When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you.

This morning, God reminded me of something special that happened to me seven years ago at my Encounter weekend.....heading to the Encounter was hard, as there were so many unanswered questions, thoughts, and hurt, but coming home from it -- there was a true Encounter with My Lord.
The verse in Isaiah...passing through the waters...That has been happening for the past several years and God NEVER once....left me. HE was there with me all the time. I think back and can get overwhelmed by thoughts, problems, and hurts...and HE says, I will NOT let them overwhelm you... and HE kept HIS promise. I did not get burned...scorched...and the flame did not kindle upon me.
Even today, I pondered and thought -- about the wonder of God and HOW ...as we pass through these waters...HE will never leave us. There is a woman today, and we are praying together and agreeing in prayer that her husband will make the RIGHT choice and choose God and their family. She is passing through some rough waters right now - but I know God iw RIGHT there with her.
Another woman is in a season right now and she can only describe it as being 'flummoxed'...but God knows and she will not be burned or scorched but rebuilt within this season.
Another mother is waiting and waiting...on Jesus to do something with her son and yet.... she can't understand why and when this will happen or what will happen next. But I know and she does too -- that GOD is RIGHT there.
And another, is trying to restart a relationship with Jesus -- to trust Him as her Lord, and it is hard when she has some big hurts to let Him heal...But He will.
God spoke to my heart today in several ways. He answered prayer. He reminded me of WHERE we have come from and I rejoiced in all the GOOD that has transpired to place on top of those hurts.
Part of that process was the healing that occurred over the many God Encounter Weekends that I was blessed to be a part of. Inner Healing in a weekend.... Transformation within a Weekend -- ONLY God can do that.
On that Weekend some seven years ago -- it was me and God. And yet...
Its not about me...its about HIM.
The precious and priceless beauty of that...is that God makes me feel so loved...it is like I AM the only one on the Earth!
THAT is how close HE is.
HE can be that for YOU too.... but you must seek HIM.
So, as a reminder --
Whatever YOU may be facing or experiencing right now in your life, DO not give up.....Hang on.
At the beginning of my Encounter Weekend, I spoke to my Small Group leader and made my list of hurts and what I wanted to hear from God and 'learn'....HE had HIS own plan. HIS plan was MUCH better than mine or what I expected.
At the end of my Encounter Weekend, at a prayer time I was slain in the Spirit...that had NEVER happened to me before. I have seen it happen, I have heard people talk about it - but if it was going to happen to me or be real...I had told God -- HE would have to do it. HE did. I went for prayer, I lifted my palms up to show I was submitting to whatever God had for me and my Prayer Warrior began to pray. All I heard was, "Father God..." and I felt the bottoms of my feet lift up and I was down. And out. And I saw the most beautiful light...yellow light. At first I asked God - 'what is this?' But I felt peace and calm and tranquility.....I believe I got to see the light of God -- for a brief moment, just a brief moment, but HE reminded me of that Encounter today. HE reminded me...HE is with us.. always...
There is more to this story - but, that is all I am suppose to share ...I am to encourage someone...somewhere.... HE will NOT let you pass through the waters alone, call to HIM today ...
Don't give up.
God wins.
Submitted in Christ -- michelle
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