Now -- we fly more or stop and take that 2nd day to help with the 'sleep' deprivation. And we are not traveling with kids -- so when you are not focused on the road and at the wheel - there is time to read. I brought a BIG thick book that I have tried to read and start four different times. It is from my favorite author - Francine Rivers. Yet, I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to finish a chapter. So I switched and began to read SHORT stuff on some news feeds and social media sites.
found myself reading several articles about the World Cup team and all the "will I visit the White House?" and "Is Trump a racist?" stuff. Which lead me to several other blog sites where I read several testimonies about transgenders that now regret their decisions and how they discovered their true selves -- as God created them.
I also read several heartbreaking stories where parents lost their children for this reason or another. And I even found a site that spoke of the more recent new evidence that states: the biggest age group of sex offenders or people molesting and raping others is.... 10-15 year raping kids. Why?? The influence of pornography.
Disheartening and sad. I probably blew up my news feed today - as posted anything from silly to serious but I had a lot of time to read and wanted to share. But as I traveled, I was also able to think and praise God.
This world is broken.
I posted this status a few days ago --
Our Souls were made for the perfection of the garden - therefore they can't ever be satisfied by imperfect grit and grind of this sin-soaked world.
It is so true -- there is going to be such hurt and sadness here until we are in our eternal home.
Which brought me back to a verse I read earlier today:
From Psalms 139: 14
I thank you God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it. How throughly you know me, Lord!
The Lord did make me mysteriously complex. There are many hurting and healing and others that have not 'awaken' yet or understand what it truly means to be living in a sin -soaked world.
But today - I was made VERY aware of much of our sin - soaked world and I just reminded myself that God was in control.
As I read about the ones believing they are not really who they were born to be....I felt the enemy was just too 'easy' for so many. And I prayed that those who know and love Jesus are really ACTING like He did.
I asked God - what do people see in me?
Some of these harder issues -- we are going to need to know HOW to answer and WHEN to be bold to speak truth with mercy and grace and most of all ...showing LOVE.
So where are you with all of these issues and hard stuff?
Do you ignore the hard issues or do you feel it's your job to to try and fix them?
My prayer is simple this eve --
Goodness Lord - there are SO many not fully understanding the true JOY there is in YOU. Lord, for all of the sin-soaked people who think there is still something better --Lord, may their eyes be opened. Lord for the many lives that were touched and hurt within those written blogs and articles that I read today and got enthralled with -- reveal, heal, and restore LIKE ONLY you can.
Lord, for making us so complex -- we THANK you -- We thank you that YOU knew that the reader reading this - was created - complex and perfect in Your eyes -- goodness Lord...may they SEE and FEEL your goodness. Jesus - like only YOU their center.
And Lord, help me to speak truth in love and extend grace and mercy - to everyone...the Trump haters as well as the Trump peeps. Lord, help me to be a Titus Two woman to those around me. In the Name of Jesus - amen.