Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Faith over Feelings -- Blooged Prayer - Just listening to God #37

 The CONTENT below isn't available RIGHT now:

I see that often now. Even this past week, I was censored by FB.

 As Pastor Cary reminded us this past week, it does seem I,  scroll past the 'yuck' others post but the moment  I,  post something that disagrees with another's  opinion - they attack.

 GRACE --  It seems I  give much grace but it is not given to me.

This AM...early, I posted something that I felt needed to be shared and immediately a family member attacked - in a "nice way".

After a few moments, I could hear the HS say - "delete"

So, I deleted my post, deleted my rebuttal and justification  and sent  a separate message and asked  for forgiveness. AND then I deleted a link I had shared to 'justify'.

Obedience brings rewards.  

Earlier - 2 weeks ago, I woke and immediately heard HS speak -- "come under authority". There were several situations that presented themselves  over the past two weeks and those words or impression to my spirit rang true.

In the situations where "coming under authority" was a fight -- I had to ......

I had to remind myself of Ex. 14.14.

I have had to remind myself that HE is the one that draws us in.

HE will guide us. HE will guide you.

I sought God today as I felt HE has been silent  when it came to a particular ministry group that I belong to.  

So I asked God, am I coming under authority in this ministry that YOU birthed?

Today in my bible study, HE reminded me that HE is the one who has the purpose and HE invites us in.

God is wanting to DO something through us - to others. 

He calls us to be Titus 2 Women.

HE still wants us to speak life to the ones around us.

HE still speaks.

HE will direct and lead.

THAT gave me great peace.

I was reminded that an Encounter with the HS is an Encounter with God.

Maybe YOU have not heard from God lately. 

 Maybe you are reading this now and questioning...??  Lord, am I posting stuff that aligns up with Your Word?  

Am I posting on Social Media for the purpose of being heard??  What do YOU wish me to post?  

These are all questions going ON in my head and thoughts over the past week or so.   I haven't blogged in a long time.  God has me doing other things, but I find joy which I can come back and just blog a prayer that may bless another.  

"Come under authority"... I wonder if that is something God has impressed upon you?  

With that -- I wrote this prayer - as I believe many of us are called to extend MUCH grace, and be that Titus 2 example to the people around us.  May you hear God speak LIFE into you and may you speak life into another!  

Father - may they SEE you as you are the God who SEES us. SPEAK to each of us -- We are reminded that YOU are the GOD Almighty. Lord, you are HOLY, YOU are unchanging and forgiving, and YOU are our Living BREAD -- may each of us KNOW and FELL that this week and may we share that within our circle of influence.

Father as we encounter Holy Spirit, we are encountering You - remind us that YOU are WHO YOU said YOU are -- the GREAT I AM.  Lord, for the ONE reading this -- may she or he know that they are coming under Your authority and being obedient.  

Lord, speak -- lead and direct but also, for the one  that is reading this right now, I pray she walks with you in her daily steps, I pray she will have opportunity to be that Beloved Titus 2 woman that YOU have called her to be -- to another - I pray she will reach out if there is a spiritual crisis at the moment and seek a mentor or sister in Christ to pray with.  May we listen well and then be obedient to what you ask us to do.  In the name of Jesus, AMEN 

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