I read a book yesterday about a boy who went to heaven and was in a coma. The book is written from the Dad's point of view as he was driving and miraculously survived the crash. And there are excepts and inserts from the bystanders at the crash site and the various paramedics -- and then the perspective of the six year old as he shares what he remembers.
They share an entire book about what he learned about heaven. It was quite fascinating. As I read - I believed it to be true, as the publisher is reputable and the theology within the pages are pretty sound. I was totally uplifted and was reminded that my own problems were really nothing.
The boy was 6 when he and his dad were this car accident back in 2006. As I said, the dad was ejected from the car and was barely injured. The little boy, Alex, was still strapped into his back seat when the firemen had to cut the seat belt off of him. He was literally decapitated within but the skin and muscle was not severed so his head was still attached. He was not suppose to make it. His mom had given birth to his little brother 2 days before the crash and there was a 2 and 4 year old at home as well.
The accident happened back in 2006 - so I figure he has to be pretty close to 16-18 years old now.
I went to the internet and tonight found several articles and warnings that the book was a lie. That the mother published one of the boy's open letters that states -he made it up. I read more -- the couple is divorced. There is of course much to read about how the publishers have pulled the book off the shelves and there are articles from the Dad's family that state he is not lying. And then, before I finally gave up and quit reading, I found the mother's blog where it stated, she is not divorced but they are separated. However, my uplifting experience the night before -- was now.... questioned.
Fake news?
No -
Confusion? Yes.
How did this turn so quickly? At what point when one was working on the book, that the other decided to write a blog and dispute the story?
And then I realized or had a revelation about how quickly a sister in Christ can be happy one day and the next -- shattered.
I mean, everything she thought was real ...to be true...to count on....was ripped or destroyed within the day.
This happened to one recently. One day she was shopping for baby furniture as they are expecting and the next day, her husband pulls her aside to tell her he is having an affair.
Or, maybe it could read out like this: One day a mother can feel and enjoy the kicking of her twins within her belly. They are almost full term and then she awakes the next morning and realizes, she has not felt them all day. She heads to the doctor to check and is given the news that her twins have indeed - died. And then she must give birth to them.
Or another scenario: One morning a mother notices her son is sleeping in, which is very normal, especially on a Saturday, but when she goes to wake him a few hours later, he has already slipped into heaven. So quickly.
Or maybe it is like this: One day a mother realizes there is a weird spot or red mark on her breast and tells herself to watch it and as the week progresses, she realizes there are more red marks all under her arms and after a visit to the doctor and some tests -- her red marks become cancer.
And, what about the mother who kissed her sweet boy goodbye as he loaded the bus and headed overseas after his boot camp and training, and a week or so later she gets the official visit from an officer and is told her son was killed in action.
So quickly -- so quickly, one life or one story can turn.
Today I was thinking and praying for a family that is very dear to me and they were in ministry for many many years. I watched them. I dropped my child off at their church to be ministered to and yet -- somehow -- something got "in" and they are divorced and no longer in ministry. What? Why?
And there is a mother this evening that has watched her child suffer a lot. The young one needs a miracle, a physical miracle, as her boy continues to decline and as she sits by his bed -- when will his last breath be? When will it turn?
How does one story turn so quickly?
Some days my brain can quickly justify it as I will see and say--"oh - look -- well, there are consequences to his or her actions".
And then, the Lord will allow a quick discipline in my head and thoughts and remind me, that indeed -- each and every day -- our enemy seeks to KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY. Period.
And we can't control life.
Yet -- HOW hard is it to believe that God is still good?
I read this:
Sometimes God allows what HE can hardly stand -- to accomplish more than we understand.
In fact, I think I already blogged and wrote that out once before.
There are many around us - if you are not so self- absorbed - suffering and needing a hug and a kind word. There are many around us that need Jesus.
I know that God is good.
One desire is that God is present and His presence brings hope.
Sometimes, for some....the only way God can get to them is when a crisis turns -- or when something turns into a crisis.
I know that God did not create this suffering nor is it a punishment.
But tonight, as I write out this prayer, there are several people I know that could fit in my scenarios where their lives turned so quickly and I want to pray for them. I also want to pray for the authors of that book I read a few days ago. Ironically, their name is "Malarkey". When I was a kid, we would use the phrase -- "that is a bunch of bologna or malarkey" but for some reason I still don't want to think it is a bunch of bologna -- I want to believe it was a true story - as it was advertised.
Lord, this eve -- my heart is heavy - especially for my sweet sister in Christ who is bedside with her son -- God, give her the comfort that only You can. Lord, for the families within these real and hypothetical scenarios. God the real truth is -- there is one who will fit it. God I pray for those mommas and daddy's who get those phone calls from the military. Lord, I just pray for those of us blessed with "normal" lives - may we be Your hands and feet and extend love, kindness, and compassion. Lord, for Your will to be done - here on Earth as it is in Heaven. Lord, for those struggling - wanting a HUMAN to meet their needs this eve - God - that YOU are all. Lord, I love you and praise Your name. Use this blog for Your glory. And Lord, would you give me peace - some how some way and confirm to me what about this book is true. I know You can use a paper bag to draw in your lost son or daughter -- so use what is needed, that NO one would be left behind. Until You return Lord -- humbled, I am.
-- Your daughter --