I wrote the following blog back in 2012. It was the year we were in the 'healing' house and it was the year that we watched both children beginning to reestablish their relationship with their dad. The Holy Spirit brought me to this post because of the title.
The title was: God is just not a band aid, He is a healer. So I read. And I was amazed to read in between the lines about fear. My fear. We are in a new season. My husband and I are in a new season. He has retired and God brought me a new mentor this past Spring, one lady that sharpens my iron. And as she asks me, "what can I pray for you about?"... I reply. And just in chatting over the past month, I revealed something to her. Actually -- I am totally sure the Holy Spirit spoke to her and she claimed it -- "Michelle, You are fearful of this new season". She reminded me she would pray and that I could rebuke it but also she gave good advice as she has been married a few more years than myself and she reminded me of what MEN want/need. Bingo.... Once I rebuked it - stuff began to make PERFECT sense and what was bothering me a few days before - was gone. Fear.
So, since then...I have been seeking God about a blog for marriages and fear and I am still not too sure I am ready to write it. There can be so many angles with fear - but tonight, the Holy Spirit brought me here....
As I said this, I did write this back in late August of 2012. But there is a prayer at the end and I pray that if the Holy Spirit brought you to these blogs, maybe you need to pray about being fearful as well.

wanted to make sure that the photo is first. This is my dining room
table. This is not my bible, but praise God as it belongs to the
spiritual head of our home. Praise God.
I have not
written much in the past month, been busy enjoying summer.
We went to Wisconsin, rented a
Harley and had a great time. I got loved on by many nieces and nephews
and each day brought many new things to light. My joy was to watch HP
and his interactions with the little ones. He is sort of a celebrity
with the younger ones, cause he is this kid that plays soccer and shows
up maybe once a year now. He has a tender heart towards the little
ones, he reminds me of my brother Trevor and his uncanny ability to
hover over little ones.
Taylor got quality time with her nieces and nephews too, she enjoyed
each and everyone of them - they are all so different. After the trip,
she realized that from this point on, her visits will be few and far
between and they will grow up, and so she says, "why did we ever move
away?". She is 21 now, she has her own life and going to Wisconsin will
probably be on her terms and when she schedules it. And I realized
that she realized that when we grow up- things change. And that is hard
to accept at times. I remember being at that age, it is hard.
Harley trip was just plain wonderful - almost 700 miles. We rode with
my brother one day in 103 degree heat, and another with he and his wife -
fun, fun, fun. And one day we rode solo - many conversations and
sights, but I am keeping that to myself for now - God used the trip to
Back to blogging --
"what shall I blog about Lord?".
"Lord, it has been several weeks, I want to write.".........
something really special happened and several different things
transpired and I found my purse with about 4-5 scraps of paper of verses
that have been my thoughts for the past month and I decided to just
share those....
God's word is alive and it is
active....is is a living word. When you read it over, and come back to a
story or spot either a few days later or even a year later, it is only
GOD that can do this....it speaks to me ..to us ..again in a different
Psm 25 -
In you Lord my God, I put my trust....This
is the beginning of the Psalm that I am presently working on
memorizing. My hubby has about 12 verses down and he practices nightly
and I should know them as well by now with all the quizzing, but this is
my challenge right now. Along with two other ladies, I am attempting
to learn a verse a day. The coolest thing, how this Psalm has been
right at the forefront of my mind, and when in prayer for others, it is
the blessing of praying HIS word that just makes me feel so connected to
my Lord. As, HIS word is alive and active.
When praying for another,
it does not feel like God put a band-aid on, it seems like HE really
healed her with HIS words, that is why I say, HE is a healer.
also allowed me to be a part of a healing of a physical need with
another - I will keep this one to myself, but to know that you know you
followed what HE asked, is humbling. AND, to see and experience a mire
touch of HIS healing - wow!
God also answered a
MIGHTY prayer for another warrior in HIS name and to see that person be
set free of many years of oppression is just truly a miracle. Authentic
Faith creates miracles. I guess I would love to tell that whole story
but it is not mine to tell, I just praise God that I got to be a part of
it and I got to see it transpire. God is a complete healer!
John 14.13
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.
So, this verse.....Let me explain. I am in constant prayer each day.
It would seem that Enemy likes to continue to haunt me about certain
things. But in Wisconsin, I had 7 days of peace...I mean, being away
from our normal routine ---the Enemy still would hit me on a few things,
but NOTHING of what he lies to me about when I am in Okeechobee. I am
not sure I am explaining myself, but the point I am trying to make is
that after 6 days of real peace, I realized that SOME day...the little
bread crumbs of our past...WILL be gone...THEY won't hurt
anymore....THEY really won't come to mind unless something really makes
us think or talk about them and it was just the most sweetest presence
of learning that. THAT happened on the Harley, in the middle of Spring
Green, Wisconsin, with HIS sun shinning on my face, my husband grabbing
my leg and giving it a squeeze, and me, just holding onto him and
enjoying the ride!
God is the healer, I experienced MORE than a
Psalm 32.2
"Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him".
comment on this verse, it fits right in with my realization of HOW
great God's healing is. Nothing is counted against me. Not my
idolatry...not my pride...not my sin....wow!
These verses also made it to my purse:
I can do everything through him who gives me strength Phil 4.13
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Prov. 16.3
God has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Eph. 1.3
everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has
overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5.5
I found this too:
frailty is another thing that gets between God's words of assurance and
our own words of and thoughts. When we realize how feeble we are in
facing difficulties, the difficulties become like giants, we become like
grasshoppers, and God seems to be non-existent. But remember God's
assurance to us - 'I will never ....forsake you'.... have you learned
to sing after hearing God's keynote? Are we continually filled with
enough courage to say, 'The Lord is my helper' or do we yield to
- Oswald Chambers
guess I wasn't completely fearful, but as my fa
mily continues to
heal and as my husband and I continue to walk on new territory in our
marriage, I was being gripped with some fear. We have 'graduated' our
counsel with our therapist but we still seek counsel from our Pastor and
his wife. We have really moved beyond much of our past, but the past
seems to creep in. I never want to be blindsided again, but I also
don't want to shove or skirt anything under the rug that needs to be
dealt with. So, I laid it before HIM.
And then, God reminded me, HE
has this. But HE has to be the center. HE is. We are never going to
be perfect. The consequences of our past ( both of us ) will forever
be something that changed us - but in a good way. The speaker yesterday
at church spoke about Ester, her destiny was to save her people. She
was in the right spot and God used her. God is using us. God has put
more than a band-aide over us and our relationship. God has just been
using this summer to let us grow deeper in knowledge of HIM and in turn,
our entire family benefits and is restored.
moment at a time, one prayer at a time, one memory at a time. God does
360's. I have said it before and HE continually reminds me that HE is
more than a band-aide. HE is Lord.
Be blessed. If
you are in any sort of trial - I know that I know, God wins, HE can
restore what the locusts have taken and HE wants to be your LORD. Be
encouraged, be set free.
I love this photo of us - 2012..we have since gotten a few wrinkles! |
- michelle
o we pray - God -- fear can grip us so tightly and yet it can masquarade as something else and begin to put a wedge into a marriage where there DOES not need to be one.
You know my heart Lord and the list is now longer as Bren and I picked up a few more names to pray for and intercede for ...but YOU Lord will win. YOU LORD are a healer and You can put band aids on us and yet, I know that I know - YOU do heal perfectly.
Lord for that one this eve that is fearful - may she or he realize WHERE that fear is coming from and rebuke it. And I pray Lord that YOU will be glorified in all of this. Again ..for those in trouble, I am praying and speaking by faith that Your marriage will endure and be better than ever. IN Jesus name. Amen.