Monday, April 12, 2021

Who is my Jesus? - Blog #3 - Faithful and Reliable and Sweet!

 This photo was captured back in February of 2019 when Brendan so graciously supported my school girl crush and we hopped plane to Vegas one weekend so I could sit in the front row and see Donny Osmond sing and dance.  

He was gracious and allowed me a silly dream - that came true.  He makes me laugh and sometimes he frustrates me too, but in it all -- He was created for me. I rely on him - a lot;  today, I got to return the favor as he needed me for   some surgical support. 

It gets very easy to rely on our husbands. 

Today, he had some minor surgery.  Long story, but all is well!!   In the process over the last 6 weeks of pain and trying to figure out what was the cause, we have done much, researched much, and not slept much -- as he tosses and turns. 

Over the last six weeks, it was easy to go  from having great  concern for him and helping him  try to  figure out what was the cause of his pain was ---  to many nights just being frustrated and aggravated - not at him-- but at God --as  this healing process that we had claimed was not coming FAST enough.  

Funny, how we can have trust and then we don't. 

Funny, how we can pray for others and then get frustrated in our own requests.

Funny how we can claim healing and then when it doesn't happen in our time frame we get a little cranky.  

Funny, how  when your  body begins to revolt and you don't have control -- the LORD reminds you of many lessons you already know but have become 'blind' to-

Funny how your mind and the enemy wants to give you every reason to think the worst rather than the best -- 

It is all our human weakness and our flesh -- in which, we need to rely on our Savior and not ourselves!! 

In all of this - today, I was SO reminded that Jesus is faithful.   And I can rely on HIM. 

 We did pray for a miracle -- but, we believe the healing  came through the hands of a gifted surgeon that removed an 'agitated' gallbladder and its contents, a 3.5 mm stone.   

  I grabbed a book to read while waiting at the hospital - a new one, I wanted to mail to another, but wanted to read it first.  Small talk was made here and there, as we sat in that waiting room and wondered if we were in the right spot. My husband sparked a conversation with another wife waiting on her husband.  She overheard Bren's discussion with the clerk and then  exclaimed that her daughter was born in the same year as us! Which sparked even more conversation  - which ensued. 

  She revealed she a diagnosis she had just been given - cancer.  At this point,  Bren was  about to  leave for  surgery prep, but  he stopped and asked the nurse to wait. He laid his hands on Terri's shoulders and prayed for her.  I watched as tears filled her hands.  There is something very sweet when you know Holy Spirit is prompting you to pray  and your husband just covers that!   Tears filled my eyes as well, as you watch your best friend of 30+ years walk away  with a stranger and that stinking devil whispers- you won't see him again.   So I just faithfully rebuked that enemy.  Back to the  waiting room -  

 This precious woman I continued our conversation.  

In those 90 minutes  of waiting - Jesus was faithful and reliable.  

As she shared, I shared.  As she spoke of her concerns - I knew what to respond.  The last 6 weeks of Bren's  pain and  my frustrations were NOTHING in comparison to hers.  

Funny HOW God allows this if we look and seek,  we are usually reminded that our story, as hard as it may be or how aggravating,  there is always another's story  that gives us perspective. 

As I said, we shared stories.  I pulled that book I wanted to read out of my bag, and I knew it was meant for her.  Even more now, and I prayed, would she receive it?   Holy Spirit gave me a few words of encouragement and  a word knowledge that brought more tears to me and the confidence to share His gospel.  

 Maybe... maybe... Bren had to suffer the past month, just for TODAY - a divine appointment for the two of us to meet this sweet and precious woman. And yes, her name is actually -- 'sweet'.  In our conversation, she spoke something that took me back - to 10 years ago when I felt I was going to lose my husband.  

 What she said, was something that I said to a fellow prayer warrior, again  some ten years ago -- when I felt I was going to lose my husband.  

 And, Jesus - so faithfully had ME , and in that waiting room, He allowed me  to remind her that HE would be the one she could rely on and that HE was faithful. 

 And I had the faithful knowledge to know that I know,  I could rely on Jesus to cover and back up what I was claiming for her.   His truths.  

It was the most sweet visit with a total stranger. Bren was tickled to hear what transpired after he left the waiting room for surgery.   Bren and I are determined to follow up later this week. I pray and believe that if I had a sibling, a loved one,  or even my parents sitting alone in a waiting room, that HE would be faithful to me and provide a "sweet warrior " to pray for them.  

We are to LOVE one - another --

--- we are to remove the 'mask' and speak and talk and listen to those HE brings to us around us.  HE is faithful, HE is reliable and HE is able to touch lives through our hands and our hearts.  And we prayed - for her cancer and we claimed a healing.  

Today was a sweet day - Jesus is so sweet.  And we know this is not over - we are playing if we are to "water the seed".    Divine appointments are for HIS purpose and when we are faithful to what HE asks of us -- we benefit - tremendously . 

Luke 6.31 -    Do to others as you would have them do to you.

 Author's Notes:  

In this Blog series - I am trying to be mindful of what to share but also of WHEN to share.  I am very vocal on social media.  In my minds eye, I am slow to speak -- but  when I scroll and choose to seek, I will totally turn off  or scroll past stuff when there is something that is too long or something that I don't want to read.   And sometimes, I pass it by because of conviction.  

 In the last  three years, the enemy has been working SO hard to stifle my voice. 

 And yet, I am also trying to allow my words to 'be few'...that when I write.... when I speak, maybe it will have more readership.  

Then again, I am not writing for readership - but because I am expressing what I believe and feel is God speaking to me and through me.    I also enjoy writing.   Truth be told, I want to collect all of these blogs and publish them - if that is what the Lord leads me to do.  

At a very hard time, when I felt I could rely on NO one, I sought out the internet and heard the Lord speak through some godly blogs, which did help me SEEK more.  So, as I write and publish this today -- Lord -- bless this -- may the right one see and read.  This series, in my prayer and perspective  -- is I pray one reads something about MY Jesus and wants what I write about.   I pray THAT is what is heard and read instead of scrolled past.  And I pray that if you feel led to share - you will.  Bless you - Michelle