Monday, March 7, 2016

50 came and went...

It happened -- 50 years ....young!!    I am 50 years old.
I don't feel any different.

And yet...  both Brendan and I realize how certain tasks or feats don't come as easily anymore - even with exercise.  LOL

The month of February was filled with excitement and anticipation as family traveled here to celebrate Taylor and Jake's wedding / reception and it was my birthday as well.

My prayer all the time was that...'turning 50 wouldn't be that bad'  and 'that God would shine through the entire event'.   And, the other   necessary prayers---that   God  would be meeting every need.  They were mostly selfish....I wanted HIS best to be for all....
 He did.
 I believe God won.

My words can't capture how sweet and awesome it was to just celebrate and enjoy family for over a week.

Photos could not capture every smile, every laugh, and memory made.  

My words can't capture how blessed I felt....
---how proud I was of God in my children .....
---how proud I was of God in my husband...a
and my words can't capture what it all MEANT to me - but my tears can.

If you could picture me on this side of the computer - there are tears streaming down my eyes -- as the warmth of God's blessings, His grace and mercy are just so overwhelming at times.

You see, as ONLY God could of orchestrated February 26, 2016 the way it played out.
On Friday, the morning of the event as I was driving out to Indian Hammock, I was flooded with a memory.
As on Friday, February 26, 2011, I was headed out of town for another reason -- to attend my God Encounter Weekend with the A/G Church of Vero Beach.

On 2/26/16 I was driving to finish the last minute decorations at the Lodge to celebrate our daughter's wedding to Jake but back on 2/26/11 I was driving north on 441 to meet with God as I wanted to know what HIS plans for me and my marriage were.

Long long long story -- but as I drove out to Indian Hammock, I was overcome with the sweet aroma of HIS presence and HIS grace...  as HE reminded me that at about 6pm on 2/26/11 I was desperate for God to speak to me about my husband and GOD knew that on  ----

2/26/16  my husband at 6pm would be professing the importance of God and the union of marriage surrounded by friends, family, and our children.    WHAT a 360!

And Brendan did ....he did a tremendous job as well as the others involved with the ceremony.  Kami Jo, Kerry,  Miss Melanie, Marilyn, and others -- did what God asked them to do .... and they allowed God to shine through them.  

What Satan tried to destroy -- God fixed...exceedingly and abundantly beyond my imagination....

So, my words can relate a story and my words can help you read into my mind for a brief moment but I also pray my words will give another HOPE....that what may seem so hopeless within a marriage or relationship right now --   

---if you will remain faithful to what GOD has asked you to do -- HE will remain faithful and HE will fix it something exceedingly and abundantly beyond your imagination, so keep praying and believing!    Do not give up!  

  HE is faithful.

A BIG thank you again to ALL that made the party  a sweet memory.
A BIG thank you to all of my siblings that traveled and  bared the expense of hanging in Florida for a week.   A BIG thank you to Doc and Lidia that helped host my folks.  A BIG thank you to Marilyn that hosted our lunch and a BIG thank you to my sister  and her husband that was the hostess with the "mostest" with all the company.    A BIG thank you to my mom's, grandparents, and others that made the cakes, cookies, and food  and to Kim and Steve  that did a wonderful job in preparing the place, the decorations, and the food!   A big thank you to EVERYONE that participated, moved chairs and helped keep me  on track, especially my main man -- he  was such a perfect other half and blessed me with the ability to do what needed to be done...    And finally to all that were able to attend, send greetings, and grabbed me for a hug before you left --  I thank God that I only have one daughter -- and THAT was her day!   I look forward to being the 'mother - n - love' when it is my son's turn.  ....But I can wait on that -- in the meantime -- I will continue to praise God for answering every prayer and giving me the BEST birthday I have ever had!   Thank you God!

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