Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Faith or Feelings - ACTION - prayer for parents - Blogged Prayer #36

      Herod the king was distraught.  A child had been born: his birth was heralded by the very angels!  

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with theangel, praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,

    and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Some at that time said the baby was the Christ child, the long-awaited Messiah.  

I read this in my present book study and began to think. 

 What about Mary and Joseph .... talking and hearing the rumors and then knowing that Herod had made a degree and was killing every male child under the age of two in his attempt to do away with the Christ child?  

I thought about, now - today .... and much of what is going on in our world.  As a parent, of a young child -- what could be going on within your head and heart as  you have concern for your little as she or he grows up NOW in this world? 

I know this -- your child, my grandchildren, all children  -- were created FOR SUCH a time as THIS.  I also know God is good and  is a good good Father, so we can trust HIM to protect us and keep us under the shadow of HIS wings.   We can trust HIM with our children.  

But, as I  thought -- how interesting it was that Jesus too, came INTO this world at a very hard time.   Just another way that Jesus can relate to US! 

"Scripture does not share what this young couple went through as they held their beloved child in their arms, keenly aware that others mourned with empty arms and shattered hearts because of their son.  It was a humble and tragic beginning to the earthly life and ministry of Jesus."   -Suzanne Eller from Mended Hearts

THAT  really comforted me -- that both Mary and Joseph also felt the fear and concern for their son - Jesus.  They had to of.  It only makes sense.   But then, as you read scripture ... they MOVED.  They did something, they retreated to Egypt and raised Jesus away from Herold. 

 ACTION -- faith into action.  

I see that often in many young parents of today -- they are MOVING and doing.  Some seek research and have gone more organic and holistic with their medicines and procedures.  Some are pushing and protecting their littles from the dangers of the 'metal' within our current vaccinations.  Some are doing their OWN schooling - to keep God and their innocence RIGHT in front of them.    I think it is all good.  

Watching this morning,  as my little here today ( it happens to only be SJ today ) is fascinated with the Play-doh that I have set out - she is only concerned with trying to manipulate the dough and get it into the 'fun maker'.  

She is innocent.  I look at her beautiful eyes and think about HOW she will grow and WHAT will she do.  And yet, I put that aside and just ENJOY her right now and pay attention that there is nothing within her reach that will harm her.  We manipulate the play-doh into shapes and she quickly delights in the fact that she recognizes an OVAL and a TRIANGLE and screams, "I angle"  and "OOOvil" .  

I would move.  I would take action.  If there was an immediate threat to her safety - I would move and not think twice.   

I have that in common with Jesus's earthly parents.  Yet, I believe I also have this in common - Prayer.  

Today's prayer is for those young and or new parents:  

Lord, there is MUCH going on these days.  I see my own children and loved ones digging into much, trying to find the RIGHT way to raise their child....should they vaccinate or not?  Should they homeschool or not?  Should they make their child wear a mask or not?   So much pressure now with Social Media to be the perfect parent and not the helicopter parent.  And yet Lord, I write this for the YOUNG parents and still, I have the SAME questions at times for my OWN ADULT children.  Parenting is not easy nor is it for the faint at heart. 

 Lord, as the younger parents deal with toddler issues and being scared of lightning, help us older parents deal with the child like behaviors that we still see... help us all to SEEK YOU for the answers as to what to be scared about and what to CAST upon YOU. Lord, bless these younger parents - many are now dealing with co-parenting which parenting is difficult, but to share it when mom and dad are no longer within the same house - increases the chances for the enemy to get in and cause a wedge. 

 THERE is just much - now... but, as I said earlier - I take comfort in the fact that your earthly parents brought you up in a time where there was much turmoil as well... and they did well - they moved when they needed to.  Lord, I pray for each parent reading this today -- may he or se know WHEN to move, WHEN to place their faith in ACTION and when to speak up to guide through Your Word and Your Truth. 

 Bless them Lord, IJN  Amen.  

Saturday, June 20, 2020


Hello Dad - and Happy Father's Day  - it was a delight and JOY to plan this 50th celebration and I love the smile on your face in this photo.  You maybe didn't set out to be the father of nine and yet, maybe that was one of your dreams.  I figure you wanted help on the farm, but in reality, I watch you now in the last 10 years and I see the LOVE in your eyes when you are with your children and their different personalities and I am pretty sure you are glad for EACH of us! 
This photos - 2010 -   I look pretty tired and I certainly needed that kiss!  I am sure I told this to you - but back in that VERY hard time -- I know that I know - God told you to call me. 

 And you see, THAT was a miracle - cause you NEVER call. 

 I watched Mom over and over do ALL of your calling.  I have observed you now answer your cell phone, but it is usually related to some Farm Progress Adventure or maybe a game of cards.  But anyway, when I look at this picture, that WAS my heart and face that night when you called me. 

 If I remember correctly, I was going back into town to work, late at night , and I was crying and yelling at God that I needed to know I was loved and that HE was working in the middle of my present STORM .  That night- that was my prayer and I was probably screaming it at God.  And guess what ?  The phone rang and I answered it quickly cause I figured something was wrong.  As I said, you NEVER called me -- but it was just you saying that you were thinking of me and I LOST it.  I  bawled and I knew I said thank you - but, THAT memory was indeed God - speaking to me through  YOU.   But I reminded myself that night, I had an earthly Father and a Heavenly Father that were indeed loving on me right then.  

I also thought of a few troubled times that you have walked through. I am sure your perspective is different than mine.  And maybe I am WAY off, but this eve, as I was praying for you thinking of this blog, I was overcome with the memory of the time, when the farm was sold.  I can't imagine what was going on in your head and heart and then the emotions that probably were not dealt with or maybe are still a very sore subject.  I wept and wanted to just say -- 'sorry' -- back than at that time, I was way to self-centered to notice and I am indeed sorry for that.  But, I also wanted to say that you obviously found strength somewhere -- and I am believing that is/was in the Gospels that I am pretty sure you probably read more than maybe you  would admit.  

And, these photos were sent to me tonight -- I see you enjoyed some time on the water with Aaron and Aaron!  And you were successful with catching some fish.  I think that is pretty cool.   As a farmer you produced crops and a managed herds and you were very successful.  As a dad, you were the best dad that you could be.  And as a fisherman, I pray that you catch much ...much joy, much peace, and the redemption grace of Christ.  

The scripture in Ephesians 6 .4 says:  "Fathers, do not exasperate your children: instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord".   
 I so appreciate ALL that you did to make sure we went to school at St. Henry's.  

Hebrews 12. 11 says:  "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."  
I have said this before, our childhood and our time on the farm had many GOOD memories and some, not so good, but I believe in this scripture and I have seen the peace that has come from it.  You did train us as best as you could.  I am thankful for what I learned from you!    

Ephesians 6.1 also says:  "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  Honor your father and mother -- which is the first commandment with a promise - so that if may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth."  

Dad, Happy Father's Day.  As I was thinking about a card for you and this blogged card, I was walking and thinking about what maybe was going around in your head as a young father.  

I am sure you had dreams and expectations.  I am sure you wanted to do some things like your father did but also I bet there were ideas and things that you wanted to do differently.  

I  listened to you for over 18 years and then I meandered to college and away so my adult  time was  limited with you, but in thelast 10 years,  each time we are together, I cherish the memories!   
These past few weeks, I have been remembering the Sheepshead we played at Daryl's those  nights  and the old lessons of 'trump' and who is a 'good partner'.  But I also just enjoyed the peace and fun with playing a simple game. 

 But I also remember the many nights you'd tease us and play with us in the barn.  

  • I remember being scared by you - cause you'd like to spook us -
  • I remember quickly hopping in the car and going to the fields where the ripe english peas were ready to be picked before the canning company got them - 
  • I remember being on that tractor as you stacked the bales on that wagon and then we'd unload them later - 
  • I remember the many days of stone picking and how we'd ride in the loader and you'd scare the crud out of us as you teased - 
  • I remember you whistling as you'd feed the grain to the cows - 
  • I remember how you'd adjust or write ON the mini - chalkboards above the cows as to when they were in heat or not - 
  • I remember getting a lecture about HOW to properly sit on the fender when you were cutting hay or raking - 
  • I remember  how you'd stand in the barn and talk to a salesman or maybe Grandpa and continue to milk -
  • I remember testing days -- OH what fun with the bottles and the mild samples - 
  • I remember how you'd stand in the milk house and watch the cows in the pasture and make notes about who was in heat - 
  • I remember many calves being born and how you'd have to tie up that pully thing and pull some out - 
  • I remember that glass jar of egg nog on the pipes above the sink in the milk house - 
  • I remember getting those new hay wagons that had to be painted - 
  • I remember trying to hide in hay forts way up in that shed attached to the barn - 
  • I remember that Christmas when the snowmobiles were purchased - 
  • I remember picking out furniture in Beaver Dam for the new house - 
  • I remember those Dodge County dairy meetings and that cold chocolate milk or orange drink they'd feed us - 

OH - I could go on -- there are many GOOD memories -- many.  

I just wanted to honor you and remind you that you were appreciated and put it in writing!   I am not sure I ever wrote a blog for you - maybe I have already.  
Anyway - Happy Father's Day - love you - much - Chell 

Faith over Fear - Blogged prayer post #35 - The Wilderness

This Pandemic has us all in a different mind set and as the summer officially began today, I finished something on my list of TO do stuff, so I guess summer CAN begin!!  

Last week I wrapped up some professional development and finished two classes.  
This week, I learned a new aspect of my summer job( at the insurance office ) and enjoyed a sweet visit with my sister and her kids from Wisconsin and today - I submitted y 2019 taxes.  I indeed, allowed the Pandemic to push the deadline for when I 'did' my taxes.  But they are done.  Amen!  

So now I can enjoy summer.  

Summer -- when one gets rest and works on the TAN!!  
Vacations begin or  are enjoyed. 
Maybe there is time for actually 'going to lunch'... 

In this Pandemic, there has been more time to read.  Brendan shared something with me yesterday that I want to write about and have here,  published,  to come back to.  This series of prayer/blogs are for faith over any fear.  

I have seen MUCH fear with the Pandemic.

 And I admit, I fell prey to it just yesterday. 
We were gifted a very special trip to the Bahamas on a private yacht through the Insurance company and when the email came about getting a Molecular NP something test for Covid-19, I panic'd and said, "NOPE".  I just didn't want to deal.  And, the company reps were very gracious to me and fully understood when I opted out of the trip,  but it was due to that test.  I just did not WANT that Q-tip being shoved into my nose - almost to my eyeballs.  Just. Did. Not. Want. That.  That was a valid fear - in my opinion and something I could OPT out on.   Temporary Fear.  

The Wilderness -- is something different.  

 I have seen fear in many during this Pandemic.  Fear that doesn't leave.  Fear that is controlling.  

I believe this Pandemic is indeed a wilderness.  In Biblical Old Testament, the wilderness was a very real place.  Deuteronomy 8 speaks of how the Lord led the Israelites out of Egypt.   
"The Wilderness was a place of death as an entire generation grew weak and perished there.  It was also a place of life 
where an entire generation was born and nurtured.  The new generation became the conquering warrior of Israel.  
God knew exactly what HE was doing when he sent them into the Wilderness.  And today God continues to do the same for His children. " 

If we don't understand why God is allowing this right now - we will become frustrated and bitter towards God.  There are many wildernesses in life.  

"Again, if we don't understand why God is allowing 
us to go through them, we will become frustrated.   This is true if we have been taught that with enough faith we will not go through them.  If we believe this, not only will we go through wildernesses, but we will condemn ourselves for lack of faith.  Or we may blame God for breaking His promises.  Jesus overcame the enemy in the inconvenient circumstances of the desert.  We must also face our wildernesses, overcoming them and revealing the victory of Christ in practical life.  "
                                     -- Spiritual Warfare by Dean Sherman 

So why does God allow this or lead us into a wilderness?  We get humbled -- during times like this we remember who god is and who are not.  It will make us more dependent upon HIM.  It will also put a spotlight onto our lives and others may notice which is hard, because it is uncomfortable. 

 Our world and the ones around us may have taught us to AVOID any humbling, but God knows the 
greatest thing we can have is consistent   humbling.     Being humbled is good.  It is PRIDE that we should fear. 

 We should remain faithful and trust God to endure and be grateful for the humbling wilderness. 

This Pandemic and our walking through it - is somewhat of a wilderness.  Our wilderness maybe not be one of sand dunes and water holes  - but it is equally as REAL.   We are here because of a fallen world. Without exception, we will all go through wildernesses. 
So, as we are in this wilderness of the Pandemic  and the present stirring of hatred within the Body of Christ .... let's stop and think and take a reflective look.  

Another reason we have a wilderness is for testing.  God will allow us to be in certain situations that reveal the content of our character.  (Doesn't that sound familiar -- MLK quoted God himself!)   Under pressure, that which is in us,  comes out.   Testing reveals our weaknesses and strengths to God and to ourselves.  God wants to repair our faults with HIM rather than out in public for all to see.  

This Pandemic and our walking through it - is somewhat of a wilderness.  Our wilderness maybe not be one of sand dunes and water holes  - but it is equally as REAL.   We are here because of a fallen world. Without exception, we will all go through wildernesses. 

So, as we are in this wilderness of the Pandemic  and the present stirring of hatred within the Body of Christ .... let's stop and think and take a reflective look.  
So what to do?  
  • Truly thank the Lord for showing things in your heart that need fixing.
  • Repent.  Ask God to forgive any sin or wrong motives.  You may also need to ask others for forgiveness.  
  • Seek God's help to overcome and create new habits and attitudes. 
  • Resist the enemy in his attempts in your life. 
  • Never deny that you are going through a wilderness experience. 
  • Never feel condemned for that which has surfaced during your wilderness experience.
  • Simply say, "thank you, God, for showing me what was in my heart. Now let's do something about it."     pg. 148 - Spiritual Warfare 
Lord, I believe this blog is in perfect timing with everything on TV and in the Media about BLM and about ALL lives Matter and about everything associated with the turmoil within our country right now.  Lord, You know my heart and that I believe we have but ONE race, and that is the human race.  Lord, you know I believe we all bleed the same -- and that we have those that LOVE and serve you and those that still don't recognize their sin -- yet.   But Lord, show me where I have wronged or hurt another even with my silence ... or my OVER-SPEAKING.  

Lord, I pray that as we are in the Wilderness of the Pandemic, that MORE grace and MORE love will be experienced by those around me - especially THOSE in fear.  IN the name of Jesus - amen.