Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Another Guest blogger - When God answers prayer.....

This is just me....  
Sometimes people write for therapy.   Some people write to just be heard.  Some are paid to write...others write to make you laugh and others still write to teach you something.   That is why I write.  I pray that as I write, it will make you laugh, cause you to pray a little more or even have hope to believe in a miracle;  but I also like to share what  God has been teaching me.    So I blog.  I feel compelled to write.  When a few days pass and I don't blog -- I miss it.  I pray against 'checking' my numbers.  (Checking to see how many have visited the blog site and then comparing one blog to another.)  The enemy would LOVE to use this against me and at times, I have to recheck my heart.  

I have made mistakes.  I have shared too much at times, and I believe I have been too IN YOUR FACE as well.   I also know, some won't read my blogs anymore -- because it does bring conviction but also -- they just don't care and THAT is ok too.  Before I publish any blog, I ask God once again -- is this for YOU or for ME?   And I believe that when HE no longer has me writing and publishing for HIS purpose...I will know!  As, I will stand accountable for every word - one day.  

I also love to read blogs.  I don't read every blog I come across -- I stick with Christian sites and so forth.  I have a few bloggers that I will read but I also look for new writers.  

I pray that as you read this, and I am speaking to you - the reader - I am well aware of your time.
  Time is precious and often people won't read a blog because it is too long or it just does not interest them.  But I pray that if you were led here because you know me or because God directed you to read this ....then I pray that the time spent was indeed WORTH it.    A blog post was a way GOD spoke to me when I needed to know there was hope. is kind of dear to my heart.  

And, I am well aware that my blogs are long.  They just are.  However, some of the best blogs I have read, and some of God's best stories in HIS Word...are a little longer than a 2 minute read.  

Facebook is dear to me as well, as in a time when I  felt so totally alone and broken, God used that medium for several to contact me and HE orchestrated it and it ...a that moment...saved a life - mine.  I was ready to quit.  

So, earlier this week, I had a sweet woman of God write up what she had shared at our recent Women's Breakfast and I shared it.  I was so blessed by the analogy of a Toaster that I asked her to write it up so I could share!!  

I have been privileged and honored to work with many many women of God and often I will say to them.."you need to write a blog".   I have seen God work so tremendously with a broken spirit and it is hopeful and inspiring.  Their stories inspire I must share!  

Several of my blogs -- I know have inspired  others.   Those people have told me so.  I have been told I should submit them to be published  -- like through or another Faith based publications.  

I admit, I have not ventured into that -- I have submitted a few to one publication but they were not published.  I guess I got gun shy.  However, I know that often it takes many submissions be published.  

But anyway ----  here is another guest blogger. 

 For today, she is a mystery writer.  She has written before. I know she will write again.    Today's blog is for her... she wrote this.  She has record of how God is speaking to her right now. However, her words and her insight are timeless and for others to read and soak in as well. 

But tonight, this is for another and it was for me -- as I read her words, I was reminded of HOW God romanced me and brought me back to life.  

As you read and I pray you will READ it all -- I hope that you would feel that relationship with God as well. One so close, that you would not go back.    I could relate to her and as she wrote and  I answered..."NOPE, I am NOT going back!"  

To you - my readers-- 

Thank you --  for reading my blog, for allowing me this format.  Thank you, as if you are one of those faithful ones that have signed up for the email link and  get the blog first...  you will probably understand the pain in  this blog about answered prayers. 

Thank you -- if you are a reader because I share this on FB, I pray that the time spent reading this - is indeed -- not wasted.  However, I know that God will indeed speak to you as well.  
I am humbled that I am able to share this. 

I am humbled and honored that she would let me share this.  

 This mystery writer  is in the middle of a storm -- but she is fighting like a true warrior knowing God will win!     And I know that I know - God is indeed looking down and saying, "that is one of mine, well done girl, well done my good and faithful servant". 

 humbled to be in HIS service, Michelle   

When God answers prayer but it doesn’t look anything like you expected

I have a confession to make….

I am a mess.

Simply put. I’m a mess.

I make so many failures as a wife, mother, step mother, friend, sister, co-worker, etc. etc. etc.

I am a woman living in a sinful world; I make so many mistakes daily but I’m striving for the Kingdom of God and I’m so impressed with God’s ability to not only forgive me but pull me into His presence and love on me.

The primary focus of my prayers for over a year have been to transform and increase my marriage and my family.

Daily I have prayed protection over each member of my family as well as the sanctity of my marriage.

I was remembering my prayers this morning as I lay in my bed listening to my child lightly breathing - my child  would let out a little chuckle over whatever dream was keeping my child  so joyfully captivated.

I thought about some of the other prayers I’ve prayed over the course of this year and realized they are being answered… but in some rather painful ways right now.

Lead me with wisdom and discernment, Lord. Take me deeper with You, Lord. Guide me. Grant me wisdom and help me to become more selfless. Remove fear. Lord, help me to fight, to hold on. Strengthen my faith. Learn patient endurance. Make me into a wife my husband will trust, love and cherish. Remove me and place YOU into every area. Change me from the inside out. Reckless obedience in God. Discipline me with hasty compliance and submission. To be humble. Remove all self-righteous lies the enemy whispers. Purge me, Lord. Circumcise my heart. Face what I fear (being alone) and become fearless. Search me, Lord. Deal with me swiftly of anything stopping me from the full potential You have for me.  Lord, show me any unforgiveness, bitterness, grieving the Holy Spirit, bring it to light and cleanse me. May I abide in You. I want to be a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God.
These have been my sincere prayers this past year.

This is the raw revelation to those prayers.

We never truly recognize how much a mess we are until God starts to deal with us.

When He starts to peel back the layers of the deepest parts of our souls and pulls out all of the ‘ugly’.

This is such a painful process.

This morning as I lay in bed, I had to ask myself one question.

In this valley. This dark pit I’m in, this immeasurable pain, while God is refining me through the fire. Would I ever turn back? Could I ever go back to the person I used to be?

You see, the enemy wasn’t trying to tear me down when I wasn’t serving the Lord.

It was when I started chasing after the very thread of His robe that the enemy started taking notice.

He realized that when God started working in me, in my husband, in our family, that we would be a mighty force to be reckoned with.

So, he attacks.

And… the Lord fights… and He also allows this time to take me through the fiery furnace to remove all of the dirt and soot stopping me from my fullest potential in Him. To…. Remind me….. I cannot operate in my own strength or knowledge. It comes from Him… To humble me.

To break me. So I can turn and fully rely on Him and Him alone.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 The Message (MSG)
Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,

My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.

Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.

I have looked back over the past 6 years of my life. The valleys I’ve been in. The struggles. The pain. These times, God’s still small voice was there. He was loving me. He was strengthening me. He was refining me.

He still does.

And He disciplines.

A loving father will allow his children free will to choose their own way. He will let them make mistakes. Then in his unfailing love, he will reveal the error of our ways, he will discipline and he will wipe the slate clean. That’s what a loving father does.

This is what God continues to do in my life.

But it’s one done out of the complete, unfailing love of a genuine father that wants to first reveal, discipline and cleanse of anything.

Could I ever turn back? Could I ever return to the ways of my past? Could I ever go somewhere where I could not hear His voice or sense His presence?

If He could deliver me from my pain right now, would I do it if it meant I’d never hear Him or feel Him again?

As Moses said In Exodus 33:15 "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.”

No, Lord. Don’t leave me. I’ll stay in the fire. I’ll allow You to cleanse me and purge me. I’ll allow You to do Your work in and through me.

I could never turn back.

To think of You not being the very center of my life frightens me.

So, thank you, Lord.

Thank you that You are my discipline, You are the refiner of my soul, You cleanse me of my flesh making me into Your likeness. Thank you, You are answering my prayers. You are strengthening.

It is the faith planted and grown from my grandmother and mother that now lives in me (2 Timothy 1:5) that I will stand through the fire. I will walk through the trials. I will submit in total obedience to my Lord and Savior to refine me.

For HIS Kingdom.

James 1:2-6
2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,  3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.

Lord, You are answering my prayers. Not in the way I expected, wanted or anticipated.

This is Your will.

I will submit.

Your obedient daughter anchored in You.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Dear Beloved.... a prayer to hug one waiting -- waiting for a miracle!

I read a book.   It is call Strong Women Soft Hearts.  I have to share and I highly recommend it as a book every women should read! 

...if you want to know real joy in life, then be willing to let pain tutor your soul....

Passion in life is comprised mostly of the stuff that comes from the tutoring process--slowly and mysteriously-- like a phoenix rising from the ashes of despair. I should add that the root of this word passion gives us significant clues as to how we acquire it.  It means "to suffer".  It's as though some wise old souls was trying to let us in on a little secret. are interested in the passionate life. You want the real thing.  Are you willing, then, to grapple with a bit of pain?   - Paula Rinehart

I thought about that  and read that and reread that...pain has tutored my soul.
Pain has taught me much. 
A crisis of faith is what it took.....for me to become passionate about Christ.  

  Passion is a two-sided coin on which joy is wedded, inextricable, to sorrow, and wisdom is purchased at the feet of suffering.  You won't know many moments of being Cinderella at the ball without sweeping up your own pile of ashes and cinders.  The real prizes are never cheap.   - Paula Rinehart

Again, I thought about that - read and reread it.  
To think that suffering is what most of us have to live through to really learn to trust God..
to really learn to hunger for really have that passion.....

She goes on to write that when we lose heart ..we lose hope and it is easy to lose hope in our flesh!  She gives scripture to remind us:  

"Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength...For he will be like a bush in the desert and will not see when prosperity comes, but will live in stony wastes in the wilderness, a land of salt without inhabitant"  

Hope that is pinned to God, rather than to people, has a buoyancy to it because it is grounded not in our own illusion of how our story should read, but in the character of God.  And so, your husband may indeed leave  for another woman, the book may never be published, the business may never get off the ground, but we dare not let go of our hope.  We stay alive to the possibility to encountering someone really good, so that we can welcome it when it comes.  We won't have  our backs turned. - Paula Rinehart

As David wrote in the Psalms,
"I would of despaired unless I had believe that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

David expected to see the goodness of God in his life -- at any possible moment, in the most unlikely of situations, because good is simply how God is.  A sense of expectancy rooted in the goodness of God keeps hope alive!

I was purposeful in choosing WHICH paragraph I was going to post here -- I put it in red...
If  you know me, you can understand why I read and reread that.
I read it and was mad at God..."No way....that can't be!"
I read it and thought, "Ok God...I will trust".
And finally I got to a point where I read it and understood it.

We have to put our hope in God.
Our Lord.
Our BEST pal and confidant.

I have learned, probably the hard way, that we can't give up hope.
It takes TIME - God's time!

I wanted to encourage someone  again -- seek God - look to HIM for your hope and don't give up!
It takes time - HIS time.  But I promise you -- in the mean time, you can look for the goodness of the Lord - HE will show you that while HE is making the bigger picture change!!

- in HIm, Michelle

Dear Lord, for that beautiful beloved one of yours that wakes each day and thinks that maybe...perhaps today will be the day You show her directly a little tidbit or crumb of hope.  Lord, for that beloved one that wants her marriage and her family restored.   Lord, for that beloved one that is so desperate for romance and being held.....not just by You but by her man.  Lord, for that beloved one that is hurting so this evening because he is allowing deception -- may she read this today and get some HOPE, but she know that suffering ....will lead to Your glory!  Dear Lord, I ask that you would open the eyes of his heart and I know he has free will....but maybe for today - tonight - you could make an exception?   We will trust YOU Lord.  

Guest Blogger! I am SO exicted... The Toaster LIfe!

The Toaster Life

Picture a toaster and all its parts. Go ahead—I’ll wait. Got it? I’m sure you thought first about the general toaster shape and the slots for the bread. Maybe the handle squisher-downerthingie (technical term) that drops the bread slots. Yeah, me, too. And that is where I stopped the first time God was speaking to me about how the Christian life is like a toaster. But, with our God, there’s always so much more!

     The toaster was created to be a functional tool with a simple set of instructions. When it does what it was designed to accomplish, a beautiful aroma rises. We, as Christ-followers, are the same. Creator God has shown me seven Christian-Toaster parallels. (I’d love to learn if He shows you more! Tell me in the Comments.) Here they are:

Ø Daily Bread goes in. Pretty obvious one, I agree. Yet, the most important. What kind of life would a toaster have if bread, bagels, and waffles never graced the slots? Dysfunctional. Unproductive. Cold. What kind of attitude and day do we have if our morning routine does not include reading the Word? I bet we can all think of three things.

Ø We’ve all been there…we put the bread in, push down on the handle, and the bread pops back up immediately. We repeat the process—down, pop! down, pop!down, OH! We didn’t plug in. Connecting to the power source is vital. Without the connection, the coils do not work. There is no fire within. This is where God began to blow my mind.

Ø The main connection point, the plug, has a duality, as does the cord. There is a connection to electricity and ground. Let’s begin with the electric current. Our residences operate on AC or alternating current. Simply put, the power is on a loop going in and out. This is good. If not, when plugged in, our toaster would fill with electricity and probably blow up. (Not good.) The “ground” is equally as beautiful as the loop. All the outlets in your home should each have a wire which networks back to a main wire that is literally shoved into the ground. Unoriginal name—Genius function.We are designed with equal genius. Our power source is none other than God’s Holy Spirit—our fire within. He lights our coils. (I’ll come back to this.) We connect with Him on our alternating current: prayer and blessings. We are blessed with wisdom, peace, and direction, to name a few, when we bring Him our petitions. When we pray for others, we are blessed with compassion, and the power to forgive. See the loop? So, what about the “ground”? Does the phrase, “So heavenly minded they’re of no earthly good” ring a bell? Sometimes we Christians lose perspective and relevance. We have “un-grounded” ourselves. It is imperative that we remain connected to other Christians AND remain in (but not of) the world. This is represented by the cord.

Ø So what about the coils? I’m so glad you asked! When the bread—Scriptures—go in, the Spirit gives new life to them. The scriptures do not change. (The toast is still bread—ask a two-year-old!) They get richer. More flavorful. This process is called meditating on the Word. But what happens if the bread goes in and never comes back out?

Ø We have a Holy Spirit directed dial, knob, timer. When the Word we each have taken in is at the perfect rich fullness that the person in our sphere of influence is ready for, it comes out.Likewise, “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.” 1Cor. 1:18Likewise, “Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing.” 2Cor. 2:15If we allow Him to be in control, the message is not difficultly forced, nor burned, stinky, and unpalatable.

The parallels are uncanny, yet gorgeous. Read His Word, meditate on it, get plugged into the fire of the Holy Spirit and the community of the church without losing touch with a dying world who needs you to spread the perfectly timed Gospel message of love, acceptance, and forgiveness. The Word will be covered by God’s anointing and delivered under the Fruit of the Spirit. And when you think you have given everything, remember that He has hidden some crumbs just for you way down deep inside.

Blessed in His Service, Sent in His Name—

Tina Welborn

P.S. I pray you will never see your toaster the same again. Much the way the disciples of Jesus had new vision of fish, nets, grain and chaff, vineyards, coins, sheep…

P.P.S. There really were seven points.  :)

Dear Mrs. Alone -- revisited some five years laster...

The Lord has reminded me of a post that I created some time ago.

But  back to  September of 2010.... I was reading something that changed some perspective.

   Submission.    What did it really look like?  

The Holy Spirit brought this post back to my mind this weekend and now -- I am reading it and editing it with a NEW some five - six years later ... I believe another has to read this as it will be words of life for her ...or him!  

True submission to HIM, being broken and poured out.  THAT is the only way we can come before Him with godly sorrow and then godly repentance.

I believe that our pain will continue until we truly worship HIM .  We can't worship  our pain, nor our spouse or ex-spouse. 

I believe that  often  as the pain continues...  it is because one does not obey what God has asked that person to do.

I believe that often, WE justify how we feel or  justify what we do because we believe WE deserve that or it  But...  when in fact, we are to empty ourselves of us and allow the filling of Jesus and Holy Spirit.  

I believe that that when we consistently deny God and WHAT HE can do and do our OWN thing....there comes a point where that 'parachute' may not open to save us.  Or, we will miss something so incredible that God had for us JUST around the corner -- but we gave in because it was just too painful.  

We already know  that God will allow hurt to happen, as His purpose is to draw us close.

I believe our choices bring forth the consequences we 'sow'....but I also know, sometimes stuff just happens to us.

 But what about all those  consequences of our actions?  Will there ever be a time where God can restore what we have allowed the LOCUSTS to steal....   YES, I believe so!

But I   believe that we praise HIM in the storm and live faithfully and obediently.....HE will bring the beauty out of those ashes -- FASTER. 

Most often people don't understand submission.

It took the loss of my marriage before I truly found God.  As Holy Spirit showed me, I had created my own god out of my marriage and husband.  I was always busy doing -- but not doing WHAT the Lord had asked.

When my hands got into  this book,  some six years ago, I spent 3 days in tears, reading to myself and quickly drying those tears making sure NO one saw them. This book spoke volumes. 

But, submission really had to be TO God....  and I had to seek godly advice then His grace and mercy prevailed through me.

And with that submission, I had to change and DO something different.  

Consequently....I had become 'sick' of fighting, 'sick' of waiting, and 'sick' of just being neglected and a sweet women reminded me to SUCK it up and deal - or get OUT, but make a decision and then stick to it.  However, that decision needed to be OK with God.

I knew what God had already asked.  I knew what I was to do my flesh rallied against me.

And, it also took DOING something different  --

Maybe the one reading this today is AT that point --- maybe God has drawn you to this blog post this evening and you are reading the following letter and hearing from God too.

After I read it, several times, I knew I had to seek and ask forgiveness of my husband.  This letter sort of hits MANY different aspects of a marriage and its problems.  

  Here is a letter from the book by Debi Pearl.  I posted a photo of this book.  The author creates some controversy with her web site and her books ...but THIS book -- spoke to me.  THIS book I would recommend for every women to read -- married 1 year..2 years or 20+...   there are aspects of 'being married' within this book that will make you question your marriage but most importantly -- question your relationship with God.

THAT is what HIT me.... 
Here is that  letter from one of the beginning chapters that  GOD used to make a shift in my thinking!  

Dear Alone,
         Thank you for your letter.  Your letter is something woman should read so  I am placing it in my book for others to read.
                           Sincerely, Debi Pearl

Here it the letter:

Dear Mrs. Pearl, I would like to tell my story . . that others may be warned .. I'm  alone but never thought I would be … I made many mistakes in my marriage but I wish someone would of pulled me aside and given me some advice. I hear many young marrieds or woman complaining…but they need to seek God’s word,  they need to be open to the truth.

The things I did or failed to do were not everyday, constantly overt, or  in the face actions. They were subtle, ebbing and flowing, but there, nonetheless.

When my husband acted selfishly at home, allowed his tempter to flare, and sometimes said curse words, and then went to church and acted spiritual, I wish I had prayed positively for him instead of withdrawing a little emotionally from him and letting my cynicism and lack of confidence in him be so manifest. I wish I had openly showed love and acceptance of him for himself, not impatiently wait until he acted right.

When my husband failed the children, failed to have devotions, failed to be spiritual, failed to lead as he should, I wish I had completely trusted God and maintained unity, honor, reverence, and submission with a glad and trusting heart. I wish I had kept the children honoring him and praying for their dad instead of allowing my martyred attitude to manifest itself so openly.

When he made a statement about someone or something, I wish I had not always put his opinion down, letting him know he was wrong again.

When he acted like a jerk, I wish I had remained quiet and prayed for him, loved him anyway instead of letting him know what I thought about him and his actions.

When he tried to make it  up to me,  for some failure, I wish I had not been so cool, waiting for him to suffer a little more and be more intense and sincere about his apology.

When he spent money I thought we did not have, I wish I had remained quiet and trusted God. I wish I had shown continued confidence in him, regardless of his decisions.

When he wanted me to do something, and I did not want to do it, I wish I had cheerfully complied instead of making him sorry he asked. Hardheadedness is not a trait to endear any woman to a man.

When he needed a woman to believe in him, admire him, approve of him, accept him, regardless of his failures, I wish now that I had been the one to give him those things.

When I thought keeping his faults before him— just small things he did and said— and keeping myself a little standoffish in my approval of him, was the only way he would change, I wish someone would of taken me aside and told me how badly mistaken I was to think that it was my place to apply and keep the pressure on.

When he were in the company of family and friends, I wish I had not taken on a martyred air when he left to go off and do something on his own.

When he did not know how to show love, and I felt a void emtionally, I wish I had borne all things and hoped all things, and loved him unconditionally, instead of giving up inside and turning to friends and family for my emotional support and needs. I never saw the need to endear myself to him. I took for granted that he would fulfill the husband’s moral obligation to love me. I wish I had gone to “God’s Beauty School” for the whole woman.

I wish someone would of told me . .

Sincerely, Alone

Lord, I am not quite sure who will read this today, nor why you had me UPDATE this post.  I am trusting YOU!  

Maybe you wanted me to post this just as a reminder to myself, if that is the case - OK!   

I reread it and heard her pain. 

 Lord, I pray right now for the wife or one who this may be meant for, Lord, may she see YOU and follow YOUR lead in helping her marriage get back onto the right track, under YOU.  
 Lord,  I Love you and thank you our miracle. Amen.  

Lord, maybe some one just needs to be reminded that it is time to SUCK it up and deal, or make a change.  

Lord, maybe the one reading this is tired of the insanity.... and that they will finally NOW do something to change and get out of that RUT.  

Lord, maybe that means professional help and therapy -- make a way.  

I thank you again Lord, for my miracle ......for the fact YOU went to that Cross for me and my sin.  Thank you Lord for forgiving me!    

I am humbled.   
August 2011....about to celebrate an anniversary.  This year - we celebrate our 29th!! 

And Lord, I pray a blessing over my dear husband.  The man YOU planned from before I was born to be ONE with.  Lord, I know that we are of one accord.  I thank you for covering both of us -- both of us betrayed you -- our first love.  Both of us  are new creations in you.  Lord, don't let any part of this blog or any future blogs tear away or cause an offense within our lives.   Lord, I have his blessing to speak truth ....but each of us always want to be speaking YOUR truth.  

Lord, in the past few months, you have used our story to encourage several but you have also brought more healing -- how can that be?   I know why Lord, it is because YOU are alive and active within our lives and we are not perfected yet...that will happen in heaven  -- oh by the way Lord, you can come anytime....each of us is getting a bit tired of the 'middle -aged spread"  !!   And Lord, the hot flashes that are beginning -- can you make sure he gets one too -- just so he can relate...LOL.  

Seriously Lord, I pray that YOU will use this blog for Your purpose -- the glory is given to YOU  -- ONLY YOU could of orchestrated this.  

Lord, the chess pieces are in place,  MOVE me when I need to be moved and USE me when you need me.  I will continue to be prayerful and listen and do what you ask...

God specifically for those two dear women on my heart RIGHT now -- God, let them see their miracle today -- bring those men BACK to you...   in Jesus name.  Amen.  

Friday, June 24, 2016

One notch above cautious --

 When life is going along, someone may ask, "how are you?" and you reply -- "fine, just fine!".
When a trial comes it either stops you in your tracks or it totally breaks you and when asked, "how are you?" you may just reply --  "fine, just fine!".  But the tone and texture of your reply may speak more than your words.

I wrote this BLOG back in August of 2011.
Tonight ...I know there is someone that is in the middle of a trial.  She has seen some breakthroughs and the HOPE she has in a victory within her family in not in her sight as of yet -- but she has faith!
In that time period of my life, when one asked me "how are you?", I would reply, "one notch above cautious!".

So, this is an OLD blog from 2011 -- but I believe someone needs to be reminded as they continue to pray to believe that this season will pass and they too will be one notch above cautious!


It is funny -- no it is God's timing,  that today I just sort of 'went' one notch about cautious.
What does that mean? Well, for so long there has been a trial, a problem, an event, or just a big old plain elephant in the room. So many things, events, people, and just STUFF involved. One goes through SO many emotions that you almost become RAW at one point and then HARD and vow NEVER to be hurt like that again!
And then you really RE-evaluate and think -WHAT DO I want?
What I wanted?? -- more of God.
I wanted to be in the CENTER of HIS will and I wanted to hear those prophetic words, "well, done my good and faithful servant Michelle".

So choices had to be made.

James 1.12 says: Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

Blessed is the woman, hurt, that perseveres under trial, because when she has withstood the test, she will receive the crown of life that GOD has promised to those who LOVE HIM.

Blessed is Michelle . . it is hard to sometimes really believe that GOD loves me as much as HE loves Jesus. It is hard to wrap my mind around it.

And so, I have been cautious with my heart. I am cautious, I have good reason. But, when I really reflect and think -- I broke God's heart too. I loved HIM but I really did not WANT HIM . .nor did I really understand HOW to love HIM the way I was suppose to, nor did I understand HIS true grace and mercy. 

 But now . . .

I believe I can say that I have experienced HIS grace and mercy and so therefore, I must give it. Period.

To give grace and mercy .. sometimes it takes extreme patience. Patience is to have the ability to endure, but it does stop there. Patience must also have the capacity to be wronged and not retaliate. In other words, patience is love persevering and love waiting. We are not only to be patient in the way we face difficult situations but in our relatioinships as well. Easy to say, HARD to LIVE.

Job Stood firm.

I remember the day I had a revelation -- God loves me like HE did JOB. God has allowed this trial in my life .. this journey .. this hurt . .because HE wants to see if MICHELLE will stand firm. I chose that. I have. I tired. I failed but I tried again. I choose this each day I wake up.

And with that, I have become cautious. People say and act a certain way . . .but sticking around long enough and listening and watching sometimes shows one's true heart. That is why, I would say . .I am one notch . above cautious.

God's restoration power is at work, God's healing is at work, but it is not complete as of yet. The smile on my face, praises GOD for the glorious miracles I see and hear and witness, but I realize the ENEMY is still fighting mad and won't stop! Together, and I am claiming this ..together, my husband and I can defeat the Enemy's schemes for our family and friends and I am so anxious to watch how God brings this about. I am believing that we, both, together can make a difference for HIS Kingdom and I want that. And I believe that God will reveal even more to my husband and do a mighty miracle with everything we have encountered and endured.

Every trial must come through HIS love but every trial has a purpose. Every pain, every ordeal contains a seed of victory and there is a promise for every problem you and I will ever face. (I am stealing this from Mary Southerland)

Scipture says: " The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger, I trust in HIM with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy." Psm. 28.7

Patience pays off in many ways, but one of the greatest rewards of patience is joy, a deeply - rooted confidence that God is in control.

I can say, this deeply rooted confidence. . that God is in CONTROL . .won't be shaken from me - ever . . .HE will do what HE says HE will do.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the revelation of the Encounter . for both me and for my husband. Thank you for that day, that particular day when the gifts you bestowed on others spoke directly to him. Lord, thank you for selling the house ( I know you will do that.) and allowing us to move forward in a new direction with a new purpose and a new calling for you. Lord, thank you for the little mini-tidbits of miracles and the hurts that have been healed with small gestures and comments. Lord, I would never say it was because of 'me' but it is because of YOU that I have the ability to give grace and mercy because I sit here humbled that you waited this long for me. I the love for the manual is here, the mind set is here, you the master are at the top, and the ministry will come. I pray for my husband, Lord, do not allow the Enemy to steal what YOU have revealed to him and Lord, continue to restore, continue to bless, and continue to show me the wonderous mysteries of YOUR love through him. Lord, I thank you for the patience you gave me, for the healing you provided, I want to be way about one notch than cautious . .but you know my private prayers and you know how fear can still creep in . .. . but I believe, I know . .YOU are GOD and you want this more than we do. Amen. I love you Lord. - Your grateful beautiful daughter - Michelle

Friday, June 17, 2016

I want to encourage her --

So, the enemy is out to steal, kill, and destroy.

  From NIV  10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

 -  From The Message Bible  10 Jesus told this simple story, but they had no idea what he was talking about. So he tried again. “I’ll be explicit, then. I am the Gate for the sheep. All those others are up to no good—sheep stealers, every one of them. But the sheep didn’t listen to them. I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for—will freely go in and out, and find pasture. A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.

So -- tonight beloved --- I wanted to remind you -- The enemy of your soul is out to destroy you.
How will he do it ??  Through your thoughts mostly -- but he will use your husband - your children - your circumstances - your finances - your weeknesses -- whatever he can.  Period.

Have you underestimated him?   

I had.  I did for MANY years.

 This blog is going to be a bit longer.  And for me - giving you THAT warning ahead of time -- you may need 2 cups of coffee and set your alarm to read  it all in the am -- but I pray you will READ this unto its end.  

As I want to encourage someone this eve -- especially this one, that  has reached out and grabbed the hem of Jesus' cloak in the past few days and has been hanging on .....   I must write !  

The Orlando shootings have been pretty BIG in the news.  Sad.  Prayers.
All the talk about same sex bathrooms.... Prayers.
Our political campaigns now -- Sad. Prayers.
I believe Satan can use anything -- to get you distracted and begin the assault on your thoughts.

I mean -- he convinced EVE, who was living in the Garden, walking and talking with God on a daily basis;  he convinced her that God was withholding something from her and Adam.  Satan convinced Eve ( and Adam was  RIGHT there!) that God was a taker and would not allow her to be wise and such so she should NOT eat from that Tree of Knowledge.  But she did.  They did.  They were deceived.

Has the enemy deceived you into thinking the character of God is manipulative?  

A few mornings ago,  my husband read me a news story of a Christian Artist  named Trey  had come out to his wife and family.  He believes he is gay.  In the letter he wrote to his fans he shared what was going on with him presently.  It went viral.  Of course with the Orlando shootings, the news media picked it up.   Two kids...   wife....  and the marriage was being dissolved.  They had been married 7 and 1/2 years.  So now what?  Another family is destroyed. 

My heart sank.

My heart sank and then God reminded of the scripture that was so piercing last night as I read it several times  from  the book Romans.

 Romans 1: 19-32

This is from the Message Bible.  

Ignoring God Leads to a Downward Spiral

18-23 But God’s angry displeasure erupts as acts of human mistrust and wrongdoing and lying accumulate, as people try to put a shroud over truth. 

 Lord, what shroud am I trying to put over the truth?   

But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being. 

 Taking a LONG and thoughtful look at what is transpiring around me --
When I gave birth to my child -- what I saw was goodness, favor, and beauty -- NO one can deny God.   Have you ever had that type of moment when you know God is indeed present?  
When astronauts return from being in outer space -- 99% of them come back and claim the beauty and majesty that HAD to be of God!   It's like the science of space declares the wonders of our God! 

Taking a LONG and thoughtful look -- one can't deny there was a Creator!  

Taking a LONG and thoughtful look --what has been submitted to God? 

So nobody has a good excuse. 

What happened was this: People knew God perfectly well, but when they didn’t treat him like God, refusing to worship him, they trivialized themselves into silliness and confusion so that there was neither sense nor direction left in their lives. They pretended to know it all, but were illiterate regarding life. They traded the glory of God who holds the whole world in his hands for cheap figurines you can buy at any roadside stand.

They traded the glory of God who holds the world in his hands for cheap figurines you can buy at a roadside stand -- 
This totally struck me.  

REFUSING to worship ....we worship with our lives and how we live daily.  I know as I was raising my children and they refused to act as I had expected or if they were disobedient -- I disciplined.  

I wanted children that were citizens of character.  And their behavior was a reflection on me as a child.  As an adult -- my children make choices of their own.  They have a choice to always weigh everything they think and do against the standard we use -- His Word.  

So, with God as my perfect parent --- if I disciplined my young when when needed can I think that My Father in heaven won't discipline me as well?  

For that one who is trying to figure out WHY that loved one continues to stay in sin...

How a person can just lie or -- 
Bargain with God into justifying what they think is 'better'.  
They are convinced that "THEY" know better.    They are deceived. 

My heart sank.  
I have seen this in people. 
I have cried with people when  their other half  thinks like this or has begun to believe the lie!  

However, I also know ...hurting people hurt people -- thus, the enemy will USE anything to steal, kill, and destroy!  

24-25 So God said, in effect, “If that’s what you want, that’s what you get.” It wasn’t long before they were living in a pigpen, smeared with filth, filthy inside and out. 

 To the beloved I am trying to encourage this evening -- that is where he is right now .....
He has wanted something that is not of God --
So, think about what this verse says -- it may appear that he is "OK", but in reality we know and can trust from God's Word ....sin is only pleasurable for  a season!  

And all this because they traded the true God for a fake god, and worshiped the god they made instead of the God who made them—the God we bless, the God who blesses us. Oh, yes!

Sad.  This makes my heart sick.  
Idols.  I think this hurts more, cause I know exactly how it feels to be that prodigal! 

26-27 Worse followed. Refusing to know God, they soon didn’t know how to be human either—women didn’t know how to be women, men didn’t know how to be men. Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another, women with women, men with men—all lust, no love. And then they paid for it, oh, how they paid for it—emptied of God and love, godless and loveless wretches.

28-32 Since they didn’t bother to acknowledge God, God quit bothering them and let them run loose. 

There -- that verse implies that God just allowed them to be -- Tough Love.  I know there were lessons that I had to allow my kids to just learn on their own.  It is hard to watch that, but we must take out hands off of those loved ones and give them to God!  

 I think it is time that as a believer, we must show God's love and be Jesus to a hurting world, but we must know what God's Word says and not sugar coat sin.  We must extend grace but also continue to show the lost His Truth!  

I agree with Lisa Bevere and I will quote her, "we are called to be bedside with the world and be comforting, not get in bed with the world.  We are called to clothe the naked, not get naked with the world, and we are called to hunger and thirst for His Word, not hunger and thirst for the World".

And then all hell broke loose: rampant evil, grabbing and grasping, vicious backstabbing. They made life hell on earth with their envy, wanton killing, bickering, and cheating. Look at them: mean-spirited, venomous, fork-tongued God-bashers. Bullies, swaggerers, insufferable windbags! They keep inventing new ways of wrecking lives. 

 They ditch their parents when they get in the way. Stupid, slimy, cruel, cold-blooded. 

And it’s not as if they don’t know better. They know perfectly well they’re spitting in God’s face. And they don’t care—worse, they hand out prizes to those who do the worst things best!

Hand out prizes?   Funny - what is the reward for being someone that gives his life as he takes others while with ISIS ?  

God's word is something you either believe or you don't.  
I know it is a living testimony of God. 
I know its truth won't return void.  
However, if you don't know what is in that word -- you will fall for whatever!!  

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  

The enemy will seek to dim your whole desire for prayer -- 
The enemy will downplay the potency of your most strategic weapon -- prayer!  
See Eph 6: 10-20   By putting on the WHOLE armor of God, you can withstand the enemy!

The enemy will seek to destroy your focus.  
The enemy will have you focus on the WRONG culprit.  
Maybe You do need to repent as well as that wayward husband.  
However, he can also disguise himself and manipulate your perspective.

The enemy will use anyone around you, even loved ones that claim they believe God is a miracle working God, to help you think that God has forgotten you.  Many times, we as believers just want the pain to end - so we settle.  Don't!  

The enemy will seek to destroy your identity. He magnifies your insecurities and leading you to doubt what God says about you and to disregard what He's given you.  See Eph 1: 17-19

I can't help but think of that Christian Singer/Artist and his family.  Talk about stealing his identity!??   I believe when you have the belief  that men can be women and women can be men, you are stating that gender can be altered.  
We were created in HIS imagine.  

An attack on gender is an attack on God's image.  God's Word says do not take his name in vain -- I don't want to stand before him in heaven and be one of those that mocked his image as well.  
But this goes for pride and unforgiveness as well.  
There will be many "good" people that may be totally caught  unaware and yet, I don't buy that either as I believe in God's Word that states " that not one will perish"....I believe God will give everyone the opportunity to choose Him before their death and that every ear will of heard that Jesus Christ is Lord.    So....I just believe there will be NO excuse as His Word says in verse  20. 

The enemy will attack your family -- he wants to disintegrate your family.  I am thinking of those two children who will now be co-parented because now the wife has to deal with the fact that she was rejected by her husband. 
That was NOT God's plan nor God's will.   See Gen 3: 1-7
What God has placed together - let no man separate! 

The enemy will attack your confidence as he constantly reminds you of your past and bad choices, hoping to convince you that you are under God's judgement rather than under the blood of Jesus.  Rev.  12:10   It is important to say, I am a sinner saved by grace -- but Jesus then said, "go and sin no more".....  THAT is where I must check myself!   Reveal to me Lord, any motive or thought that is NOT of YOU! 

The enemy will attack and put strategies against your calling and your purity.  He tries to attempt you toward certain sins, convincing you that you can tolerate them without risk!   The enemy knows this will create a wedge and further the distance between you and God!  

The enemy will attack your rest and contentment.  There will be constant pressure to push you beyond the limits.  

The enemy will take every opportunity to keep old wounds fresh in your heart and mind, knowing that anger and hurt and bitterness and unforgiveness will continue to roll damage forward.  See Heb 12:15 

And the enemy will attack your relationships and create disruption and disunity within your circle of friends and within the shared community of the body of Christ.  1 Tim 2.8 


So, THIS was to encourage?  

To that sweet beloved one this evening -- the one brokenhearted or upset cause you have grabbed the hem of Jesus' garment and HE turned around and said, "who touched me?"  

And what did Jesus do?? -- HE healed her.  
He is holding you -- cause no matter what the enemy is trying to do -- the 2nd part of John 10.10 is that Jesus has come so that YOU may have life and live it more abundantly.   God won.  

So, don't let go of that garment.    Believe that Jesus is RIGHT there, looking into your eyes and reminding you -- You are healed.  Walk by faith and not sight.  

So, perhaps you can't figure out WHY this is happening right now -- look over that list of the enemy's strategies that I posted -- they are from my bible study, The Armor of God and dig into God's Word and write out some scriptural prayers to renounce the enemy.  Take an active stand in this fight!  Go to war!  

I know when you understand WHAT you are up against -- it is easier to battle and easier to fight.  
I know that when darkness is exposed to the LIGHT -- LIGHT wins.  

I know that in my own life, I will say --- "it is what it is".....but when whatever sin is exposed and you can begin to pray for the one who has hurt you ......  You will change.  God's Word will wash you and  small victories will come.  

And when you forgive and allow the Lord to fight this battle for you.... you can concentrate on just being with God in the space between hopelessness and victory!!   

I know that it may seem hopeless ....but even as I read and look over the strategies of the enemy -- I can  feel sorry for the one that the enemy has WRAPPED up so tightly right now -- but I have HOPE, cause I believe that we can intercede and bring the enemy to his end!  

I do believe and have HOPE to see and know that God CAN,  resurrect your marriage,  resurrect that prodigal child, or even resurrect that addicted loved one -- 

So, to the dear and beloved one that was drawn to this blog tonight -- cause you wanted to be encouraged -- I pray you are.  

You have NOT been duped -- however, now that you know and can see that you are not fighting flesh and blood but fighting evil powers and rulers and so forth -- maybe you will begin to believe that God has created you for such a time as this - to FIGHT!  

I believe YOU were created to live right here and now in this moment.  The enemy knows and continues to attack so hard -- maybe not for WHAT you can do right now -- but for WHAT your grandchildren will do in the future.......   

So, what are you going to do -- ?? 

You will face God one day and account for WHAT you did here on this earth.  
You will be judged - but by God.  Jesus will be your lawyer!!  

I am speaking to a believer....what has God asked you to do?   
Have you been obedient?  
Have you heard from God lately?  
Maybe HE has been quiet because the last thing HE told you to do - you have not done!!
Why would God speak again if the last time He gave you a direct thought..."nope, not going to do that!"  

Or maybe the enemy has pulled you backwards again so you feel this shame.  
You have /had experienced freedom and then you choose to spit in God's face and go and get back in bed with the world....  

THAT my sweet one -- is between YOU and God.  
But I know that if you call out to HIM - HE is right there and praise God we can start over - NOW.  

But let's start over now and STAY in a cycle of victory and not allow the enemy to USE his schemes to pull us backwards.  

So,  will you fight?   Will you be encouraged?  


I pray you will!   

God still does miracles.   

And, I don't normally place a challenge at the end of my blogs -- but if God is speaking to you -- go to your journal or grab a piece of paper and write out a letter to God.  State WHERE the enemy has attacked and then write out a simple prayer..."enough is enough and I am calling you out Satan and taking back ___________"  and let's watch together how stuff begins to change!   

I pray right now -- Lord -- ONLY YOU can connect this blog to one as  the encouragement it was meant to be.  I know it was VERY LONG.  If the ladies reading this could see my keyboard they would see the imprints of my fingerprints as each word was tapped out and practically beaten as I typed.  Lord,  God.... this has to be YOU.  Let these words remind others to check themselves as well...have I spit on you God?   Lord, examine my heart and search me O Lord -- show me exactly where I must repent and God I pray...  that You would confirm this to me --You know what I need confirmed as I am human and I trust You Lord.  

Again Lord for that one .... in reality as I type I can think of four right now that I pray are encouraged.....IN Jesus name, amen.  

Your humbled and simple sheep that loves You Lord for who You are and not what You have done. 
- michelle