur and watch that person cast out that stronghold and you literally see a difference in that persons life and walk.
It is easier to pray for one that has had a similar life path as you . . . and now you are on the other side of it so you can extend that hope to another.

It is easier . .but God did not call us to easy - did HE?
HE asked us to have faith.

My Pastor spoke ab out faith last night. There have been many little blessings and miracles in my life over my 45 years, but none were more special or meaningful . ..then when they came at a time when I was the MOST broken and hurting. And these blessings were not even for me -- they were for people I was praying for. When you see the joy and mercy being received and given by another . . .it is just glorious.

Prayer is easy. It is speaking to my father, my dad, my best friend. It is calling on HIM day and night. It is praising HIM for what HE has done and believing on WHAT HE will do.

God is who HE says He is.
I am who God says I am.
HE can do what HE says HE will do.
I can do all things through Christ Jesus.
God's word is alive and active - I AM going to believe in God.

My God . .Our God is Good all the time. HE wants no one to perish, and HE allows us pain and suffering because HE has a greater purpose.

Prayer and HIS word sustains life.
God spoke us into this world, HE spoke the world into existance.

Speak to HIM. .pray.

Lord, thank you, may I always pray and may I pray with intense power. May my life be credited to righteousness. May my prayers be powerful. Lord, answer our call, my call.

Lord, for the prayers I have lifted up today, the ones I will life up tomorrow, and the ones I will lift up in the future - thank you, thank you for answered prayer.

- michelle

PS, have faith. If you are reading this, don't hesitate to call me or ask for prayer. SEEK HIS rightous ones, their prayers are mighty.

Don't allow the disbelief or the Enemy to rob you of what HE has in store.

Bella . .

Bella is TIRED . ...more to come!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


PK's = penalty kicks

I hate Penalty kicks in soccer. When there is an actual foul, then OK. There should be a free kick to get some justice served. In my opinion they are sort of like calling a ball 'long' during a tennis match or 'wide' and it is sort of questioned. Usually what happens next is there is a do over or the point was lost, but usually the NEXT point serves as justification. I mean, if you call a 'do over' cause you both believe it is deserved, it usually falls on the side of the one who is right.

I think I just really explained that -- and messed it up, but ANYWAY. This past weekend, my son' and his team played their hearts out and because of a tied score in the final game, the boys had to go to penalty kicks to see who wins.

Immediately my heart sank. I knew, we did not do well on these kicks. I watched the whole team of boys, get on their knees, join arm in arm and then watch as one of their teammates tired to aim and kick it past the one goalie awaiting. It is sort of like sudden death.

And well, it was death for Team Boca on Monday, they lost. The first two kicks by Hunter's team were shut out or saved by the goalie. The other team did not miss. Then we scored on the 3rd kick - there was hope, until the other team made their 3rd goal too and now, there was no way to win. Anyway --

PRAISE God that we don't have to use penalty kicks or a shoot out to see if we make it to heaven. Amen.


That deserves another Amen.

God paid our penalty. God paid the price. WE are free now, free to enjoy heaven when we head to that home, free to call upon HIM for every need and desire, and free to WIN . . . .without having to look at the other team and say, 'good game'.

God took the penalty, now it is our time to share that love HE had /has for us to others. I want to win. I don't want to know or find out that I missed a few, much less one.

And if I had to face any opponent in a shoot out -- I would pick GOD to fire each shot!

Lord, thank you !
Your daughter - Michelle

Ex. 14.14 -- I know you will fight for me, I need only be still.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


What does it mean to relax?
It is Labor Day and this weekend has been traditionally known as the end of summer for many and back to school for many others.

Being in Florida, we have NEVER waited until after Labor Day to start school and so this weekend and day off is a nice treat after two hard weeks of school getting started.
But, that is not the topic of my blog today. In the past few days, I have been really remembering stuff. You see, one year ago this weekend, I had a real turning point with a situation. I was reading a book by Debi Pearl and it is a book that I know I would of ripped up or say - no way too -- some years ago, maybe even last August of 2010 . .but in September of 2010, and because of stuff that was going on . . . . . it was a suggested read from a trusted prayer warrior and wife and I decided to read it. That book, sort of changed a lot of stuff.

It is a book that digs biblically into WHAT my role is as a wife and mother. Many will cite that they want to look and behave like a Proverbs 31 woman and THAT is a good thing and YES, that "kind" of woman is someone I WANT to be, but Debi Pearl uses the scripture of how to be a help meet for our husband. This book was a hard read, but a good one.

I can't remember all of the points but a few have stuck - for the past year.

Some tips . .on how to be a help meet?

1. pray ... This is something that we as wives don't do enough and we have too. We have to lavish everything with prayer. We need to place our expectations, our needs, and our wants into HIS hands and pray that HE provides. HE will.

2. pray ... Pray that we get ALL of our needs met through our devotion to Christ. HE has to be the need meeter. HE has to be the one that provides what is needed - emotionally and physically. We we allow Jesus to be that for us, we take the pressure off our husbands and then they are free to be whom God called them to be.

3. pray .. Pray for your children and husband and if there is anything that we want changed or fixed . .we must pray and let HIM do the work. As mothers who took care of laundry and did the dishes when needed and knew the diaper needed to be changed before he ever did -- the 'letting' go and letting HIM do the work is a hard one. It is a form of letting the control go and letting God be in control.

4. pray . .Pray that you seek HIM in everything .. for job satisfaction . .for our health . for our fun . .and for our emotional needs to be fulfilled so that we don't replace what we don't have with something else.

5. pray .. Pray that we are not ensnared by the enemy . ..we must be on guard and guard our hearts. WE must watch to make sure we don't let the enemy get a foothold into our lives, but if he does, we pray and bind because we have the authority to do so. God wins.

And 6. Relax .. be fun . be the woman the man wants to be with - to come home too - be the woman that God created, free of strongholds, free to pray, and free to allow your husband to be the man God intended .. not a shell of someone that has lost his sights into his future.

And finally, pray and forgive . ...... . . . . . . . you are never more close to Jesus than when we forgive.

I can attest to this, God answers prayer. God is a healer. God does what HE says HE is going to do, but HE does things in HIS time. We must always remember that God is always good and HE allows stuff -- to bring a greater glory. God also has the BEST way to restore and heal and bless one when you least expect it. God does have 'this' .. . .it will take as long as HE planned and not one day longer - amen.

Lord, I thank you for this day of rest and relaxing ... .you labor for me all the time and I am so thankful. Amen.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

What a difference a year can make. . . .

Lord, just saying, thank you for laboring for me. Lord, thank you for doing all the labor needed so that I may live forever with you. Lord, thank you for today and in removing the enemy from my thoughts and behavior patterns. You are an awesome friend and confidant that no matter what - I can trust you.
Lord, tonight, as it is almost midnight . . thinking back to that fateful weekend last year when YOU moved mightily and did a revelation in my path . . .Lord, thank you. I am not being impatient as YOU will finish YOUR work in YOUR time. I know that I know that. Thank you for a healing today. Thank you for the knowledge and tools to fight the Enemy when it attacked and Lord, thank you for the itty bitty blessings that followed - because YOU are so sweet. Lord, I love you with all of my heart. I do. Thank you for the 'chell, i love ya' . .outloud tonight. thank you for the revelations of forgiveness that you are showing him, and Lord, thank you for the time to see YOUR glory. I know we have only begun, but with both of us looking and listening to you, I know in time -- much more will be accomplished. YOU are the divine healer and restorer. YOU are God.
I love you Lord.