Once upon a time, a little girl was born. She turned 7 today. Today, seven years ago a little one was born. The number 7 means so much -- there are 7 days in a week. God created the world in six days and then he rested on the 7th and some people consider it a lucky number.
Seven years ago my life changed. My 'little' sister had a girl of her own. I got to thinking about when Diandra ( my sister) was seven -- I would of been about 18 .. .wow. By that time, I was in my own world so often that I am sure I did not even notice. Her birthday was in Early August -- the summer and I know that by that summer, when she was born. . I was ready for a baby sister. When Diandra was born, there were no ultra sound photos to let us know it was a girl - I was just used to mom coming home with aa boy. And the night she was born, I slept in my mom and dad's bed and waited for Dad to come home, I heard him turn the light on and he rubbed my shoulder and said, "you have a little sister with red hair" . . and I remember not being able to go to sleep. Finally a girl. As she grew, she was the best little playmate. At 13, she was two and we nicknamed her 'bear' . and had her doing all sorts of funny things.
Anyway, when she was seven -- that is probably when I was away or hardly at home and I really 'lost' track of her from that point on . . until she was in high school and then college. And now -- those 11 years in between us do not seem like more than a day between us. And today, her first one is seven. Lucky seven. Lucky me.
Happy Birthday Addison --
A -- you are adorable. You really are. That hair, that smile, those freckles .. . you are just a dream.
D -- you are a dream. Your attitude causes one to dream, to think, and to love most preciously.
D -- Daddy's girl, you are your father's daughter -
I -- Imagination - you have one, so much fun to be around when you have had your sleep!
S -- smart -- very - -that is why I believe you give your mother such a hard time!!!!
O -- Overboard -- your behavior continues to change and that is one of your best qualities -- is that you keep us all on your toes!
N -- Naughty? NO WAY -- maybe when you were six. . but now you are seven!!!
Happy Birthday to my 'first' little sister and her 'first child' herself . ..God bless you today - Happy Birthday Addison Grace Kuenzi.
I love you - auntie chell
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