Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday + massage oil + reminders = unsinkable joy!

On May 22, 2011 -- I had a very hard day

I have NO idea what transpired. But I must of texted or called or emailed my mentor and spewed. I asked for prayer. She replied. 

Because of the nature of the prayer was probably something my husband did or did not do. It may of been because I opened my mouth and did not HOLD my tongue -- or it could of simply been a bad day at school and I sought some attention and I was ignored. The HARD part really does not matter. 

I know that in May of 2011 -- I was in the middle of getting a new job. I knew or figured that by summer my husband and I were probably going to be separated. And I was TIRED. We had suspended counseling and just surviving. 

I was not blaming God -- I was learning how to trust - but I was tired. 

So, my mentor responded. I know I read her prayer over and over. I even printed it out and pasted it into my bible.  

The prayer copied and pasted in my bible is computer written but I had handwritten in the date and the words, " hard day...week..month..."

I have come across this prayer of encouragement here and there and have shared it with only a few others when the Holy Spirit directed. That happened again this evening. 

 And then I noticed something. 
EVERYTHING that was prayed in this prayer - HAS come to fruition. Everything. Whoa. Wow. 
God reminded me. 
HE wins. 

I had a massage/spa treatment today. A very sweet and talented woman at Seventh Heaven gave me 75 minutes of pure heaven.  I tried to 'stay awake'...and I did for the most part--

--- but I laid there and quietly prayed and thought of Jesus today - and how my body was being pampered but over 2000+ years ago - HIS was being broken-----

I cried - HE did that for me. When I got home, I was speaking to another and encouraging her and the Holy Spirit reminded me that she needed to hear that note. And so I typed....

You are anxious to be the other half of him. To have that special love relationship that says you are approved of all the time. Nothing is held back, you are a part of every area of it- it is all your business. You feel it intensely in your heart -- that is the way it is suppose to be - you will have that relationship with your husband.
  When healing and recover have taken place, when he has been able to forgive everyone, including himself, and move on - it will happen. He has to come to this conclusion himself. You can't flip on the lights with any special word or fact. In fact, I think he will resist it more just because he knows exactly how you feel -- He wants to be the head of the house and he knows he is not. And then he takes his frustration out on you -- Keep trusting God to instruct and discipline his child. God knows how to lay it all out plainly and it may get harder before he submits. You have spoiled him rotten -- and he actually likes it. - We can see he acts like a brat -- God put the two of you together, he has a plan. Once the enemy is thrown out of this mix, great and mighty things will happen - it will be exciting and wonderful. You are actually perfect for each other! Is that not funny or what? I just can't wait till I see you both of you -- as one. I will laugh at Satan and celebrate his defeat! He is the one who will wonder how he messed it up! Cause this is going to bite him in the butt - big time! - I love you -- Michelle - Lord, - you hear my is my prayer. Amen. -- Linda
EVERYTHING that was prayed in this prayer - HAS come to fruition. Everything. Whoa. Wow. 

You see - today we remembered Good Friday and what Jesus did for us.  What He did for you.  And in thinking of that....the Holy Spirit reminded me this evening...about HOW much GOD continually does for me and my family.

GOD WANTS that for EACH and every married woman that is hanging on by a thread today.
GOD wants that for each and every person.... it may not be a 'prayerful' note from a mentor some 3 years ago that has come into fruition...but it just may be....THAT....

Do not give up.  God can heal, God can restore.
God reminded me several times this week - it takes HIS Time...but, don't give up.

- michelle

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