Friday, April 29, 2016

BUT God...

But God can...
But God has....

But God will do again..

BOLD prayers right now -- it has been some time since I have blogged --
If you read this on a routine basis, you have heard me state that I blog when Holy Spirit gives me words.  I want this blog to be about sharing how God has won within my life or sharing some tidbit or morsel of HIS truth that will help another.  

"Before" or the "old Chell"....wanted to be published - be ON famous and now when I think of those childhood dreams, I  laugh.  

"Since" or the "new Chell".... wants only to be USED by Him... walk with him side by side...and be able to share -- that GOD wins. 

It may look like your marriage is in its most dangerous crisis....  but God...
It may appear that your child has made some VERY poor choices...but God...
It may seem like there is no HOPE...but God...

I have had the honor and pleasure to see some very hard and hopeless marriages get turned around!  
I have seen some very strong and purposeful marriages -- fall.

I have seen some very strong and hopeless people become full of JOY and gladness in HIM! 
I have seen some very strong and purposeful people -- fall. 

Just yesterday -- there was a person my husband and I have been praying for  -- and we both felt that this young many was for 'certain' NOT going to seek counsel and guess what -- But God....   

God is always working.
God is always ON our side.
God is always there -- WANTING all of us... we must trust.

God is fighting for you -- if you are seeking HIM,  which means you are in prayer and communication through His Word. 

God is fighting  for you -- if you are seeking HIM, which means you are in prayer and communication ton with HIM through His Word....

Two basic truths..HE is calling us...and then we must act responsibly. 

We  must examine ourselves and ask..."what is in me Lord, that needs to be removed or changed?".  Come to Him...   seek Him..and then obey. 

When THAT part has been addressed...we can come to Him and know

                 -- that His will is for us to be in love...... with Him first and then others.... 

When I awoke today, I had the URGE to share Jeremiah 33.3

 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

Then Jeremiah 29.11 came.....

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

As God continues to teach and show me stuff -- He uses unexpected places.  ( THAT I got from Pricilla Shirer last weekend) ... 

Unexpected places.   

Someone reading this today -- knows that the place she is AT right now - is NOT HIS will....but, she needs to know to WAIT on HIM and HE will remove the mountain or blow a hole right in the middle of it and walk her through it.  

Someone reading this right now....needs to be reminded that HIS plans for her .... for you... are NOT what YOU see right now....But God is at work!  

Someone reading this right now, needs to CALL to HE will, God will tell you WHAT is next and what needs to happen.  

Someone reading this right now, needs to be reminded that "these' are NOT the plans He has for you -- THIS is not His will....  

Someone  - including me....just needed a reminder today that GOD wins!   

But God...

But God will reveal it !  
But God will show you...

But God.....     


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Insecurity --

 So, I am monitoring a group on Facebook and we are doing a book study called, So Long Insecurity, You have been a very bad friend to me by Beth Moore.

Just saying the word Insecurity brings forth Insecurity.
The definition in the dictionary is simply: insecurity = not secure.

So, just let me know what transpired -- just YESTERDAY....

  I went to the Simulcast yesterday and walked in with no one really 'at my side'. I did not say I was going to meet anyone there, but I sort of felt someone would say, 
 "hey Michelle, sit next to me". 
 No one did.
 In fact, I saw two 'single' ladies walk in and their girlfriends WAVED them down to come and join them. 

 No one waived me down. 

But honestly -- I do like sitting by myself at times...then I can cry and not explain myself,  or I can just people watch and slip out the back door if I am in an uncomfortable situation or  if I don't want to stay.   

As the Simulcast began and I began to see more 'groups' join the sanctuary...the enemy started. 

 "You are not the best friend type"
 "See, no one wanted to sit with you". 

 Therefore, I took out my journal and began to write like I KNEW something no one else did --- and I began to write down the lies the enemy was speaking to me and then I would write back:

 "I am a child of the most high God and I want to sit by myself to focus on hearing from YOU Lord"

"Satan, I don't need a pal to sit next too -- I am secure in Christ"

Then I looked around again at the groups of women sitting and chatting and actually the two women that were at the end of my row, got up and moved.  So I sat there totally by myself in a row of 12.   At that point - I laughed out loud to my self.  And continue to write...   

"really Lord?" 

.....and you know what, after 3-4 minutes of writing a letter to myself and God.. a dear sister in Christ sat right down next to me and said:

 "hey, I thought that was you Michelle...Perfect!"

 About 20 minutes later, her 'best buddy" came and sat down by the two of us.   I moved over and we were a group of three.  

So, I grabbed my journal and wrote:   

"Thank you Lord,  you brought forth Stella, so there Satan - ha ha". 

 And I began to sing as it was praise and Worship time. 

So anyway..... later in the a break time... God sweetened my plea.

You see, I believe, yes, I  believe God  REWARDED me because I FOUGHT the lies with the truth...even though it felt a little lonely and weird.... 

We were to share something with the ones sitting next to us in obedience as Pricilla Shirer asked to to complete a task and and I did, but also.....

That sweet sister, looked at her two pals  - one at her left  (me) and  one at her right ( her true BFF) and reminded us both...that it was at a bible study I did -- back in my classroom back in 2009...where she was saved.

I had invited her BFF...Lori as she was a sweet friend of mine and she invited her.  

 It was at a bible study that I did ... just cause I needed to FILL up time and knew somewhere I was to do something for God ..... but my LIFE at that moment -- was hell.... it sucked. 

 I was married..but I did not have a marriage.... it was crumbling and my thoughts were that I should do a bible study and God would reward me. funny me.....

I did it out of obligation -- wanting to GET something back from God -- some insight into my crumbling marriage.  

God wastes NOTHING.  
I don't know Beth Personally -- but if I did, I know she would LAUGH at this photo and OK it's publishing....   as she is a public figure and she would say, "if it will help one person get over their insecurity- go ahead and publish the thang". 

Anyway -- she did receive Christ while I facilitated that Bible Study and she hugged me many a times as I taught with her those last few years at CENTRAL.... and now -- Look where we are. 

She is a sister in Christ that is being Jesus's hands and feet in her church and she has done much in the past 6 years!!    

More than many accomplish in a lifetime!  

"So there Satan -- what you thought would BRING me down and 'hurt'...did not and God turned it around - totally - a 360." 

So lesson on insecurity:  

THAT is how deliberate we must be in this war we are in.  
We must constantly override the lies with HIS truth... period. 
 And even when we 'seem' to have it together -- we don't. 

Insecurity has roots in fear, jealousy, and hurt --   God has to be the one we hold all 'truth' to ..over 8000+ promises in the bible and we choose to believe Satan's lies.  

I believe we are in this this time in God's Kingdom calendar because HE has equipped us to do something...

It is called OBEY God's word. 
It is...   believe in HIS Word.  

It is to READ HIS Word....   God is calling us - every moment -- are you secure in WHAT you are suppose to be doing for Him or are you consumed within yourself and feeling pity cause you are sitting with NO friends at an event?  

Sorry -- I did not mean that literally -- but, I believe YOU are getting the point.  

We have to be secure IN HIM... We need that . 
We were created to CRAVE that.   HiS security.  

I highly suggest Beth Moore's book -- highly.  
We just started the book/bible study.  It is NOT to late to join us.  
Just message me.  But do it today!  

- humbled...just a humble, simple lamb ....seeking Him, being His...   doing what He has called me to do - amen.  

- Michelle 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Just some BOLD prayers right now --

Lord, the world is all hyped on the death of a rock star -- Prince.  Lord I pray he loved you -- as if he didn't....he  probably does KNOW you now!

Lord, for the upcoming testing with my students and the rest of the school -- I have had the lowest VAM scores for far too long....I want a higher score, so allow favor to each of my students, when they guess or have to narrow down the answer choice to two them to mark the right one.  And Lord, solve the situation with this high stakes testing - we are really SICK of it.   Or Lord, create a movement within the country -- where all of us just STOP and perhaps all the parents just KEEP their kids home.... LOL.   I don't mean to cause a stir -- but, it  is time again for a change within this testing.   Lord, for the one student that voiced his 'pressure' today - may he do better than he has ever before, but also, remind him that it is indeed - just a test. 

Lord, for a family I know that is knee deep in the illness of ALS....Lord, the new adjustments and so forth, not only for her but for him.  Lord, for the new grand babies of that family, may they enjoy  their granddad for years!   Lord, I pray that the progression of his situation would be slow and that he would have all the time he needs to enjoy his family and You! 

Lord, for another family, that I believe is in rebellion.  Lord, open their eyes to SEE YOU.  Show me to or how t extend the love you feel for everyone.   I have a tendency of only loving those that love me.....   I need to change that. 

Lord, for the family that is seeking GREAT favor and help with a child who is struggling physically -- they need your constant guidance and grace.  Lord, help everyone around them see what needs to be done and gets it done.  Lord, for the medical team that supports this family -- may there no longer be a financial strain and may there be new advances in research to make his life ---  quality! 

Lord, for the women and people I work with each day -- as they are in the trenches at times trying to teach and really -- just being a counselor and mentor.  Lord, help us to recognize trauma in a us to love with discipline and yet, still have compassion to discipline.   Lord, may we me real examples of Your mercy and grace - not only to each other but to our students!   Lord, for the upcoming 'last 5 weeks' of school -- protect us Lord.

Lord, for the family that is working out blending issues.  Lord, that each side would not take sides but that each side would truly blend together.  Lord, for the parties involved...may they seek counsel and be willing to change or amend previous plans and structures.  Lord, the ONLY way this family can move forward it to blend and reconstruct -- so, I pray that all parties involved will see the need to seek help and then DO it.

Lord, for the mother tonight that is in her house - with her boys...but he has left.  Lord, for her heart and head as she is 'alone' and yet - I know you and a 1000 angels are right there too.  Lord, give her a dream, a vision for her future and make it so totally CLEAR to her WHAT she is to do -- besides WAIT on You.  Lord, for the husband who insists it is her fault ....God I bind Satan , in the name of Jesus that he would flee him -- and that he would see his own sin  ...he would see his need for forgiveness and the many years of habits that has lead him to THIS point...well, Lord, I pray they drive him crazy until he comes into full repentance to You and then....Lord, that godly sorrow would help him change and that he would not allow the enemy to pull apart his family.   Lord, these are desperate prayers - but real prayers.

Lord, for the one in a hospital bed this eve -- fighting infection.  Lord,  we ask that you take this away faster than the antibiotics seems to work -- so that she CAN be home with her new baby and the rest of her family.  Lord,  use this time to speak to her -- to teach her ---Lord, may she draw even closer to You.

Lord, for the one getting married soon -- that all the details would fall into place, that schedules and guests would all communicate and enjoy each other and that this marriage is Your will.

Lord, for the Believing God bible study Group -- which started out at 27 strong ....but some of us have not finished -- yet... Lord, for EACH of those ladies -- that their miracle they claimed back in January -- THAT it comes into fruition.  Period.  And for that -- I thank you Lord.   Lord, that those who were unable to keep up -- get the necessary time to finish this study and believe God -- believe YOU like they never have before. 

Lord, for the new bible study - So Long Insecurity -- Lord, as I already stated, that insecure women open the book and secure women close the book.   Lord -- take over that FB page and direct us all.  Lord, help me to foresee any problems and allow the responses from each person willing to open up be blessed -- as I know when we read HOW you have saved, redeemed, and extend grace to others -- we learn and we  see that our own situations - come into perspective!

And finally Lord....

there are requests I thought of today - that I can't share --
there are requests that I have already prayed over and forgotten --
and there are my own -- my heart wants to hear YOU all the time.   My head wants to constantly be in communication with You Lord and my eyes -- want ONLY to see Your hand at work.  Lord, use me -- may this random bunch of prayers speak to one or many this eve....but also may it teach another that prayer is vital and it is just speaking/talking to YOU.

As the power is NOT in the is in the ONE I am praying to - YOU God have the power.
You Lord, will provide and answer and Your will be done -- In Jesus name.  Amen. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Marriage prayers #12

 What story am I writing that won't be forgotten?
In a recent bible study -- the question was proposed -- who would I ask to COME see me if I knew my time on this earth was about to end?  

Whom would I want to have lunch with?
Who would I want to spend time with?    Not to be morbid...   but, how would your life change if you knew......that it was ending soon?

  I pray my children can  see and repeat my best qualities and I pray that they will be examples of Christ and I hope and pray they SAW Christ within me....  that would be answer to prayer. 

I think I know WHO I would want to see and share a meal with.  And I pray that I would want to MEND any relationship that was out of sorts.

And, the story of Esther in God's Bible is a story that continues to intrigue me and guide me.  
Almost a year ago, I was doing the Esther bible study and as we walked through the study, the author wrote and taught about different situations that cause a bit of growing in our lives. 

In the story of Ester......

Ester was  an orphan.  Her parents had died.  We don't know exactly how or why, but she was raised by her cousin, a male cousin.  The book of Ester shows a vital perspective on the providence of God.  Ester was sustained.... raised by Mordecai.  He was a Jewish man, but in  exile within the people at that time the Jews had basically blended in to the woodwork.  And then Ester, saved her people.  In Persia, Ester means STAR....she certainly became a star to the Jewish people. 

Ester had 'another woman' in the shadows.  

"it is hard being a woman in another woman's shadow" -- Ester was being primed and readied to be the next Queen as the Queen before her -- probably LOST her head!

There was always  the notion that she was one of MANY wives and Queens for the King.  I stopped to think about that.   Currently I am doing a 'so long insecurity' bible /book study and reading about and dealing with our own insecurities.

So, Esther HAD to of dealt with INSECURITY....   However, 

Ester certainly left a mark on our world.  

I thought today about the 'other woman' within the lives of the people who read this...

...who is within your life right now that is affecting your walk with Christ? 
Is it a wayward daughter? 
Is it a daughter living in outright sin and not ashamed of it?
It is a mother or mother - n - law with such unforgivness that you hurt?
Is it  a child that has gone onto heaven before you?

Is it a woman that has decided to interject her thoughts, actions, and reactions into you life?
Is it a woman that has brought circumstances to full circle?

It is  a past sin that continues to haunt you - could You be the other woman in anorther's life? 
It is a past circumstance that you have not dealt with?

Perhaps it is hard to be a woman with the shadow of a former wife lurking within your marriage?
Is it the shadow of rejection, hurt, and fear? 

It is a newborn baby that has taken over your heart and focus that everything else and everyone else has taken a back seat ...?  Including the Lord?

Who or What is that other woman or what is that other thing that is keeping YOU from totally trusting God or believing in God?   

"Lord, today was a hard day....  I feel so alone and unloved.  Unwanted.  But God....  I will trust in You - move the mountain or move me."
 I wrote that comment -- over 6 years ago in my journal. 
I read that this evening and that thought of it can easily TAKE me back to the night I wrote that in my journal. 

Did Esther feel unwanted? 

Do you feel unwanted?  

Tonight's marriage prayer is for you --

Lord -- I know others have felt like I have.  Lord, I know there are ones reading this  blog tonight and relating ....they feel unwanted and alone.   Lord, there are ones that are hurting so terribly because of wayward children and situations.  And Lord, there is one that simply wants to DO your will, but needs clarity to know, what is in front of her - IS YOUR will! 

So Lord, speak to each one -- answer, show them the wonders of Your Majesty.   Lord,  touch each one of them reading this in the PLACE where ONLY you can reach.  And Lord, for the one who found out this evening -- there is another woman.......  GOD, I pray she hears from you, she trusts you, she seeks godly counsel, and she knows WHAT You would have her do.   Lord, direct her my way if THAT is Your will...

Lord, for all the unwanted and lonely wives our there - I know THIS Is not your will for them -- but I pray they will SEEK you and FIND Your will....and walk through WHAT You are asking -- so that they can GET to the other side.   Lord, move the mountain in their lives...or move them!

IN Jesus name - Amen

- humbled. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Marriage Prayers #11 - In the meantime.... in the GOD time...

  So,  what do you do when your husband is in sin?  
What do you do when your man is unyoked  with you and God? 
What do you do when your man is just OUT Of relationship with his heavenly Father and you?  
What do you do when you know YOU can't go on any  further but God has asked you to HANG in there baby? 

You are still --
 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  Psalm 46.10
You wait on God --
 Psalms 27:13-14   I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!

You pray ---

I believe you STAY quiet -- and you Let God move the mountain.


I will be brief, but there was a time within the timeline of the journey to reconciliation and healing with my husband.  We were separated but I knew God has asked me to be quiet and "let him see me smile - no more crying".     I can't really explain HOW I heard that.   I just knew it.  It was placed into my thoughts by the Holy Spirit and then confirmed by several - my counselor, my bible...and finally at the Pregnancy Gala as I spoke to Mrs. Tebow and I knew.  I got with one of my praying partners afterwards and told her -- with tears.."he has to see my happy".  "he has to see I have Jesus".

Anyway, it was hard.  God had placed that thought in me three weeks prior to that fateful night and I knew.  But then WALKING in that - is the harder part.

So, I got busy in some  'projects'.
I showed up at church all the time when it was open.
I went to a small group - faithfully.
I began a small group - faithfully.
I stayed focused on God and my kids and allowed the Holy Spirit to convict and convince my wayward husband.

I saw wayward - cause at THAT time...that was the ONLY way I could explain the 'why'.  As to WHY would he not want his family?
WHY did he believe that life away from us was better?

I know why now....Satan - but that is another blog.

So,  let me give you a bit of advice as to HOW to get a project....

READ from  2 Timothy 4: 1-22.
Take some time to read that.
 I trust and know HS will have you highlight MANY phrases and so forth as you read this a few times.

 1-2 I can’t impress this on you too strongly. God is looking over your shoulder. Christ himself is the Judge, with the final say on everyone, living and dead. He is about to break into the open with his rule, so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple.
3-5 You’re going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They’ll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. But you—keep your eye on what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God’s servant.
6-8 You take over. I’m about to die, my life an offering on God’s altar. This is the only race worth running. I’ve run hard right to the finish, believed all the way. All that’s left now is the shouting—God’s applause! Depend on it, he’s an honest judge. He’ll do right not only by me, but by everyone eager for his coming.
9-13 Get here as fast as you can. Demas, chasing fads, went off to Thessalonica and left me here. Crescens is in Galatia province, Titus in Dalmatia. Luke is the only one here with me. Bring Mark with you; he’ll be my right-hand man since I’m sending Tychicus to Ephesus. Bring the winter coat I left in Troas with Carpus; also the books and parchment notebooks.
14-15 Watch out for Alexander the coppersmith. Fiercely opposed to our Message, he caused no end of trouble. God will give him what he’s got coming.
16-18 At my preliminary hearing no one stood by me. They all ran like scared rabbits. But it doesn’t matter—the Master stood by me and helped me spread the Message loud and clear to those who had never heard it. I was snatched from the jaws of the lion! God’s looking after me, keeping me safe in the kingdom of heaven. All praise to him, praise forever! Oh, yes!
19-20 Say hello to Priscilla and Aquila; also, the family of Onesiphorus. Erastus stayed behind in Corinth. I had to leave Trophimus sick in Miletus.
21 Try hard to get here before winter.
Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all your friends here send greetings.
22 God be with you. Grace be with you.

Paul wrote this -- very near the END of his death. Can you imagine what would come out of your mouth if you knew your end was near? What would you say? What would you do. Please don't think or take ANY offense to this or allow the enemy to tell you that your end is near...but think.


Then read Colossians 4.17 "see to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord"... God is going to do what HE is going to do -- but He has asked all of us to do our ministry as well.

 And look at Philippians 2.17... "even if I am poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you".
So even if I am being persecuted... I will rejoice.

So it is time to ask God what YOU can do with HIM while you wait on HIM changing that man of yours.   Take the hands off the problem and release your man to HIM.

Here are some points to consider in asking God about a project:

1. Adopt a succinct life goal.
 My goal, "to hear well done and atta girl from my Lord -- to be Jesus to the ones around me and to help set the captives free".
2. Acquire the appropriate tools.
 My tools -- I GO to where God is moving. I use my ARMOR and I am in MY Word. And... I stay connected and on my knees.
3. Endure the HARD for the sake of the good.

I endure -- I have endured and having a project or a goal helped to pass the time away and I was not so focused on my own problems but on others....  God worked through the girls I met with each Tuesday night!

READ Acts 20: 22-24 -- and note...Paul says, "he would consider his life worth nothing if he finished the race and did not include you"... we must be a part of community.
We can't get around it - we must have relationships with others -- our community.

4.  Embrace the necessity and complexity of community.
Don't be so afraid that you can't deal with your past. 

You need to be attending a church where the bible is preached, souls are being won, and there is FRUIT.  You must not forsake the assembling of yourselfves with the body.  
 Get in a local church!  

Get involved.  

So now - LORD...  for the marriage that is in a crisis...give her strength to HOLD her tongue and totally surrender him to YOU.  Allow her the insight and knowledge to know - YOU are fighting for her and that YOU will win.  Help her to stay quiet.  Provide for her and the kids. 
Show here were you want her to SOW right now....  and give her the means to start. 

Lord, for the one who has had so much church hurt -- that she is paralyzed in her own bed.  She has been kept at bay for too long....  may she RISE up, rebuke the enemy and come alive again and BE in that church body - THIS Sunday... as SHE is needed in this world to stand strong and on others ...and be filled.   NO man is an island..... 

Lord, impress upon her -- 'she can't do this church thing in her home anymore'.  Lord, impress upon her so her sides ache...  show her she MUCH embrace the community YOU have placed her with -- not to run cause of a 'man' that disappointed her or cause of the 'men' that did....  Lord,  our time is short.  My heart ACHES cause I know that I know - where she needs to be.  BUT she won't listen to me Lord...  this has to be YOU and her. 

Lord, for the other -- she needs strength as he gives her ultimatums - Lord, that she would be still and allow silence to speak for her.  Lord,  she has released him, now I pray she does not pick him back up.  He must fall we have what is necessary Lord to open those eyes but don't kill him...but also, prepare her as to WHAT to do when he falls.... 

Lord, I know that a steadfast heart and faith can create miracles.   I know Your love covers a multitude  of sins.  Lord, I also pray that these husbands would hear you say, "you are forgiven but GO and sin no more".     BIG prayers God -- YOU are a BIG Lord.   Big dreams...but I know that I know - YOU can fulfill them.  IN Jesus most precious and holy name - amen. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Marriage prayers #10

Being married 10 years is a pretty BIG accomplishment.
Being married 20 is again - a major accomplishment.
Being married 30+ years -- is rare.
And so therefore celebrating a 40 year or 50 year anniversary is indeed a special event.

I got to thinking about the marriages that have some how ...remained steadfast and faithful...even up to 40+ years.

Why are so many failing?

Is it because we are in a 'disposable' generation right now?
Is it because divorce is too easy?
Is it because FB is where we get our affirmation?
Is it because we just don't want to get on our knees and wait on God?

Today's prayer is for THOSE marriages that have somehow escaped the 'crisis'.  Maybe they escaped intentionally and have been with God since Day 1.
Maybe they escaped cause Satan left them alone -- as he knew they were an 'easy prey'.
Maybe they escaped simply by the constant prayers of grandparents and parents...  only God knows.

Today  -- if your marriage is rocky or solid... this prayer is for yours.  

Lord, in your presence is where both of us want to be and need to be.  Lord,  you will judge the living and the dead - help me never to judge my man and allow him to have his own Jesus and his own Holy Spirit.  Lord, I can't be that for him.  Lord, help me to not preach the word to him and then live another way.  Lord, continue to show me wisdom through your word and as you show me great patience, help me to extend it.  Lord, for the day to day stuff..... I work too -- help him to see that I need help with supper with the kids..and with whatever..

Lord, help him to see that he is the other 1/2 of me and we are only united as one with HIM.  Lord, may neither of us turn from Your Word or what You are revealing to us.  May we both endure the HARD for the sake of Your Good.  Lord, may we keep our heads in all situations and do the work you have called us to do.  Lord, may we each be a poured out drink offering to each other.  

This photo has great significance for me, it was taken August 4, 2011 when we decided to give our marriage totally to God... house had sold and the awkwardness of reconciliation began -- But God...  BUT God Won! 
Lord, may I keep my mouth shut when needed.  May I show grace all the time and mercy all the time but mostly.....may I love him for WHO he is not WHAT I want him to be.  

Lord, this prayer is being written for ALL today and yet - it is my heart too...  Lord, for the desires of our hearts...for mine, for his... Lord, for our children, friends, and family - may we always be a light in the darkness.  Check us oh Lord, and reveal ANY sin.  Reveal any pride.   Lord, that I will be the help mate or help meet to my man, may he always look at me and see YOU in me.  But also Lord, may I look at him and see that sexy man I saw ...some 30 years ago that made my heart flutter -- the eros love...the agape love...each type Lord....  it comes from YOU.  

In Jesus name, amen.  

Monday, April 11, 2016

A Humbled Simple Lamb who loves her Shepherd -- Boundless Grace

God does mighty things.
God heals.
God restores.
God refreshes.

It is amazing to watch and see HIM move and work in the lives of women.
It is amazing to watch and see HIM move in the fullness of His Grace.. His Mercy..and in the Spirit.
It is amazing to watch a beloved daughter of the most High God, get rid of years of unforgiveness and walk in freedom.

God wins.

I used to call myself a 'dumb sheep'.  As I just must rely on HIM all the time.
But the Lord had me change that term...  to 'simple'.

One of the definations of simple is unalloyed.
Alloyed means combination or blend a mixture.

I am unalloyed if I am not with God.
I am just a simple person that NEEDS God.

I am a lamb that had wandered off and got caught in the thicket of sin and my Shepherd left the 99 and found me.... picked me up, broke my legs and held me until I was healed and could walk on my own and I never strayed away again.

I am a humbled, simple lamb --

IN AWE of God's provision.
In AWE of God's orchestrating.
In AWE of the fact - HE will do what HE is going to do and will move ALL obstacles out of the way.
In AWE  of the fact, that with each person I get the honor to pray with -- HE teaches me more.
In AWE of the fact, that in spitie of adverstiy - His plan continues.  That NOT one would perish.

God has boundless Grace for each and every one of us.
I thank my leadership team -- and the intercessory team -- as together HE loved on 42 women this past weekend and our lives are changed - forever.

If you are interested in being at the next God Encounter Weekend, contact me.

- in awe,
- humbled, Michelle

Prayer for a wife in a HARD Spot - #9

When God moves a mountain....

I understand and realize that sometimes it seems impossible.  "He will never change.".  I hear that and I get that.  But, let me ask you this...."have you changed?".

I think people can change.
I believe that through God, a man can change.
I believe that no matter what -- God has to be the center and the 'control' for our men.

But...  a BIG factor is whether HE loves Jesus or not.
When he does not love Jesus or... no...when he does not LOVE Jesus...  it is quite impossible to believe that he will change.

BUT God...   God loves him still.  I know that is hard to believe, but it is true.  If  He, God,  will love me through my idolatry and allow me the time to get it right with him...I must allow that time for my husband.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.   2 Peter 3.9

So, what do you say to a beautiful wife  that has come home to face a man - drunk again... the house a total mess.. and top it off, he becomes abusive and hurtful???

Well, I would call the law.
Or I would leave.
Or, I would.....

but first, I would call upon my Heaven Father that is in control to move ...move him or move me... or move....  and SHOW me the answer.  

I don't believe the Lord tells anyone, "yes, You are allowed to leave this marriage".
I do believe that the Lord will provide a way to move forward.

If he won't get sober, if he won't get help and you feel unsafe, you must get away from him.

 Pray for a few days and ask him to leave.

Pray for a few days and look for a place to move to.

Pray for a few days and seek God for the next move.

Meanwhile.... as Jesus says, "go and sin no  more".
 Don't use the situation as an excuse to grieve the Holy Spirit or God.
Watch your mouth, guard what comes out.
 Remember, he is still the father of your children.
 Or... if he isn't,  allow Your children to see you extend grace and mercy even to one that does not deserve it.

 It is important to know and realize this revealation... God loves him as much as He loves you.  

God's Word says,  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.   2 Peter 3.9

So,   prayer if for a wife in a HARD spot.  

Lord, Your Word says, that if we commit our work to YOU...our plans will be established.  Lord, a beloved daughter of yours is in deep need and pain right now.  She has a husband that continues to abuse himself and a situation.  Lord, another has a husband that won't get out of bed.  Lord, and another has one that just exists in her house but has left the marriage LONG ago.    AND Lord, there is another that loves her man deeply and she knows he needs You and he has no want or desire to get to know you.  So, therefore, basically -- Lord, ALL of these MEN need YOU.  Lord, open their eyes...   Ok Lord, I will say it...  DO What is ever necessary to bring them to a crisis of faith...but don't kill them.  For the hardest of marriages,  remove the husband so she can move forward and stand before you one day and say...   I tried.  Lord, for the one who is struggling to see  ANY good in her husband, remind her - YOU are her husband.  And Lord, for the wife who is ready to give up or give in... Lord, I pray she would remember to seek you -- as I know, You will  ask her to wait ON YOU...  and You will build her strength as she waits on You.  

Lord, may this bring comfort to her - 
I am but a humbled simple lamb - 
IN Jesus name, Amen

Friday, April 8, 2016

Marriage Prayer #8


The Lord continues to teach me and change me.   I can freely say, I am not 'bound' by the timing of 40 days.  Let me explain.  In the past, God has asked me to write some prayer blogs for women and for marriages.  EAch time.... it was 40 days worth and I was almost 90% faithful to make sure they were posted -- sometimes even at the expense of my sleep and my man.  However,  in the past year -- HE is so maturing me and reminding me constantly that I can't get affirmation from this blog, FB, nor even my man must ALL come from HIM. 

Today is Friday -- I am headed to Titusville to walk with God through A God Encounter Weekend with 47 others.  Already the Enemy has begun an onslaught of banter and crud in my ears.  Just to be real, just last night an honest chat with my husband -- can quickly be used by the darkness to try and return me to a pit.  However, God wins.    With much prayer and intercession -- I move forward, one day at a time.   Marriage is God's way of showing ALL of us.... well, it is as 'close' to the love JESUS has for us and why he died on that cross...for an unselfish task....

A marriage is indeed a  union ....but it must be connected and established by our God.  If it was not established by still can be...!!   Anyway.  I am getting off topic. 

I believe my marriage is a miracle.  I have been asking God over and over -- at 'what point' did it turn... and HE has been showing me many events and such, but basically -- the turning point was when BOTH of us were in love with God.  BOTH of us were seeking the healing touch of Jesus and BOTH of us were getting our whispers from Holy Spirit and not the enemy. 

So...  with that... 

I pray today for a miracle in YOUR marriage.  I am unsure  WHO is reading this -- but -- miracles happen.  Period. 

As I was saying -- I am no longer 'bound' by a time constraint.  AS...  I should
be at Day #10 or 11, but I have lost track -- cause I have placed God first... my husband 2nd...and right now -- HIS  Encounter weekend is 3rd...after this kids will go back in that spot..LOL.  But, I want HIS best for everyone that attends, but I want HIS best for me...  I want to be HIS best..and allow HIM to use me in whatever capacities He says. 

And... another photo:  

When I knew my blog would be about miracles...I had to add in this photo - as THESE two girls are walking miracles.  Each has their own story...each has done mighty and great works already in the name of JESUS.......but HE has SO much more for each of them....

 They have just begun -- 
They and their husbands will reach many for HIS Kingdom and in HIS time. 

They along with their circle of influence  -- well, I will just say it... I believe they will see the coming of Christ -- and that makes my heart sing. 

For that matter -- I believe my children won't have to plan a I believe HE is coming -- soon. 

No worries... I am not marking a date as I know what scripture says, but ladies...and gentlemen - look around. 

We are in a time of great wonder and great darkness...

We are in a time -- like no other. 
We are in a time -- where -- we must know that we know -- where are we headed. 

In this day and age -- marriages are the MOST attacked...why -- cause like I started with -- God's design for marriage was HIS plan -- for us to understand true self-less love. 

Lord, I will end with this -- I know eight women right now that are hanging on... I pray their miracle is VERY Jesus name.  AMEN! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Yes, Happy Mother's Day.   This post is coming early.   Happy Mother's Day is the only title that seemed fitting.

I realize I would honor my mother   ( Sandy ) and I love her so --

---- and even my other mother, my mother-n-love            ( Marilyn) but today....I am honoring a new mom in my life. 

The mom of my new son.  Taylor's husband.  Jacob.  

This photo was taken Saturday morning as we arrived in Miami at the Bank United Center, an hour before the Living Proof Live Event was to begin.  I wish I would of snapped a panoramic of the entire view once we started and settled in -- 3000+ women.  ( And there were men there too.)

 In this stadium -- it reminded me of a dream God gave me years ago and it replays in my head  here and there:  I find myself floating up to the heavens.  I can only imagine or what I believe --is a dream of  the Rapture.  I am not going to get dogmatic here -- but each time I have the dream, it seems like rows and rows of people floating up and up and I feel tremendously happy until I realize I can't see 'all' of my kids or someone and then I wake up.    So as I sat at that spot last Saturday morn, and I looked out - I was reminded of that dream.  And I realized I had not had that dream in years so I asked God about that -- its meaning and if He would give it to me again. 

And then, I quickly got distracted and thanked God for allowing me the time and ability to enjoy the weekend with my new friend -- the new mom in my life.    Jacob's mom.  She is also Nic's mom and  Will's wife.   I can put a laugh and chuckle in here ..."we have even slept together now"...

Opps - sorry.  She is so unlike me in many ways and yet SO like me.  But I know, she is a bit more private or reserved - so Kerry, I do apologize for the sleeping reference -- Brendan is the one that has better timing for the humor!

However,  we attended with two other wonderful sisters in Christ and the four of us enjoyed traffic, Dunkin Donuts, and then a supper at 11 pm in the Little Havana area of West Miami.  It certainly was an experience!   All laughs.   All fun.

 Little sleep ...but, what a WORD Beth preached and taught from the book of Samuel.  THAT is for another blog....

This is Happy Mother's Day.

Let me explain.

I so enjoyed getting to know this lady better.  We had a love affair that started last summer.... I say that in jest, cause that is when Brendan and I began to meet both she, Kerry, and her husband Will.  ( Jacob's dad)   Between watching a proposal,  eating wings at a Wing place, and then having stromboli at Bobby's -- these two very kind, generous,  and loving people became instant friends and family.   They are fun!  

And, if you read my stuff -- the wedding was last September, the 2nd one was this past February and now -- we do life together as often as possible.

Please EXCUSE the blurriness of the photo -- I was shaking and trying my best to get a good clear one, but I wanted to capture the emotion as well.    Because GOD blessed me with a perfect 360 moment and the emotion of it  - it something that I wanted to capture. 

At the END of Beth's events -- she does a commissioning statement and imparts a prayer on the women that have joined her for that bible study or that weekend event.   I have stood ONLY ONE other time before doing a commissioning statement LIVE like that one  last Saturday.

   I have done others  in bible studies, written some, given some,  and even  grabbed the hands of another and recited it ----which were all very  powerful but not like this one! 

The  FIRST  one I did was back in April of 2010.  Actually,  April 23, 2010,  at a church in Vero Beach.  I grabbed the hands of the beautiful lady in front of me and it was either Carla Marie...or it was Brooke Weigand..   right now - I can't remember.   I can see Brooke in my memory but Carla Marie was there too!

 As I stood there and we 'imparted' wisdom to each other and a prayer -- I left that Simulcast ( So Long Insecurity, you have been a BAD Friend to me) and was changed and pumped up.  You see, I had been in counsel, seeking help,  as I knew something was wrong within my marriage and I was trying my best to figure it out and love a man who I knew deep down - was lost, separated from God, and running -- and with No 'Eros love ' for me.....  He felt only "phileo"...and I was determined it was only a mid-life crisis and that soon, once he fell back in love with Jesus and His Agape love...his eyes would open and see ME!    However,  that did not play out that way.   Much more transpired in 2010...2011... and 2012...  

As I said, I went to a few other events and watch Beth on TV -- but that was the FIRST LIVE Commissioning Statement Exercise and then .... almost 6 years later, I am standing, face to face with this beautiful women, with a sea of others and as I grabbed her hands - it HIT.

I was overcome.  I could tell Beth was giving instructions for the exercise, but I had heard them before, I just bawled.  Mascara running, nose beginning to SNOT up - bawled.  As I heard Beth say, "this will never happen again"..... and it won't.

As I looked at Kerry, I could clearly see a woman WHO had prayed for her son for 28 have the God ordained and appointed WIFE that would compliment him.

As I looked at Kerry, I knew I had prayed 24+ years for a daughter  and I prayed for THAT husband, that was being raised in a healthy Christian home that he would be the best man to compliment her....

And I realized HOW God had orchestrated  THIS way before I was even a twinkle in the eye of my mom and dad.

 THIS was a part of the DESTINY that Satan tried to DESTROY when he set his fangs into our family --
THIS is what HE was trying to stop.
Satan did not know what God knew...but He could tell -- we had favor. was not all was our own choices that placed us in a pit back in 2009-2010-2011...  but  GOD won.

So - Happy Mother's Day to the women that God created to give birth to my new son.

Thank you Denise who blessed me with the 'ticket' to see Beth Moore for my birthday... Thank you to Linda ...who gifted her tickets to Cassie and "G".  And thank you Diane ..who gifted her ticket to Linda...   And Thank you Kerry for saying Yes! And thank you Crystal for taking the photo!!   

Thank you God -- for I set off to be ministered to and I was.
I was blessed beyond what I expected.

Next weekend there are 48 women heading to Titusville for another God Encounter Weekend.
God has imparted a vision on Me and I will obey -- as difficult as it is to get 'women' to all agree ...nothing tops the sisterhood of these Encounter Weekends as when God is in the lead...there is not stopping WHAT HE can do. !
I am humbled..   blessed, chosen, accepted, adopted, forgiven and redeemed and I can face my giant...and any other ones that may come my way -- as I have a GIANT Sized faith !!

- michelle

Prayers for a marriage - Day #7

It has been a long day.
I am exhausted. 

If you don't believe we are in the last days... let me share something:  

2 Timothy 3:  1-5 says:

"There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loves of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, loves of pleasure rather than lovers of God -- having a form of godliness but denying its power."  

I will quote Beth Moore --  " I believe in the last days Satan has two primary motivations:  (1) to exact revenge on God by wreaking havoc on His children and (2)  to try to incapacitate the believer's God-given ability to overcome him. "

( From When Godly people do Ungodly things)

Is this your marriage?
Is this what you live with?  

A person without love ?  
A person who is unforgiving?  
A person with no self-control?  

If you are a Christian - you are covered by the blood of the Lamb and in Revelation 12.11 it says, "they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony".

I know God heals marriages.

However.... sometimes the healing can only come after a severe wounding...and maybe even a separation -- unsure -- but God knows.

For the one this eve...

Dear Beloved -- YOU have to take it to HIM... call upon HIM...meditate on HIS Word and allow Him to  answer -- and then be obedient.  

No one can do it for you.   

God hates divorce, but He loves YOU ....and if you don't feel safe, if you can't even rest in your own home - it is time to do something .....letting God orchestrate that is hard to discern ..but not if you are trusting and seeking HIM.  HE will make a way.  

In Jesus name..AMEN.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Day 6 - Prayers for a marriage --There is HOPE!

A favorite  Jesus Calling Devotional ...states this:

Beloved, this is the day that the Lord has made...As you rejoice in this day of life, it will yield up to you precious gifts and beneficial training.  Walk with Me along the high road of thanksgiving, and you will find delights I have made ready for you....To protect your thankfulness, you must remember that you reside in a fallen world, where blessings and sorrows intermingle freely.  A constant focus on adversity defeats many Christians. ...They walk through a day that is brimming with beauty and brightness, seeing only the grayness of their thoughts.  Neglecting the practice of giving thanks has darkened their minds.  How precious are My children who remember to thank Me at all times.  They can walk through the darkest of days with joy in their hearts because they know that the Light of My Presence is still shining on them.  Rejoice in this day that I have made for you, I am your steadfast Companion.  - God   Psalm 118. 24  and Psalm 116. 17 

It is very hard to stay hopeful when it seems like God has forgotten us.  I have said that...I have felt that God has forgotten me, but praise God I have also lived long enough to know
                            ...that is a LIE from the pit of hell.

God does not forget us.  God never has.  HE knew me..HE knows you...before you were born.  HE knows the number of hairs left on my head and how many will fall out into the drain this evening.

I am posting today to give hope and encouragement --from  God  because....
I want to  remind myself how things are so relative and how the enemy  continues to try and lie and weasel his way into our lives.

And maybe I am posting this --for you...the stranger at the other side of this computer screen that I don't know.

Over the past year, 

I  have reached out to a woman that wants restoration in a marriage.

I prayed with a woman that does not have her kids right with her right now, and her heart is so broken.

I have prayed with several women who are trying to salvage relationships with their children and their husbands.

I have prayed with women that are hopeless and trying their best to hang on.

I have prayed that God would move mountains...

There are so many -- feeling defeated -- 

And I was reminded of MANY other heartbroken people.

I was reminded that we always need to be thankful.

I think it is important to be real and to be aware.  Because of God....there is HOPE and there is light at the end of the tunnel even when we think it can't happen.

It is a very hard concept, but there can be joy in our circumstance.

Tomorrow could be the day the situation turns around....tomorrow could be the day....
Tomorrow could be the day the situation turns around... tomorrow...

I have said this before, there was a time in my life that I would just 'hang on until night time'....then I would pray and go to sleep with my bible on my chest and ask God.."please, tomorrow - could tomorrow be the day I have been waiting for?".   And then tomorrow came, and the day started and by 10 or 11 am that next day - I would find myself saying, "ok God, I guess it WON'T be today ( for my miracle ) so...just get me to bed time......."   And I would look forward to the possibility of the NEXT day...

Literally living from day to day  -- 

God has to be it.
HE has to be our all.
HE allows strife and heartache within out lives - cause HE wants to draw us near  -- HE is getting our attention.

 That was NOT HIS intention but we are in a wicked world and we chose the path, we have that free leads us into temptation and then sin.

It certainly seems  like ALL the others ( around us )  are getting the breaks and the ones who are ARE on their knees seeking God are NOT winning...but hold on dear sister...hold on beloved....YOU are HIS.

Please don't compare your situation with others -- you have no idea, but maybe Satan does not need to mess with them...and he is able to bless then ( Satan can bless people ) cause they are NO threat.
So consider it an honor...that the enemy is seeking to destroy you -- and your dreams and family...cause he knows, God has great plans in the future.

Lisa Bevere says that you are probably being attacked ...cause of WHAT the enemy knows YOU can do for the Kingdom of God in the future -- so he is attacking now.  Don't let him win.

Don't let the enemy tell you God has forgotten you -- HE has not.
Cry out to him.  Demand GOD to show up and move....just make sure that you are RIGHT with him first - confess any sin....make sure YOU have asked HIm into your life and heart, and declare your love for him.

I realize it may be hard to declare your LOve for God...I was unable to really do that for many takes time to trust something that is 'unseen'.  But, if we will...Glory will come.

Hang in there beloved....YOU are deeply loved.  Memorize these verses  below.  Personalize them.

Michelle, be strong and courageous, don't fear..for God is with me and HE won't leave or forsake me.
__________, be strong....

Lord, God.....I am thankful for this day - for the women or men reading this, maythey see HOPE at the end of the tunnel.   Lord for the marriages represented within this list , that they SEE HOPE today! 

Lord, as we continue  these  40 days of prayer, I continue to hold up those sisters in Christ that I am believing and agreeing in prayer with -- that there would be clarity...there would be peace...and a new found relationship - like NONE before.    amen.

God - for some -  they may not have the faith right now to believe there is  LIGHT at the end of the TUNNEL - but I will believe it enough for them -- I will!

Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV 

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Psalm 55:22 ESV / 

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.