The faith that SJ displays when her G-man holds her on the counter fear...
totally enthralled with her Grandpa and totally enjoying the attention from her Mimi and Momma
...clapping and trying to get her to smile for the camera.
That is the faith I want to display about my God. That is the faith - to lean back into Father God and smile...knowing that He...My Holy Father has me. Even 'up' on the counter ...even 'down' in a valley -- God is RIGHT there.
This weekend has been about faith.
Faith to believe that something dead could come alive.
Faith to believe that the enemy won't win.
Faith to believe that goodness will come - in-spite of circumstances.
I have Faith in God's Word and His promises for me.
The promise that I am the head and not the tail.
The promise that good will come to those who diligently seek you.
The promise that I will have eternal life.
The promise that my name is written on the lamb's book of life.
The promise that I can bring all my troubles to you and you will forgive me and answer my cry.
The promise that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I want to lean back into my God... and allow Him to support me and know that HE is smiling with me.
Lord, I praise you for the life lessons learned and relearned this past week ...this past weekend. Lord, there are many -- that don't have faith, cause they have not 'seen' what YOU are doing, even as they suffer.
Lord, may those eyes be opened.
Lord, that their faith to believe in something that is impossible -- would become possible.
Lord, that as they bring their petitions to YOU...I pray they would pray for more faith.
Lord, for the one seeking to have great faith in her marriage - but can't see it.
Lord, for the one desperately trying to do Your will and it is scary.
Lord, for the one learning to speak life over her boys.
Lord, for the one - literally doing it all -- may she see Your hand in it all.
Lord, YOUR will be done -- and may the one reading this tonight - lean back and into YOU and trust that you will work everything out for his good.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Faith over Feelings - BOLD prayers -when we need to ask for prayer! #19
Maybe you read my blogs and think I am this super strong and spiritual believer. That maybe nothing could set be back in a funk.
You may also read them and she for real? Can someone really pray this much?
I pray that as you read these blogs and the prayers associated with them, that they are speaking life and that you can hear GOD through them.
I believe they are Holy Spirit led and written as I continue to want to make God famous -I want others to grab a hold of God and allow HIM to be their best friend- but I also want to encourage. So, if a blog appears or points to troubles and then shows a weakness -- I have to make sure the Lord wants me to share it. I don't want to hinder anyone. That is when pride can set in.
It is easy to share all the good. It can also be easy to share all the bad and seek attention. That line - in the middle, where we walk in humility and share our hearts is what God wants, but that enemy can SO whisper and make us question.
On some days -- I need my own blog. I need a blog written for me. Some days the enemy can come so fiercely at me, that all I want to do is lay in the fetal position in my bedroom.
When we, at times, are hit with some news that hurts our hearts -- we may need to grieve.
I have been grieving something very personal for a few weeks.
Grieving it-- so much one day -- I had a hard time even smiling. Then when the enemy sees I am hurting, circumstances are allowed and something so stupid and trivial is presented and I break.
Add in these circumstances -- they are GOOD circumstances and events -- so the enemy just whispers, " can't be right".
Something happens and circumstances -- it may seem --circumstances that the enemy can manipulate-- certain happenings-- and all of a sudden, my shoes of peace are off and for a sleepless night -- he continues to whisper to me that "you are a pharse".
Now, I don't believe the enemy can do that. But at that point, I did.
He is a liar.
In one way -- I should be flattered that he attacked so badly these past 24 hours -- that means I am a threat.
But, what happened instead is that - I allowed fear to step in and all of a sudden, I let triggers take over and I was ALL up in my feelings.
The basis or reason I am blogging this series is because - we need to acknowledge our feelings ...but keep FAITH in what GOD can do - rather than allowing our feelings to take over.
Praise GOD that I knew whom to call and ask for her mentoring touch -- her wise words...and her prayers. And praise God - once she reminded me to place my armor back on and to rebuke the enemy....I physically FELT better -- my peace and joy returned.
You may also read them and she for real? Can someone really pray this much?
I pray that as you read these blogs and the prayers associated with them, that they are speaking life and that you can hear GOD through them.
I believe they are Holy Spirit led and written as I continue to want to make God famous -I want others to grab a hold of God and allow HIM to be their best friend- but I also want to encourage. So, if a blog appears or points to troubles and then shows a weakness -- I have to make sure the Lord wants me to share it. I don't want to hinder anyone. That is when pride can set in.
It is easy to share all the good. It can also be easy to share all the bad and seek attention. That line - in the middle, where we walk in humility and share our hearts is what God wants, but that enemy can SO whisper and make us question.
On some days -- I need my own blog. I need a blog written for me. Some days the enemy can come so fiercely at me, that all I want to do is lay in the fetal position in my bedroom.
When we, at times, are hit with some news that hurts our hearts -- we may need to grieve.
I have been grieving something very personal for a few weeks.
Grieving it-- so much one day -- I had a hard time even smiling. Then when the enemy sees I am hurting, circumstances are allowed and something so stupid and trivial is presented and I break.
Add in these circumstances -- they are GOOD circumstances and events -- so the enemy just whispers, " can't be right".
- my husband and I are finishing a teaching series for our church about hearing from God
- -so the enemy says, "sure, you hear from God and where is He today?"
- my friend and I began a new SALT group working through the women of the bible
- - so the enemy says, "who are you - do you really have it all together?"
- -----Then..... the enemy decides to ATTACK and BIG time with whispers that throw me backwards.
Something happens and circumstances -- it may seem --circumstances that the enemy can manipulate-- certain happenings-- and all of a sudden, my shoes of peace are off and for a sleepless night -- he continues to whisper to me that "you are a pharse".
Now, I don't believe the enemy can do that. But at that point, I did.
He is a liar.
In one way -- I should be flattered that he attacked so badly these past 24 hours -- that means I am a threat.
But, what happened instead is that - I allowed fear to step in and all of a sudden, I let triggers take over and I was ALL up in my feelings.
The basis or reason I am blogging this series is because - we need to acknowledge our feelings ...but keep FAITH in what GOD can do - rather than allowing our feelings to take over.
Praise GOD that I knew whom to call and ask for her mentoring touch -- her wise words...and her prayers. And praise God - once she reminded me to place my armor back on and to rebuke the enemy....I physically FELT better -- my peace and joy returned.
( taken from No Other God's Bible study - K. Mintor)
- Faith is believing that what God has CALLED us to is infinitely better than what we are leaving behind.
- Faith is barricading the road that leads back to captivity by refusing to nurture the THOUGHTS of the past. ( THIS was the truth she spoke over me!)
- And Faith is not allowing fear to determine or direct the future that God has for you -- for me!
My husband had already prayed for me earlier that day. His covering and prayer is exactly what I needed but I also needed to be able to bear or vent some fear to another without our judgement. After seeking prayer and receiving encouragement, I wrapped myself up with His Word and His praise music. This verse from Isaiah has so much meaning to me. And by the end of the day - God had confirmed my warrior friend's words over me - two more times. THAT is God.
He, God, took the TIME today - to make sure, that I knew -- I was of value.
He took the time today to refresh me and He showed me much grace and mercy. I may appear to have it all together - but, I am just like you -- or others.
I am not perfect.
I don't hide behind my blogs -- what you read is me -- I do pray. I seek Jesus in every hurt and need. I do believe in the impossible -- but the enemy tried to defeat me today and I had to seek prayer. He wanted me defeated and I felt as if I was, but I knew I needed to act. I knew I needed another to pray over me. So, I sent a text.
I was reminded by the Holy Spirit this past week -- that once upon a time, when I was seeking my Heavenly Father for healing -- I DID seek.
I DID reach out and I DID some actions to put my faith in motion. I moved. I put action into what I believed God wanted me to do -- I did not retreat.
Yet, today, my flesh wanted to - so I knew I had to kick start something.
Sadly, often, what I see and hear at times is a prayer request for God to move or for something to be done...but the one seeking the prayer is not willing to ACT in faith. There are those that want counsel and help and when it comes to making a plan of action/prayer, there is a "hands off" sort of mentality and people want change but are not willing to totally change.
We don't serve a McDonald's fast food type of God..."do you want fries with that?".
Most of God's answers are not instant -- today - HE was me.
Lord - I praise YOU and I thank you for the past 48 hours -- what You allowed...what You showed me and HOW I heard from YOU ....indeed, I know YOU have written my name in the palm of Your hand.
Lord, for the one reading this tonight - may she or he know -- YOU love them THIS much as well. That YOU will meet their hidden need -- there, RIGHT where they have a need and YOU will speak to Your sheep.
Lord, I pray that the one needing prayer or needed a reminder this eve - will finish their day today -- SEEKING you and praying...only they can pursue you on their behalf -- but I can pray for them...that they's have the faith to reach up and out for prayer and would change. IJN Amen.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Faith over Feelings - BOLD prayers #18 Hebrews 11. 41
I have seen miracles just happen - silent prayers get answered and broken hearts become brand new -
That is what FAITH can do.
Kutless - the song
Quite simply -- the bottom line is -- what DO you believe GOD can do?
That opening line is from a song - that was and STILL brings me to my knees.
It can be a prayer and a praise.
I believe HE is WHO HE says HE is and HE will do what HE says HE will do.
I believe HIS word is VERY much alive and active.
So today -- for the one reading this ... have faith.
READ Hebrews 11 - the faith chapter.
Read it in the Message version - I promise it will fill you.
Here it is in the TPT:
vs. 39 These were the true heroes, commended for their faith, yet they lived in hope without receiving
the fullness of what was promised them.
vs. 40 But now God has invited us to live in something better than what they had -- faith's fullness! ( We know Jesus - we know of the Cross ) This is so that they could be brought to finished perfection alongside of us.
For my sweet sister this am ---
For my brother in Christ -- Faith can move mountains.
In your bible -- write vs. 41 faith....I will see _______________ and if your request lines up with HIS, it will come to pass. IJN Amen.
That is what FAITH can do.
Kutless - the song
Quite simply -- the bottom line is -- what DO you believe GOD can do?
That opening line is from a song - that was and STILL brings me to my knees.
It can be a prayer and a praise.
I believe HE is WHO HE says HE is and HE will do what HE says HE will do.
I believe HIS word is VERY much alive and active.
So today -- for the one reading this ... have faith.
READ Hebrews 11 - the faith chapter.
Read it in the Message version - I promise it will fill you.
Here it is in the TPT:
vs. 39 These were the true heroes, commended for their faith, yet they lived in hope without receiving
the fullness of what was promised them.
vs. 40 But now God has invited us to live in something better than what they had -- faith's fullness! ( We know Jesus - we know of the Cross ) This is so that they could be brought to finished perfection alongside of us.
For my sweet sister this am ---
For my brother in Christ -- Faith can move mountains.
In your bible -- write vs. 41 faith....I will see _______________ and if your request lines up with HIS, it will come to pass. IJN Amen.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Faith over Feelings - Blog post #17 -- Forgiveness
I did not write this post -- I went to it - today, looking on stuff about forgiveness.
In the past two weeks, my brain has had to remind my heart that forgiveness is what God asks of us. It is what He is asking of me.
I felt this -- right where I needed it. I do pray that one reading this..besides me -- will feel God speaking.
I have faith to believe over my feelings that the situation which is heavy on my heart -- will turn out for HIS Glory ...but, as the ones around me hurt and grieve... I want the redemption and the redeeming to happen..quickly and in the manner in which "I feel" it should happen. But there is where we trust Our Heavenly Father -- so with that - I will share this blog again -- written by a dear woman who knows the concept --
I feel this could be written by a husband seeking to understand why his wife wants to call it quits.
I feel this could be written by a wife, who knows the marriage is over and needs others to know - she has tried her best.
This could also be written by a wife...trying to forgive her husband for the ultimate betrayal.
Bottom line, we must forgive to move forward - even if we never get the "I am sorry" we long to hear from the one that hurt us.
I pray this will bless someone besides me....
This is from my guest blogger- I will call her Eunice:
I forgive you even if you’re never sorry’
Hurting people hurt people.
We’ve heard the line so many times.
It’s a true explanation of our fallen world.
But does it excuse the person’s behavior?
Why do we feel the need to defend ourselves by offending and hurting others?
I just don’t get it.
Most often, that hurt and pain comes directly from the ones we love the most.
This week I was hit with a pretty brutal rumor being spread about me.
A lie believed to be truth that came directly from the one person I love and have trusted the most in this world.
In the midst of grim circumstances, turmoil, chaos, divination, I have remained steadfast in prayers and hopeful God’s promises would prevail.
Reconciliation would come. (I believe it still will!)
I could love enough to stop this attack from the enemy.
But…. when I was told of this blatant lie which taints the definition of the core of my character, my morals, my covenant commitment and all that I am, I was overwhelmed with so many emotions.
Hurt, betrayal, rejection, defeat, anger…. And a need to defend.
What’s the point, right?

Rumors create opinions of people no matter what your character had displayed in the past. It’s so easy to believe the worst of someone instead of a good heart.
I’m not perfect and I don’t have it all right but I do know the accusations against me are wrong. They’re lies and they continue to rip my family apart.
I cry out to God most days to vindicate this. Do not let the enemy have one more marriage, one more family, and one more person.
In this, I am reminded, it is the enemy.
The enemy wants nothing more to create havoc on God’s people.
He sees increase, he sees healing, he sees life and he cannot stand it.
One crack.
When he sees one crack, he slips in so unnoticed. Before you know it, he’s dining with you at the family table; he’s sleeping next to you, stopping you from praying with your spouse or praying at all. He’s there in your mind, feeding you with lies and deception. There is no clarity and even in black and white, he taints the gray areas within the lines of truth to lead you to believe what he has planted in your mind. LIES.
He plays on your past hurts, betrayals and failures planting lies of distrust and failure.
Satan is the master deceiver. He started with lies right in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:4-5)
He disguises his lies as truth and leads many astray. (2 Corinthians 11:3 & 11:14)
His only goal is to devour. He wants to tear down. (1 Peter 5:8)
In the midst of these grim circumstances. I recognize ,my loved one , that is spreading these gut wrenching hurtful lies about me indeed is not the enemy. The enemy is the devil. The one who planted these lies. The enemy used pure circumstances and twisted them to be acts of betrayal. The enemy has lied to my loved one and my loved one believes these lies.
To my loved one, I say, I forgive you. Even if an apology never comes and even if you are never sorry, I forgive you….. Beyond that, I continue to pray for you. I pray for you because your safety, your happiness, your love, YOUR SOUL means more to me than my comfort. It means more to me than my reputation or what others think about it. I forgive you because God has forgiven me of all of my sins. Because of His abundant forgiveness, I do not have a heart to hold bitter, resentment or grudges. My loved one, you know this because you have witnessed my mercy heart upon others that have wronged me in the past under such horrible wrongdoings. My loved one, I pray you learn to forgive yourself. Open your heart to receive the fullness of God’s love. He’s there. Right there. He wants to give you a clean heart. Not by your works. Not by your might BUT BY HIS. RECEIVE IT! Receive HIS love!
I will not defend myself. God has commanded me to be still. He fights for me (and for you too, my dear loved one!) (Exodus 14:14)
I will forgive because not only is it freeing but it is also a command. (Matthew 6:14-15)
I will love. My faith is expressed through love and the greatest is love. (Galatians 5:6; 1 Corinthians 13:13)
The enemy has not won here! God will always prevail and He will always get the glory! In Jesus Name!
In the past two weeks, my brain has had to remind my heart that forgiveness is what God asks of us. It is what He is asking of me.
I felt this -- right where I needed it. I do pray that one reading this..besides me -- will feel God speaking.
I have faith to believe over my feelings that the situation which is heavy on my heart -- will turn out for HIS Glory ...but, as the ones around me hurt and grieve... I want the redemption and the redeeming to happen..quickly and in the manner in which "I feel" it should happen. But there is where we trust Our Heavenly Father -- so with that - I will share this blog again -- written by a dear woman who knows the concept --
I feel this could be written by a husband seeking to understand why his wife wants to call it quits.
I feel this could be written by a wife, who knows the marriage is over and needs others to know - she has tried her best.
This could also be written by a wife...trying to forgive her husband for the ultimate betrayal.
Bottom line, we must forgive to move forward - even if we never get the "I am sorry" we long to hear from the one that hurt us.
I pray this will bless someone besides me....
This is from my guest blogger- I will call her Eunice:
I forgive you even if you’re never sorry’
Hurting people hurt people.
We’ve heard the line so many times.
It’s a true explanation of our fallen world.
But does it excuse the person’s behavior?
Why do we feel the need to defend ourselves by offending and hurting others?
I just don’t get it.
Most often, that hurt and pain comes directly from the ones we love the most.
This week I was hit with a pretty brutal rumor being spread about me.
A lie believed to be truth that came directly from the one person I love and have trusted the most in this world.
In the midst of grim circumstances, turmoil, chaos, divination, I have remained steadfast in prayers and hopeful God’s promises would prevail.
Reconciliation would come. (I believe it still will!)
I could love enough to stop this attack from the enemy.
But…. when I was told of this blatant lie which taints the definition of the core of my character, my morals, my covenant commitment and all that I am, I was overwhelmed with so many emotions.
Hurt, betrayal, rejection, defeat, anger…. And a need to defend.
What’s the point, right?

Rumors create opinions of people no matter what your character had displayed in the past. It’s so easy to believe the worst of someone instead of a good heart.
I’m not perfect and I don’t have it all right but I do know the accusations against me are wrong. They’re lies and they continue to rip my family apart.
I cry out to God most days to vindicate this. Do not let the enemy have one more marriage, one more family, and one more person.
In this, I am reminded, it is the enemy.
The enemy wants nothing more to create havoc on God’s people.
He sees increase, he sees healing, he sees life and he cannot stand it.
One crack.
When he sees one crack, he slips in so unnoticed. Before you know it, he’s dining with you at the family table; he’s sleeping next to you, stopping you from praying with your spouse or praying at all. He’s there in your mind, feeding you with lies and deception. There is no clarity and even in black and white, he taints the gray areas within the lines of truth to lead you to believe what he has planted in your mind. LIES.
He plays on your past hurts, betrayals and failures planting lies of distrust and failure.
Satan is the master deceiver. He started with lies right in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:4-5)
He disguises his lies as truth and leads many astray. (2 Corinthians 11:3 & 11:14)
His only goal is to devour. He wants to tear down. (1 Peter 5:8)
In the midst of these grim circumstances. I recognize ,my loved one , that is spreading these gut wrenching hurtful lies about me indeed is not the enemy. The enemy is the devil. The one who planted these lies. The enemy used pure circumstances and twisted them to be acts of betrayal. The enemy has lied to my loved one and my loved one believes these lies.
To my loved one, I say, I forgive you. Even if an apology never comes and even if you are never sorry, I forgive you….. Beyond that, I continue to pray for you. I pray for you because your safety, your happiness, your love, YOUR SOUL means more to me than my comfort. It means more to me than my reputation or what others think about it. I forgive you because God has forgiven me of all of my sins. Because of His abundant forgiveness, I do not have a heart to hold bitter, resentment or grudges. My loved one, you know this because you have witnessed my mercy heart upon others that have wronged me in the past under such horrible wrongdoings. My loved one, I pray you learn to forgive yourself. Open your heart to receive the fullness of God’s love. He’s there. Right there. He wants to give you a clean heart. Not by your works. Not by your might BUT BY HIS. RECEIVE IT! Receive HIS love!
I will not defend myself. God has commanded me to be still. He fights for me (and for you too, my dear loved one!) (Exodus 14:14)
I will forgive because not only is it freeing but it is also a command. (Matthew 6:14-15)
I will love. My faith is expressed through love and the greatest is love. (Galatians 5:6; 1 Corinthians 13:13)
The enemy has not won here! God will always prevail and He will always get the glory! In Jesus Name!
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Faith over Feelings #16 - BOLD prayers -- to sustain.
It has been a month. A long respite. Summer school, Vacation, traveling, and then traveling again; then school starting, again.
I know that I know the Lord commissioned me to write this series of prayers -- FAITH over FEELINGS -- but it's become SO apparent and God CONFIRMED boldly, that this series of prayers was JUST as much for me as others.
So, with school started and 'routines' getting back to normal - it is time to begin again and get this blog series rolling and completed. I need it ...I need that FAITH over what I am seeing right now.
So, with that -- the word sustain.
That happened within my heart in the past week. Crushing news, heartache...heartache that can grieve the soul. So I pray...I seek, and I sustain on the fact that I know what God can do. I know He didn't give us a miracle to just enjoy -- it is to share with others and remind them that God indeed DOES change us.
I know what God can do. He can take a situation that seems totally dead and make it come alive again. I am not going backwards but I have sort of a crush on this one guy that lives in my house -- I have watched him over the past weeks be used by God in a very BOLD way...but, I have watched him pray, plead with God, and pray even more. I have also watched him carefully seek HIS word for guidance and direction.
And tomorrow - is our 32nd wedding anniversary. 32 years since we walked down a very HOT aisle, in a small 97 degree church, in the dead of summer, in a black tux with sweat dripping from his brow....and we said I DO. 32 years of laughs, tears, and heartache -- but also 32 years of seeing GOD's hand upon us. 32 years of living pay check to pay check being able to bless another with an offering. 32 years of sharing a car, crashing a car, getting a new car, getting several new/used cars, and running all over the place in that car. 32 years of breakfasts, dinners, and fart sessions under the covers and 32 years of what GOD planned for us.....
The enemy fought HARD to try and destroy this anniversary we now celebrate with joy -- but God won.
However there is another man -- that lives in my house too. HIS name is the Holy Spirit. He comforts. He speaks and He guides. And his best buddy Jesus also lives within our hearts in this home. Jesus is the one that covers me...and my husband. He intercedes.
And God forgives. God restores. God remains. God is good. God is the very reason I write this blog. It allows me to tell others -- HOW HE is within my life. It allows me to be transparent and honest.
God's Word is HIS direct communication or love letter to me.
Our words can flatter and make things sound really good and they can make something sound really bad. We justify our feelings and call it faith at times.
I found this --
Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor
rather than one who has a flattering tongue.
Whoever rebukes a FRIEND will in the end gain favor
rather than one who has a flattering tongue.
Whoever rebukes a CONFIDANT will in the end gain favor
rather than one who has a flattering tongue.
Whoever rebukes a LOVED ONE will in the end gain favor
rather than one who has a flattering tongue. Proverbs 28.23
God's Word is HIS direct communication or love letter to me. This verse refers to speaking truth when it hurts. This verse hit me hard this week.
This is a HARD word to swallow, especially if you don't agree with a loved one and it will hurt to express your opinion.
But God calls us to be strong with a sense of Justice and Righteousness.
We are not called to judge. We are called to love. There are always two sides to every story in every situation -- but God knows the bottom line truth. And often, we must say what lines up with God's Word -- that is the ultimate words that bring life.
Sometimes, God calls us to do the HARD. He may call us to speak that truth to a loved one - even though it hurts.
Obedience will bring fruit and rewards.
5 “Don’t pervert justice. Don’t show favoritism to either the poor or the great. Judge on the basis of what is right.
16 “Don’t spread gossip and rumors.
“Don’t just stand by when your neighbor’s life is in danger. I am God.
17 “Don’t secretly hate your neighbor. If you have something against him, get it out into the open; otherwise you are an accomplice in his guilt.
18 “Don’t seek revenge or carry a grudge against any of your people.
“Love your neighbor as yourself. I am God. Lev. 19.17
Sometimes you really have to do the HARD. Some of God's written testimony is HARD to accept.
I want to say this...I don't secretly hate my neighbor. I do my best to NOT allow any gossip - I strive to deal with facts and go directly to a person if I feel the Holy Spirit's conviction.
I won't stand by when I see one of my friends or family hurting. If I can't directly help in some way, I pray. Well I pray THAT is my first SWORD. Knowing that I am to pray!
God's word says in James 4.10 -- Humble yourselves before the Lord and HE will raise you up.
I will question everything against God's word. And I forgive. I KNOW how to do that...I know it takes a daily reminder to forgive a situation or a person and that it is a process but I know I am to forgive. And I can love a person...or love the sinner but still hate the sin.
It is not personal. It is what God has asked us to do. We show love...we walk in love and we are kind and gentle...but sometimes, God also asks us to do HARD stuff.
I also refer to my SWORD of Light...the ability to discern. This is no suspicion. It deals with facts. This is not about putting a label on another. I know about labels. In the past week, there has been a lot of labels being stated - to explain and justify behaviors. It happens in my classroom as well -- as I see a hurting child and as I get to know them, I see what they are living in or lived through and indeed the ability to discern and show care vital.
There is a SWORD of Harvest. It changes the environment - it makes a clear path. In the past year, there have been changes and we have sought God to clear the way. And there has been a harvesting and a pruning as well....and I believe it was of God.
There is a SWORD of Song and I have sought in my quiet time -- singing..."this life will not go down in shame". A friend wrote it. "My life won't go down in shame...that my life won't go down in will rise and glorify YOUR name..." THAT has been my prayer. Another song for the past two weeks -- "Spirit Lead Me" by Influence Music...
The SWORD of Silence is so important and keeping silent is so very important .......but God also calls us to be willing to speak when HE calls us to. God's word speaks louder than our silence.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against things like this. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified self with its passions and its desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow the Spirit. 26 Let’s not become arrogant, make each other angry, or be jealous of each other.
And finally the SWORD of Restoration. I am completely yielding to God. I know what restoration looks like and how it feels. Believe me ....that has been my prayer as well. As I said, I forgive. When we forgive, it empowers the person to get the forgiveness they need from God. So in the news of this week -- I have been on my knees and seeking forgiveness - as I need to forgive them, as they are hurting those I love. And yet...I love the one that is doing the hurting as well -- so I forgive. I am in the battle... I sustain.... I hold still.
I have learned to trust and when my faith is weak .....or what I see, seems impossible, I boldly declare that YOU - GOD will win. And I will see the goodness of My Father and within the situation or circumstances at hand.
God's word says in James 4.10 -- Humble yourselves before the Lord and HE will raise you up.
I will question everything against God's word. And I forgive. I KNOW how to do that...I know it takes a daily reminder to forgive a situation or a person and that it is a process but I know I am to forgive. And I can love a person...or love the sinner but still hate the sin.
It is not personal. It is what God has asked us to do. We show love...we walk in love and we are kind and gentle...but sometimes, God also asks us to do HARD stuff.
I also refer to my SWORD of Light...the ability to discern. This is no suspicion. It deals with facts. This is not about putting a label on another. I know about labels. In the past week, there has been a lot of labels being stated - to explain and justify behaviors. It happens in my classroom as well -- as I see a hurting child and as I get to know them, I see what they are living in or lived through and indeed the ability to discern and show care vital.
There is a SWORD of Harvest. It changes the environment - it makes a clear path. In the past year, there have been changes and we have sought God to clear the way. And there has been a harvesting and a pruning as well....and I believe it was of God.
There is a SWORD of Song and I have sought in my quiet time -- singing..."this life will not go down in shame". A friend wrote it. "My life won't go down in shame...that my life won't go down in will rise and glorify YOUR name..." THAT has been my prayer. Another song for the past two weeks -- "Spirit Lead Me" by Influence Music...
"in every moment - I withhold nothing"
" and even in suffering - I have to believe it"
"when all hope is gone - your word is all I 've got - I have to believe"
"You loved me at my worst"
The SWORD of Silence is so important and keeping silent is so very important .......but God also calls us to be willing to speak when HE calls us to. God's word speaks louder than our silence.
Galatians 5:16-26
Common English Bible (CEB)
Two different ways of living
16 I say be guided by the Spirit and you won’t carry out your selfish desires. 17 A person’s selfish desires are set against the Spirit, and the Spirit is set against one’s selfish desires. They are opposed to each other, so you shouldn’t do whatever you want to do. 18 But if you are being led by the Spirit, you aren’t under the Law. 19 The actions that are produced by selfish motives are obvious, since they include sexual immorality, moral corruption, doing whatever feels good, 20 idolatry, drug use and casting spells, hate, fighting, obsession, losing your temper, competitive opposition, conflict, selfishness, group rivalry, 21 jealousy, drunkenness, partying, and other things like that. I warn you as I have already warned you, that those who do these kinds of things won’t inherit God’s kingdom.22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against things like this. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified self with its passions and its desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow the Spirit. 26 Let’s not become arrogant, make each other angry, or be jealous of each other.
And finally the SWORD of Restoration. I am completely yielding to God. I know what restoration looks like and how it feels. Believe me ....that has been my prayer as well. As I said, I forgive. When we forgive, it empowers the person to get the forgiveness they need from God. So in the news of this week -- I have been on my knees and seeking forgiveness - as I need to forgive them, as they are hurting those I love. And yet...I love the one that is doing the hurting as well -- so I forgive. I am in the battle... I sustain.... I hold still.
I have learned to trust and when my faith is weak .....or what I see, seems impossible, I boldly declare that YOU - GOD will win. And I will see the goodness of My Father and within the situation or circumstances at hand.
Our true enemy is Satan. He is the one that steals, kills, and destroys. He sets traps. He plots and plans. And if we are not careful and watchful - he just needs an inch and he can become our ruler.
( no pun intended )
In the past week, I have witnessed in another situation how God can use something that Satan planned to kill and destroy some ---but he did not succeed. There is still some strife. There is still MUCH hard work to be done...but these believers have hope. IN GOD. They gave me HOPE when I got news of a loved one - hurting. Satan is always out to steal, kill, and destroy.
Of course -- Forgiveness is the first thing. God does know our hearts. God knows our motives...and God knows what will happen next.
But God also wants to RAISE us up...Nothing is wasted and HE teaches us through every bit of stress and circumstance ...that HE wins. Sometimes we pray the prayer - "do whatever it takes Lord, but I want them depending upon YOU and ONLY You"... and so it is. Now we trust God -
God's beauty will rise out of the ashes.
So I will end with a prayer for my loved one -
Little brother - God knows your heart and your pain. He sees and knows all. This present situation didn't come overnight, but HE will walk you through the fire and I believe YOU won't be burned or even smell of smoke.
I believe God is still bringing living water out of the Rock...I believe in miracles and I believe in Our Heavenly Father that lives within you through Holy Spirit. I will believe and stand in the gap when you can't... and I will declare that the desires of your heart -- will come into fruition.
I declare and believe that God will win... I pray you sustain.. and HOLD on while HE works, In Jesus most comforting and holy name...Amen.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
How long do you think you have left?
Guest blogger today ..... my husband.
YES.... YES... YES... wait for it -- yes, Brendan writes too!! He was stirred by a question.
I pray this Holy Spirit infused blog from his heart will stir you as well.
I pray you would you encourage him and share it as well -- thank you. - Michelle
How long do you think you have left?
This is a question our Pastor asked of us on Sunday after the Lord awoke him in the middle of the night.
A day, a night, a week, a month, a year or longer?
Is the question about our life or Christ's return? Does it matter?
Are you uncomfortable thinking about either? As Christians we should be more interested in the eternal over the temporal but so often we have them backwards. Henry Kissinger once said, "If you don't know where you are going, every road will lead you somewhere." Matthew 7: 13-14 says, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
What road are you on? Sadly, many will say:

I go to church on Sunday.
I am honest and kind to my neighbor.
I pray and read my bible here and there.
Is that enough? The Message Bible says in Matthew 7: 21-24:
" Knowing the correct password -- saying 'Master, Master,' for instance --is not going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience -- doing what my Father wills. I can see it now -- at the Final Judgement -- thousands strutting up to me and saying, 'Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God -- sponsored projects and had everyone talking!' And do you know what I am going to say? You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves look important, you don't impress me one bit. You are out of here"
I spoke to a person today who made the statement their spouse was an unbeliever. I asked, "do you pray for your spouse?" The answer came with an embarrassed smile, "no, but I pray for my kids."
Where is sorrow for that soul?
Heaven and hell are real! You cannot say you believe in the Bible if you do not believe in Hell because the Bible is the book that taught us about Hell.
No other book will teach us about this.....You cannot say you believe in Jesus and not in Hell -- because Jesus spoke more about Hell than he did about Heaven! The reason he did -- he is -- is because it is a reality and he is trying to keep people from going to Hell.
Remember Hell was created to house the devil and the other fallen angels. God made Hell a certain size to accommodate Satan and the fallen angels. Here is the problem, humans began to follow Satan. According to Isaiah 5:14, "hell had to be enlarged". So God sends his only Son - John 3:16 - so you don't have to go. We can have great joy but we need to have a burden that we cannot get over-- that people are going to hell without Jesus.
So many times, I hear people say, "not today but later, down the road I will." You don't build a life of righteousness in the future on a foundation of sin today. Mark 6:34 says, "And Jesus, when he came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them." This phrase, "moved with compassion" in the Greek means to put action to your love. What kind of action are you taking on behalf of yourself, family, or those around us? I encourage you to examine yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the compassion that Jesus had.
Put action to your love by digging in God's Word and praying for the lost. Prayer is never a last line of defense. It is our first line of offense. As my wife says, "God always wins!!" -- Brendan
YES.... YES... YES... wait for it -- yes, Brendan writes too!! He was stirred by a question.
I pray this Holy Spirit infused blog from his heart will stir you as well.
I pray you would you encourage him and share it as well -- thank you. - Michelle
How long do you think you have left?
This is a question our Pastor asked of us on Sunday after the Lord awoke him in the middle of the night.
A day, a night, a week, a month, a year or longer?
Is the question about our life or Christ's return? Does it matter?
Are you uncomfortable thinking about either? As Christians we should be more interested in the eternal over the temporal but so often we have them backwards. Henry Kissinger once said, "If you don't know where you are going, every road will lead you somewhere." Matthew 7: 13-14 says, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
What road are you on? Sadly, many will say:

I go to church on Sunday.
I am honest and kind to my neighbor.
I pray and read my bible here and there.
Is that enough? The Message Bible says in Matthew 7: 21-24:
" Knowing the correct password -- saying 'Master, Master,' for instance --is not going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience -- doing what my Father wills. I can see it now -- at the Final Judgement -- thousands strutting up to me and saying, 'Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God -- sponsored projects and had everyone talking!' And do you know what I am going to say? You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves look important, you don't impress me one bit. You are out of here"
I spoke to a person today who made the statement their spouse was an unbeliever. I asked, "do you pray for your spouse?" The answer came with an embarrassed smile, "no, but I pray for my kids."
Where is sorrow for that soul?
Heaven and hell are real! You cannot say you believe in the Bible if you do not believe in Hell because the Bible is the book that taught us about Hell.
No other book will teach us about this.....You cannot say you believe in Jesus and not in Hell -- because Jesus spoke more about Hell than he did about Heaven! The reason he did -- he is -- is because it is a reality and he is trying to keep people from going to Hell.
Remember Hell was created to house the devil and the other fallen angels. God made Hell a certain size to accommodate Satan and the fallen angels. Here is the problem, humans began to follow Satan. According to Isaiah 5:14, "hell had to be enlarged". So God sends his only Son - John 3:16 - so you don't have to go. We can have great joy but we need to have a burden that we cannot get over-- that people are going to hell without Jesus.
So many times, I hear people say, "not today but later, down the road I will." You don't build a life of righteousness in the future on a foundation of sin today. Mark 6:34 says, "And Jesus, when he came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them." This phrase, "moved with compassion" in the Greek means to put action to your love. What kind of action are you taking on behalf of yourself, family, or those around us? I encourage you to examine yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the compassion that Jesus had.
Jesus didn't come to make bad people good.
He came to make dead people alive!
Put action to your love by digging in God's Word and praying for the lost. Prayer is never a last line of defense. It is our first line of offense. As my wife says, "God always wins!!" -- Brendan
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