Friday, June 29, 2018

Marriage is HARD. BOLD Prayers! Day #1

  Often my blogs are a direct line into my life AT THE  moment.  It is what it is.  I haven't been blogging as much  lately -- simple because I have been extra busy but also I haven't felt  what I wanted to say or needed to say was WHAT God wanted me to write. 

I finished a book called ADAMANT.  I am reading it again - it is very deep and there is stuff in there that I must read and study so that a GOOD change is made in my thinking. Basically, we need to be adamantly IN HIS Word so that we stand on what God's Word says rather than our opinions. 

 Marriage is hard.  Presently we are approaching our 31st wedding anniversary and I am most thankful for this milestone.  Our marriage is not perfect, as we continue to heal and grow just as two adults -- stuff gets misunderstood and feelings can get hurt very quickly.  Right now we are in a very good season and place....but I know WHAT it was like WHEN we were not. 

Thinking about that time can trigger MUCH!  WE both believe that God did a miracle in each of our hearts.  And we both believe God can do miracles in others as well -- but sometimes we must allow God's timing and also also them the revelation on their own.  So, we pray and interceed ...we sometimes question ourselves.  "Should we have even tried?"  " Should we have kept our mouths shut?"   "Should we ignore this...?"   It is very hard. 

I think it is HARD in any situation.  Especially for a person who wants to fix and help fix.  That is HOW God created me.   Anyway, walking in obedience and speaking up when one believes "she should" or.... getting involved when it certainly seems the Holy Spirit is prompting is indeed being OBEDIENT.  But... when it is not received or the outsome is not as you is VERY hard to be "obedient" the next time.  Getting burned or being told to 'stay out of it'.... when your heart is breaking is I said...HARD. 

But anyway --  today as I was talking to God, He sort of gave me permission to go ahead and post some prayers that are on my heart.  I pray, I believe - God is speaking to someone! 

Marriage  is Hard.  

Marriage is one way God teaches us to be self-less -- but WHAT happens when it seems, that YOU alone seem to be fighting for the marriage ALL by yourself?

WHAT happens when, "he" or "she" does not care about Jesus or has a very GREASY GRACE attitude towards what is allowable and what is "OK" within a marriage......? 

What happens when one is ready to quit.... cause she is TIRED? 
Or perhaps...she just doesn't care anymore?  

Lord, I come to you as a humble servant and I seek YOUR guidance and provision to accomplish this 40 days of prayers  

First of all -- I do wish to pray for my husband.  As we continue to be obedient and speak love and encouragement to both men and women, I pray that the enemy won't find a crack to get into his head or mine.  I pray the ARMOR on and know that our shoes of peace are secure in YOU.  

Lord, I could list several pretty extreme circumstances in some couples right around me   - but the bottom line is - I pray they will SEEK you.  Each of them...the wife and the hubby.  

   Lord, YOUR body is being attacked.  Your bride.   What YOU called a marriage to be, being one in YOU,  - is being attacked.   Yes, by the world, no doubt,  but unfortunately -- it is being attacked from within.     Right from within even the "christian households". 

 Lord, I pray for the wives that are trying to HOLD onto their marriages because YOU have not released them.   Ditto for the men who are holding on for the children within their home...

  Lord, I pray for the wives that have done everything they could possible do - physically and mentally to be and do what their husband sees as a 'good wife' and yet -- it still seems that it is not good enough.    Ditto for the men who are in this same situation. 

    Lord I pray for the wives that are at home, taking  care of  kids,  helping to meet the needs with  the bills, and still smile while their men  are not aware and are not being the help meet needed.     Lord, I know YOU are fighting for each of those women and you   still  love  those men that are completely deceived. 

  Satan is the one -- responsible...right?   Lord, I bind him away from each and everyone's marriage  that reads this -- but I also pray and ask...  how many of these marriages are in a sin pattern or crisis, not because of Satan,  but because of their own poor choices??   Lord, I pray that perhaps they would read this and know what needs to change or be done.   You know Lord...  comfort the women that are holding onto the edge of your garment.   And comfort the men that could be reading this, as they are holding onto the promises of Jesus as well.  

Lord, today I will pray about our hearts.  Lord, I pray that  my heart does not become hard.  I pray my husband's heart does not become hard -- Lord, that we both SEEK you with every ounce of our being and that we SEEK the other as our 2nd love.  So, I pray that was well for the one reading this... God, as I type this there is one that is MOST hard ...even as I think of the situation -- ONLY Your mercy can soften...God I hope that would happen!!  

Again, I ask -- 

God, you placed the stars -- You know exactly how many hairs are  on his head - on her  head...Lord, you know exactly HOW this will play out -- God I pray right now that the one reading this, will believe that the hard heart can be healed...that the hard heart can feel LOVE like never before...that the hard heart won't be tempted to find solace in another. 

Lord, for the one  SEEKING something that ONLY YOU can give... these men or women  are seeking something that will numb their pain -- instead of allowing You to cover their sin.  

God I pray that the  lonely heart would open up to YOU this eve, that he or she will pour  their loneliness to YOU and that they will allow you to fill it and then tomorrow, they will do the same and let it fill them tomorrow even more while they wait on You Lord. 

 Show them, teach them, or speak to them as to WHAT you want them to respond or do with their men...  Do they wait more?   Do they leave?   Do they ask him to leave?   How can this cycle of defeat begin to change?  

  I still believe You don't release our spouses but, I do believe that what we have to do in obedience to You -- may be very hard...may seem crazy... but also...You will provide the answers. 

Lord, for the wife - trusting you - give her favor. Create a new heart in her man...

Lord, I believe you  can heal and restore  the ones reading this as they are thinking... IS SHE SPEAKING about me?   Lord, take these prayers and USE them to reach those wives that need hope and perhaps those men that need a eye opened!!    Lord, may she wait...just one more seek professional help....or to just wait on filing for that divorce paper-- OH God - for the couples  around me, the ones within the body of believers that I worship with...and for the couples that read this and it becomes real to them.... 


Or Lord, if she must change the locks to have peace and safety within her home, provide the comfort to know she is in Your will.....  

   But again, God I pray the person, the wife or the  husband  reading this will dream this eve and meet you -- and believe when they awake that YOU can turn this around - In Jesus name, amen ! 

1 Peter 4.8
Above all, love each other deeply, because Love covers over a multitude of sins.

Psalm 119: 111-112
Your laws are my treasure: they are my heart's delight.  I am determined to keep your degrees to the very end.

Today can be the beginning of a new direction..a new life for your marriage -- God CAN heal and restore what the locusts have taken -- even after MANY years!

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