Last year at this time, I was getting ready again to move for the 2nd time in 5 months. We had sold our home in September of 2011 and moved into a rental. With the beginning of 2012, God had us moving again. From late November to January 23rd, God had me praying for a secret sister in Christ - 40 days of written prayers and a focus on her.
God knew all the time, that focus was needed in my life as well. As those months after we moved out of our home of some 17+ years began a new birth of MANY things. Once we moved away from some of the triggers that were of our past and our broken marriage, God was able to begin again and we created NEW memories and events. Late November is when we bought the Harley, Brendan began to teach himself from scratch how to ride. The sales people must of thought we were a bit insane.....Brendan entered that Harley shop with is Polo Jacket and crocs....and a few hours later, was signing papers for a Harley and he had to had it delivered as he has never rode/driven one before. What faith....or what stupidity?
Anyway, in that month of December, January and February as we continued on with our counselor and we begin to get connected into our church, God rebuilt and restored. It took time.
( It is a process and we are still rebuilding. Something I remember from counsel is that it took 'years' to get to the breaking point, it won't be fixed or better in a week - it takes time!)
I felt a calling to pray for this sweet woman whom I have know for many years. As I said, it kept me focused and all the while -- it kept my eyes on HIS word and it kept me believing in something, the power of prayer.
So often God will use music as I travel a lot and listen to Christian XM, and certain songs can bring me to tears, fill me with hope and joy, and encourage me. Today, I was not feeling well, spent much time in bed, but when I had an errand to run, this one song came on the radio. 10th Avenue North is a blessed group of godly men that USE HIS word in context...their songs...speak and speak if you are willing to listen.
Today I noticed as I read, that one year ago today - I completed the 40 days of prayer for this one sister whom I love. As I ended the prayer back 40 days ago, I told her I would continue to pray and I have. We have. I marvel at how God has moved and her children are a part of our lives and how her husband is covered as well, through another dear friend. Many are in prayer for this family. From the outside, I am sure many would say all is well, but our spirits discern the enemy is attacking. I believe there is a legacy of great faith and love around this family and HE wants the entire family in HIS kingdom. And I can also see that the freedom I want for almost almost....well, I believe it is coming. Freedom... spiritually, and emotionally, and physically as well. It really is not important whom this person is, as I believe God uses this blog/therapy of mine as one way, HE can be creative and speak to another, even a total stranger that comes upon this blog today.
I can attest to that - I found a total stranger on line, a woman, who blogged about her pain and through her writing, God worked and taught and healed, I still follow her blog. God is big enough to bring this blog to the one who needs to hear it. Anyway, as I started off, it has been one year. So, I just wanted to encourage her - HANG in there, so much has changed and more will......and this song, from 10th Avenue North, is worth the time to look it up on Utube and listen to it - it will remind you --
HE knows you are worn -
HE knows, you need rest -
HE knows, that it seems the problems just won't ease up or disappear -
He knows, the heartache you are facing -
He knows, the hurt and loneliness
He knows, what the future holds, and HE wants to be your everything -
HE knows that redemption is coming -
I can attest to that, I have FELT exactly HOW this song speaks...I mean, so many mornings I would awake and go, 'really Lord, another day?'. I would never want to devalue life, but thinking about being in heaven was certainly more of an incentive than...just dealing with another day.
I am unaware of whom will read this- I pray it will speak LIFE into you, and I will forward this to my Secret Sister as well and remind her - HE has not forgotten.
Here are the lyrics of the song - "Worn" by 10th Avenue North
Be blessed, hang in there - don't give up!
Tomorrow could be the day for the beginning of redemption and restoration!
- humbly, Michelle
I'm worn
My heart is heavy
From the work it takes to keep on breathing
I've made mistakes
I've let my hope fail
My soul feels crushed
By the weight of this world
And I know that you can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Cause I'm worn
I know I need
To lift my eyes up
But I'm too week
Life just won't let up
And I know that You can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Cause I'm worn
And my prayers are wearing thin
I'm worn even before the day begins
I'm worn I've lost my will to fight
I'm worn so heaven so come and flood my eyes
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Yes all that's dead inside will be reborn
Though I'm worn
Yeah I'm worn
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Cause I'm worn
I know I need
To lift my eyes up
But I'm too week
Life just won't let up
And I know that You can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Cause I'm worn
And my prayers are wearing thin
I'm worn even before the day begins
I'm worn I've lost my will to fight
I'm worn so heaven so come and flood my eyes
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Yes all that's dead inside will be reborn
Though I'm worn
Yeah I'm worn
As Usual... touched:) God Bless you my friend.. Love,Pam