Friday, July 21, 2017

Suffering ---- being an "adult".

 I have been writing blogs to the parents of adult children and to the adult children around me.  This AM as I pray and converse with God, He reminds me that I am an 'adult' child of  parents  as well.  And even my choices and my beliefs don't please them  at times. 

Those of us who have been rescued by God -- have nothing to prove.

I don't say that with arrogance, I just have seen a REAL Jesus and realize that I am a sinner saved by Grace.   And there is a peace within me that knows that she knows....eternally  - I am secure.

I remember about 2-3 years ago, I wanted SO desperately to FUSS at one particular person.  He had made some poor choices which brought a counter reaction from another.  Then something transpired and it was implied that I did this "transpiring" I remember BEING so mad.... but, I was the VERY vocal Christian in this group and it would make sense that I  would be the voice of reason but also the voice of condemnation.  But I would never want to use my words to bring condemnation.    Conviction - perhaps...but not condemnation!

 However it was implied,  I didn't get wind or knowledge  that it had hurt another until much later.  And at that point -- there was nothing I could do.  I really couldn't open the can of worms and scream..."it wasn't me!".   I couldn't go back to the one hurt and try and comfort cause it was literally a LONG time ago.   I just had to sit.  And LIVE my verse  that I love... Exodus 14.14...The Lord with fight for me, I need only be still.   

Today -- I am struggling.   As an Adult....

The struggle between the Spirit of God and evil has been warring since Satan realized the unconditional love God had for Adam and Eve and he wanted to usurp that authority and then deceived Eve....

2 Timothy 1. 8 not be ashamed  to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner.  But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life -- not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.  

I believe it will become harder and harder to stand on God's Word in these end times.  And even when our own flesh and blood disagree with us - will we stand.  We will stand and suffer? 
Will we speak truth to our counterparts?   God reminds us to speak truth in love ....but sometimes that truth being spoken is so rejected.  I am reminded that God is the one who draws us near -- it is Jesus who saves, but our life...should represent His grace....His mercy....and His love -- period.

However, sometimes the suffering comes SO close to home.  Or it comes from someone SO close to home....namely a dear loved one.  

Suffering is an inescapable part of inhaling oxygen in the atmosphere of this fallen planet.  We are not talking about the suffering that is common to all humans -- Paul suggests in this chapter of Scripture that servants of Jesus suffer some things in direct correlation to the positions God called them to fill.  
A measure of your pain and hardship really is in connection to your calling. 
Some of it is Spiritual Warfare.  Some of it is sociological resistance because the world hates us as it hated Christ and some of it is ordained By God for our growth, our humility, our compassion, our obedience, our completion, our faith, and  read this carefully, our future commendation, joy, and fellowship in His glory.  If we have a throw-down fit and refuse to partake in the sufferings of Christ, we will miss partaking in the explosive joy of that measure of His glory!  
   - Beth Moore ( Entrusted, 2016)

Isaiah 53.6

All, we like sheep,  have gone astray: we have turned -- every one -- to his own way: and the LORD has laid on ( Christ ) the iniquity of us all.  


Where are you today?
Where am I?

As I continue to seek God and seek to understand Him and His plans, I know His plans for me are good.

I know there is NO condemnation for THOSE in Christ Jesus according to His Word in Romans 8 but when we are attacked certainly feels like we are condemned.

As I grow in Christ and walk in Faith with Him -- He changes every relationship and He even removes relationships.   He changes how we spend our time, He changes our motives, even our passions.  He changes how we live and where  we will spend eternity.  He strips us of performing and pretending and lays us bare...

...fully aware of our NEED for HIM.

While it is costly and even threatening -- is is what we were designed for!   

If we trust God and
confess our sins -- we are forgiven.
If we seek God -- He will answer.

It was Christ's blood that was shed for me!  ( and for you!)  

So with that -- I MUST extend the one that really hurt me recently,
I must extend GRACE to the ones that I am extending prayer for....and trust that God is at work.
I must extend GRACE to myself -- that I can mess up too.
I must extend GRACE to the adult children that frustrate me at the moment.  I must extend GRACE to the adults that frustrate me and cause me some late night hours.  But I also but RELEASE those that have burdened my heart a little FAR too long -- they are His children. 

I can't always be perfect, nor know what to say or what to blog, or even how to pray -- but by HIS Grace.....and His mercy..... and with His Word......

Proverbs 3.34 says:   Toward the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he gives favor.

God was - is --so GOOD to us, despite our sin.  He was merciful to us and gave us Jesus to make us right with HIM. I have to remind myself that those -- even with false teachings and beliefs are dearly loved by our Father.  It hurts His heart more than mine to hear them blaspheme God or make light of eternity.  Hell was not created for us -- it was created for Satan, but unfortunately -- some of our loved ones will be there.   We have free will.  But I trust that God will reach each and  every one of those lost ones in His time and give them the opportunity to repent from their sins --- I just have to. 

However, I totally understand that the heart is weak and many will choose their own way instead of God's way.  Many won't seek His Word and allow the Lord to come in and totally heal them.  Many won't use His Scriptures to question and rebuke the lies of the enemy.  Many have it figured out and just use the expression, "God is bigger and He is love."

Let's move from focusing on our need  - Chell, move on from this
Let's move from focusing on our need ....or prayer request...or on our hurt..... and fix our eyes on the FACE of God.  He changes everything.

Being humble  = being fully occupied with God.

Luke 6: 28-30  
Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.  To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either.  Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back.  

Anger is our reaction to when we feel our rights are being taken away from us.  We get angry about not getting what we think we deserve.   -- But God is calling us to die to those rights.

This is the crazy part - we are to LOVE those who hate us.  It is radical and insane.  We are to be giving to those who don't appreciate it.

..........and that  grace can  be given  --- even when  our husbands --when out of anger and  out of their own issues they lash out at us--
.........and that grace can be given to a friend that does not see eye to eye with us --
......and that grace can be given to an adult child who has made very poor choices --
.......and that grace can be given to the lost, right next to us --

Lord, may the one that reads this understand that being broken before you is a good allows You to become more in their lives.  This includes me today.  I know this -- but needed a reminder!  
 Lord, may the one reading this, including me, seek forgiveness for whatever needs be and that they would also extend forgiveness, including me when out of anger words fly.  

Lord, You carried a cross for me on 'this' day so many years ago and took ALL of my sin.  Lord, You are calling us, calling me to surrender what is not of you and take up our cross .

Lord, I want the freedom found in allowing You to defend me, even IF I don't see it until heaven. 
Lord, I want to accept that life is not right and fair now, but it will be. 
Lord, I want to love instead of defending or fearing or fighting. 
Lord, I pray that I will freely give and not have a sense of entitlement. 
Lord, I pray that as I embrace my faults -- rather than prove my points or defend myself.  
Lord, I pray and release others' perceptions and understandings of me and I pray that I would HOLD onto Your understandings of me -- since You know my heart! 
And Lord, I embrace the death of my 'rights' and desires -- and receive Your will in my life.  Lord, I trust You. 
 I trust the frustration and righteous indignation I feel right now is part of Your plan --   A plan not only for me - but for those around me and for the total stranger READING this right now -- may they Seek Justice, Love Mercy, and humbly walk with You as their God.  And Lord, that they would extend Grace......

But for the others reading this or maybe that one...I pray a RADICAL salvation experience in him or her RIGHT now -- today -- that they may meet you on a road like Saul did -- and it may radically change them, as my hurts for the wife heart hurts for the daughter that disappoints her heart hurts for the mother who constantly has to pray protection over her boys for fear of danger when they are with their dad.....and my heart hurts for the one who won't stand UP for You Jesus -- there, I am proclaiming that indeed....YOU will WIN in these situations -- not for any of my glory but for YOURS.  

In Jesus name, Amen.  

Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"  
Matthew 16: 24-26

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

To the Adult Children - A series of Blogs for parents -- Choices - Blog #4

This series of   blogs-   continues.   

This series is being   written for children -- adult children.  This series is not necessarily written for my children and yet it may be. And it is being written for the parents of adult children.  

So with that -- here is the 4th  one. 

Sometimes it is very hard to make a choice.     Chocolate cake or Cheesecake.   If I am at Longhorn Steakhouse - it is the Chocolate Stampede.    If I am at the Cheesecake Factory it would be the cheesecake but then - which ONE? 


God's Word says:  Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

As a parent of two grown children it can  become difficult  to watch them make choices that you feel within your innermost being-- are wrong.  And it is difficult to watch them make choices that you would not of made -- whether with good outcomes or just different outcomes.  It can be difficult to see them struggle with finances because of poor choices. 

It can also be difficult when you just want to celebrate or hang with them and they are leading their own lives.  I praise God that our children WANT to hang with us -- mind you, NOT all the time, but we do enjoy our time together.  It is a blessing! 

 I am the oldest of 9 children my mother and father 'had' beginning back in 1966.  There are nine of us.  At times over my past 50 years....some of my siblings have been EASIER to get along with while others rub me the wrong way.  Moving 1400 miles away certainly can help the matter or bring distance -- but early on, I realized as my siblings grew into adults -- I wasn't going to be their BEST friend nor would they seek my advice.  In a way -- I was a parent to them all those years ago so  I had a little practice as my own children grew up and moved out....I couldn't  control nor always make their choices for them.  And, it brought pure pleasure when some of them did seek advice or want my opinion.

Some parents never stop -- they interfere, share their opinions, make decisions and eventually it causes distance, hurt, and maybe even estrangement. 

Proverbs 14.12 saysThere is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

As a parent, this verse speaks volumes -- when we see our children make choices we know are wrong....

Proverbs 19.21 saysMany are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand. 

Even this verse, being a parent as we watch and wait for our adult children to LEARN the hard way....we pray, we believe, and we show love....

Proverbs 16.9 says:  The heart of  man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Truly, when I read this verse - I pray, Lord, establish his steps...establish her steps... may their steps line up with Your Word! 

Philippians 4.8 says:  Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 

And finally:   Proverbs 3. 5-6  states:  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 


If your children - young, small, teens, and adults would fully grasp and understand this past verse -- we are parents would be peaceful!   Right?  

I am thinking...sharing some thoughts running in my head today:

It is weird when as a kid, you watched adults around you make choices and then you saw the consequences...and yet, as an adult - you  can fall RIGHT into those same decisions and choices. 

It is hard when you have children and you decide their clothing choices and what they will eat for dinner and then they become adults and you don't have that 'choice' anymore.  They are adults.

It is hard  to watch another within your circle of influence make the wrong choice after you have prayed with them....sat with them...cried with them.....and yet...they still want to make that wrong choice. 
It is hard to sit back and pray for something that seems impossible to fix or it seems impossible to believe that God could bring 'beauty' out of it ....and yet, we are to make that choice, and intercede for that lost one, or for that dear friend, or for even that  'frienemy'.....that seems to constantly sow turmoil within your life.  But yet....  it is a choice. 

In Matthew it does state...'the gate is narrow'.  It is hard, to make the better choice when the ones around you  poke fun of or believe you are being 'too Christian'.  It says the gate is narrow, but why do so many try and squeeze in -- ?? 

God has brought me to this verse:  Galatians 6. 7-8   Do not be deceived:  God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.  For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 

In the Message bible it states: 
  ( I added a few words to make it personal - from God )
Don't be mislead my one makes a fool of God.  What you plant, you will harvest.  My beloved - if you plant selfishness, and you ignore the needs of others -- you are ignoring God -- and you will harvest a crop of weeks.  Dear son...then all you will have to show for yourself is weeds.  But sweet girl... if you plant in response to God, letting God's Spirit do the growth work in that....  you will harvest a crop of REAL life... eternal life with Me.    The gate is narrow my children, don't lean  on your own understanding, You acknowledge your ways in Me all the time, so now LEAN on Me and I will make the path straight!  - God  
I am choosing this photo as it popped up on my timeline - it took choices for these boys to become champions -- may our children may the choices to be champions for GOD!! 


Lord,  first of all for my own grown children who make choices now that so please me and there are a few that frustrate me.....but give me the knowledge to love them through it anyway.   To be there as MOM when I am needed but also to give them the space to SEEK You and find you in the middle of it.  Lord,  I include my son in love in this -- as I truly have adopted him as mine, I pray his choices will continue to line up with Your Word and be pleasing not only to you, but as their marriage grows and continues, I pray it will be a beacon of light to the young marrieds around them. 

 Lord, I pray for the parents reading this, that have wayward children and children that have brought much heartache and pain to their hearts....God, intervene as ONLY You can, bring whomever across their paths to speak truth and allow the parents of these lost children to feel your comfort as they continue to claim Your promises over them. 

 Lord, for the parents who are just experiencing the empty next and this wonderful season of adult children -- may it grow them and may they seek You for each new experience, may they be parents of adult children who continue to love and serve you.  I seek especially for the parents  of college aged ones and the ones who are just now entering that college life -- hold their hearts Lord and help them be supportive, speak truth in love, and help them to see and understand how their prayers in scripture will not return void.  That even though the 'adult' may be making some very stupid choices....that you will give those parents peace -- that child will come back around. 

Lord, use these blogs for YOUR purpose -- may we all make choices that please  You.  IN Jesus Name, Amen

Monday, July 17, 2017

To the Adult Children - A series of Blogs for parents -- A Gift - Blog #3

This series of   blogs-   continues.   

This series is being   written for children -- adult children.  This series is not necessarily written for my children and yet it may be. And it is being written for the parents of adult children.  

So with that -- here is the 3rd one. 

 I am thanking God  this early morning  - as I edit   and publish this 3rd blog in this series.  I wrote this blog back in May -- but again, the Holy Spirit has not given me the OK to publish it, until today.  

I am thinking I must be careful to  allow the Holy Spirit ---to not only give me the right words but also that the parent reading this or the adult child reading this -- has the most open heart to what God is telling him or her at this moment.  

This  past week has been a LONG one.  If you follow this blog, it started with  last Monday and a written blog  that was still claiming  a miracle in the life of a dear daughter in Christ and  for her husband  -- and then the  week  ended  with a life celebration --for that loved one.  For her husband,   the 'celebration' ended as  her body was placed  in the ground but as she was dearly remembered all over FB this past weeked -the legacy of her life is indeed alive! 

And as God wastes nothing, I believe God gave me a word  to remind me -- we move forward. So Michelle, get writing as "it's a gift".  

Her life and the entire Prescott /Bischop Family is a gift to many of us - their steadfast faith and walk in this journey was a testimony to us all.  But Pookie's life is not a cancer story -- it is a faith story.  And she would not want to be remembered for her struggle with cancer but for her faith, her love of her husband, and her purpose!     A gift!    That was clearly displayed within the letters written to her and about her read at the service. 

This   story of  Jared and Rebekah has 'undone' me several  times this week.   And I believe he has only started -- there was a purpose God choose Jared for Rebekah   and I believe he will have more to say and do for His Kingdom through his - God wins!   And, if you listened to the letter he wrote to his bride last Friday - you probably became UNDONE as well.  Jared's testimony has set a bar for many men and marriages and I believe his words cemented the understanding we have faith in God for what He does or for Whom God is? 

You see, I knew Pookie as a KID -- Taylor 's pal -- but I didn't really get to know her until she became Taylor's prayer warrior  as they grew in wisdom  while in high school and college.  And then I was privileged to meet   Jared at their wedding  some 4 years ago.   Furthermore,   the Lord orchestrated a deeper friendship  with Rebekah when her cancer returned a several  years ago,   and I truly got to soak in and  learn about Jared's  faith  through Pookie ---  their married life -- impacted my heart.   

As I woke this am, the Lord gave me the words ..."it was a gift".   

I could write and write more RIGHT here about their marriage.  

 The gift it was to him --to be the husband of her; but also how it was a gift to her -- that God selected Jared for His purpose and Rebekah's heart ---but that is not what God wants to communicate  in this series today.  And I believe it will be for Jared to write.  

God multi-tasks and when He gives a word or is usually,  not just for that ONE occasion but for so much more.  And it should be scriptural is.  I know that God gave gifts.  

So, let me get back to the intent there was for THIS 3rd blog in THIS series. 

 You see -- I have  been struggling with the laizzes-faire  attitude of this generation.    Those presently 15-25 and their attitude toward sex.   I just am.  

Sex is a gift. Everything God created with intention and purpose - Satan can counterfeit.  Adult Children all around me are being robbed.  Robbed

 With this, you can think I am a prude, or perhaps you don't believe I understand what the world is like in 2017.  

 Because of course...   I have heard these:  

"we don't buy a car without test driving it first!" 

  Or, "I have seen how you have lived being married --  it did not work too well -- I won't do that to myself, this way we will try it out and if it does not work we can break up and we are none - the wiser!"  

"This is different-- I don't plan on marrying her -- this is not serious".  


First off, God's instructions for cars and whether to buy them is not in His Word.  But, whom we give our hearts too -- is.  
God's Instructions clearly show us whom we should seek for a marriage partner -- His Word does not say that we can try something out to see if we like it. 

And Furthermore, if you have had sex with him or her -- it is a BIG deal. There are soul ties and a spiritual connection that the enemy will use to destroy the relationship and it can hinder your future besides the consequences of unprotected sex.   

 This  culture and this present generation is so different than when I was a kid or a young adult.   Oh  wait -- THAT is what I said to my own mother.....but simply.    It's the same.  We were doing what we wanted back in the 70's  ...the 80's and the 90's....    

 I don't believe much has changed over the past 50 years....   Sex outside of marriage is wrong and  was more preached and expected back in the 50's and 60's and God's Word has not changed.   However, maybe there was more shaming back then -- which just led to oppression.   Now days, there seems to be "no shame" as it is widely accepted.  The old saying, "why buy the milk when you get the cow for free" is an awful saying that I heard so often as a teen -- but in reality, I believe our culture -- even the 'church' of this generation has avoided this issue -- do we understand that we are breaking God's heart when we disobey Him?  He has set forth a very simple concept that avoids MUCH heartache and consequences, if we wait and allow God to move. 

  God's Word clearly states that sex outside of marriage is not God's plan.  That also  includes  any type of sexual pleasure, gratification, with or without intercourse ---outside of the marriage bed.   Period.   This concept goes far beyond our younger generation but with each and every one of us -- as many commit adultery now and think nothing of it.  And please, the actual act is not the only sin -- if you think it - in your heart -- you have committed the sin as well. 

And with that -- I am PRETTY sure that several will stop reading this.  Guilt.  Conviction.  Or they are completely ticked off because maybe, perhaps we really don't want to accept that God's Word is what it is.  We either believe it all and allow it to be ....


2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Now honestly -- as I spoke to God this am,  and I laughed cause I could picture  a  gathering of some of my favorite people -- namely Pookie and Taylor right here in my living area as I type.  And  I would be telling both of them that this blog has been written for over two months and yet I have tried to avoid this subject and then WHAM - BAM - here it is --- today of all days!   

And I would share with them what God told me this morning at 5:03am and how I began to type and then how I had reservations and wanted to quit again when a sweet godly woman who is fighting for her marriage texted and we started a separate conversation.     And I would not share names, but I would tell both girls that the enemy hates marriage -- so much that he takes pleasure in destroying each and every one of them and that, this particular marriage is being destroyed because the husband does not want to face his past -- and deal with some sexual sins

I could see Pook-- sitting here in her jeans, UF shirt,  and hat,  sitting on her legs in the chair opposite of me and Taylor would be sitting with Bella on her lap - talking with her hands.  Here -- right now -- and she and Taylor would be bantering back and forth --  as I was ranting about the topic of this blog and why it has been so hard to write.   And Pookie would be saying, "You go Mrs. Pritchard, I love you" and Tay would be saying, "mom- calm down!".   And I heard God so sweetly remind me -- "it's a gift".  Our sexual pleasure was a gift from God - intended to be fully realized and complete through the covenant of marriage. 

So before I go on -- please -- I lived with guilt and shame because I choose to disobey God so many years ago before I was married  -- the conviction is real and from the Holy Spirit -- the shame and guilt, is the enemy's whispers.  We serve and praise a God who forgives and I would not want this blog to make one think, "oh well -- I must just continue to sin cause I am already lost".... 

This blog is being posted today because I am being obedient.  The Holy Spirit gave me the topics in which I am to share.  And Holy Spirit wakes me, impresses upon me, and speaks as to when and what!   Holy Spirit began writing this  blog several months ago, so I believe the timing is His.   And  I will add -- I have FOUGHT and FOUGHT against publishing this.  I had this ready to 'publish' last Friday and again, I waivered and asked God for ONE final fleece to confirm to me  to actually hit the PUBLISH button today!   I had to go and fix some verb tenses -- as I delayed this a few days again.  But today -- Monday, July 17th...I will be faithful and courageous.  

I would pray that whomever reads this today is  aware --that TODAY -- you can choose to ask God to help you today -- to be more like Christ and obey our Father.  

  There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus -- there is life, but Jesus reminds us all..."then go and sin no more".  He asks us to take up our Cross and walk - with him and when we do that -- He can meet every need and keep us pure until a marriage is conceived.  He can help us stay celibate until He meets us face to face if marriage is something that is not right around the corner.   

But this blog is "just" not for young adults or the parents of  -- it maybe be written for a sweet child of God who has struggled with purity and self worth for ages.  Maybe it is for her - to encourage her that she can remain pure until God moves. 

 Maybe this blog will encourage a young man, who has a girl pregnant at the moment and he is trying to do the right thing by God as he awaits the birth of a baby and wants to be obedient to God. 

Maybe this blog will encourage a young man to look at his girlfriend and speak to her about Jesus and apologize to her for not being obedient and robbing her of her gift.  

Or maybe this blog will encourage a couple who were married for years, got divorced, and now are back together but are having sex outside of the union of marriage! would seem that God could OK that... I mean, they WERE married.   I believe God asks us to be obedient and I do believe that He can't fully bless the union until there is a covenant.  

 Or maybe this blog will just encourage the parents of YOUNGER children to pray and begin to fight the future influences on their own younger children  through prayer and confession of God's Word over their lives.  Perhaps it is hard to truly teach a child  to want to remain pure -- to this may help a parent seek God for the right way to raise them up! 

   It is with faith that I post and believe there is hope within this -- not condemnation.  

The Lord showed me 1 John -- and God's Word says it best.  It is the Message version, but I believe His Words says  it best --

1 John 2The Message (MSG)

1-2 I write this, dear children, to guide you out of sin. But if anyone does sin, we have a Priest-Friend in the presence of the Father: Jesus Christ, righteous Jesus. When he served as a sacrifice for our sins, he solved the sin problem for good—not only ours, but the whole world’s.

I praise God -- we have a friend...Jesus...

The Only Way to Know We’re in Him

2-3 Here’s how we can be sure that we know God in the right way: Keep his commandments.
4-6 If someone claims, “I know him well!” but doesn’t keep his commandments, he’s obviously a liar. His life doesn’t match his words. But the one who keeps God’s word is the person in whom we see God’s mature love. This is the only way to be sure we’re in God. Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.
7-8 My dear friends, I’m not writing anything new here. This is the oldest commandment in the book, and you’ve known it from day one. It’s always been implicit in the Message you’ve heard. On the other hand, perhaps it is new, freshly minted as it is in both Christ and you—the darkness on its way out and the True Light already blazing!
9-11 Anyone who claims to live in God’s light and hates a brother or sister is still in the dark. It’s the person who loves brother and sister who dwells in God’s light and doesn’t block the light from others. But whoever hates is still in the dark, stumbles around in the dark, doesn’t know which end is up, blinded by the darkness.

Loving the World

12-13 I remind you, my dear children: Your sins are forgiven in Jesus’ name. You veterans were in on the ground floor, and know the One who started all this; you newcomers have won a big victory over the Evil One.
13-14 And a second reminder, dear children: You know the Father from personal experience. You veterans know the One who started it all; and you newcomers—such vitality and strength! God’s word is so steady in you. Your fellowship with God enables you to gain a victory over the Evil One.
15-17 Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.

Antichrists Everywhere You Look

18 Children, time is just about up. You heard that Antichrist is coming. Well, they’re all over the place, antichrists everywhere you look. That’s how we know that we’re close to the end.
19 They left us, but they were never really with us. If they had been, they would have stuck it out with us, loyal to the end. In leaving, they showed their true colors, showed they never did belong.
20-21 But you belong. The Holy One anointed you, and you all know it. I haven’t been writing this to tell you something you don’t know, but to confirm the truth you do know, and to remind you that the truth doesn’t breed lies.
22-23 So who is lying here? It’s the person who denies that Jesus is the Divine Christ, that’s who. This is what makes an antichrist: denying the Father, denying the Son. No one who denies the Son has any part with the Father, but affirming the Son is an embrace of the Father as well.
24-25 Stay with what you heard from the beginning, the original message. Let it sink into your life. If what you heard from the beginning lives deeply in you, you will live deeply in both Son and Father. This is exactly what Christ promised: eternal life, real life!
26-27 I’ve written to warn you about those who are trying to deceive you. But they’re no match for what is embedded deeply within you—Christ’s anointing, no less! You don’t need any of their so-called teaching. Christ’s anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie. Live deeply in what you were taught.

Live Deeply in Christ

28 And now, children, stay with Christ. Live deeply in Christ. Then we’ll be ready for him when he appears, ready to receive him with open arms, with no cause for red-faced guilt or lame excuses when he arrives.
29 Once you’re convinced that he is right and righteous, you’ll recognize that all who practice righteousness are God’s true children.

Lord, I just pray that whomever reads this blog - that he or she  will just keep Your commandments.   Lord, I pray that if we love You first with all of our heart -- then we will WANT to please You, obey You, and walk with You.  Lord,  You will provide, You will meet needs, and You will help those that are convicted - to seek Your forgiveness and Your blood to wash their sins  clean, and then I pray they seek You to live purely before You until you bring them to a marriage.  

  I pray for the countless young woman  living close  - living in shame because they know that they know -- they are not obedient to Your Word.  Those I know and those that will read this and feel shame -- strangers.  But they are not strangers to You Lord.  I pray those believers around them will wake up and be used to speak life and truth.  

 I pray for the countless woman living close  that really don't know the truth of Your Word - that those believers around them would STEP up and share Your Word and be that example of Your hands and feet -- but I also pray for those believers around them that are weak -- that have allowed the enemy's lies to defeat them. 

I pray for the many young women totally confused as to what God has for them and how they were created in His image -- pure, feminine, and with no gender issues.  I pray the family and women around these beautiful ladies will stand on Your Word, love unconditionally but speak truth - the hard truth when You orchestrate it.  

  Please Lord,  for anyone reading this, remind them that You are the God of 2nd chances -- that they would seek YOUR counsel and YOUR Word instead of their feelings or the world's.  IN Jesus most holy name - AMEN.  

And PS Lord, I will personalize this prayer for my own little grandchild... the one within TP's tummy -- that he or she will grow in wisdom and stature and live a life worth of their calling but I also pray for Ava Lynne -- she is the one pulling the wagon -- I pray for her husband and his family, that wherever they are - they are raising a son to know and understand that his sexuality is a gift and that His calling will be first  -- and I pray for Ava that as she continues to grow and hear Your Word Lord, I pray she falls so intently in love with You -- that it won't be a temptation to do as her pals do or have the attitude that 'sex' is no big deal...I pray she will realize the gift she has been given -- these may be BIG blog prayers God -- but I know THIS is why I am her "Mimi" we battle and protect in Prayer -- and Use YOUR Words to fight!   So I pray and close with my favorite scripture which happened to be Pookie's as well -- I pray that Ava and anyone reading this will know and understand Exodus 14.14...You fight for US Lord...we need only be still!   IN Jesus name ...amen.  

If you are first finding this blog, here is a link to the previous two  - 

Unmet Expectations #2         First blog in the series #1

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

It Happened! Part 5! 5 is the number of GRACE......

It happened.  Total HEALINGComplete.  Halleluiah!  

On Monday, I posted a blog.  Part 4.  If you read it , there was a graphic that stated, "Let's Celebrate".  My graphic referred to the fact that it was my first "OFFICIAL" day of summer vacation.  A day that I could sleep in, get my time on the elliptical,  then enjoy the banter between Kathie Lee and Hoda with my glass of hot lemon water,  and just BE in the moment.

  So for me - the Celebrate graphic  was perfect. Yes, I was not aware that while I was celebrating and staying in my pj's for the majority of the morning as I blogged -- there was a family saying goodbye.    I believe the Enemy would want someone to  look that last blog  and question me as to why I would put that out there -- especially with the title, "it is happening".... healing.   However, God won and we defeat the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. 

Rebekah's healing was happening. 
Rebekah's healing did happen.
Rebekah's healing was perfected!
 It was.  My daughter told me last night, "Mom, I have not read the blog yet, but I thought  - how perfect - it is time to celebrate, she is with Jesus".  Tears.  Sweet Tears.

 The little girl in me-- that wants approval has to say,  with complete certainty,   Holy Spirit had given me the OK to edit and post the blog I had written for Jarod almost 2 weeks before.

The warrior woman for Jesus, blessed, chosen, forgiven, and redeemed, has  to say, with  complete certainty-- it was in God's perfect time.   His perfect timing.   As if you read that blog on Monday, July 10th - then you were praying for man who was gently holding his bride as she walked into the hands and arms of Jesus!     Tears. Sweet Tears.

The enemy immediately wanted to throw darts -- "Ha ha  - you were wrong - she was not completely healed here on earth"...and I admit, for about 30-35 seconds  I was really mad at God and asked again, WHY would you have me do that?  And with a most sweet spirit, I could hear within my heart, "she is healed- Trust me".  And with that, more tears. 

My husband and I  were out of town  we chatted at length on our drive home  Monday night  -- and we wondered and questioned God as to why we both felt so boldly that God was going to do a miraculous healing RIGHT here before our eyes and we both asked God to help us understand. 

I praise God that we serve a loving Father that we can question and turn to - and I praise God that we can do this as husband and wife.  God won!  

And we prayed... for the many who would read these blogs and scoff because their faith is weak.
 .... we prayed that we,  ourselves,  would not shrink back and not speak life --- believe in miracles for this present time -- and  to be the hands and feet of Jesus when HE asks us to do it again!

  And we prayed for our daughter, as Pookie is still one of  her best best friends.
 .... we prayed for Jared and marveled at what a testimony he has been through this. 

 He has shown many men ...including my husband and my son - n- love what a husband looks like when the vows..."in sickness and in health" are really experienced
He has shown  those ALL around him that his faith and his prayers over his wife....indeed have  helped God heal her.  I was not there, but when I heard  that she  had asked that he - Jared -  would not leave her and that he would just hold her -- as she walked into Jesus's arms ......I lost it.   Tears.  Ugly but sweet tears.  Tears.

 Tremendous.  Happy Dance!!    God won!

   I prayed this morning that my Grand-daugher's husband would be  THAT kind of a man. In fact, I claimed it.  And if the little one within my Taylor's belly is a boy-- I will be claiming that over him - as well.  I will treasure my last visit with Rebekah as she prayed over the little bambino within Taylor's womb and agreed in prayer with as  that he will be a man of God and be the warrior God has called him to be.  ( or her..) 

   And I prayed with a new awareness and boldness  that my own son would grow into being THAT kind of a godly man for his bride.   I prayed that his bride.... whom I have been praying  for the past 22 years ... is growing and living for Christ  with her family as they continue to  seek God and that in God's timing  she will the chosen  help meet for my son. 

And  I thanked God for my husband and Taylor's husband...and prayed that if we were in another circumstance -- well,  I am not going to speak any illness or despair out--- but  I just prayed that we would not have to experience something like Jared has....but that if we did, I thanked God that we know Jared is family  and  that we would rely on his faith and covet his prayers big time! 

I also prayed some other big prayers,  (with help from some  dear warrior sister's that God used to remind me on Tuesday that God wins - you know who you are cause those prayers are being stated here and now  ) that all hearts will be protected. That all hearts  would  not disappointed but that we all see and know this was a WIN WIN....that no matter what God heals  - period and He decides what is best for each of us - He, never returns void.  I prayed that no one would forget that we are called to believe and proclaim healing until we see His face and that we are right to proclaim that as it says so in His Word.   I prayed that He would show Rebekah's entire family and that includes her church family that His plan is bigger than ours and that the elders would have Holy Spirit wisdom when questions are asked.  I prayed and come against any one that might feel or say "I didn't pray enough" or "I didn't pray right" those are lies from the Enemy.  I prayed for comfort for each and everyone that she touched but especially for that husband of hers and her family. 


3 weeks ago when I saw Rebekah, she was showing signs of healing --3 Weeks ago tomorrow.  Tears. Sweet Tears.   She fussed at me for wearing an FSU shirt.  She cracked  a joke and stated there were plenty of other clothes in her closet that could be worn instead.

 She prayed over my back.  I went to pray around the house and left TP and Pookie by themselves and I returned to find them laughing and cutting up.     And Jared was in the middle of it all. A 3rd BFF!   I asked Pook if she was having any dreams and Jared stated the only dream she had of late was that his dad got a new truck!   So, TP stated she needed to dream that she got a new SUV as well!   Pookie's left arm was working again and as I held it and we went to  pray again,  we were going to pray  over her toes and legs so they would begin to move.  I went  to touch her feet and pray over them and as I did, she quickly said, "stop - owe"....So I did.  I stopped.  I was "oh no! I am so sorry, if I hurt you! "  And then she  laughed -- "oh I am fine - pray".  She just had to make me laugh.  And so then we prayed. Well actually, TP prayed, I told her I was 'done'.  And you know what...God graced me that.  The last time the 3 of us held hands... my daughter prayed and God spoke through her.  And by then, her sweet Pastor and wife were there too -- even more grace, sweet grace from God.    And so, that will happen again one day - in HEAVEN!    Tears. Sweet Tears. 

 I hugged Jared that day and reminded him the next blog was for the Holy Spirit had already told me to write and I did.  I just did not realize at the time, Holy Spirit would have me publish it on Monday, July 10th.  So, if you were like me and you read the blog and prayed for Jared that day -- I am going to tell you - Thanks...cause I know that I know, prayers were felt and really heard.  And I have not had the chance to speak to Jared yet, but I know HOW sweet our God is and  he had to of had THOUSANDS of angels right there with him, holding him up and He hah  to have  been so full  of  the Holy Spirit to be the hands and feet of Jesus until-- Jesus physically took over and walked her to heaven!    Tears , Sweet Tears. 

Rebekah -- thank you - for being exactly WHO God intended you to be.  What a warrior for His Kingdom.  I can still hear you interrupting Tay when she prayed that day, "ooh...I prayed for an unbeliever -- my prayers are BOLDER"  and TP reminding you - "of course, cause that is what you do".  Thank you for making my faith grow.  Thank you for your love and care of my baby.  I think your Auntie said it best on FB with the 'dash' post... YOU my friend have done more within that your 26 years than most do in  a lifetime.  I am so thankful God called you to be my daughter as well.... I miss you terribly already --and I do believe You BIRTHED many many of us whose faith was weak, you caused us to GROW.   I  will  keep your family in my prayers as they walk this new season out - but I will see you again.   God Wins! 

Much love  - "Mrs. Pritchard"..... how I wished you would call me Michelle ...maybe in heaven!  

Monday, July 10, 2017

Could it really happen? Its happening -- Part 4 !

I have not blogged in several days  - almost a week.

This morning is my first OFFICIAL day of summer vacation!   Yeah!

 If you read my blogs, you may  access them through FACEBOOK and you will notice that I posted 2 other blog links within the past 10 minutes!!!

  And you may think I have some CRAZY typing skills to post this 3rd one, but this blog was written several days ago -- I just had to wait on the Holy Spirit to give me the "go" to post it. 

And.... one doesn't  have to follow my blogs on Facebook, you can SIGN up for my blogs through email.  There is a link on  the right side or the bottom of my home page.  Therefore you can access them by your email and be notified when a new one is written.  

  I mean - my ultimate  GOAL is to have a blog go VIRAL and I end up on the  Today Show!

My goal -- is to honor Christ -- share what Holy Spirit wants me to write and share and give ALL glory and honor to the King of Kings....Jesus!   

  One reason for the 'delay' in posting this blog is this:  I have to make sure that if I take up  Your  time to  read this blog,  then it totally needs to be something God has written and  your time is sacred and mine as well---time is so precious.

Your time is most precious ....I enjoy blogging but you on that end of it -- it should be something that does not waste your time!   And besides, I don't want anything said on here that could potentially end me up in the ......

However, I will  ALWAYS speak God's truth and use His Word to remind myself and others -- if you stand for His Word will FALL for so many others things -- that are not truth.  Only the TRUTH can set you free!  

Ok, enough of these extra commercial thoughts -- let's get back to the blog the Holy Spirit is telling me to POST.....

 Two weeks ago, after sitting in a chair in a conference room for over 20+ hours and sleeping on a TOO soft of a mattress in my hotel bed,  my back decided to revolt.

 Easy fix... walk slow, walk a little bent over and no sudden movements.   Take 2 Aleve and then....

  Well, I had my hubby pray over me, and I prayed that God would take the inflammation.  And, I asked God if I needed a chiropractor.  I did.    But I also went to see a young lady who is being healed to pray over me.  She was spunky, sassy, and we had a VERY nice visit.  And she prayed.  As I believe God is going to use her hands and feet to reach the unreachable!

   She is different -- it is her story to tell, but she is praying differently and she is bolder!   That was her descriptive word.  It did my heart SO GOOD to have her touch my back and pray for me!  

You see, since I have last blogged  or maybe even if you have not read my other blogs -- there was a bit of me that was very  anxious -- it seemed to me that God was not moving fast enough.

 I believe her Pastor said it best, "we are not giving  up hope, we are giving up control". 

 That was almost 3 weeks ago.  There was such an unction in me  to SHOUT...."don't let anyone parade others around her -- she is NOT dead -- she is being healed".

 ........  BUT.....that is not what it looked like if you went to visit or asked about her.

In fact, people would ask me how she is and I would hesitate to speak, I wanted to ask, "are you a believer? ...Cause I won't hear anything that will tell me it's impossible!   .....Or, are you a skeptic -- that her body has battled enough?   .....As a part of my flesh wants Jesus to come riding up and heal everything instantly so her husband and those around her can say ... SEE -- God does miracles!!"

But....this is their story -- Jared's and Rebekah's.....   so if you ask me how is she doing?   I am going to say she is healing.  Period. 

I did believe that healing was coming.  If you read a blog or two before, the Lord had graciously reminded me that when I had  last seen my pal----I really DID NOT believe that healing could come through the touch of hands or even that HE could use my hands. 

God can USE whomever.  

His Word speaks -- Jesus did not tell his charges to pray for the sick -- He said to HEAL the sick.....

But we lack in faith.  We get scared.  I was scared.   I reminded myself there is healing all over the world and WHO cares if I felt weird....but she has the right one very close to her to touch and pray over her body -- her husband.  

  I got ahead of myself.  Remember when I said  I went to pray and visit her  about 3 weeks ago?    If you read my blogs  it would be WHAT transpired between Part 2 and Part 3 in this series....   but anyway ---

That was right when her Pastor said..."we are not giving up HOPE, we are giving up control".   His is wise.  And He and his wife have been a rock to Pookie and her entire family which is a beautiful thing.....Pastor Cary and Fran -- thank you!

 Well, I went to pray for her and I was not met with the 'feeling of death' ...but a feeling  of despair.  I wanted to pray and ask God to take her quickly -- so see one suffer, especially a loved one -- gosh.  And I struggled.   I could not say those words.   It was hard.  That is when I looked in her eyes and reminded her to fight -- that I was not giving up and her sweet momma said, "she isn't either".

  I did not stay long.  And I will apologize publicly, but I knew that I knew I was to remind her to fight.  I knew I was to see her, but when I go and visit now -- I wait for her to ask me in!

But that day --  I was to remind her ---the healing was already accomplished at the Cross and I knew  she  already knew this.

I felt totally strange  as I left that day, and I felt my hands were tied.  And I bawled and shouted to GOD all the way back into town -- "why?"   ...."Why?".......  and I was flooded with a memories and reminders that no matter what, HE was there.  I prayed --- and shouted both in Enlish and in my prayer language --

Lord, is there a blockage?
Lord, is there anyone there that is blocking the healing?
Lord, she knows that she knows You will heal her.
Lord, I saw a smile on that face just last week - why are you allowing this?

And  my God sweetly  answered and said, "are you done now?".  Do you trust me?

I am honest.... I was not trusting God that moment as I rode back into town.  I went to my knees when I got home, called my daughter, spoke to my husband, and then the Holy Spirit prompted a prayer warrior who had a dramatic healing to  call me  --to remind me that we just boldly pray.  To remind me that as we pray in our prayer language for her -- God was orchestrating the prayers and that He was there and give God the time.  She is indeed a warrior and I was so thankful as I knew God was urging me to believe and go back and pray.   So I would - go  back out there when God called me to and pray.

 God told me to pray --that was Sunday -- Three weeks ago.
 That was PART 3.
My husband and  I went out  there to pray for her at her home, we stayed outside but 'circled the wagons' and thanked God for her healing!

 I prayed that Sunday, 3 weeks ago, but I also released her.  Why?

 Cause I realized that the burden I was carrying was hindering  -- and I WANTED her healing so much that I was allowing the burden to overtake my thoughts.   And, I was being eaten up by it --it is all a process but I just wanted her suffering to be alleviated.  Sooner than later! And I felt that maybe I wasn't the only one being hindered -- that those around her may be feeling the same feelings and unable to express them and so I asked God to help me pray for them.   So I did -- in tongues.  As I circled their home....I touched the metal siding and knew that I knew -- God could use my hands through that metal -- and so I prayed as if I was touching that body that was weak -- but that would be strong again!  

And God reminded me that her husband has probably been feeling that burden and that HARD stuff as well.   And so I prayed for him.   Her other half.  The one totally RIGHT there and in this.  And I knew that I knew - a blog for him was next.  It was just God's timing.  

 Since that day ...... that night ......  there has been healing manifesting - it's little-- but praise You Lord.  ALL glory is given to Him!   In HIS time and  for His purpose.  

But.... there has been is not complete  -- YET.... but I don't serve a God that does things half ass.... yep...I said it .. I used the word my DAD 'instilled' in me.  He always said, if you are going to do a job, do it right.  Not....half....a....  

Sorry -- some reading this will say -- "michelle, the cuss word was not needed -- "  but it  is what it is.  God will do a complete healing.    Period. 

Some are still skeptical - and you may think I am WEIRD and totally cracked for even posting this and encouraging a believe that THIS can happen -- and if the Lord prompts you to question me, please -- do so ---

But...  indeed each and everyone of us will have our complete - true - healing on the other side with Jesus in heaven, but I believe His signs and wonders are appearing right before us. And I am not the only one.  There were over 3000+ hits on my blog between Parts 2 and 3 -- MORE people want this -- just cause they have not seen God move in so long....  but I tell you, HE is moving.  He wants and needs YOU to have those eyes opened!  

There is a young man, about 5 years of age who had a dream recently.  His parents love Pookie and she was a regular person in their home so their son indeed loves his Pookie as well!    He told his momma that Pookie will be healed.  She questioned him and asked, "how do you know this?".  And he stated, "cause I had a dream".  "In the dream there was this big purple cloud like a tornado and it was Jesus" around Pookie.   And she asked, "then how do you know she was healed?".  And he replied, "cause she came to visit us".  Amen!  Child like faith - and a vision I believe was totally from our Father! 

I am believing that little dream was indeed my encouragement to believe as my faith had waivered....and I believe Rebekah was visited by that purple tornado --  maybe even THAT night after I went out there  -- and I believe Jesus asked her if she wanted her healing now and she said, "Yes" and stepped up ....

The rest is for her to share -- but she is that sassy and spunkie Pookie that I so remember!   And we laughed and prayed together when TP and I went to visit her two weeks ago and I had her touch me for my healing.

Furthermore,  I am standing on that dream  and just waiting patiently on God to finish the work  she asked Him to do - to heal her and as her husband continues to take authority over his wife's weak body....I believe the Lord is showing everyone the value of a marriage....and that TWO become one.   And I believe God is also teaching us that the healing is here - it is already done, it was done at the Cross and that we can have physical healing in this world when we submit and rely totally on HIM.

I know how a wife's  prayers can usher in the miracles of God -- and people are raised from the dead, spiritually and physically.  I have read countless stories.  I know how a husband's prayers can be heard in heaven as well.  And many of us have all seen "Heaven is for Real" and desperate  Father's  plea to God brought forth a visit from Jesus.   There are  countless other stories of the Wonder of God.  God is not a man who should lie. Let's face it -- the fact that Rebekah is here on earth is a miracle its self.  But, I do believe God wants to use her and Jared  even MORE!  As this last battle, certainly has been a side-by-side walk!   In sickness and in health....  for His glory. 

So, with that -- this very LONG blog is going to end with a prayer for Jared -- who has been RIGHT there with his wife in this journey and I know that I know, that as a team...they will stand together and tell of this miracle once it is complete -- as people need to see these signs and wonders here....

Lord, I thank you for a man who has been willing to seek you on his knees and face to take care of his bride and love her through this ---- he has been a STRONG warrior for you, seeking anything and everything as he wants Your best for his wife and for their marriage.  Bless him Lord.  Lord, I pray his dream of that little "Matthew"  does not falter or be doubted as indeed, He will be a good good father.  Lord,  pray as he continues to anoint her with oil, and thank you for the healing as it is manifesting that you would encourage him in a way that ONLY You can -- that he knows that he knows...indeed You are right there.  

Lord, I pray for those moments when he is alone with You -- that you do holy surgery on him and refresh his soul as he watches over and protects his wife from the unbelievers or scoffers that just want to doubt you -- and I pray for those around him that are too scared to believe that this COULD really happen.  I pray they will come to know Jesus if they never have accepted him as Lord and I pray that as Rebekah continues to speak to those unbelievers - her words are life to them.  Continue to speak to her now that she has a more clear head because there has been less morphine and we thank you for that Lord, And thank you for holding Jared steady as this healing has been slow --and I thank  You, as You  have given insight to Jared as to 'why' it has been a slow healing....but that will be a part of his testimony and  his blog in the future. 

 Lord, I pray for his armor -- his belt of truth that it does not get taken off.  I pray for his shoes of peace, that in the midst of everything the shoes won't come off.  Lord, I pray for his shield of faith, that no one would come and talk him into thinking of dropping it and I pray for his helmet of salvation....that helmet of Your Word...that continues to speak to him and reminds him that You are in control.  Bless him this moment with something - whether it is a dream or just something of his heart's desire to remind him that indeed.... he knows that he knows you are saying, "well done my faithful servant" every moment of his day.  In Jesus name...Amen!