Tuesday, August 13, 2013

...if Grandma, Encounter Overflow, no words...here I go!

This is a photo that was placed on the paperwork and promotional fliers  for Grandma and Grandpa Africa as they left for their missionary work in Ghana, Africa back in 1952.

Their real names were Rev. Edwin Ziemann and Mrs. Bernice Ziemann.

My mother-n-law is on the left.

Grandpa went to heaven  over 10 years ago and Grandma joined him over a year ago.

IF ONLY I could of spoken to them today....

There was an overflow....

I had blogged and wrote about something I was preparing for.
How did I prepare?  Prayer.  Meetings and planning.  Prayer.  Prayer.  Meetings.  Fasting. Prayer and then more prayer and study and even more study.

It was a challenge but one I freely accepted.

I just wanted to be USED by God...to be HIS servant.

I will tell you this - this past weekend was INCREDIBLE - I am humbled and just in AWE of HIS power.  I am well aware of HIS healing power, HIS majesty, and HIS divine appointing and time...but to be able to witness when another in Christ gets set free.....WHOA!   The Earth moved!

Hearts changed.

It was not just another that got healing or a breakthrough ( meaning one person ) .....
...it was 25 women....25 women all experienced a direct ENCOUNTER with their heavenly Father and EACH got a filling, each received what they truly asked for!

Some fell in love with Jesus for the first time, others finally figured out HOW to love HIM, others needed to fall deeper...
All forgave something or someone, many forgave MAJOR hurts ...and even today - the layers of the onion are STILL being peeled off!
And many received an extra dose of POWER once they asked to receive it!

I will be blogging a few more times about the Encounter Weekend, but today as I was still walking on water from this past weekend I wanted to share a few things.

A story that I have heard told from Grandma and Grandpa is of a time when Grandpa went to Upper Volta and visited a village that had a man in STOCKS outside in their courtyard.  He has been there for years.  His skin had begun to grow around the stocks and Grandpa asked as to why he was there.

He was 'crazy' or had demons.

I believed the story RIGHT away -- cause it was Africa...that happens in Africa....not here..........

Grandpa knew the village was to pray and fast for some time, overnight.  They did.  In the morning, Brendan's Grandpa prayed over the man and stated he should be released from the STOCKS and he was and he was no longer 'crazy'....he was healed.  HE was a new person.

Praise God.

God did that.  The obedience of the village and their prayers helped open the windows of heaven.

Can you imagine how his family felt?
Can you imagine the joy...and that man became a man of God.

He went to school and became a preacher.

God USES us..our messes become a message.  Our tests become our testimonies.   There is a HEALING in a wounding....

So if Grandma and Grandpa were here, I would rejoice with them and we'd talk about that story and I would then begin to tell them of what I witnessed....in 25 women.....

Many were finally SET free of those STOCKS!
Whether Satan's demons are in ya...on ya...or around ya....that is a matter of Geography...oppression was VERY apparent in the countenance of these women.  All of them....and guess what - HE set them free.

It was a TREMENDOUS event -I want to share more, but tears are flowing and the words will come...I am humbled at HIS glorious provision and WHAT HE does.

God wins ALL the time.
Now in these 25 women, they can claim that promise for themselves - God wins!

God wins for Shelly.
God wins for Kelly.
God wins for Rachel.
God wins for Jimi.
God wins for Dawn.
God wins for Rebecca.
God wins for Stephanie.
God wins for Ashton.
God wills for Jenny.
God wins for Traci.
God wins for Brittany.
God wins for Christina.
God wins for Sherri.
God wins for Mindy.
God wins for Taydra.
God wins for Angela.
God wins for Melissa.
God wins for Addie.
God wins for Lisa B.
God wins for Lisa B.
God wins for Allison.
God wins for Alisha.
God wins for Paige,
God wins for ________,
and God wins for _______.    I can see the faces of these precious fearless  last two women- but  their names are escaping me ..I am old... but I wanted to post this entry - so I will get to my paperwork at church and edit this later today!

PS - watch the VIDEO -- remember YOU have broken EVERY chain!

To be continued!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pD2zIuiC2g


  1. PS...TODAY I am STILL walking on water....God bless this!

  2. If you still get comments, I'd love for you to reply. My great grandparents were friends with your grandparents in Mayville WI


Please let me know how this touched you . . . thanks!