Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Faith over Feelings #16 - BOLD prayers -- to sustain.

 It has been  a month.  A long respite.  Summer school,  Vacation, traveling,  and then traveling again;   then school starting, again. 

 I know that I know the Lord commissioned me to write this series of prayers -- FAITH over FEELINGS -- but it's  become SO apparent and God  CONFIRMED  boldly,  that this series of prayers was JUST as much for me as  others.  

So, with school started and 'routines' getting back to normal - it is time to begin again and get this  blog series rolling and completed.  I need it ...I need that FAITH over what I am seeing right now.  

So, with that  -- the word sustain.  
Sometimes it is hard to sustain when it seems the world is crashing down all around you.  
That happened within my heart in the past week.  Crushing news, heartache...heartache that can grieve the soul.  So I pray...I seek, and I sustain on the fact that I know what God can do.  I know He didn't give us a miracle to just enjoy -- it is to share with others and remind them that God indeed DOES change  us. 
I know what God can do.  He can take a situation that seems totally dead and make it come alive again.  I am not going backwards but I have sort of a crush on this one guy that lives in my house --  I have watched him over the past  weeks be used by God in a very BOLD way...but, I have watched him pray, plead with God,  and pray even more.  I have also watched him carefully seek HIS word for guidance and direction.  
 And tomorrow - is our 32nd wedding anniversary.  32 years since we walked down a very HOT aisle,  in a small  97 degree church,  in the dead of summer, in a black tux with sweat dripping from his brow....and we said I DO.   32 years of laughs, tears, and heartache -- but also 32 years of seeing GOD's hand upon us.   32 years of living pay check to pay check being able to bless another with an offering.  32 years of sharing a car, crashing a car, getting a new car, getting several new/used cars, and running all over the place in that car.  32 years of breakfasts, dinners, and fart sessions under the covers and 32 years of what GOD planned for us..... 
The enemy fought HARD to try and destroy this anniversary we now celebrate with joy -- but God won.  

However there is another man -- that lives in my house too.  HIS name is the Holy Spirit.   He comforts.  He speaks  and He guides.  And his best buddy Jesus also lives within our hearts in this home.   Jesus is the one that covers me...and my husband.  He intercedes.

And God forgives.  God restores.  God remains.  God is good.  God is the very reason I write this blog. It allows me to tell  others -- HOW HE is within my life. It allows me to be transparent and honest.

God's Word is HIS direct communication or love letter to me.

Our words can flatter and make things sound really good  and they can make something sound really bad.  We justify our feelings and call it faith at times.  

I found this -- 

Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor
    rather than one who has a flattering tongue.

Whoever rebukes a  FRIEND  will in the end gain favor
    rather than one who has a flattering tongue.

Whoever rebukes a CONFIDANT  will in the end gain favor
    rather than one who has a flattering tongue.

Whoever rebukes a LOVED ONE  will in the end gain favor
    rather than one who has a flattering tongue.  Proverbs 28.23

God's Word is HIS direct communication or love letter to me.  This verse refers to speaking truth when it hurts.  This verse hit me hard this week.  

This is a HARD word to swallow, especially if you don't agree with a loved one and it will hurt to express your opinion.  

 But God calls us to be strong with a sense of Justice and Righteousness. 

 We are not called to judge.  We are called to love.     There are always two sides to every story in every situation -- but God knows the bottom line truth.  And often, we must say what lines up with God's Word -- that is the ultimate words that bring life. 

Sometimes, God calls us to do the HARD.  He may call us to speak that truth to a loved one - even though it hurts.  

Obedience will bring fruit and rewards.  

“Don’t pervert justice. Don’t show favoritism to either the poor or the great. Judge on the basis of what is right.
16 “Don’t spread gossip and rumors.
“Don’t just stand by when your neighbor’s life is in danger. I am God.
17 “Don’t secretly hate your neighbor. If you have something against him, get it out into the open; otherwise you are an accomplice in his guilt.
18 “Don’t seek revenge or carry a grudge against any of your people.
“Love your neighbor as yourself. I am God.  Lev. 19.17

Sometimes you really have to do the HARD.  Some of God's written testimony is HARD to accept.  

I want to say this...I don't secretly hate my neighbor.   I do my best to NOT allow any gossip - I strive to deal with facts and go directly to a person if I feel the Holy Spirit's conviction.  
I won't stand by when I see one of my friends or family hurting.  If I can't directly help in some way, I pray.  Well I pray THAT is my first SWORD.   Knowing that I am to pray!  

God's word says in James 4.10 -- Humble yourselves before the Lord and HE will raise you up.  

I will question everything against God's word.  And I forgive.  I KNOW how to do that...I know it takes a daily reminder to forgive a situation or a person and that it is a process but I know I am to forgive.  And I can love a person...or love the sinner but still hate the sin.  

It is not personal.  It is what God has asked us to do.  We show love...we walk in love and we are kind and gentle...but sometimes, God also asks us to do HARD stuff.  

I also refer to my SWORD of Light...the ability to discern.  This is no suspicion.  It deals with facts.  This is not about putting a label on another.  I know about labels.  In the past week, there has been a lot of labels being stated - to explain and justify behaviors.  It happens in my classroom as well -- as I see a hurting child and as I get to know them, I see what they are living in or lived through and indeed the ability to discern and show care vital.  

There is a SWORD of Harvest.  It changes the environment - it makes a clear path.  In the past  year, there have been changes and we have sought God to clear the way.   And there has been a harvesting and a pruning as well....and I believe it was of God.  

There is a SWORD of Song and I have sought in  my quiet time -- singing..."this life will not go down in shame". A friend wrote it.      "My life won't go down in shame...that my  life won't go down in will rise and glorify YOUR name..."  THAT has been my prayer.   Another song for the past two weeks -- "Spirit Lead Me" by Influence Music... 

"in every moment - I withhold nothing" 
" and even in suffering - I have to believe it" 

"when all hope is gone - your word is all I 've got - I have to believe"
"You loved me at my worst" 

The SWORD of Silence is so important and keeping silent is so very important .......but God also calls us to be willing to speak when HE calls us to.   God's word speaks louder than our silence.  

Galatians 5:16-26

Common English Bible (CEB)

Two different ways of living

16 I say be guided by the Spirit and you won’t carry out your selfish desires. 17 A person’s selfish desires are set against the Spirit, and the Spirit is set against one’s selfish desires. They are opposed to each other, so you shouldn’t do whatever you want to do. 18 But if you are being led by the Spirit, you aren’t under the Law. 19 The actions that are produced by selfish motives are obvious, since they include sexual immorality, moral corruption, doing whatever feels good, 20 idolatry, drug use and casting spells, hate, fighting, obsession, losing your temper, competitive opposition, conflict, selfishness, group rivalry, 21 jealousy, drunkenness, partying, and other things like that. I warn you as I have already warned you, that those who do these kinds of things won’t inherit God’s kingdom.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against things like this. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified self with its passions and its desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let’s follow the Spirit. 26 Let’s not become arrogant, make each other angry, or be jealous of each other.

And finally the SWORD of Restoration.  I am completely yielding to God.  I know what restoration looks like and how it feels.   Believe me ....that has been my prayer as well.   As I said, I forgive.  When we forgive, it empowers the person to get the forgiveness they need from God.  So in the news of this week -- I have been on my knees and seeking forgiveness - as I need to forgive them, as they are hurting those I love.  And yet...I love the one that is doing the hurting as well -- so I forgive. I am in the battle... I sustain.... I hold still. 

 I have learned to trust and when my faith is weak .....or what I see, seems impossible, I boldly declare that YOU - GOD will win.  And I will see the goodness of My Father and within the situation or circumstances at hand.  

Our  true enemy  is Satan.   He is the one that steals, kills, and destroys.  He sets traps.  He plots and plans.  And if we are not careful and watchful - he just needs an inch and he can become our ruler.
  ( no pun intended )

  In the past  week, I have witnessed in another situation  how God can use something that Satan planned to kill and destroy some ---but  he did not succeed.  There is still some strife.  There is still MUCH hard work to be done...but these believers have hope.  IN GOD.    They gave me HOPE when I got news of a loved one - hurting.  Satan is always out to steal, kill, and destroy.  

 Of course --    Forgiveness is the first thing.   God does know our hearts.  God knows our motives...and God knows  what will happen next. 

 But God also wants to RAISE us up...Nothing is wasted and HE teaches us through every bit of stress and circumstance ...that HE wins. Sometimes we pray the prayer - "do whatever it takes Lord, but I want them depending upon YOU and ONLY You"... and so it is.  Now we trust God  - 

  God's beauty will rise out of  the ashes.

So I will end with a prayer for my loved one -

Little brother - God knows your heart and your pain.  He sees and knows all.  This present situation didn't come overnight, but HE will walk you through the fire and I believe YOU won't be burned or even smell of smoke. 

 I believe God is still bringing living water out of the Rock...I believe in miracles and I believe in Our Heavenly Father that lives within you through Holy Spirit.  I will believe and stand in the gap when you can't... and I will declare that the desires of your heart -- will come into fruition. 

I declare and believe that  God will win...  I pray you sustain.. and HOLD on while HE works, In Jesus most comforting and holy name...Amen.  

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