Sunday, November 11, 2018

Beloved, you are LOVED, Prayer #40

The 40 days, ended last week.  Several times I have come to this computer but the words didn't want to come and the fingers were not typing.  This series of prayers were set with a purpose and I know that God did healing, but He also revealed.  

There were new relationships fostered and a few that seemed to fade away.  There was tension, glory, and new revelations.   Last Sunday, I was so convicted  about something God was discipling me about that I blogged but didn't post it.  So I  blogged and shared other stuff that God had placed on my heart,  but fell into the trap of 'checking the readership' and noticed that normally 135-200 people have 'hit' or read my blogs usually, but in this week there were only 20 - 24.  Again, those numbers only mean that someone clicked onto the blog site - not that they actually read it.   And why am I checking those numbers?   Am I writing to recognition and attention, or writing what GODS wants me to.   ( Therefore, I would not be checking the numbers of readership.) 

After hearing Matt Walsh speak, I found a new fired up awareness of my voice and began to get a bit political on my FB feed.  I got flack.  I have even stepped up my game and share more anti- abortion but I am afraid or I believe that many just scrolled.    It is social media.  I scroll.  However, I do unfollow a few when all I see from them is the constant and consistent posts of negativity or rants about politics where they are sharing something that is not true or something that doesn't seem to add up.  

Then again, as I have said it many times, my husband reminds me .."if you don't have a FB, you would never know".   I wouldn't know that a certain blog was being ignored or a certain post was causing strife.  

So, I am in a bit of a flummoxed state today.  Just am.  And I went back to Day #1 and the prayer I wrote for others and said it over myself.  Tomorrow is a new day - and I am pretty sure this 'funk' today is just because - I admit ...His Word had escaped me ALL week.  

Seeking HIM on Sunday and letting the rest of the week be without our daily feed of His Word ...makes for a very WEAK believer.  One that will allow the enemy to tell her lies and she may know they are UNTRUE, but for the am...she allows them to soak in, just cause.  It is that kind of a day.  

But, no....

Jesus is on the throne.  I have spent time in prayer this am, so much so - it is almost NOON already!!   But I do know that God is on the throne and that today's temporary fleshly  pity party and my ignorance of being in God's Word last week -- are both distractions.  

Earlier this week, I do believe there was a good win for many believers that are Pro-life.  Earlier this week, I believe we did see how divided our country is -- but this passage stuck out:  2 Thessalonians 2, Paul says that before the return of Christ - there would be a world-wide apostasy - a falling away from truth.  

This is especially so true  -- but today, I am going to believe that God will win.  

And so therefore, I am sharing Blog Post #1 again - as this pulled me from my slumber and got me back on track!  In Jesus name.  Amen.   

Dear Beloved, this series of prayers has been commissioned by God. 

 I am in a season of transition and God is holding me, loving me, and teaching me new concepts and revelations.  I believe I am on a QUEST.  In fact, I have almost finished my  late summer bible study, with Beth Moore, ironically called = The Quest.  I just have one more week of questions and using scripture to seek God, ask Questions, and really get to know the God-- I call Father ....better!  Yet, in this Quest with God, the enemy has not slowed down in his lies nor has he let up.  EAch day, it seems I need to readdress what God says about me -- instead of listening to what the world says.  In fact, even today when I KNEW I was starting this series -- a call comes, a text comes....and I doubt my value and my knowledge.  So what do I do -- I seek HIM and rebuke the offense and seek God to show me HOW or WHAT to do or say next.  And I also...forgive myself, as I am not perfect.   In the name of Jesus!  

I have one friend that calls Him - God -   "Abba Father".  I have another that calls him "Daddy".   And I have a sweet friend that refers to him as "Papa".  In the past month, I have been thinking about that and asking myself,  WHY I don't do the same or do I have a personal name for My Lord?   Sometimes I just call him "Father God"  and other times, He certainly DOES seem like He is more of a Papa!    The photo at right is of AVA...she has a Papa and to hear her call him - "PAPA!" truly heaven.  She also has a G- man.  She loves both of them so much.  She is beloved and adored.  She is loved by her parents, all of them, loved by her Grandparents, all of them and especially loved by her sister....SJ.  When Ava enters the room, SJ just LIGHTS up.  Below is a photo of SJ and her cousin from Wisconsin.  THOSE blue eyes can captivate you... and as SJ looks at her mother or gets a glimpse of her G-man...boy or boy does her FACE light up and she is full of JOY.  

   THAT brings me to this blog and the beginning of this series. 

 In my quiet time with God, I am always asking Him -- what is next?  AND He brought me to this next writing adventure  and reminded me that blogging prayers and writing is something He commissions in me. 

 My 40 blogged prayers for marriage were inspired by a dear couple that I still believe will allow God to heal their marriage.....but now, I believe God is asking me to encourage  a special friend that I love dearly.  I know that in doing this....this blog will reach others and God won't waste HIS word.  

HE wanted me to write and title this - Beloved, because my dear...YOU are loved.   The Joy that Ava gets when she sees her Papa...the JOY that SJ expresses without words when she sees her loved one...THAT JOY is WHAT our Heavenly Father has for US.    That JOY is for me as well.  And I believe that with this series, there are people that will read this and want to SHARE it with another and I ask that YOU do.  Be courageous - share or tag someone that just needs a simple reminder.  Be brave today and do something that will FURTHER the Kingdom and Encourage a believer!   Or - bring light to the lost.  

Even I feel 'unloved' at times....but I declare I am still beloved.
Today, there is a dear loved one that needs this.    So today, the simple focus of the prayer is that YOU are loved.  Period.  Jesus got on that Cross for YOU and would do it HE loves you that much.  I am pretty sure you know this....but just need to allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of this concept and then receive it.    

Back in 2011, I can remember when God woke me up and gave me the idea to write 40 days of prayers for this one sweet friend.    And God used that time of writing and  praying for her to reach several other women. He also used it as a witnessing tool for my then 'godless' hubby! Some of those women -- they contacted me,  thanked me, and encouraged me.   Then a few years after that ...God commissioned me again for a Secret Sister ... who needed to be encouraged and I know God used those prayers and those blogs.  And this time...I am believing in that one special friend...that by the end of these blogged prayers -- she will FEEL that she is beloved and she will also have a healing...a physical and emotional healing...and she won't have to get all TOUCHY FEELIE or even give testimony, but that God will MEET her and heal her and remind her that SHE is worth it!   

So,  pure and simple.....

Dear Beloved -- YOU are adored, and loved, and I know that I know -- YOUR name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  I am deeply sorry that you are in a season right now where you are questioning and you are trying to figure it out......but I know that I know...God will meet you RIGHT there and HE is patient to allow you to just BE for a bit.    Just be in that 'flummox' for awhile and allow God to speak and move you through it.  It is OK.  

You are loved deeply, not only by your family but by many others.  IN fact, I am going to ask God right now that in some unique or special way ...someone GIVES you that affirmation this week.    You know that I deeply care and am committed to spend 40 days -- daily --- going to Father  God on your behalf, and I believe that when this series is will be experiencing a new relationship with Jesus, as well as some emotional and physical healing... IN the Name of Jesus.  AMEN  

Psalm 34:4
I sought the LORD, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears

Matthew 7:7 The Passion Translation (TPT)

 Matthew 7.7 “Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Dear Beloved, waiting patiently. Blogged Prayer #39

Psalm 40 .... less....

I have read it several times today.   I have listened to it and now, looking at it in several versions/translations.  Indeed -- I know another needs to read this tonight....

Psalm 40

For the choir director: A psalm of David.

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
    and he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of despair,
    out of the mud and the mire.
He set my feet on solid ground
    and steadied me as I walked along.
He has given me a new song to sing,
    a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be amazed.
    They will put their trust in the Lord.
Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord,
    who have no confidence in the proud
    or in those who worship idols.
O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us.
    Your plans for us are too numerous to list.
    You have no equal.
If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds,
    I would never come to the end of them.
You take no delight in sacrifices or offerings.
    Now that you have made me listen, I finally understand[a]
    you don’t require burnt offerings or sin offerings.
Then I said, “Look, I have come.
    As is written about me in the Scriptures:
I take joy in doing your will, my God,
    for your instructions are written on my heart.”
I have told all your people about your justice.
    I have not been afraid to speak out,
    as you, O Lord, well know.
10 I have not kept the good news of your justice hidden in my heart;
    I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power.
I have told everyone in the great assembly
    of your unfailing love and faithfulness.
11 Lord, don’t hold back your tender mercies from me.
 Let your unfailing love and faithfulness always protect me.
12 For troubles surround me—
    too many to count!
My sins pile up so high
    I can’t see my way out.
They outnumber the hairs on my head.
    I have lost all courage.
13 Please, Lord, rescue me!
    Come quickly, Lord, and help me.
14 May those who try to destroy me
    be humiliated and put to shame.
May those who take delight in my trouble
    be turned back in disgrace.
15 Let them be horrified by their shame,
    for they said, “Aha! We’ve got him now!”
16 But may all who search for you
    be filled with joy and gladness in you.
May those who love your salvation
    repeatedly shout, “The Lord is great!”
17 As for me, since I am poor and needy,
    let the Lord keep me in his thoughts.
You are my helper and my savior.
    O my God, do not delay.

Lord,  that my friend would know that YOU are always RIGHT to to to the one who is ready to quit or give up.  

Lord, that  she would know her feet are being set on SOLID ground with YOU and that You will never leave her.  Lord, for this series of prayers, may they touch the one who is reading it but also that they would read Your Word and allow it to soak in.   Lord, that this Psalm would take on a whole new aspect within her life.

Lord,  that she would see the many wonders that HAVE happened and know that MORE will come.   Lord, that she would confidently know, that waiting patiently for You is obedience and it will bring blessing.  In Jesus Name, Amen. -   Michelle 

Dear Beloved, YOU are loved..... Blogged prayer #38

It is important to know and remember that NO matter what -- GOD created you and LOVES you NO MATTER WHAT!  

In these 40 days ...I have seen a bit of a change in you.  I see a smile again.  I still see some frustrations but I believe that there is a shift.  

Knowing that NO matter what -- Your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life ....

Knowing that NO matter what -- Your eternity is secure....

Knowing that NO matter what --- this too shall pass....   

I pray that you won't allow the enemy to get and tell you otherwise.  

You are loved.  

You are important and have worth and value.  

Lord, as this blog is a short one -- I thank you for today and the revelation that indeed....You love us so.  Lord, for my friend who I began to pray for at the beginning of these 4- days.  I thank you for her life, her knowledge, and her willingness to allow me to pray for her.  

Lord, I pray a blessing upon her and over her that as she continues in this 'flummoxed season', she will continue to believe that YOU are right beside her and helping her to move from this season into the next.   .....with confidence that SHE is LOVED.  

Lord, bless her -- In Jesus name.  


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Dear Beloved, some practical advice Blogged prayer #34 - 37

So, Joyce Meyer made a comment at one of her sessions. 

"Be those  people,  be the Christians that do the RIGHT thing in public"....   

She made us all laugh but I thought of a few things.  

1.  How many  put their shopping cart back where it is to be returned?
2. How many liter? 
3. How many post sweet Jesus posts on Facebook and then won't even look at you or speak to you because of an offense? 
4.  How many do you realize delete you on FB because you have said something that does not agree with their views?  
5.  How many take to FB to get their point across and make a comment or reference something that truly hurts another.  

I am going to stop there -- I am guilty of them ALL.... I could name several more but five is the number of grace.  

When God disciplines me, it is ALWAYS with such GRACE -- so I don't need to list anymore pet peeves or things that bother those 'lost ones'....or that give them a reason to complain about us Christians.    Grace.  

I do believe that there are 'Christians' that do things that they shouldn't !  Therefore,  the lost  who are watching --- they think, "well, look at so and so...and they call themselves a Christian - look what she did".

I hear it often.  
I see it.  More than I would like.   And I am guilty of this as well.  

My feelings were hurt just yesterday when someone who is on my news-feed with many Jesus posts purposefully made a very rude and derogatory comment to their child about me - in front of me.  

I was speechless.  It hurt.  I so wanted to text that person, I so wanted to hide and cry.  

The words in my head were, "really God...after ALL I have done for ....??"  

And I prayed and today - came to this when I opened up social media:  

Confidence is SILENT, Insecurities are LOUD.  
   There is was.  

I know that many Christians are not living a good example.  I have been there and I am not going to say that I can't  GO there quickly.  I can get into my flesh within seconds.  Seconds.  

Truly ...if Christians actually DID what God purposed them to do. 
Truly ...if Christians actually acted out WHAT they sing in their songs on Sunday mornings.  
Truly...if Christians LOVED like Jesus did -- mind you, Jesus did not tolerate stuff.  He showed love and spoke in TRUTH.  

Truly...what would our world be like?  

The prayer tonight is not necessarily aimed at my friend who is in a flummoxed is just a prayer that I needed to say this eve. 

 Prayer #34 
Dear Lord -- FORGIVE me... make me more aware and help me to love act better...and to be that one that another WANTS to be like.... In Jesus Name.  Amen.  
And Lord, help me to feel the forgiveness I have extended to that one who hurt my ego and help me to love the entire situation well.  Help me to empty me of me and allow MORE of YOU in there...God I Pray that when I get to heaven, I will hear, "Well done my faithful servant".  In Jesus name, Amen.  

 Prayer #35
And Lord, for my sisters in Christ whose names are right in front of is recovering from surgery and she needs more healing to stop the pain as she is now eating a regular diet.  For the other one, in a loveless marriage who wants more of her husband but he needs Jesus, for the one sitting next to her son this eve as his breath is labored and he has begun to cough up blood...your will be done, and for the other mommy that is sitting bedside with her three month old awaiting answers....  you don't allow these hardships as punishments, but the enemy weighs into their thoughts at times....YOU Lord, are RIGHT there and may they feel your loving touch...

Lord, those mommas and women are holding onto your promises that You will work everything together for good - for those that love and serve you -- may they serve you well this eve as they sit diligent waiting on you ---may we all serve you better as we pray about our decisions as this election draws near and may we all - be better in showing love to the lost -- In Jesus name, Amen. 

Prayer #36
Lord I come to you again for my flummoxed sisters in Christ - as these 40 days come to a close, may they see that prayer does change much and may they begin to pray in a bolder way for your favor and provision.  And may they begin to trust you like they have never trusted before.  IJN Amen.  

Prayer #37  -- this is for me Lord, I want to finish well...  You have already given me a vision for the next blogged series of prayers and I will ONLY be able to keep that in a timely fashion if YOU do all the leg work and writing ...I want to serve you well.  At the conference, several of the speakers had us question what we were doing .....?   Did we need to cut out some stuff?  Did we need to move from one  place of worship to another?  Was it time to get new friends?   Did we need to seriously change something or give up something that has been good in the that you could give us something even better....all those questions I place before you. 

I pray for my sweet circle of friends that read these blogged prayers and remind me to keep writing - bless them, but also I would ask that you would use them to help me...continue to do what YOU want me and need me to do --  may this only be for YOUR glory, IN Jesus name.  Amen.  

Dear Beloved -- whose life are you living? Prayer #33

Whose life are you living? 
 Your husbands? 
 Your friends?   

God does not call us to be miserable.  God created us to have joy and experience HIS fullness.  
Too many are allowing OTHERS to dictate their lives.  

It comes down to allowing the Holy Spirit to take over and allowing HIM to lead and guide us.  

Simple words right?   Those are the words from Joyce Meyer that I wrote down in my journal the first night of our conference.  

Then she added...

Your life won't change unless you are willing to change.  

I shuddered right then and there as I felt the enemy remind me that one  around me may use those words to justify leaving her husband.  

And then I prayed ... Lord, she is miserable ....but she needs YOU.  May this weekend she see what YOU can do with her when she opens her eyes and heart to YOU Lord ...IN Jesus name  Amen.  

Whether you are coming into this blog with a marriage that is very hard right now or you have a child strung out in addiction and you don't believe he or she will make it out alive.  

Or maybe you just are in a season where the answers are not coming....   I would ask, whose life are you living?  

So we pray 

Lord, for the one reading this tonight -- may she SEEK YOU and answer that question. May she search her heart and know that she is living her life and if it is NOT her best life ...then I pray YOU would show her exactly what to do first.   

Lord for the several women on my prayer list today that are still sitting along side a hospice bed and another trying desperately to wait on You for a miracle within her marriage.... may EACH of them know that they know -- they are living the life that pleases YOU..IN Jesus Name...Amen