Tuesday, August 9, 2016

When people dissappoint me.

Do people disappoint you?  If  NO ONE disappoints you --  well...  I would question  your definition of disappointment or ask, "what are you on?" 

Last year, I made a point of asking God to show me more of what Grace looked like and what Grace meant as well as to give me the extra Grace I needed to walk out this life!

 This year, is half done,  I would say that I have been asking God here and there for something else.   I don't want to get MAD when others disappointment me.  So, I have plenty of circumstances or opportunities to apply that Grace I prayed about.

I am by NO means perfect -- but today, something  struck me and my thoughts began --

Allow me to list:

...they did not respond to my text
...he moved ahead in disobedience to God
...she flaunted her sin and made others pay with consequences
...do they realize how UNGRATEFUL they are being?

STOP.   I began this blog 2 hours ago.  I had SO much in my head that was bothering me that I wanted to vent and GET OUT.

BUT God.   God stopped it.   My husband could even hear my pounding on the keys.   I had started to make that list and I had MANY more to add, but as I typed them, I knew that I knew I had to hit the save button and come back to this blog.   Not tonight.

Then, I enjoyed some Olympics.
Then my sweet brother called me.
Then, I set about to do a bible study/workbook that my ENTIRE family is doing.  Yep... All 5 of us!!  So I did Day #4...and sent a "loving" text message to my children and asked them to post a photo of what DAY they were on..... 

Needless to say, Brendan is in the lead, I am in 2nd place and I did not make the kids prove where they were .....but I was not disappointed.   And I stopped and thought -- what happened? 
I was JUST so disappointed and ready to VENT a short  time before.

What happened.  You know -- I know -- God happened.   I received more Grace and as I poured into God's word and responded to the prompts and questions -- His presence filled me.   I was different.

Then, I had some other work for God to do and began that.   God has gifted me in some organization skills and planning skills and I may drive several nuts -- but, I must be obedient to WHAT HE has asked me to do.  Within that, the Holy Spirit flooded me with some sweet memories that my daughter had shared with me  -- what God was doing in her life.   And then I messaged a sweet new friend that has moved away and EACH time I speak to her -- whether it is face to face or via Messenger on FB -- Holy Spirit Speaks and I see a bit of heaven.

Holy Spirit reminded me of a vision/impression I had back 24 years ago.  Holy Spirit reminded me of HOW speaking to this one person, lead to this other situation, which lead to this...and then to this... and then to this... and then to my daughter...!!   Full circle -- 360!   God is so Stinking SWEET.  So stinking sweet -- how ON earth could I fuss and blog about being disappointed?

People will disappoint us.  Praise God we only have to deal with ONE day at a time  -- God will not fail us.
People will continue to behave a certain way -- when JESUS is not their Lord. 

So anyway -- I have a few prayer requests for our Lord this eve -- some I know have been severely disappointed.   They each are being obedient and waiting on God -- but satan is certainly flaunting sin all around them.  And they are tired...  And they don't 'SEE' anything at this moment -- but my God is able and HE does not fight with toothpicks.  HE has a FULL army battling for them.   I pray they will fall asleep knowing that.  I pray that tomorrow -- their miracle would happen.   But even when a circumstance changes....there is usually MORE work to be done or worked out.  True healing and restoration takes time and it takes a willing and obedient heart.  Lord, for all of them -- may they wait on YOU!    Amen. 


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