Monday, February 29, 2016

Bold Prayers for some marriages.....

Lord God....I am asking you today to speak to each of the wives and husbands that are on my mind....that may read this blog prayer, and for myself...

And I pray for the marriage that will come --

Lord God, I pray that we will ALL be still to hear your voice and allow YOU to fill our hearts with life and peace.

Lord, I pray that you would give each and every person involved the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation so that each one knows You better.  

Lord God, may you be first...not our marriage...not our problems...not our heartache...but YOU -

Lord God, I pray that YOU are at the center - period. 

Lord God, may we worship you and not our spouses or problems...

Lord God, I know you desire to walk with me -- but too often we are too busy to listen and walk slowly with you - God, I pray for each one that reads this today -- that they will make a point of walking slower and listening more intently....

Lord God, I pray that each person within their  marriage will submit wholeheartedly to YOU the Lord - the living God.

Lord God - that each of these people....individually will put YOU first and make YOU their first love....and submit to You and your lead and that YOU may be their highest priority.

Lord, for the ones who are believing the lies ...that this marriage is over or that it can't be saved.....

Lord God, as these couples work on issues....speak to each other.....and move forward...and as a few of them learn that YOU can redeem them....I pray peace and joy over their circumstance...may they find you in the quietness of their thoughts -- and may they STAY there.

Lord God, I pray they will put You first - amen.  


PS Lord, for me....there is something on the horizon that only YOU can make sense of.   You can redeem it. 


Lord, there is a lost one - living on the streets that needs to be SO miserable that she wants to finally come fully to you and not neglect YOUR call on his life .  


Lord, there is another still wondering and hurting and he knows You Lord, but he has hardened her heart -- 

Lord for the church body -- that we carefully LOOK at ourselves in the mirror and do some serious inventory ...."do people want what I have?".  Lord, are we being kind and being Jesus to others?  


Lord, is there purity?  Lord, do they believe they have power?  

Lord, for the church body  -- moving forward.   Lord, that they would see WHERE  You are at work and join in.....

Lord, for the events in April ...for the bible/leadership  study -- for the traveling  and for just tomorrow -- that YOU would be the focus.  

In Jesus name, amen. 

This morning I was reminded that - GOD wins and HE has a great plan -- HE designed marriage and HE designed it well......HE fully wants everyone to enjoy the fruits and benefits of a healthy marriage - God my desire is that this  prayer will encourage just ONE couple -- to persist!  


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wonders Never Cease - UPdate!!

So,  on Tuesday as I was driving home, I got a text from Rebekah -- she is a big part  of the blog I wrote on Monday, "Wonders Never Cease". 

Praise God -NO cancer noted in her brain, NO cancer in her spine  ....just TWO places that  are CORE to a person's life and where it is most difficult to operate on - just saying -- THAT is God! 

and.......  cancer tumors in pelvis are gone/shrunk except one which stayed the same. 

Cancer tumors in ribs are gone except one that DID shrink!   Praise The Lord. 

First off -- Praise God. 
Second -- we are believing that by the next appointment in April, what is left-- will  be gone.  In the powerful healing name of JESUS!

And, I am aware that often chemo can make stuff go away but later...a few weeks later, it returns...but NOT this time -- we are declaring and believing it is a total healing.

Drawing by Crystal White

I am sharing a drawing Rebekah's  Aunt drew,  which represents  a dream  Crystal  had before the appointment at Moffitt on Tuesday.  It shows that the cancer bracelet that you will always find on Rebekah has been taken off - that is no longer her name.

 I believe, she believes... her new name is "she who is healed". 

Now...God healing Cancer a 4th time??   Whoa!  Yes.   Just speaking about it, anyone who is not even a believer is going -- WOW....THAT had to be 'a god'...

  "No", I tell them--  "THAT WAS THE GOD". 

Our Father,  The Father in Heaven,  God,   HE is healing her with  prayers, with petitions to Him, and with her faith and the obedience of her faithful husband as well -- believing, praying, and seeking God.   This is HIS doing.

As I believe HE is using Rebekah and her hubby - to share Jesus with many more!  

The BEST thing about this is...   Rebekah is healed -- no matter if she has cancer or not.  Her body ... is committed to Heaven... eternally -- she has accepted Christ and will enjoy heaven with Him.  Period. 

That alone is reason to celebrate. 

I know that I know, if that text on Tuesday said anything differently  - Rebekah would of still claimed -- " I am healed".  As she is being obedient to HIM.  She knows -- her time is limited as WE all have a limited time on this Earth -- but, HE is not finished with her.   It is for God's purposes -- that this healing has occurred! 

I have to tell you that we believed healing was going to come back in October - November and  much prayer began but when she returned to Moffitt -- that was not the case.  She had to begin more Chemo and treatments...but, as she left Moffitt -- she did not lose faith.  She was sad a bit - disappointed -- but I watched and noted...that both she and her husband still claimed that God was good.  Period.

They would do the treatments the doctor's recommended and believe the healing was coming.  

With that being said....I  must confess -- I have had  over 900 hits  on this blog in the past 3 days.  As a person who grew up so insecure  --
 -- growing up in the 70's with TV being the social medium --
 -- this person who has always wanted to write a book--
--has always enjoyed words of affirmation ......

Well, this person --me -- has had to really fight the enemy for these past three days as he just wants to continue to whisper in my ears..."people will only read your blog cause of this one instance...people won't ever read anything else unless it has a miracle..." Or the enemy switches it and reminds me, "you did not share this or that...or you made it all about yourself and what you were thinking".  If  you have seen me driving in my car, you should of seen me singing -- praise and worship music at the top of my lungs -- to drown out the lies the enemy wants to share. And you would of seen me "flicking" off the fiery arrows that Satan's helpers were continually throwing! 

I have to be transparent and share that -- cause I know some look at me and figure. "she  has got  it all figured out" -- I DON'T ----but I know who does. 

I seek HIM. 

God seriously risks his reputation on me...

 I wish I could say I thought that up on my own...but that is a line from Beth Moore.

 She says,  " I am scandalous...I was scandalous...and His love for me is should not be!!"  .... And Yet..... HE loves me.  He loves her.   He loves YOU. 

There are better suited orators.  There are funny people.  There are writers that don't continually need the spell checker checked and re-checked. 

I have spent much time reminding myself..."this is about GOD's glory". 

And if you knew me 10-15  years ago -- you would probably just roll your eyes ; but if you have spent time with me in the past 6-7 years--

---I pray that you know -- how incredibly humbled I am to be able to "pen these" words on this blog and that GOD gets the glory.  

It means everything to me!!   Well, that is not true...this blog is NOT everything -- but, right now I believe God is using this blog for His Glory and that is my sincere hearts desire -- to point anyone I see...I speak too...I love on... or whomever even sees me just being...  that it points to HIM!

Many times, and I am most guilty of it....  we celebrate a healing victory of cancer, but we forget about the woman who prayed fervently for a prodigal daughter or son and they are now serving God in ministry. 

Many times, and I am most guilty of it... we celebrate a miraculous  birth and we forget about the rebirth of a person who has walked in shame and bitterness most of their lives when they have a face to face Encounter with Christ and repent, turn their life around and now ...serve with others in God's Kingdom. 

I believe I could list several examples.  I am NOT belittling the healing that I believe Rebekah has  ...complete healing......but I want to make a point...

There were most likely over 500 people that read that last blog and prayed -- now I have this to ask...

Here is:   

2 Corinthians 5The Message (MSG)

1-5 For instance, we know that when these bodies of ours are taken down like tents and folded away, they will be replaced by resurrection bodies in heaven—God-made, not handmade—and we’ll never have to relocate our “tents” again. Sometimes we can hardly wait to move—and so we cry out in frustration. Compared to what’s coming, living conditions around here seem like a stopover in an unfurnished shack, and we’re tired of it! We’ve been given a glimpse of the real thing, our true home, our resurrection bodies! The Spirit of God whets our appetite by giving us a taste of what’s ahead. He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we’ll never settle for less.

Heaven is within our hearts and we should be excited when ANY person finally realizes that heaven is in their hearts too.  We must pray and believe as we walk out our lives....the great commission  -- what is God asking me to do?   

What is HE asking YOU to do?  
6-8 That’s why we live with such good cheer. You won’t see us drooping our heads or dragging our feet! Cramped conditions here don’t get us down. They only remind us of the spacious living conditions ahead. It’s what we trust in but don’t yet see that keeps us going. Do you suppose a few ruts in the road or rocks in the path are going to stop us? When the time comes, we’ll be plenty ready to exchange exile for homecoming.
9-10 But neither exile nor homecoming is the main thing. Cheerfully pleasing God is the main thing, and that’s what we aim to do, regardless of our conditions. Sooner or later we’ll all have to face God, regardless of our conditions. We will appear before Christ and take what’s coming to us as a result of our actions, either good or bad.

Cheerfully pleasing God -- Lord, my prayer tonight is that EACH and every person that read this past blog...whether it was 2 people that read it 400+ times,  5 people that read it 150x each...or maybe -- really maybe 900+ people that read about the Wonders that we believe --- have not ceased...

Now,  tonight,   Lord, I pray those  who visit this blog again and read YOUR Word  would ask?   
Am I cheerfully pleasing you?  
AM I?  

Lord, am I doing what You have asked?  
Could someone write a blog about my actions, my thoughts, my living life?  Can they see YOU in Me?    

Am I ? 

11-14 That keeps us vigilant, you can be sure. It’s no light thing to know that we’ll all one day stand in that place of Judgment. That’s why we work urgently with everyone we meet to get them ready to face God. God alone knows how well we do this, but I hope you realize how much and deeply we care. We’re not saying this to make ourselves look good to you. We just thought it would make you feel good, proud even, that we’re on your side and not just nice to your face as so many people are. If I acted crazy, I did it for God; if I acted overly serious, I did it for you. Christ’s love has moved me to such extremes. His love has the first and last word in everything we do.

I believe that Christ's love moves me to do much....
It moves me to believe -- 

What does Christ's love move you to do?  
It moves me to be obedient --

What has it moved you to be obedient in?    

In the past 3 months - it has moved me to be on FB even LESS.
In the past 3 months - it has brought me to a better realization of my own sin.
In the past 3 months - it has brought me to CRINGE everytime  I see the word or hear OMG   -- as no matter how you sugar coat it -- it is using God's name in vain.  Period.  
In the past 3 months - it has brought me to say 'no' to a movie that came out that I would of watched -- 2-3 years ago.   It is not that God said..."NO" you can't watch it ....It is because HE has changed my WANT to.  
 There is more - there is.  It has almost caused me to look at my eating habits and my exercise habits -- as, God wants me healthy - not mediocre!    
It moves be to be holy -- or try to be holy like HE was holy -- that my actions, my character, and my attitude -- reflects HIM!  

Do You believe you are being Holy ?   
Do You believe your actions, your character and your attitude reflect Him?  

Praise God for His grace and mercy ---  as there is NO condemnation for those in Christ Jesus -- but once God shows you WHAT He would like you to do ......not doing my SIN.    No sugar coating that.  I know it is sin for me.    

What does Christ's love MOVE you to do?   


Monday, February 15, 2016

Wonders never Cease...

I am going to try and ask Holy Spirit to truly take over my fingers as this morning I had such a sweet  and incredible time with  Jesus, God,  and Holy Spirit that right now -- I am still shaking a bit.

Not to freak anyone out -- but, these Jesus High's that He allows me to experience are tremendous.  I know they could come daily -- but am I really ready for that?    I watched a video last night about ECSTATIC prayer .... or maybe it was ecstatic intercession does not matter right now.

(I also realize that my work schedule does not allow me to have many days where I just devote 6-8 hours in prayer and being with HIM.  Today -- my day off, I had the time. )

Back to the video....

What I came away asking God about was this...  

"Could I really pray for 6-8 hours?"....And THEN..."would I experience YOUR presence Lord in such a way that YOUR glory spilled out and all over -- everything and everyone?" 

Prayer with out ceasing -- that is scriptural and I believe He has taught me how to do that -- it is by the way I live, the way I act, and by placing HIM first in each and every moment, situation, and circumstance.  --- Even in the profound stuff, even in the awkward stuff , and even in the stuff I don't understand.  He is first.

CUE...the Lauren Daigle song "FIRST" ----

Ok, back to the focus of this blog -  Wonders Never Cease- I believe I had to share that intro to let you know that what I am about to claim and believe is kind of HARD for me to put down in public/print.

 'Cause, what if I am wrong? 

 What if God does not allow this prayer, this vision, and this to come into fruition??

As I say that and as I type, God gave me 3 confirmations  already today -- which gives me courage and boldness to go ahead and claim a healing.


 And  further still, if what I believe and pray will happen does not come into fruition - I am still praising and claiming God WON.  Period.

Let me refresh your memory, below is part of a blog I posted on November 1st, 2015, I realize that this is a LONG read and you may have read this already; ok, but allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read and join with me in believing that again tomorrow -- the doctor's will be astounded as to what they see from those scans! 

Today, my husband and I had  the privilege to visit a local body of believers and stand with a young lady and her husband  who is battling cancer for the 4th time.  It started 10 years ago, she has replacement parts in her leg and shoulder.   She had beaten Cancer each and every time.  She has even had a portion of her skull removed.  Tomorrow she undergoes a reconstruction surgery  at the area where the skull was removed but they will also remove a new spot of her skull, above her ear.    Cancer.  And, a follow up report from last week has revealed that new cancer is in 7 of her vertebrae.  It certainly seems -- from a 'human' perspective -- HOW on earth can she battle this?  

I think about Noah and how God spoke to him and asked him to build an ark.  I wonder if Noah asked, HOW?

I think about Mary as she saw the angel of the Lord  and did she say,  "HOW are you going to do this My Lord?"

I think about Esther and her story in the bible and in those  moments, when she saw Mordecai  in sack cloth and he said to her -- ( I am paraphrasing ) --  "Don't think you were not created for such a time as this....don't think that you will escape death too --   God will do what HE is going to do - but what are YOU going to do?"  She had not been called to see the King in over 30 days.  She had her position because of her beauty -- but that could not save her people.  Only God could.... 

And tonight I think about a very fine young man and his wife and how tomorrow a decision is going to be made.  I know that we bring about our own consequences when we  make  our choices, but I also know that we serve and are loved by a  Mighty Father, a Father  of second chances and that God searches our hearts and I believe HE wants to give us the desires of our heart! Tomorrow,   an event will transpire and several  have been in prayer with them  and for them for some time now,  and I wonder ...Lord, HOW are you going to fix or solve this...?  What will transpire?

Let me share with you some words that Beth shared in this study ...

 We are not God.
We are not responsible. 
When we feel like Jr. god's... we feel responsible -- we are not.  

TRUST reverses the detours of adversity into the highways of destiny! 

Trust...  Trust...  Trust!  

 The Lord knows how to" rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment".   ( 2 Peter 2.9) 

For He "knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust."   Psalm 103.14

We are human.
We are not God.
We are not responsible.

He calls us to be obedient.
He asks us to follow HIS Word.
He asks us to pray but then we TRUST....

I trust God.
God will do the HOW.
I will PRAISE God that our visit today to Rebekah's church was a united visit --  my husband and me.  Our daughter and her husband joined us! 

I will believe and thank God for Rebekah's miracle -- that when they run tests again in a few weeks -- the doctor's will be dumbfounded that cancer is gone.  I know My Lord can do that.  I know HE will if that is HIS purpose and Will for Rebekah and her husband.  I believe Jared is going to play a major role within this the prayers of a husband for his wife as he calls upon the Power of the Holy Spirit residing in him.....will invoke a supernatural healing through Christ... God is going to get this glory within this and Jared will testify to many of his generation that -- marriage is God's design for a man and woman and God wants our young people to be obedient and not 'play around' that the institution of marriage is indeed - God's design.  Rebekah has access to all of the gifts God gave her and  Rebekah's faith is keeping her strong.  She has supernatural faith - that is a dynamic gift.  I believe God will heal her -  She knows that no matter what -- Jesus is with her.

All of us are only one breath away from heaven or hell.  When I look in Rebekah's eyes --  I see a fighter.  I believe God will heal her and I am going to beg HIM that it is on THIS side of heaven.  But, I  TRUST God ....God has faith in Rebekah -- that through her -- MANY will come to know the true relationship ....that HIS CROSS has to be enough.  But I also know, God will give Rebekah and Jared  the desires of their  hearts....  I trust God. 

And to my precious daughter and her husband...and to my precious Rebekah and her husband.....

"When, because of YOUR faith, your life too becomes perceptibly different: when YOUR reactions are quite opposite to what the situation seems to call for and YOUR activities can no longer be explained in terms of your personality:  that is when YOUR neighborhood will sit up and take notice.  In the eyes of the world, it is not our RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ that counts: it is our RESEMBLANCE to HIM!".    

Now, let me share with you an update.
That particular doctor's visit did give results.  Results that her cancer was not gone, that is had spread and that more treatments would be needed.

Since then, I have prayed with Pookie several times, visited her in the hospital and even laughed with her last Saturday and at each and every visit - she does not look like a cancer patient to me, nor a victim.  The lack of hair may give you an inkling but her spirit, her smile, and her faith tells me and shows me - she is a cancer survivor.    Period.

She was placed into a clinical trial and those doctor's felt that everything she was doing with her current medical team was perfect and to continue.  So -- scans were taken this past week and tomorrow -- she will get results.  No clinical trial  - just continued treatment.

This is the HARD part to post - but not really, as I am trusting God. 

I believe Rebekah is going to be a mom.  I believe children are in her future.  I believe she and her husband will use this experience to remind everyone they speak to ...that knows be obedient to HIM...  seek HIM...and HE will provide...bless...heal...comfort...and BE all.   

I believe tomorrow that Jared and Rebekah will have some astounded doctors.  I declare God wins.

I could list for you -- several physical healings and emotional healings and people being raised from the dead....spiritual death to help support my belief.

For example, Terri was in church yesterday, 3 weeks from getting a life saving liver transplant.  Doc, my dear friend and sojourner in this journey of ministry ...   was given 2 livers within a 24 hour period... a miracle...

My own husband is a walking testimony that God raises people from spiritual death.

 I am a former Pharisee whose pious religious notions and views stifled the work of God for almost 38 years!!

 I worship with a woman,  Christa,  that defied odds and did not take  the cancer treatment and
listened to God, was obedient to what He told her  and was healed.  I know a woman that Satan wanted Dead...but she listened to doctors, hunkered down in prayer and a mighty cloud of witnesses prayed and God healed her through those doctor's and prayers -- cause the work HE had for them was not finished yet.

I believe Rebekah and Jared are those type -- God is not finished.  I believe Rebekah and Jared are being used by HIM but that HE has SO much more...cause wonders never cease......

But yes, I also know others that hunkered down and were healed in heaven.

Now, How did God confirm this to me today ??   Through HIS Word and a bible study I am presently into.  I must give credit to Beth Moore and her Believing God Study.  And there is more --  I am actually doing 3 studies right now -- and He is speaking the same words through ALL three of them.  Which just amazes me, then again it doesn't as God is the master at multi-tasking using all of HIS children to reach the lost.  

Jesus performed miracles -- "Men of Israel, listen to this:  Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and sign, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know."    Acts. 2.22  

Christ's miracles, as supreme as they are, gave accreditation and glorification to God.  They were also because Jesus was moved to compassion, HE saw a great need, and HE saw great faith.

God does use suffering and dfficuluty to complete HIS good work as he is MOST concerned with the internal...rather than the external...Beth Moore Week 3

I believe HE wants to use Rebekah and Jared for more - as their internal is secure.
Rebekah knows that she matter what, she will proclaim the love of Jesus.

I believe Jesus had NO time qualifier when he said in Mark 9.23, "everything is possible for him who believes". 

I may err today -- but I am going to err on the side of belief.    I can't lose when I am earnestly seeking God.  Rebekah and Jared won't they are earnestly seeking God. 

I believe that even if the doctor's tell Rebekah and Jared tomorrow that the cancer is till there -- they won't accept defeat.
I believe that Rebekah and Jared are surrounded by MANY who are willing to continue to pray BIG prayers and have that miracle.  THAT 4th miracle.  Period.

I believe  they will allow the doctor's to do what they can do and invite God to do what ONLY HE can do!!   

I believe  like the unexplainable sovereignty of God!

 I read in God's Word today ( Acts 19) --- Paul,  and how even his handkerchief had the glory of God on it to heal another and yet, he also had to leave his pal Trophimus sick and behind to continue his work.  So why one healed and not the other?      "With  no shadow of doubt - We can know, that  the issue  is not a  lack of divine love or kindness. "  ( Beth and I agree!)   Many eternal factors are involved that we won't understand until we see Christ face-to-face.  Until then...I won't hinder my belief in healings...and miracles..and wonders...  I won't.

I say all of that to say this...

Rebekah and Jared -- I believe that tomorrow, Your faith will be strengthened and that HE has you both.  I believe HE is showing you WHAT He wants you both to do next...  so get ready.  

Rebekah ..this cancer is not about me blogging and having another 500 people read it, nor 500 people praying...this cancer is about - GOD and HOW HE is getting glory from it - through YOU.  Miss Melanie stated that back when we met at her house....back in August?  September...?   Remember? 

As I have heard you say -- HE felt YOU were chosen to do this for HIM.  And, as HE has heard the cries of Your heart and secret prayer requests....THIS is the hard part I am claiming...that He will grant you that desire to be a mom and to have that little one.  As I believe, YOU are healed.  I just reread the blog I posted in November and how "of God" that much of what I wrote then - has come into fruition already!! 

As I had you  state on Saturday,  " I am healed".  .....Continue to praise God for that - as Your healing is in HIM and I believe you will have some medical knowledge to prove it tomorrow.  And if not -- HE will speak to YOU and Jared as to what to do next.  I believe and know, HE is not finished with your work here on this earth.  

There are more that need to hear of a husband's choice to believe in Holy Spirit and pray over his wife and believe in something unseen.  I believe more need to hear of how HE speaks to you and reassures you that YOU will be fine.  I believe more need to hear of HOW in the present moment of uncertainty...your faith does not waiver. 

 And I believe...HE wants to show off and cure your cancer for a 4th time. 

I must confess, when you and I spoke that first time about this.... my flesh wanted to say, "really Lord, you would heal her a 4th time?"...And when you said it with was like Holy Spirit began to praise and jump for joy in my body as I drove into town and you were on that other end...."going for 4".   Amen. 
And I am believing with TP - it will be a boy!  

  And yes..."Really Lord, thank you for healing her a 4th time!".   I am excited to hear what HE will speak to YOU and Jared tomorrow.  And I know, You are healed.  

- humbled and amazed by what HE does.   - Michelle

No honor and glory for this  or anything is ALL for HIM.
HE gets the credit --
HE is sovereign!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentines Day -- a perspecitve and prayer!

Today can be one of the most oppressing and awful days -- for many.
Today  - as I scrolled FB this am, I saw many hearts -- hurting.  
Today can make  grown women weep -- for the entire day.
Today can bring such sadness and loss.....

  However, today can be a day in which....  You totally allow Jesus to be the BEST Valentine in your world. 

Today can be the day in which....YOU allow HIM to fill that hole.... fill that space... fill YOU!


I pray right now for the ones hurting -- that have lost a husband....lost a boyfriend...lost a son... or a daughter.....

Lord, I pray for the ones right now that don't believe they will be around for the next Valentines Day as they are facing a big crisis... or physical hurt or disease that has changed them....

Lord, I pray for the wives who have loved.... are waiting... and being faithful in spite of a husband who does not cherish nor love you ...

Lord, I pray for the wives who are remaining steadfast - seeking YOU for their affirmation as their husbands are knee deep in their pity, their selfishness, or their pride ...

Lord,  and I pray for those that ARE having the BEST day of their lives ....or believe they have the BEST Valentine because they got breakfast in bed.... found a card on the dresser....or had roses or something delivered for all to see yesterday -- or Friday --  

Lord,  that each and everyone of these women -- these ladies...these girls....  remember what YOU died for them...that YOU paid the ultimate price and that YOU are indeed the BEST Valentine.  

Lord, help us see  YOUR perspective -- 

Lord, help us see where  WE can be a Valentine to another -- 

Lord, help us love the lost...

Lord open our eyes -- are we so   bothered by this "holiday"?  
Lord,  open our eyes -- are we so engrossed in everyone' s  happiness?   
Lord, open our eyes -- are we enjoying the HIGH of YOU....or are we in  wonder of the God of the MOST HIGH?  

Lord, thank you for today -- thank you for the beautiful weather, the answered prayers and the knowledge that EVEN if I did not get a card....  or EVEN if there was NO breakfast in bed.....YOU were here.  YOU are here...   AS I read in Your Word today --  You are indeed a God of miracles and a God of love.  Lord, thank you for my earthly Valentine -- he is indeed perfect in You and he did make this morning special!!    As I have experienced MANY  superficial Valentine Celebrations in my 40+ years and I have had some heartfelt cards given and flowers delivered -- but nothing beats the sight of a husband deep in prayer over his bible and seeking YOU.  Lord, I thank  YOU that I am filled enough with you today -- that I know  that I do not NEED a card or flowers...  and I thank YOU that I am filled with YOU and Holy Spirit resides in me...  However Lord, my daily prayer is:   empty me of me...and continue to fill me with MORE of YOU.  You are indeed the best Valentine. 

I am unsure Lord if this wisdom comes from age... experience...or just time ...but as I pray for my own children today -- Lord, I pray their Valentine is YOU...  Lord, I pray that the circle around me and the ones that influence me and the ones I influence...see YOU... period. 

Lord,  I thank you for the healing with the one dear one....who is claiming YOUR glory, and I thank you for the answered prayers within all of the written  prayer requests /words on my heart....  YOU are indeed a mighty Lord and Father, a good good Father -- that is WHO you are.

 And I am loved by YOU -- that is WHO  YOU are...   Perfect in every way -- thank you for parting the river for me and holding all my fears with your perfect love.  YOU are indeed my Valentine today -- In YOUR special and LOVING name...Amen. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Consequences of Sin -- Part 2

I have had a LOT of activity today on my phone today with this blog.
Several have read the blog I posted last night and commented  and today Holy Spirit continued to remind me of various circumstances and prayer requests that are being prayed for.

Holy Spirit wasn't finished last night -- I  have to add or mention more:   

Consequences do stink.

Ok, I will state it -- consequences suck.

Triggers will come from ALL over the place.
Getting beyond the hurt....getting past those consequences and walking by faith -- is WHERE God wants us to be.

It just is.

And I realize, that you may be reading this and you are dealing with consequences that were placed upon you.  Guess what?   Jesus knows exactly how you feel.  

Every time I think ..."oh woe's me...."   I stop and imagine Christ on that Cross -- He suffered great consequences and never never never deserved it.  He suffered the consequences in spite of  His perfect life.

And perhaps the consequences you are dealing with right now are because of your previous actions or you may feel so much quilt and shame -- but that is coming from the enemy, as if Jesus is within your heart -- Jesus is NOT condemning you.  But Jesus is asking you to walk by faith and walk in a manner that shows HE is Your Lord......

It is no secret, unless you have never read my blog before,  in my own marriage we had a rough 6-10 years.  I never realized how disconnected we were - until everything fell apart.   In the wee hours of one night, the Lord gave me a vision of my husband and I renewing our vows.  ( BTW,  that has not happened as of yet and BP says it will happen at  the 30 year mark...LOL!)   However, that vision,  the prayers of my children,  and a deep knowing within me that I was to show grace and mercy -- kept me hanging on.    Period.

There was a separation.   There were very awkward weekends and months where the roller coaster of feelings and emotions kept me upside down for almost a year.  There was therapy.

There were tears.
There were sleepless nights.
There were many many many nights where I just held my bible on my chest and prayed the Rapture would happen while I slept.

But....   There was intense prayer.

And,   many nights when I felt like quitting,  God would speak through His Word or another and remind me of WHAT God had asked me to do -- wait.

Consequently, a miracle occurred and we did survive and now -- we thrive.

 Our marriage is not what is was before and it is not 'better' is different.  Truly now, Christ is the center and each of us are sinners, saved by grace ....seeking forgiveness constantly  and placing the needs of  others before ourselves. took time.

It took walking through those consequences in a godly manner.
It took trusting God was fighting for me and for us.
It took believing that what I was seeing the moment...was NOT what would come into fruition.

It took faith.
It took forgiveness.
Daily forgiveness.
Daily  -- the renewal of my mind WITH God's Word -- not FB or what my friends prayed over me. 

Bottom line....   it was Jesus and me.
Bottom Line -- God was MORE interested in MY internal relationship with HIM...than He was with the external.

Bottom Line..  God was MORE interested in MY internal rather than the external.
Bottom Line... IS God more interested in YOUR internal rather than  YOUR external?

This is where -- I had to add part 2... because I believe several read my post last night and thought...
But ... she does not get 'my circumstance' and 'my situation is different and worse'.....

So, I am speaking now to the one who is still struggling with the consequences she is dealing with at the moment ....

Bottom Line -- has Jesus forgiven you?  
Is your sin "less" than the sin that occurred so this consequence is at hand?   
 Did Jesus die on  that Cross for you?   
Do you wish to place Him there again ...?  As if the one time He went was not GOOD enough?  
Jesus paid that price for all sin...   past, present,  and future.  

Beloved, I know that I know it hurts...and it sucks....and it is NOT fun...but -- WHAT is Jesus asking you to do?  
Will you stand before God and tell HIM..." way -- there is NO way that I could forgive that!" 
Will you stand before God and tell HIM.."do you realize HOW hard it was and how HURT I am?" 

Beloved, what will He say -- 
Lord, I pray that this extra blog post will remind her -- that no matter what -- she will love you, forgive the consequence and learn the best way to walk through this and get beyond it.  Lord, I pray she seeks YOU in every situation and then open Your Word and begin to use Your Word as  part of the armor that is going ON!   In Jesus name, Amen. 

Proverbs 29.18 
If people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves: But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. 

Are you praying?

This blog post is from Beth Moore -- she posted this back in February of last year.   I  posted it and reposted it and read it over and over....  

We must pray -- 
If you don't  spend time in prayer -- perhaps this post will help you see the urgency.  

  From Beth Moore:  
The word setting fire to my heart this moment is Colossians 4:2 –
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.
Nothing is going to sound new or fresh in what I’m about to say because we’ve all heard it over and over again but sometimes it’s a timing thing. 

In other words, we’ve heard something a million times but all the sudden, with explanations known to God alone, the thing clicks and the breakthrough comes.
Here goes:




It’s time we quit falling asleep in prayer. 
It’s time we quit practicing a prayer routine that bores us to tears. 
It’s time our quiet times ceased to be quiet. 
There are battles to be won. Works to be done. The kinds which only come through prayer, prayer, and more prayer.

It’s time we quit depending on someone else to do it for us. 
It’s time for each of us to see in the mirror one of the most powerful people of prayer we may ever meet.

It’s time we prayed like we believed the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, was right in our very presence. Because He is.
This is what Colossians 4:2 says:
Continue steadfastly in prayer. 

Don’t give up several days in.
Don’t get all whiny.
Don’t get all offended because God doesn’t appear to answer right away.
Keep praying.
Keep believing.

There are muscles God means to strengthen. It’s about the means as much as the end.
Did God clearly promise in His Word what you are asking for? Then do not shrink back.
Or is there a precedent in Scripture for what you’re asking in prayer? Then keep telling Him what it is, asking Him if He’d be glorified in granting your request and, if not, to remove or quiet your desire.
Persist. That’s what Luke 11:5-10 and 18:1-8 are all about.

We are warriors. Victors. More than over comers. Bloody and bruised, we still get back up. Lip busted, we open back up our mouths – this time the louder – and call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised and so shall we be saved from our enemies. (Psalm 18:3)

Being watchful in it with thanksgiving. 

This is key. We’ve got to keep our eyes wide open.

We can close our eyes during prayer if we need to but then, for crying out loud, let’s get those things open and let God see the whites of our eyes, ready and watchful. Let’s expect something, for Heaven’s sake. Jesus promised us in John 5:17 that God is always at work.

When we get a glimpse of His activity or the slightest hint of answered prayer, let’s thank Him for it right then and there. For instance, have you been praying for someone dear to you to be set free from an area of tremendous bondage? While you wait for the huge breakthrough, can you see any glimpses that God is at work? Then thank Him for it. Applaud Him. Like Elijah who knew it was going to rain the moment he saw a cloud the size of a man’s fist, believe with all your heart that He who began a good work WILL be faithful to complete it.

We can be so preoccupied looking to the horizon for the huge thing that we miss the glorious mosaic of a hundred scattered pieces of answered prayer right at our feet. God is rarely up to only one thing. Our nature is to look for the big finish. His is to call us into constant and daily communion, working through every circumstance, tweaking and turning and tying and telling. He’s teaching our tongues the art of tasting in a world trained to binge.
We’re looking for the string of pearls. He’s planting one pearl here. Another pearl there. The full stretch of our lifetime is the string. We won’t see how those jewels all came together on the one strand until we study them under the light of His glorious presence. In the meantime, let’s ask God to make us alert and give us eyes to see where He’s working on the way to the divine achievement we’re longing for. And let’s respond with hearts full of gratitude and mouths full of praise.
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

The Apostle Paul’s next words represent a concept that is crucial to the well-being of our souls. Colossians 4:3 –
At the same time, pray also for us…
At the same time we are praying and watching and waiting, we will be vastly helped and blessed and connected by praying fervently for other people. 

 Intercession for others becomes a guard against the narcissism of this present culture seeping right through the screen door of our prayer closets.

 A stunning number of Christians don’t believe in praying for themselves at all. Others have global vision the length of their noses and don’t believe in praying for anyone besides themselves. The counsel of the Scriptures is to pray for others and to pray for ourselves.
But, for the love of God, PRAY.

There is no other way.
We’ve got to wake up and pray.

In Jesus’ Name.
Like those who believe He hears.

Satan wants you to quit praying. He wants you to believe God isn’t paying one whit of attention to you. That He’s moved on without you. That you don’t matter. There’s only one thing to do with that. Pray twice as much. With twice the faith. And a thousand times the thanks.
Get up and pray.

We’ve got one shot at this earthly life. Good Lord, let’s make it count.

  Amen.    I could not of said it any better...  LOL!  
Lord, that anyone reading this would see and know the urgency of prayer.
I love the line....   'quit the boring prayers'..... 
It is time to pray.



Monday, February 8, 2016

The Consequences of Sin --

So, Holy Spirit has been speaking to me for a few days and over and over again I am reminded of a few consequences.

- I am 50 years old  in less than 2 weeks.  I wanted to wear this one dress to my birthday event,  but it is TOO tight --a consequence of NOT skipping dessert for the past 3 months.  Period.  No excuses.

- I am trying my best in school to help my 5th graders solve multiple step math problems but the students don't have a good grasp on their multiplication facts.    (Well, two students do and the other seven don't -- so there is a disconnect.)  Today's lesson of 10 minutes went almost 30 because we had to re-look at our multiplication facts and the reasonableness of the answer.   No excuses - it is hard to try and move forward to higher math problems when several won't MEMORIZE their facts.

-My child did not get her puppy fixed when she should of -- now she has puppies and a $1200 C-Section /Vet bill that has sort of put a cramp into their  financial plans.  It is what it is.

-There is a LOT of trending right now on FB and Social Media about false prophets -- quite honestly, if you don't read your bible and know what God's Word says -- you could easily be lead by a false prophet or teacher.    Period.  No excuses.

Right now...there is a mom, dealing with the consequences of her sin -- she is forgiven and redeemed but she has a child that  has learning challenges because of  her choices while she was pregnant which she must deal with each day.   

Right now... there is a young lady, dealing with the consequences of her choices -- as she sits, idle in her cell -- unable to be free and be with her children and family because of her choices.   However, she is still forgiven and redeemed by HIS blood as she calls him Lord and Savior. 

Right now... there is a woman, unable to see her children - hurting and alone with only her bible open but realizing the choices of her  boyfriend  have  placed her in this position and it is just not right nor fair.

Right now, there  is a  wife that just got word of her husband's infidelity  and she knows she must
forgive him and allow the Lord to work through this as her husband is displaying godly sorrow and repentance, but there are still consequences that have to be dealt with.    And, does she want to deal with them? 

Right now... I have the TV on in the background and it must be close to the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, as they have been playing his last rehearsal/concert.  As a teen and young adult, I had EVERY Michael Jackson album and CD.  Interesting, as I glance over and watch the TV and hear him sing  -- the consequences of his actions, brought death.   

A variety of illustrations but I believe if you are reading this -- you get my point.
No one really likes the negative consequences of our choices.
A consequence could be bad credit.... all the way to an unexpected pregnancy. 
 Making a list would be hurtful --  if you are reading this and you are experiencing a time of deep pain and dealing with consequences of your own choices -- please continue to read.

If you are reading this and experiencing real pain because of the choices of another and you must deal with the consequences -- please continue to read this.

How can you deal?
How can you make sense of this?

I pray you have sought Jesus and asked forgiveness for whatever your part was -- but the consequences don't just go away.

How can you get past this?   

You can't...only through Jesus and Holy Spirit will you have the chance to survive and thrive.

Only through the love of Jesus and His everlasting touch ...will you be able to get beyond whatever it is -- that is hurting you.

   It takes a greater faith in HIM.

It takes time to work out the feelings so one can get past the hurt and dig deep and perhaps find out the why or dig deep and change.

It will take TIME digging into God's Word for yourself and reading His Word for yourself.

It will take you speaking the words out..."I forgive __________ for _______________ and Lord, I will deal with the consequence of ____________________ because You Lord, forgave me."

It won't be easy.
But...I promise the tears won't be wasted and the LOVE you will experience with the FAther --will be truly something LIFE changing and....YOU will get past this and THRIVE.

But do you want that?
Can you get past these consequences -- and see the BIGGER picture - eternity?

Lord, I pray she can.......
It will take Faith and placing her armor on, I pray she can...
It will take trusting YOU Lord,  I pray she can ...
It will take time Lord, I pray she will wait...
I pray she will fight with YOUR Word Lord.. memorize it and use it to renew her mind...  

IN JESUS name....

Friday, February 5, 2016

25 years ago --

It is almost midnight. 
25 years ago, I laid awake in my bed....contemplating the next day. 
I had gone to see the OBG-YN as I was almost 2 weeks overdue. 
After a checkup, Dr. Holstein sent me over to Martin Memorial for some medicine to see if they could soften my cervix. 
Little did I know, I would sit in a hospital bed from 1:30-9pm -- trying to see if labor would start.
Playing Go Fish with your Dad and Aunt JJ was only entertaining for about 2 of those  eight hours!  

9pm, I was cleared to go home,  but,  "be back at 7am."  There would be a baby "tomorrow". 
How could I sleep?
The drive HOME on Martin Country Grade was enough to wake the dead, or put me into labor but it never happened -- it was a gravel road then. 

So like I said...  25 years ago -- right about now -- I laid awake, thinking about the next day. 

All I knew, was that a baby was coming. 
Boy or girl? 
The sonogram had estimated the baby being 11 pounds.   I prayed.."Lord, let it be a boy - what girl can live down an 11# birth weight? ? 

Water broke at 8am. 
Pitosen  started by 8:30, she was born at 9:02pm.  A girl.  9# 13 oz. 

 ( There was a LOT of questioning as to WHY I ever got pregnant around the supper hour....!)
Her wedding day. 

A quarter of a century is passing.... 

Happy birthday Taylor -- my first born and baby girl - 25 years!

25 years ago, my parents were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and ventured on a plane and came to West Palm Beach and hopped on a Cruise Ship for the first time.  I think it was their first airplane ride too.  

 25 years ago....I was about to turn 25 and felt "old" as I had waited for a child for 3 years. 

25 years ago.... we lived in a cute apartment and I had the bedding made for you -- my Grandma did it. 

25 years ago, no one spoke about Post-Par tum Depression and yet - it hit me hard. 

25 years ago, my world changed. 

25 years ago, one moment  that time seems ---LONG --- a long time ago and then again -- it seems like maybe just a few minutes ago.

25 years .

25 years of tears...
25 years of laughter...
25 years of being your "mother's daughter with your dad's attitude"...
 25 years of prayers...
25 years of thinking outloud...
25 years of hats, headbands, and boxes and boxes of shoes...
25 years of volleyball -- no, wait -- that started when you were 8! 
25 years of reminding me of what LOVE looks like ...

25 years of being the apple of your Uncle DJ's eyes...
25 years of being the "first"  grand-child...
25 years of being a "Floridian" who secretly wanted to live in Wisconsin -- well, at least once or twice a year! 
25 -- wow! 

25 years of bible group...and now -- you have your own church membership.
25 years of watching a beautiful girl, grow into a beautiful woman. 
25 years of listening -
25 years of watching -
25 years of believing -
25 years of praying -
25 years of smiling -
25 years of thinking ....of the possibilites! 

25 years of sharing my birthdate month with YOURS --
25 years of enjoying cake with you --
25 years of doing various things or going places for your birthday -- Chucky  Cheese  ( oh wait - that was HP ) , the Lake Worth Chalk Art Fest, volleyball games,  volley ball tourneys, Sea World, and Disney trips. 

 I know I know ...we faked you both out and never really took you to Disney - only rode up there, ate with Characters and then rode the Tram! 

But mostly -- 25 years of blessings. 

It was prophesied  that I would do 'much' for the Kingdom of Heaven for our Lord...but that you would DOUBLE of what I will do...   That is sort of interesting, as I am 50 in a few weeks...double you --!! 

I pray I have the opportunity to see and WATCH you do DOUBLE for HIM.....

Taylor, you are indeed HIS and I delight in the fact that a married woman -- you are becoming that woman ...that woman that God intended you to be -- a woman of influence and a woman that HE uses. 

Taylor, I continue to pray for you and your husband -- that you both will grow closer to HIM...walk  with HIM and do as HE leads and directs. 

Taylor, YOU were created to delight yourself in HIM and HE will give you the desires of Your heart...  what a blessing as  a see so much come into fruition within your life and heart. 

Taylor, it was certainly different to contact your husband and ask him 'what' he has planned for your birthday and if we could be a part of it ...or could we celebrate with you  some other time...?  How weird... ???  But...HOW natural.    Taylor, may this birthday bless you -- may the Lord, continue to protect and keep you -- may YOU seek HIM and do what he asks, as Your obedience thus far has brought forth great rewards.  I am certainly blessed to call you daughter and each time I hear "ma", I still smile. 

You are the favorite .. our favorite girl.  God so created you perfect for us. 
Your dad sends his love too --
Happy Birthday - "Ma"