Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How long do you think you have left?

Guest blogger today ..... my husband. 
 YES.... YES... YES... wait for it -- yes,  Brendan writes too!!   He was stirred by a question. 

I pray this Holy Spirit infused blog from his heart will stir you as well. 
 I pray you would you encourage him and  share it as well -- thank you.    - Michelle 

How long do you think you have left?  

This is a question our Pastor asked of us on Sunday after the Lord awoke him in the middle of the night.

  A day, a night, a week, a month, a year or longer?  

Is the question about our life or Christ's return?     Does it matter?  

Are you uncomfortable thinking about either?  As Christians we should be more interested in the eternal over the temporal but so often we have them backwards.  Henry Kissinger once said, "If you don't know where you are going, every road will lead you somewhere."    Matthew 7: 13-14 says, "Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." 

What road are you on?  Sadly, many will say: 

I go to church on Sunday. 

I am honest and kind to my neighbor. 

I pray and read my bible here and there. 

Is that enough?   The Message Bible says in Matthew 7: 21-24: 
" Knowing the correct password -- saying 'Master, Master,' for instance --is not going to get you anywhere with me.  What is required is serious obedience -- doing what my Father wills.  I can see it now -- at the Final Judgement  -- thousands strutting up to me and saying, 'Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God -- sponsored projects and had everyone talking!' And do you know what I am going to say?  You missed the boat.  All you did was use me to make yourselves look important, you don't impress me one bit.  You are out of here

I spoke to a person today who made the statement their spouse was an unbeliever.  I asked, "do you pray for your spouse?"  The answer came with an embarrassed smile, "no, but I pray for my kids."  

Where is sorrow for that soul? 

 Heaven and hell are real!  You cannot say you believe in the Bible if you do not believe in Hell because the Bible is the book that taught us about Hell.  

No other book will teach us about this.....You cannot say you believe in Jesus and not in Hell -- because Jesus  spoke more about Hell than he did about Heaven!  The reason he did -- he is -- is because it is a reality and he is trying to keep people from going to Hell.  

Remember Hell was created to house the devil and the other fallen angels.  God made Hell a certain size to accommodate Satan and the fallen angels.  Here is the problem, humans began to follow Satan.  According to Isaiah 5:14, "hell had to be enlarged".  So God sends his only Son  - John 3:16 - so you don't have to go.  We can have great joy but we need to have a burden that we cannot get over-- that people are going to hell without Jesus.  

So many times, I hear people say, "not today but later, down the road I will."  You don't build a life of righteousness in the future on a foundation of sin today.  Mark 6:34 says, "And Jesus, when he came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them."   This phrase, "moved with compassion" in the Greek means to put action to your love.  What kind of action are you taking on behalf of yourself, family, or those around us?   I encourage you to examine yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the compassion that Jesus had. 

 Jesus  didn't come to make bad people good.  

He came to make dead people alive!  

Put action to your love by digging in God's Word and praying for the lost.  Prayer is never a last line of defense. It is our first line of offense.  As my wife says, "God always wins!!"   -- Brendan 


  1. How blessed is the man who finds wisdom And the man who gains understanding.
    Proverbs 3:13

    That question is real and should really stir us all up.
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and encouragement.

    "He came to make dead people alive" praise God!


Please let me know how this touched you . . . thanks!