Sunday, September 30, 2018

Beloved, God hears you in the fetal position. He will send an ARMY! Blogged prayer #4

I was suppose to post this yesterday but quite frankly I just did not have the time.  As women we have many roles.  We are moms, daughters, sisters, mentors, grandmothers, and even care takers.  We are wives and we are times...  just in a funk.

Oh to a time in heaven when we only have to worry about ice cream. 
I had a lot to do yesterday.  I knew what needed to be completed and I also wanted to just LAY IN bed!   Fetal position and ignore EVERYTHING and everyone.  However....  that couldn't happen.

The enemy was up and at my thoughts because of what God had revealed to me the day before.  But, I was NOT going to let him win.

There are days  when I  can -- stay in bed   I mean -- I don't have a little one wondering around looking for something to eat.  I also don't have a job where on a  Saturday I must PUNCH in....but I did have some little ones  coming later in the afternoon that I wanted to be 100% for.    Ava and SJ. 

I thought about them and  I jumped to  my shower and got up and moving.   I had something to LOOK forward to.

There was something to make me smile.  !!!   But as I wrote this blog yesterday in my brain...I just did not have the time to post.  It was probably best to post it today... for many reasons.

Yesterday,  another woman of God wanted to stay in that fetal position.   Or at least I felt she could only find some peace if she stayed in bed. She deserved to stay in bed.    I hurt for her.     I wanted to have a RUN in with her husband for her and let him know how stupid he was!

I had a reason to get out of that bed on Saturday.  My grand little ones.
There was something to look forward to.   But my friend has something to get out of bed for as well....she is fighting a war and she wants to win.

 She is getting out of bed and   fighting  for her marriage.  One that is being attacked through deception.  She has made her claim.  She has stated she has forgiven, she has held him as he cried about not knowing what to do.  And yet....the enemy still wages war.   He can't decide.

So, if you are following these prayers, you know that there is ONE lady in mind that I begin this series for.  She is in a season but I praise God her marriage is strong and her husband fights for her.  But as God is always purposeful...there are other women within my prayer circle that I stand in the gap for and yesterday, one special warrior that loves Jesus is the inspiration for this blog  ( yesterday) today. 

I am sure there are other women reading this and relating... if you wanted to stay in bed yesterday and let the world pass you by...maybe this blogged prayer if for you.  I pray it ministers to you. 

Therefore, when you wish to STAY in bed and just let the world pass you is a prayer.

 Actually it is a song written by Lauren Daigle and it is called RESCUE.  I literally sang it for my sweet pal all day yesterday in between playing with SJ or Ava.  ....or making them some food...or taking them grocery shopping....or playing with them....or changing a diaper...or doing laundry...  get the picture? 

 I really couldn't stay in bed yesterday.  I had something to bring me hope.   

I have declared  that both of my girls, Ava and SJ will never have to deal with the hurt and pain of adultery.  In Jesus Name. 

Now I pray you would read this song/prayer as God speaking to YOU.   And if it is... thank Him for this!    And then...maybe find it on ITunes and enjoy it. 

 You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find You
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you

There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You're not defenseless
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your armor

I hear you whisper underneath Your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army to find You
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you

I hear the whisper underneath Your breath
I hear you whisper, you have nothing left

I will send out an army to find You
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you

Oh, I will rescue you

Friday, September 28, 2018

Beloved, You are loved and before you know will be Christmas! Prayers #3

Like it or not, on Monday it will be October.  The Hallmark Channel has already been advertising the NEW Christmas specials that are coming and if you look closely - there ARE Christmas decorations in the stores.  Life continues no matter how we feel or where we are.  

As I write these blogged prayers  and seek God each day, I must MAKE a disclaimer. 

 I am NOT perfect.

 I question my motives, my thoughts continuously

and I speak to God to make sure that I am acting to glorify Him and not myself.

  Presently, I believe there are  two women that are NOT very happy with me.  I have offended them.  And, truly..only God can change their minds or show them what is was or is exactly ...what I know is that I must be patient and allow God to speak to the circumstance and let God soften the edges or bring us together to speak.  

 I know that I have a 'hard truth' to pray and  share with a loved one, but I am literally trying to find EVERY  excuse to NOT do it right now.  I messed up and offended my Dad and with him being 1400 miles away -- that is hard to swallow.  I want to FIX it.  There is a marriage that my hubby and I are on our knees seeking God for His intervention and his repentance but we can't make it happen, nor will God  create some quick fix to appease us... HE is in control, but my wanting to help his wife,  to comfort... isn't possible unless a total surrender.  And we can't MAKE that happen.

  But we pray and wait.  

But I am a girl that was raised in a generation where FAST FOOD was invented and perfected... "do you want FRIES with that?"  was  how we were trained.    ( Any old  McDonald's employees can relate, circa 1983-84!)  So, we do expect God to quickly answer and quickly fix.  We are human.  Many of us don't SEEK God until we want something and at that point...we want it fast.  Forgive us Lord.  

SO... as I said -- I want to make this disclaimer...I am not perfect. Forgive me.

I do have a sweet pal who is in a difficult season right now and this is one way I can help and praying for her and asking God what I can share.  But I don't want her or anyone that reads this to be offended or  to allow the ENEMY to use this blog  to BEAT them ( you )  up. 

I learned the hard way...When someone prays over you or has a 'word' for you -- YOU seek God and if you receive it...THEN receive it. 

 But if it does not SIT well with your soul....then don't think about it  for a second and ignore it.  You will know the difference if God is trying to speak to your heart, even if it does prick or pierce, you will know when God wants you to hear something to make a change. Or, if God wants you to be open to the word or prayer.  But, if you allow it to offend you -- then the enemy gets the glory.  

And you must also consider the source...don't let a total stranger speak over you or touch you and yet sometimes God DOES use a total stranger.   The only true way to know or have that peace; is, IF you and God have a current and working communication log.  Current you say?   Yes... a current and continuous chatter with Your Heavenly Father and His Word are a DIRECT way to know that you KNOW.  

 And if you don't... then just start one today.  God is always RIGHT there, ready to listen and guide you.  I have seen it, experienced it, and watched  it so often. 

 But, as I said -- I wanted to make this disclaimer.  

I want to help people with my words...I don't want to hurt them or cause them to stumble or be offended! 

So HOW did I start this blog?  

Oh ya.... Christmas is coming!

The Holidays are a time WHERE the enemy loves to torment us.  IF we are in a season of hurt or struggle....the holidays highlight the loniness or hurt.  If we have lost a loved one during this is always harder to smile because we simply miss our loved one.   But the holidays are also a BIG reminder of WHAT God did...He sent His son...for us.  For You.. For me.....!!!   And for that - I am thankful. 

So, my sweet dear beloved sister in Christ...... if we were in Wisconsin or anywhere North, we'd be putting on our jean jackets and collecting some leaves and looking forward to some hot apple cider if we met for lunch.  But we are HERE and it is still  Summer.  Summer is your favorite time where the pressures of our teaching jobs seem like a lifetime away.  Summer is when we can refresh and rethink.  But this past summer brought you some great joy and yet when School stated ..the stress started back up.  If we look, we will notice and see that the leaves are still growing on the trees  but by January they will drop or turn a bit of a color change..... and it  will remind us that this year  is about to end and another will start. 

 With 2019  three  months away, I am praying that THIS holiday season you will experience A NEW found FRESH FAITH with Your Heavenly Father and You will see 2019 as a year of new beginnings  and may it just be better.  This year... 2018 has had its UPS and Downs...but, we both are healthy...and we both are loved by our family and husbands...and we both have children that adore us! So, AS this present season has you in a flummox...I am believing that with the new year - there will  come some NEW found hope and faith.  And I know we both are not perfectly healthy -- I have achy bones and you are presently battling something ...but I do believe that God will show us a remarkable healing within these 40 days -- He wants you to see - HOW much YOU mean to Him,  In Jesus name.  Amen.  

PS. this prayer today was more specific to my pal, but I know there is a woman out there reading this and thinking..."my husband doesn't love me"...and I know that feeling and that hurt...but RIGHT now..let God be that husband, the perfect husband that DOES love you.   And trust... that God can change that man's heart - believing your husband wants it to change.  Amen. 

PPS. there is also a woman out there, a young one that has made some choices that she just can't get past and the thought of the holidays coming is hurting so deeply -- but I know that God wants to HEAL those hurts, just seek Him, but you must GET with a mentor or someone that will hold you accountable to HIS word and help you see that indeed...God is making a way.  

- thank you for reading this.  This one got long.  I pray that if this blog encouraged you, that you would pray and tag another and encourage them.....Or maybe it should be sent to a pal.  You can email this blog by signing up to follow this with your email.  I am humbled that you took the time to read this ALL...- MIchelle  

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Beloved, God knows EXACTLY how you are feeling. Blogged prayer #2

It wasn't suppose to be this way.  This is a photo of our first real home.  We built it and enjoyed it for seventeen years.  This was our spot for most of our family prayers and devotion times.   Circumstances transpired and through consequences and just a need for a change -- we sold our home.

  I remember getting the home READY  for the Realtor to come and take the photos for the sale.  You had to remove the extra personal stuff from view - so the prospective buyer could image his or her photos in that room.  It was sort of like 'staging' a home that has become so famous on Flip or Flop.  However,  I can remember those days -- walking around in a haze and thinking....."it wasn't suppose to be like this".  

Now, when I look at our home and our lives -- I can easily slip back to those HARD days but I can so easily and quickly come to the present -- it wasn't suppose to be like that ....but GOD!   Praise God ...we are transformed now and new people.  New creations. 

You are right........

Right now you are in a season where "it was NOT suppose to be like this".  God did not intend this NOR plan it this way.  You didn't pick some sort of HARDSHIP lottery in heaven before you were born and now THIS is your lot.   

It is just life. 

 We live in a HARD and sinful world.  

But God.  

God DOES KNOW exactly HOW you are feeling.  Tell Him.  If you don't have an answer - TELL Him.  If you can't even think about tomorrow -- TELL Him. 
  He does know and He does understand.  

Back then a favorite saying was, "it is what it is".  

 Yep... It is.  It can be.  

BUT that doesn't make some days ANY easier, nor does it give comfort. is reality.  

Often that saying, "when you are given lemons ...make lemonade", I remember thinking ---

                      BUT I DON'T WANT too...I AM TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

I also remember laying in bed, making a list for God - reminding HIM of ALL that I HAD done in His name....ALL that I HAD accomplished THROUGH Him......ALL that I I deserved better.  !!!!  

So WHY......WHY was "I in this place at this time?"  

It was not fair.  

You are right -- it is not fair. 
 But....right now...this is WHERE we are.
  It is what it is.  
As Joyce Meyers says, "you can be bitter or better".  

So today's reminder and blogged prayer is simple.... GOD DOES know exactly how you are feeling and He wants to and will comfort.  Just tell Him.  I know He will.  I have experienced it over and over.  

Lord, I pray this simple saying of "it wasn't suppose to be like this"....will become a trigger point or words that remind all of us...even me....that indeed...THIS was not Your intention.  Your intention and Your plans for us are good.  So Lord, when other stuff happens to us and other stuff happens because of us... help us O Lord to see Your Word as a LIGHT unto Your Path.  Help US O Lord, to be reminded that WILL get better.   Help us LORD to rebuke the lies or the yuck at the moment...even thought we may not want too...but HELP us Lord to refill our heart and our head with Your blessed Words...we are blessed, accepted, forgiven, adopted, redeemed, and loved....  
 IN Jesus Name... AMEN. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Beloved, God calls you beloved. Blogged prayer for a hurting soul #1

Dear Beloved, this series of prayers has been commissioned by God. 

 I am in a season of transition and God is holding me, loving me, and teaching me new concepts and revelations.  I believe I am on a QUEST.  In fact, I have almost finished my  late summer bible study, with Beth Moore, ironically called = The Quest.  I just have one more week of questions and using scripture to seek God, ask Questions, and really get to know the God-- I call Father ....better!  Yet, in this Quest with God, the enemy has not slowed down in his lies nor has he let up.  EAch day, it seems I need to readdress what God says about me -- instead of listening to what the world says.  In fact, even today when I KNEW I was starting this series -- a call comes, a text comes....and I doubt my value and my knowledge.  So what do I do -- I seek HIM and rebuke the offense and seek God to show me HOW or WHAT to do or say next.  And I also...forgive myself, as I am not perfect.   In the name of Jesus!  

I have one friend that calls Him - God -   "Abba Father".  I have another that calls him "Daddy".   And I have a sweet friend that refers to him as "Papa".  In the past month, I have been thinking about that and asking myself,  WHY I don't do the same or do I have a personal name for My Lord?   Sometimes I just call him "Father God"  and other times, He certainly DOES seem like He is more of a Papa!    The photo at right is of AVA...she has a Papa and to hear her call him - "PAPA!" truly heaven.  She also has a G- man.  She loves both of them so much.  She is beloved and adored.  She is loved by her parents, all of them, loved by her Grandparents, all of them and especially loved by her sister....SJ.  When Ava enters the room, SJ just LIGHTS up.  Below is a photo of SJ and her cousin from Wisconsin.  THOSE blue eyes can captivate you... and as SJ looks at her mother or gets a glimpse of her G-man...boy or boy does her FACE light up and she is full of JOY.  

   THAT brings me to this blog and the beginning of this series. 

 In my quiet time with God, I am always asking Him -- what is next?  AND He brought me to this next writing adventure  and reminded me that blogging prayers and writing is something He commissions in me. 

 My 40 blogged prayers for marriage were inspired by a dear couple that I still believe will allow God to heal their marriage.....but now, I believe God is asking me to encourage  a special friend that I love dearly.  I know that in doing this....this blog will reach others and God won't waste HIS word.  

HE wanted me to write and title this - Beloved, because my dear...YOU are loved.   The Joy that Ava gets when she sees her Papa...the JOY that SJ expresses without words when she sees her loved one...THAT JOY is WHAT our Heavenly Father has for US.    That JOY is for me as well.  And I believe that with this series, there are people that will read this and want to SHARE it with another and I ask that YOU do.  Be courageous - share or tag someone that just needs a simple reminder.  Be brave today and do something that will FURTHER the Kingdom and Encourage a believer!   Or - bring light to the lost.  

Even I feel 'unloved' at times....but I declare I am still beloved.
Today, there is a dear loved one that needs this.    So today, the simple focus of the prayer is that YOU are loved.  Period.  Jesus got on that Cross for YOU and would do it HE loves you that much.  I am pretty sure you know this....but just need to allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of this concept and then receive it.    

Back in 2011, I can remember when God woke me up and gave me the idea to write 40 days of prayers for this one sweet friend.    And God used that time of writing and  praying for her to reach several other women. He also used it as a witnessing tool for my then 'godless' hubby! Some of those women -- they contacted me,  thanked me, and encouraged me.   Then a few years after that ...God commissioned me again for a Secret Sister ... who needed to be encouraged and I know God used those prayers and those blogs.  And this time...I am believing in that one special friend...that by the end of these blogged prayers -- she will FEEL that she is beloved and she will also have a healing...a physical and emotional healing...and she won't have to get all TOUCHY FEELIE or even give testimony, but that God will MEET her and heal her and remind her that SHE is worth it!   

So,  pure and simple.....

Dear Beloved -- YOU are adored, and loved, and I know that I know -- YOUR name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  I am deeply sorry that you are in a season right now where you are questioning and you are trying to figure it out......but I know that I know...God will meet you RIGHT there and HE is patient to allow you to just BE for a bit.    Just be in that 'flummox' for awhile and allow God to speak and move you through it.  It is OK.  

You are loved deeply, not only by your family but by many others.  IN fact, I am going to ask God right now that in some unique or special way ...someone GIVES you that affirmation this week.    You know that I deeply care and am committed to spend 40 days -- daily --- going to Father  God on your behalf, and I believe that when this series is will be experiencing a new relationship with Jesus, as well as some emotional and physical healing... IN the Name of Jesus.  AMEN  

Psalm 34:4
I sought the LORD, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears

Matthew 7:7 The Passion Translation (TPT)

 Matthew 7.7 “Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


I tried several times yesterday to find the RIGHT image I wanted to post with this blog today.  Yesterday was September 11th.  A day in our calendar, if you are older than 20 -- you probably remember.   

A day that certainly won't be forgotten in my mind.  

I know exactly where I was, I know exactly what I was wearing, I know exactly what I was feeling and where  I  was ---watching the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower right on national news.  And I thought ...'this is the end'.  

I called Bren - and questioned where he was and what was up.  I remember I wanted to HEAR comfort in his voice and I didn't hear that.  I remember being a bit disappointed in that.  

I was teaching and I had taken my students to the computer lab and the aide in there at the time had a son as part of the armed forces and he was oversees and she was distraught -- believing the END was indeed near.  

  As I walked down the hallway of Central Elementary School, a part of me wondered..."did I miss the rapture?"  I knew where my children where--so the day continued-- as many of us 'shut down'-- we just kept the TV off and tried to continue as normal.    Until school was done and we got home and began to WATCH the TV.....  

It has been 17 years.  As I looked at posts and photos from yesterday there was one thing that totally struck me.   

The day after ... September 12th.  

The Sunday after....  

This event changed history and many many lives.  Prayers were said as many did remember with tears,  as their loved ones met Jesus that day. 

 Even if we didn't have a loved one that was directly involved with any of the crashes .....we felt the pain.  This photo I choose for this blog  hit me--- As in a quiet field an entire plane went down and the people on that plane made decisions that forever changed history as well.  

Being a farm girl. ..this photo hit me.  

But again -- I remember the day after. 

 Did it really change me?

   Did it change us as a Nation?  

I know that there were MANY who GOT themselves into a church that next Sunday.  I know that many questioned and there was a turning within our Nation.  

But where are we now?  

As I was speaking to God this morn, the Holy Spirit brought me to a thought.  

I have grand kids now.  How excited both Bren and I get when SJ does something knew.  Last night, Ava brought such JOY to us when she recalled something that happened over the previous weekend and she wanted to RELIVE the memory.    Memories are so important and they shape us.  

We are trying to teach SJ to blow kisses.  When she copies us and does it - no one can walk away without saying--"she is adorable"....or "that is so sweet".  

So many of us spend SO much time teaching and training our little ones to perform or do something.

With our children ----  WE spent countless hours teaching them to be have empathy and we LOVE it when we see it happening in front of us and we discipline or get frustrated when they don't.  

Many of us are parents and we understand this 'love' for a child.  And yet... Our Heavenly Father has that SAME  love for US.  Each of US. 

   And yet...HIS love for us is still SO much more.  So much more.  

I wondered of how He was sitting and thinking yesterday.  I don't mean to put God in a 'human' box and yet... He does understand us as He became fully human in the form of His Son.   But I got a vision of God...sitting in his big chair watching all the events of yesterday and the remembrances.  And I wondered.... 

I know HOW I feel when I am disappointed because of the actions of a child....
And that  hurt or disappointment can depress me and stop me for a bit until I refocus and bathe it in prayer.  

So...  HOW was God yesterday when He saw and watched SO many repent and come to Jesus those 17 years ago..........and now maybe they have gone back to their own ways and truly  don't even care about ETERNITY anymore???

There is this moment, in the pit of my stomach and in the blink of an eye where I allow myself to just think and it hurts...I hurt that MANY don't even care about eternity.  

I guess that is a growth mindset moment.... I believe my thinking is changing.  

Everyone can post and remind everyone to REMEMBER....but are we living our lives that way each day??   

When Ava's parents and the day care workers were working hard to get her totally potty and poopie trained, I remember the GOOD and successful days.  And when there was an accident  -- it was NO BIG deal.  She was training and learning.  

Now, she is almost three and an accident is not met with much enthusiasm anymore.  WE expect more of her now.  She is older.  

There are FAR too many of us that I believe.....  we should expect MORE of.  

They have seen and tasted what is good and know HOW to get to ETERNITY and yet....they prefer to have 'an accident'.  

My thoughts may be random there -- but that "hurt" or  the watching of another totally turn their eyes away from Jesus -- I think THAT is something that KEEPS me RIGHT next to the Great Father ...

I pray that this blog stirs something in you as well -- and I pray that YOU don't want to forget what Jesus totally did on that Cross.  

We are not promised tomorrow. 
 Our Savior is the only one who truly sacrificed everything.  
Praise God.  

Lord, a simple prayer -- "if my people will humbly pray"...God, for the ones that will read this today - may we all check our hearts and remember WHAT you did on that Cross.  May we take communion with You today and recall our own mortality and know that we know...our names are IN  Your Lamb's Book of Life.  IJN.  Amen. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Marriage is HARD...BOLD prayers ...#40 .BUT God WINS!

This is going to be a LONG post.  It just is.  It has been WELL over 40 days, but this concentrated effort of 40 prayers for marriages has come to an end.   And I may be sharing a little too much ...but tonight I am being raw and real.  

1.  I believe that if you are just finding these blogged prayers -- you can start again from Day #1 and begin to fight for your marriage using these blogs as a guide for a prayer focus.    How do I know this?   Cause when I was in a VERY private and yet CRUCIAL part of our marriage -- I sought out prayers on the internet and blogs written by women WHO had successfully navigated an earthquake and their marriage was spared.    So - if you are desperate and WANT your marriage - you will seek these prayers again or other ones. 

2.  In praying and writing these posts, the  past months have  being focused on some specific couples......  I have seen some small victories, I have seen some BIG victories, but I have also see some real sadness and loss as well as  hurt come forth that could literally DEFEAT me--  as it has defeated them.  But I continue to believe what God says.   I have SEEN too too much GOOD from GOD and I know that I know -- HE is not the author of this turmoil, but HE is the answer.  

3.  I have had the privilege of being contacted by several new women and people that WANT their marriage and are willing to do some major changing and work to allow GOD to fix and heal.  But the bottom line with many of those situations is that the person SEEKING the help has realized that they can't change the other one...they can only change THEMSELVES.  

4.  Throughout this series, I have relied on  some past posts and the Holy Spirit to guide me and help me write.  I have said it many times before -- I don't want my time wasted and therefore, if I am going to place something out for the whole world to read and see....then, my should be godly and written through HIM.   Therefore, I believe that if you are taking the time to read these, I don't want your time wasted either.  

5.  In the time I have been writing these prayers and posts, I have finished the "Adamant" book written by Lisa Bevere and started Beth Moore's "The Quest".  Both excellent mind blowing reads and they both challenged me.  I am still doing Beth's as I continue on this quest and seek a closer relationship with my Lord.  I have to keep my hands and eyes in a current bible study.  That is how I stay tuned in and plugged in.  I also use the YouVersion bible app - but right now -- I am into paper and pencil!!   

6.   These blogged prayers and posts have had their share of grief as well..... often the ENEMY did not want what was posted to be heard.  Therefore, there were new attacks and stuff.  However, I continue to move forward and believe that NO matter what...GOD will win.  Throughout this, God has reminded me often of the victory HE gave us within our own marriage and how I fought for my husband through prayer.   The move The WAR ROOM is really a movie that we could have stared in or we could have played each part.    I was reminded of that movie, this past Labor Day Weekend.  As back  in 2015 and I literally soaked my t-shirt with tears as I sat with my man to my right,  and my children to my left,  and watched a miracle occur on the screen.  That was our story.  And as I sat there in that movie theater -- crying so hard I couldn't breath -- I praised and thanked God.  

** THAT was God's plan see us restored.  To see my children fall back in love with their dad.  To see my children grow to love and respect their dad.  To see my husband own his own mistakes but not allow the enemy to shame him to his grave, but to see my husband help others now with is own experience and story.  God restored our marriage...HE did it...but we cooperated.  We submitted.  We humbled ourselves and  believed what God's Word covers a multitude of sins.  God forgave me for committing adultery on Him!  But anyway, now I pray for our marriage, my husband, and our children as well as others  -- as we have  new struggles as we are in a new season in our lives.  

7.  Prayers will continue for the specific couples that were the inspiration at various times and for the one in particular that is very dear and CLOSE to us.... we are standing on faith that before the year is over -- the one wanting the marriage will see a repentant believer that wants Jesus more than her own feelings and wants.  As then,  truly, only then, can she  be fully happy, satisfied, and  she'll 
see what God intended for marriage and their family.  

8.  And with that ....  this song....  it speaks VOLUMES!  8 is the new number for Brendan and I.  WE are eight years OUT from an earthquake.  Eight means renewal.  We are in a very new season and with that, God has reminded me to pray as diligently as I did some eight years ago.  And I will continue.  I pray the Lord has me write a few more blogs.  Maybe not...  

We are in a new season.  Our word this year was "intentional".  So we have made some real changes and done somethings intentionally to make sure that when we do see our Savior, He will say, "well done".   We also WANT each and every reward the Lord has prepared for us!  

I will write again, when the Holy Spirit speaks, and as I said, I will continue to pray and believe that God wins.  

The prayer for this eve ...  read the the lyrics for this song.  Do you believe it?  Do you believe what God says about you?  If so...then whether it is your marriage or your children -- God is the one who can fix.  Seek Him.  But He has to be first...

He has to be first...not an after thought...
 Not for when you have finished a series on Netflix and need something to do...
Not just for when a crisis hits us... 
Not just when you are ready for him....
Not just once a week.....
Not just once a holiday.....
Not just 'because' I can be closer to God when I am alone and at home....
Not just for when someone is ill....
Not just because "that is what I am suppose to do"....

You are loved - more than you will ever know.  And truly if YOU understood that and lived in that knowledge...your marriage would be getting better -- only because you are better.  

Don't you want a REAL relationship with Him?  I do.  I do!!!   It drives me.  

I believe that many will see Jesus one day and He will say, "depart from me, I never knew you".  Too many of us sugar coat this and think ..."oh I will have time later to get back with Jesus".....  maybe tonight IS YOUR last night on this earth!?? 

There are many good ones....that will not see heaven because they are too busy on the earth right now and place God 2nd or 3rd.  

And if we don't think ETERNALLY minded now, I believe we will sadly be mistaken and sorry later.  

Robert Morris spoke about salvation and heaven this past month.  He made a comment, "people will say, Oh how can a loving God let people go to hell?"  He replies..."how can a you a very smart person NOT see the reality of WHO God is and why would you even QUESTION that?"  He reminds us that God created hell for Satan and his angels.  We are the ones placing ourselves IN there by our actions.  

Tonight -- if you are reading this and you are unsure of your salvation - I pray you will seek Jesus and speak to Him and then seek a Pastor/Minister and get it right,  or maybe even contact me.  

Marriage can be the BEST and closest thing to heaven here on earth and I believe God intended it that way, so I will pray and believe that your marriage will be that sort of marriage.  IN Jesus Name.  Amen.  

You Say
I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I’m not enough
Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up
Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low?
Remind me once again just who I am, because I need to know (ooh oh)
You say I am loved when I can’t feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don’t belong, oh You say that I am Yours
And I believe (I), oh I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me
In You I find my worth, in You I find my identity, (ooh oh)
You say I am loved when I can’t feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don’t belong, oh You say that I am Yours
And I believe (I), oh I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
Oh, I believe
Taking all I have and now I'm laying it at Your feet
You have every failure God, and You'll have every victory, (ooh oh)
You say I am loved when I can’t feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don’t belong, oh You say that I am Yours
And I believe (I), oh I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
Oh I believe (I), yes I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
Oh I believe (oh)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Marriage is HARD, BOLD Prayers #39 - Don't lose HOPE.

I have read this book, several times and the chapter on "losing heart" has been highlighted -- marked up ....and well--read and reread and tonight I want to share a part of it.
I am basically rewriting a part of it - if this sticks into your brain and you want to read more -- it is from the book,  "Strong Women, soft hearts" by Paula Rinehart.
She writes:  

...if you want to know real joy in life, then be willing to let pain tutor your soul....

Passion in life is comprised mostly of the stuff that comes from the tutoring process--slowly and mysteriously-- like a phoenix rising from the ashes of despair. I should add that the root of this word passion gives us significant clues as to how we acquire it.  It means "to suffer".  It's as though some wise old souls was trying to let us in on a little secret. are interested in the passionate life. You want the real thing.  Are you willing, then, to grapple with a bit of pain?   - Paula Rinehart

I thought about that  and read that and reread that...pain has tutored my soul.
Pain has taught me much. 
A crisis of faith is what it took.....for me to become passionate about Christ.  

  Passion is a two-sided coin on which joy is wedded, inextricable, to sorrow, and wisdom is purchased at the feet of suffering.  You won't know many moments of being Cinderella at the ball without sweeping up your own pile of ashes and cinders.  The real prizes are never cheap.   - Paula Rinehart

Again, I thought about that - read and reread it.  
To think that suffering is what most of us have to live through to really learn to trust God..
to really learn to hunger for really have that passion.....

She goes on to write that when we lose heart ..we lose hope and it is easy to lose hope in our flesh!  She gives scripture to remind us:  

"Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength...For he will be like a bush in the desert and will not see when prosperity comes, but will live in stony wastes in the wilderness, a land of salt without inhabitant"  

Hope that is pinned to God, rather than to people, has a buoyancy to it because it is grounded not in our own illusion of how our story should read, but in the character of God.  And so, your husband may indeed leave  for another woman, the book may never be published, the business may never get off the ground, but we dare not let go of our hope.  We stay alive to the possibility to encountering someone really good, so that we can welcome it when it comes.  We won't have  our backs turned. - Paula Rinehart

As David wrote in the Psalms,
"I would of despaired unless I had believe that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

David expected to see the goodness of God in his life -- at any possible moment, in the most unlikely of situations, because good is simply how God is.  A sense of expectancy rooted in the goodness of God keeps hope alive!

I was purposeful in choosing WHICH paragraph I was going to post here -- I put it in red...
If  you know me, you can understand why I read and reread that.
I read it and was mad at God..."No way....that can't be!"
I read it and thought, "Ok God...I will trust".
And finally I got to a point where I read it and understood it.

We have to put our hope in God.
Our Lord.
Our BEST pal and confidant.

I have learned, probably the hard way, that we can't give up hope.
It takes TIME - God's time!

I wanted to encourage someone  again -- seek God - look to HIM for your hope and don't give up!
It takes time - HIS time.  But I promise you -- in the mean time, you can look for the goodness of the Lord - HE will show you that while HE is making the bigger picture change!!

- in HIm, Michelle

I wrote this blog back in 2012.  It sort of piggy backs onto the post from last night -- that there can be a real healing in a wounding.    

For the ones being faithful with me and praying for a marriage ...praying for several marriages, or even that you are IN a hard and struggling marriage....may tonight, you find yourself reading this and knowing ...there is HOPE. 

With God, there is HOPE.  We have NO idea what tomorrow may bring.  Tomorrow the Lord may allow something to bring him to his knees...are you ready?
Tomorrow, the Lord may allow another hard thing to be brought to light -- are you ready?  
Tomorrow, the prodigal may actually seek you and share with you his or her true goldy repentance..are you ready? 

God won't let you down.  Continue to hope and believe that indeed a miracle is coming in God's timing.  IN Jesus name.  Amen.