I sit amazed on HOW He creates and HOW He orchestrates -- one finds it VERY hard to argue with what God can do.
---------If we allow Him.
Just take the experience of giving birth. I myself have done it twice. Others, several times, and still others more than that. That ENTIRE experience is a miracle. Just from being in the delivery room with my daughter -- 4 weeks ago, I learned SO much of how God created and designed that little life ( the size of a small watermelon ) to be PUSHED through a hole the size of a pear! Amazing.
Even as they placed little SJ on Taylor's chest and began to wipe her off -- we noticed that she was not moving her right arm. The midwife wasn't concerned, she just stated that sometimes it takes a little time for all the parts to get moving.
As they began to clean her up, put those drops in her eyes and wipe off all the placenta, I watched how that little one began to explore the new surroundings with her hands and her mouth. How God designed that. As Taylor began to breast feed, how the little one knew to turn her head and root. All these little that God designed and all FIT together.
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almost 5 weeks! |
A year ago, God orchestrated a final prayer walk around a little red cottage because He knew that fast forward one year, there would be a 2 year old that would be walking back and forth from her Miss Kerry's cottage/house to her Mimi's cottage. This two year old could have lovin from one grandmother and then head next door to get more from the other. God knew how spirited she would be and blessed her with grandmothers with patience and endless love to hold onto her when she looks right at you and says, "no!". She could also play each of them-- off each other-- and manage to get double "gummies" and treats between the two homes!
Presently, I am 5 weeks out from a women's event that will transpire over a weekend. God knew some ten years ago that my hunger for Him would finally come. God knew seven years ago that a women's encounter weekend would be what I needed to meet Him face to face. I began to fall in love with Him- God and I allowed Him to heal me.
As time went on, God orchestrated a yearning to continue this type of encounter to help others and all that time -- he was preparing other women in their walk to help lead. It is a pure JOY as the leadership team and I meet and begin to see HOW God has orchestrated lessons and tests within their lives to help others recognize their chains and want their freedom from bondage!
God is the one that orchestrates these events and even back before the holiday, He laid out the floor plan for HOW this next women's encounter was to be laid out. I knew the holiday was around the corner and that is always a busy time, but I also knew my daughter would be giving birth. I had a quick refresher course of HOW babies interrupt our routines and TAKE over our lives. I had NO idea or plans to the amount of time that would be occupied. But God did -- He orchestrated and provided and was faithful.
Back before the holiday, God laid out several visions and details . I didn't question the 'earliness of the preparedness' -- I just prayed and sought counsel to make sure my ideas and lists were of God and not my need to get everything organized before chaos set in. But now -- on this end of it --and on this side of the past 3 months -- God moved and provided and was faithful to put everything in place.
Because God is the perfect conductor and multi-task master.
In my 'wisdom', as I watch my husband mentor and minister to the men in his circle -- I get the awareness that I need to help him. Here again, I stress -- "I get the awareness". But in reality, its me who sees that he could be doing more or being more bolder. And that is wrong of me. However, it always seems easier to notice stuff in our spouses compared to seeing what we need to fix first in ourselves. I am not being prompted by God, it is my own ego that wants to help him and orchestrate something to happen -- but it is always for his good and the good of the one it effects.
But then---just today --- I got a glimpse of HOW God orchestrated something and I see the GLORY of God shine as my husband shares the testimony of one he prayed for. God knew...God is there....God is the ultimate conductor in this life and He continually masters or excels at various different tasks - all that are very important. He placed my man in front of another man to counsel. God did that -- not me. God again, lets nothing go to waste.
A random meeting -- is never random if we are believers. It is God.
2 Timothy 1. 13-14 says:
Hold on to the pattern of sound teaching that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Guard, through the Holy Spirit who lives in us, that good thing entrusted to you.
God indeed multi-tasks.
God indeed orchestrates.
God is good.
He is a good good Father. And in the quiet and even in the louder moments when I quiet myself and keep still -- many of these examples pop up in front of me and I marvel at the amazing love of God.
The Holy Spirit can be that voice that helps us grow closer to Jesus! The Holy Spirit within me is another great conductor of our lives.
Even as I close this and pray --
There is a situation heavy on my heart. Prayers being said for a family as a season of struggle has them on their knees. I can intercede and encourage and yet God - as He is the ultimate multi-tasker - He has placed the right person in my path to help me intercede for them. As they have 'walked' in those shoes and have some insight. God has healed them and now, she can encourage me to help me encourage another. Some may call that 'paying it forward', I call it God. Only God can do that.
And even as I wrap up this blog, I got a text message from a sweet godly women that must, for the 47x time ....forgive her husband. I may be presently MAD at him for this moment, but the Holy Spirit speaks to me and reminds me -- He created her for him. God is RIGHT there. He was or is not surprise. He will have the help she needs and the encouragement she needs to walk as Jesus would want her to.
Lord, this eve -- I just pray for the one reading this that does not believe God can multi-task because they presently don't FEEL God moving anywhere around them -- God - move. Touch. Speak to them in a supernatural way. May they see and feel your presence rather quickly.
And Lord, for the blessings I see over and over because you are the KING of multi-tasking -- cause YOU are Lord - I give you all the praise and honor and glory. It is You Lord - just You. May this blog bring one some peace and the courage to seek You so she may see and experience your multi-tasking skills. IN Jesus Name -- Amen
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