Friday, February 5, 2016

25 years ago --

It is almost midnight. 
25 years ago, I laid awake in my bed....contemplating the next day. 
I had gone to see the OBG-YN as I was almost 2 weeks overdue. 
After a checkup, Dr. Holstein sent me over to Martin Memorial for some medicine to see if they could soften my cervix. 
Little did I know, I would sit in a hospital bed from 1:30-9pm -- trying to see if labor would start.
Playing Go Fish with your Dad and Aunt JJ was only entertaining for about 2 of those  eight hours!  

9pm, I was cleared to go home,  but,  "be back at 7am."  There would be a baby "tomorrow". 
How could I sleep?
The drive HOME on Martin Country Grade was enough to wake the dead, or put me into labor but it never happened -- it was a gravel road then. 

So like I said...  25 years ago -- right about now -- I laid awake, thinking about the next day. 

All I knew, was that a baby was coming. 
Boy or girl? 
The sonogram had estimated the baby being 11 pounds.   I prayed.."Lord, let it be a boy - what girl can live down an 11# birth weight? ? 

Water broke at 8am. 
Pitosen  started by 8:30, she was born at 9:02pm.  A girl.  9# 13 oz. 

 ( There was a LOT of questioning as to WHY I ever got pregnant around the supper hour....!)
Her wedding day. 

A quarter of a century is passing.... 

Happy birthday Taylor -- my first born and baby girl - 25 years!

25 years ago, my parents were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and ventured on a plane and came to West Palm Beach and hopped on a Cruise Ship for the first time.  I think it was their first airplane ride too.  

 25 years ago....I was about to turn 25 and felt "old" as I had waited for a child for 3 years. 

25 years ago.... we lived in a cute apartment and I had the bedding made for you -- my Grandma did it. 

25 years ago, no one spoke about Post-Par tum Depression and yet - it hit me hard. 

25 years ago, my world changed. 

25 years ago, one moment  that time seems ---LONG --- a long time ago and then again -- it seems like maybe just a few minutes ago.

25 years .

25 years of tears...
25 years of laughter...
25 years of being your "mother's daughter with your dad's attitude"...
 25 years of prayers...
25 years of thinking outloud...
25 years of hats, headbands, and boxes and boxes of shoes...
25 years of volleyball -- no, wait -- that started when you were 8! 
25 years of reminding me of what LOVE looks like ...

25 years of being the apple of your Uncle DJ's eyes...
25 years of being the "first"  grand-child...
25 years of being a "Floridian" who secretly wanted to live in Wisconsin -- well, at least once or twice a year! 
25 -- wow! 

25 years of bible group...and now -- you have your own church membership.
25 years of watching a beautiful girl, grow into a beautiful woman. 
25 years of listening -
25 years of watching -
25 years of believing -
25 years of praying -
25 years of smiling -
25 years of thinking ....of the possibilites! 

25 years of sharing my birthdate month with YOURS --
25 years of enjoying cake with you --
25 years of doing various things or going places for your birthday -- Chucky  Cheese  ( oh wait - that was HP ) , the Lake Worth Chalk Art Fest, volleyball games,  volley ball tourneys, Sea World, and Disney trips. 

 I know I know ...we faked you both out and never really took you to Disney - only rode up there, ate with Characters and then rode the Tram! 

But mostly -- 25 years of blessings. 

It was prophesied  that I would do 'much' for the Kingdom of Heaven for our Lord...but that you would DOUBLE of what I will do...   That is sort of interesting, as I am 50 in a few weeks...double you --!! 

I pray I have the opportunity to see and WATCH you do DOUBLE for HIM.....

Taylor, you are indeed HIS and I delight in the fact that a married woman -- you are becoming that woman ...that woman that God intended you to be -- a woman of influence and a woman that HE uses. 

Taylor, I continue to pray for you and your husband -- that you both will grow closer to HIM...walk  with HIM and do as HE leads and directs. 

Taylor, YOU were created to delight yourself in HIM and HE will give you the desires of Your heart...  what a blessing as  a see so much come into fruition within your life and heart. 

Taylor, it was certainly different to contact your husband and ask him 'what' he has planned for your birthday and if we could be a part of it ...or could we celebrate with you  some other time...?  How weird... ???  But...HOW natural.    Taylor, may this birthday bless you -- may the Lord, continue to protect and keep you -- may YOU seek HIM and do what he asks, as Your obedience thus far has brought forth great rewards.  I am certainly blessed to call you daughter and each time I hear "ma", I still smile. 

You are the favorite .. our favorite girl.  God so created you perfect for us. 
Your dad sends his love too --
Happy Birthday - "Ma" 

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