Lord, this week is a biggie for me. I mean, a lot is going to happen. I am going to turn 45 and who knows - that could be the 1/2 way mark. I mean, my grandmother is almost 90 and Bren's grandmother is 93 .. it seems very hard to believe that this could be the 'hump' year. Do you think?
Lord, it has been another weekend. I am very thankful for each day. You know my heart, my hurts, my desires, and my needs. I sit here this eve, just thinking about the coming week. The challenges I know that will come before me. The expentancy of this coming weekend and attending the 'Encounter' and I also have expressed to you my fears.
I have learned many things but fear is not of you. Fear is a lack of Faith and You know how I have been fighting and battling that, expecially the past two days.
Lord, this is YOURS. This week is yours. I will prepare my heart and head for this coming weekend to GET out of the Encounter all that YOU want me to. I also state this week is yours as you know what I am trying to 'save' and what I don't wish to happen after this week.
However, Lord, I know that YOU know I trust YOU. I really do.
I have been thinking and thinking and praying and seeing more and more the why of the timing, as each day or even every couple of days, I see or learn something that I probably wouldn't of if .. this trial had a few more answers or 'endings'. So, with that, I will continue to do and follow what I believe, no I know YOU want me to do -- be still and wait. Love unconditionally and allow YOU to do what needs to be done.
I also don't believe the enemy as much anymore, I see the enemy for what he is, a liar and I can see myself seeing it more clearly. And, there is a purpose or well, I can say I know that YOU have this.
Lord, YOU are who YOU say YOU are. Lord, I am who you say I am. Lord, YOU will do what YOU said you would do. Lord, I can do anything within YOU. And Lord, YOU will do YOUR will and being in the middle of YOUR will is a very safe and secure spot.
Lord, this post is a bit of random. Taylor, again inspired me. She made a new blog. How I love her so. She was the reason why I started the tumblr account . . and she did not realize it, but I already had a blogspot account too. Now today, she started a blogspot one and it floored me. I mean - she is a brilliant writer - like her mother. Yes, I am a writer. I know and recoginize that. I encourage and have great wisdom that comes from YOU. And, I will use my life - -once YOU have done a few more miracles . . for YOU. I want and will help others. I will be the 'Sandy' to another. Lord, YOU watch over every aspect.
Even today, alone in the car I cried out and YOU again, showed me -- how many times, that YOU know each and every moment and having Fran text me -- just at that moment. I KNOW I am loved by YOU. YOU did that.
YOU have given me so many answered prayers, given me so many delights, and YOU have sustained me. I know you have not brought me to this point to leave me -- I will wait for you to continue and finish this present trial. Lord, without a test, there is no testimony.
Lord, for my son - for our son -- YOU again have shown me much today. My heart was sweetened today by his tears. I know that I know, he wants restoration, peace, and redemption and I am trusting that IN YOUR time, he too will do what YOU have called him to do.
Lord, Taylor just walked into the house, I need to get back to 'stuff' and I just wish to thank you again for everything.
YOU are the hero I so longed for. YOU are the husband that meets each and every need. YOU are the father that keeps me under the shadow of YOUR wings. I praise YOU Lord.
- your beautiful and loved and esteemed daughter
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