God can heal physical hurts and emotional ones. He can change a heart.
I want others to experience the JOY only HE can bring.
I want others to believe in something that CAN happen with HIS help.
I want people to have growing faith - that WHEN they get beyond their own hurt and crisis...they will then PRAY it forward and speak life into another.
That is what happened with me.
I really thought I 'knew it all'. But I did not.
God loves me enough to allow something to 'hurt'...so my attention was refocused.
And then HE healed me.
And then He restored me and restored my family. Simple? No. But yet...yes.
However -- it takes God's time.
Psalm 34.18 says: "the LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit".
I have a sort of 'running' debate with a sister in Christ. She says 'her pain' was more devestating. More crushing.
I say, 'pain is pain'. I know that when I was rejected and broken hearted -- there were days, MANY days when ALL I wanted to do was GO to heaven -- check out -- don't pass 'go...don't collect my $200'...( that is a reference from the game of Monopoly).
I would never tell her that my pain equaled her pain -- I did not experience what she did.
But now that God has healed and restored the earthquake that fell upon us -- I realize that when another sister in Christ is in pain -- her pain and hurt is real and that she may just want to check out too -- -- it is THOSE women and men, I want to say -- GOD WILL and CAN heal.
In my most darkest and broken hearted days -I did NOT want to get out of bed.
I did not want someone to tell me it was going to be 'ok'...I WANTED it fixed and yesterday!
I was TIRED of praying and waiting.
I WANTED answers and I wanted to know - that all would be well.
And on many of those days - I wanted GOD to come from heaven and SMACK some people around - I did -- I wanted JUSTICE...what the hell did I do to deserve this hurt?
This world is broken. This is not our home. I never did anything to 'deserve' this...but I was/am a sinner and mercy is for the just and the unjust.... God showed me mercy. I needed HIS mercy.
Unfortunately -- the only one that could really help me was God Himself and He was at work - I just could not SEE it. So then comes the TRUST factor.
So, today --
I blog this as a reminder to myself ---
No matter what -- GOD can heal and restore. God can and HE will. HIS perfect will IS to restore a marriage. It is. We must be obedient.
No matter what the 'world' may say -- GOD hates divorce. HE does. As I have said before, if there is physical abuse or a cause of fear for one's safety .....then GET OUT...but, God's will is to restore and to heal and redeem.
God's will is to restore. It just is. THAT is HIS will. HIS will is to have a man and a woman as ONE FLESH -- working together to be a union....to show the world HIS love for His church. People just don't fall out of love. Love is a verb - it is an action.
When they say 'I never loved you'...they are lying. When they say, 'they love another' - they are lying- that is not love -- that is EGO and LUST.
Hurting people hurt others and lie...they have to JUSTIFY what they are doing -- to make it seem 'ok'.
The Enemy is a liar and the enemy will make a person 'believe' that one never loved another....
the enemy will make a person 'believe' that another will NEVER change....
the enemy will make another believe that 'now they finally deserve someone better'........
the enemy will continue to steal, kill and destroy -- cause he knows....WHAT God can do!
So with that, and with ALL assurance that GOD is CLOSE to the brokenhearted and HE will bind your wounds...I will say to you -- hang in there.....
AND God heals physical stuff - diseases and other stuff as well. My husband and I experienced a physical healing with our son. He was four -- with a lump in his neck. Tests showed it was not cancerous but it had to come out to be sure. 6 months later, it began to grow again and some people told us they were going to pray for that lump. The doctor stated to come back in 6 months and if it was bigger, it would have to come out -- that probably, it was cancerous. So we agreed in prayer with those that continued to remind us EACH week at church that our son was being prayed for and guess what ...at that next check up the LUMP was gone. But that was not our only time, when he was born, he had several situations and they were about to cut him open because of a deflated lung when the pediatrician decided to take an xray just in case and by then the lung was perfect !
I could go on.... I have a dear woman that is praying and I am in agreement - her husband needs a new heart - literally. As his heart is dying....we are claiming that one morning, very soon, he will awake and a supernatural healing will have occurred. If not - he will enjoy Jesus, but what if that is NOT God's will. I mean...maybe GOD wants us to claim a healing - a crazy healing for this man... I believe it CAN happen. I am praying in that manner. God does this sort of stuff. Still.
Earlier this week, our prayer group at school prayed for a person who needed a direct physical touch from God and prayers were heard and answered. Two years ago, I asked God to give my sweet childhood pal enough time before he called her home. That was her prayer, we agreed. She had battled breast cancer several years prior to that and it had returned. And, I believe that God answered our prayers...she had the time God commissioned for her and even though I wanted her to have a supernatureal healing and still be on earth, I know that now -- God had bigger plans and through her homegoing -- HE was glorified.

Today, I got news again of another sweet woman that has a cancer diagnosis. And the odds ( as it says in Hunger games ) could be in her favor. I am believing and claiming it. I am believing that she will beat the odds as I believe she calls upon HIM. And I trust God to answer. Nothing is by accident. God did not wish cancer upon her - but HE is with her as she battles. I have claimed the promise in Isaiah 43 ..that when we pass through the rivers, HE is with us....when we go thorugh the waters, HE will not let it sweep over us and when we walk in that fire -we will not be burned -- we will not be set ablaze. So, as she passes through these waters, I KNOW HE is with her and as she crosses the rivers of chemo, medicine, and stuff, it will NOT SWEEP over her, and as the world or perhaps some doctors say she is in the fire, she will not be burned and she will not be set ablaze. As I believe that one year from now, she and her family will have a testimony of healing - one they never imagined could happen. Crazy - Supernatural ...but God's provision.
God does this sort of stuff.
I believe HE wants to shine more and prove to others EVEN more in these last days...HE is a miracle making God..... HE is God.
.Lord, I pray for all in mind and I know that I know - YOU hear me.
in Jesus name..amen.
I want others to experience the JOY only HE can bring.
I want others to believe in something that CAN happen with HIS help.
I want people to have growing faith - that WHEN they get beyond their own hurt and crisis...they will then PRAY it forward and speak life into another.
That is what happened with me.
I really thought I 'knew it all'. But I did not.
God loves me enough to allow something to 'hurt'...so my attention was refocused.
And then HE healed me.
And then He restored me and restored my family. Simple? No. But yet...yes.
However -- it takes God's time.
Psalm 34.18 says: "the LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit".
I have a sort of 'running' debate with a sister in Christ. She says 'her pain' was more devestating. More crushing.
I say, 'pain is pain'. I know that when I was rejected and broken hearted -- there were days, MANY days when ALL I wanted to do was GO to heaven -- check out -- don't pass 'go...don't collect my $200'...( that is a reference from the game of Monopoly).
I would never tell her that my pain equaled her pain -- I did not experience what she did.
But now that God has healed and restored the earthquake that fell upon us -- I realize that when another sister in Christ is in pain -- her pain and hurt is real and that she may just want to check out too -- -- it is THOSE women and men, I want to say -- GOD WILL and CAN heal.
In my most darkest and broken hearted days -I did NOT want to get out of bed.
I did not want someone to tell me it was going to be 'ok'...I WANTED it fixed and yesterday!
I was TIRED of praying and waiting.
I WANTED answers and I wanted to know - that all would be well.
And on many of those days - I wanted GOD to come from heaven and SMACK some people around - I did -- I wanted JUSTICE...what the hell did I do to deserve this hurt?
This world is broken. This is not our home. I never did anything to 'deserve' this...but I was/am a sinner and mercy is for the just and the unjust.... God showed me mercy. I needed HIS mercy.
Unfortunately -- the only one that could really help me was God Himself and He was at work - I just could not SEE it. So then comes the TRUST factor.
So, today --
I blog this as a reminder to myself ---
No matter what -- GOD can heal and restore. God can and HE will. HIS perfect will IS to restore a marriage. It is. We must be obedient.
No matter what the 'world' may say -- GOD hates divorce. HE does. As I have said before, if there is physical abuse or a cause of fear for one's safety .....then GET OUT...but, God's will is to restore and to heal and redeem.
God's will is to restore. It just is. THAT is HIS will. HIS will is to have a man and a woman as ONE FLESH -- working together to be a union....to show the world HIS love for His church. People just don't fall out of love. Love is a verb - it is an action.
When they say 'I never loved you'...they are lying. When they say, 'they love another' - they are lying- that is not love -- that is EGO and LUST.
Hurting people hurt others and lie...they have to JUSTIFY what they are doing -- to make it seem 'ok'.
The Enemy is a liar and the enemy will make a person 'believe' that one never loved another....
the enemy will make a person 'believe' that another will NEVER change....
the enemy will make another believe that 'now they finally deserve someone better'........
the enemy will continue to steal, kill and destroy -- cause he knows....WHAT God can do!
So with that, and with ALL assurance that GOD is CLOSE to the brokenhearted and HE will bind your wounds...I will say to you -- hang in there.....
AND God heals physical stuff - diseases and other stuff as well. My husband and I experienced a physical healing with our son. He was four -- with a lump in his neck. Tests showed it was not cancerous but it had to come out to be sure. 6 months later, it began to grow again and some people told us they were going to pray for that lump. The doctor stated to come back in 6 months and if it was bigger, it would have to come out -- that probably, it was cancerous. So we agreed in prayer with those that continued to remind us EACH week at church that our son was being prayed for and guess what ...at that next check up the LUMP was gone. But that was not our only time, when he was born, he had several situations and they were about to cut him open because of a deflated lung when the pediatrician decided to take an xray just in case and by then the lung was perfect !
I could go on.... I have a dear woman that is praying and I am in agreement - her husband needs a new heart - literally. As his heart is dying....we are claiming that one morning, very soon, he will awake and a supernatural healing will have occurred. If not - he will enjoy Jesus, but what if that is NOT God's will. I mean...maybe GOD wants us to claim a healing - a crazy healing for this man... I believe it CAN happen. I am praying in that manner. God does this sort of stuff. Still.
Earlier this week, our prayer group at school prayed for a person who needed a direct physical touch from God and prayers were heard and answered. Two years ago, I asked God to give my sweet childhood pal enough time before he called her home. That was her prayer, we agreed. She had battled breast cancer several years prior to that and it had returned. And, I believe that God answered our prayers...she had the time God commissioned for her and even though I wanted her to have a supernatureal healing and still be on earth, I know that now -- God had bigger plans and through her homegoing -- HE was glorified.

Today, I got news again of another sweet woman that has a cancer diagnosis. And the odds ( as it says in Hunger games ) could be in her favor. I am believing and claiming it. I am believing that she will beat the odds as I believe she calls upon HIM. And I trust God to answer. Nothing is by accident. God did not wish cancer upon her - but HE is with her as she battles. I have claimed the promise in Isaiah 43 ..that when we pass through the rivers, HE is with us....when we go thorugh the waters, HE will not let it sweep over us and when we walk in that fire -we will not be burned -- we will not be set ablaze. So, as she passes through these waters, I KNOW HE is with her and as she crosses the rivers of chemo, medicine, and stuff, it will NOT SWEEP over her, and as the world or perhaps some doctors say she is in the fire, she will not be burned and she will not be set ablaze. As I believe that one year from now, she and her family will have a testimony of healing - one they never imagined could happen. Crazy - Supernatural ...but God's provision.
God does this sort of stuff.
I believe HE wants to shine more and prove to others EVEN more in these last days...HE is a miracle making God..... HE is God.
.Lord, I pray for all in mind and I know that I know - YOU hear me.
in Jesus name..amen.