Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Can she really smile like that all the time?

I was asked this question the other day about another --

"I can't believe they can smile like that all the time...." 

I can. 

Yes.. I believe someone can smile all the time; if the love of Jesus is within her heart and there is peace, joy and love there.

Yes, I believe someone can smile even though the pain of losing a child hurts so deeply.

Yes, I believe someone can smile even though the marriage she tried so hard to fight for -- was lost.

Yes, I believe someone can smile even though she is  facing the end of her life as her physical body is no longer able.

Yes, I believe someone can smile even though she is in a most dangerous spot in the world -- because she  knows that she  knows...

This life is temporary.

It does not make it easy.  In fact, I thought about that last example - I don't live in a war torn country.  I am not threatened by ISIS on a routine basis.  Over a year ago, I had the opportunity to do a "MOCK - School lock down and MOCK emergency situation" where we pretended to have an active shooter on campus and it totally scared me...   devastated me for a few days and when the opportunity comes again to practice....I will OPT out.    I saw a person pretending to be a shooter and he came within a few feet of me and I nearly -- literally fainted in fear.  I cried uncontrollably and really felt -- there is NO way I could survive this.    I did not have a smile on my face -- but I will say this, when I closed my eyes and dug deep into my little curled up self and my prayer language --I was able to stop screaming and crying and remind myself....HE is with me.  And there was a moment of temporary comfort.    The mock active shooter adventure was to prepare us -- it prepared alright!  

Temporary means --- lasting or existing on for a specific time -- not permanent.  

Our lives here are temporary. 

Born, grow, school, find a job, marry, have kids........  work,  enjoy life, retire ...  die. 

Seems simple but yet -- we make it so much more. 

It seems when one does not understand that this life is temporary --  she then  wants everything  NOW and RIGHT now. 

It seems when one does not understand this life is temporary -- her needs must be met NOW and one can't figure out how to manage ANY other way.  

It seems when one does not understand this life is temporary --  then she can't figure out why there could be spite of the pain, troubles, or sorrow. 

2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 
God's Word reminds me to fix my eyes  --- on HIM.  
God's Word reminds me that this life is temporary.  
God's Word reminds me that HE is the God who HE says He is.  
God's Word reminds me that -- HE is God.  
In order to be able to smile -- we need Him.  
We need the love of Jesus. 
We need the Covering of God - Our Heavenly Father and we need Holy Spirit to comfort and teach us when we need it - daily.  
We need God. 
We need them.  
We need the trinity -- all 3 make up one -- it is hard to understand at times but I won't try to explain it -- as it will only make God smaller.   
I know this by Faith.  
Faith pleases God -- but what else Does...
Ah... another blog to follow....
- Humbled.  Thank you Lord for the FRESH word.....

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