Sunday, October 6, 2019

Faith over Feelings - Give me Hugs Prayer #25

God’s Constant Love

107 Let everyone give all their praise and thanks to the Lord!
Here’s why—he’s better than anyone could ever imagine.
Yes, he’s always loving and kind, and his faithful love never ends.
2–3 So, go ahead—let everyone know it!
Tell the world how he broke through
and delivered you from the power of darkness and
has gathered us together from all over the world.
He has set us free to be his very own!

This morning after my shower, I heard some footsteps pitter patter upstairs.  I had a visitor last night.  She slept ten hours and my only regret is that I didn't go to be the moment she did!    After I stepped out of the shower, I heard, "Mimi, oh Mimi"  and I replied, "Good Morning Sawyer".  I heard "Mimi, Mimi" I climbed the stairs, I replied, "Good Morning Sawyer!".  
I stepped around the corner to a little imp standing tall in her Pac-n-Play, saying, "Hi Mimi, Give me hugs".  Her arms were stretched as wide as she could.  She began to stand on her tippy toes in excitement and then she jumped into my arms.  She threw those arms around me and then patted my back, and hugged me the most tenderly way.  And my heart was undone!  

Her hair was a mess.  Her pure and  wrinkle less skin is in quite a contrast to mine.  I hugged and thought about many women I know - who would LOVE to have a hug so pure and gentle today.  I thought about that moment when a loved one enters heaven and sees Jesus and His Majesty, Lord for the first time.  I imagined Jesus standing right there, saying "give me hugs".  

Then we headed downstairs to change the poopy pants and have some breakfast.  And....she smiled after she picked her nose and handed it to me.  And laughed she guffawed.  And again, I was filled with such joy.  

 There are many hurting this morning -  maybe due to the loss of a young child, a baby,  or maybe even a wayward young adult that continues to believe lies from the enemy.  

There are many holding young babies  - wondering if their love is enough - 

A wife who has prayed and waited patiently for literally years to see a breakthrough within her husband and she clings to the hope that one day she will see a miracle within his faith - 

A mother walking the new path of being a 'momma' to a grandchild as her world was bitterly changed with one action - 

A Grandfather still grieving the loss of a child and the guilt, grief, and depression become so unbearable at times, he wonders if God is even paying attention - 

Or even a young, newly single, woman trying to now transition to no longer being a wife -- 

and yet -- 
 and others sitting in church this morning,  feeling so condemned that they can't even fathom the freedom that we have in Christ.  

I don't know exactly HOW this greets you as you read, but what I felt this am ...that pure love... I felt the Holy Spirit remind me ....THAT is what God has for you -- 

I know it.  I BELIEVE HE wants YOU to experience HIS love in such a new and profound way. 

So, you may be in a most hard season and you can't see any light or goodness right now.  But I know that I know -- that if you step out and faith and cry out to the one who CREATED YOU ... HE won't let you down.  

Lord,  only you can heal and only you can meet whomever is reading this right now -- where they are.  I pray they will open that Book of Life and read - a Psalm ... maybe even Psalm 107. 

I am humbled Lord - use this blog for YOUR purposes. 

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