It made me smile. Thank you N....
I know what I am doing for my "moms"...that will be a different blog - but --
I began to write the names of women around me that are moms and whom I would WANT to send greetings to.
I used to send LOTS of cards, I had a "stronghold of Hallmark" on me and I could not walk past a Hallmark store without spending 1/5 of my paycheck on cards.
Seriously, I am an encourager and I enjoy sending an old fashioned card or send a letter.
But, buying cards could of become an addiction - the root was my 'need for affirmation' and so therefore, when I sent cards there was a benefit or a pay off. But in all that time, the BURDEN of having to buy or send a card took over. Then I got to the point where I just did not do it anymore. Now....after much thought and I basically have changed a bunch....I still visit the Hallmark Store but cards now have taken on a different purpose. Some get a birthday card - others don't. But I really allow the Holy Spirit to guide me and I know when HE is prompting me to encourage.
OK, I said all of that to say this....
I began a list today and I wanted to think of every mom I knew and love and send them some sort of note of encouragement. Of course I could just put a general status on Facebook but I really wanted it to be different -- and the idea of this list consumed me.
Right off the bat, I could list 10 women and those are just my family - my sisters.
Then there are the sisters -n-law and the aunts and a grandmother.
And then I thought of my colleagues at work, the insurance office, my sisters in Christ at church and then my cell group and then the moms of students...and before I knew it - my list was well over 100.
I think if I would of continued .....the list would of become - 200. Well, I mean, I have over 900 Facebook friends...LOL. ( me smiling to myself - I think really only about 50 of them probably are still on Facebook and active...)
Again, I say all of that to say this....I was honored, blessed, and speechless to think and to KNOW -- THAT many women and I know my list was not done.
And I realized that the TIME I would need to do what I wanted to do - was a bit excessive.
Some of you are waiting on God -
Some of you are in pain right now -
Some of you have just had a 'bomb' go off in your house -
Some of you are waiting on a baby to born -
Some of you are very happy and serving in ministry -
Some of you are new to Christ and want to learn more -
Some of you have little ones -
Some of you have teens -
Some of you have grown children -
Some of you are being a mom to your mother -
Some of you are sad because of the loss of your child or parent -
Some of you are on your knees in prayer for the wayward child -
Some of you want to hear from God so desperately for direction -
Some of you got a prophetic dream and can't wait to get to church tomorrow and ask what it means -
Some of you have been in a valley - but you are on the rise coming out of it -
Some of you are heading into a valley and you don't even know it -
Some of you are mentored and counseled because you want freedom for real -
Some of you can't balance your checkbook -
Some of you wished you had a balance of some sort in your bank to balance -
Some of you spent way to much money on something and now feel conviction -
Some of you are trying to figure out just where next month's rent will come from -
Some of you are grandmothers that are raising your grandchildren -
Some of you are single -
Some of you are happily married and others - ready to give up -
Some of you are sick at the moment -
Some of you are ready to run a marathon -
...ALL of you are LOVED by the God of the Universe. HE named the stars, HE actually knows the NUMBER of hairs on your head and HE called you into existence even before HE created the Earth. That is maybe hard to understand...but HE knows.....HE knows you exactly and LOVES you just the same.
And HE entrusted you ...a child...some child...or maybe children...or even a child to adopt or guide spiritually....either way - we are all connected because we are Moms.
LOrd, bless them on this day. May each and everyone of them, feel YOUR loving arms and have a sense of HOPE and purpose and may each of these moms feel that blessing tomorrow on Mother's Day and each day thereafter...IN Jesus name, Amen.
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