Thursday, August 2, 2018

Marriage is HARD, but God! Bold Prayers #22 - Where are you?

So, I started this bible study this week.  ( Photo shows it.)   So, as I work within my journal or workbook, there is a question that I am to ponder on  ...mediate on...and think about.  

It comes from Genesis 3.9.  It is God asking the question.  It is from the part of Scripture where Adam and Eve are hiding in the garden as they have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge.  

The Scripture tells of how God was walking in the Garden in the cool of the day.  I tried to really picture that.  

As a kid...I would retreat to the back 40 or the Woods that were at the back of our farm.  My brothers created a path through those woods and would run the 4 wheeler back there.   ( They still retreat to the woods, just in different places as adults.)   As a kid, I would go back to those woods to just get away.  To be quite honest - often- it was to 'run away'.  

I would stop and think..."would anyone really notice I was gone?" 
 So so so often...NO one did. 
 I mean, maybe they did,  but there was never one time where I heard a search party headed out to find me.   My need to be 'heard' and affirmed probably started WAY back then!  

Anyway, back to ....... walking in the Garden in the cool of the day. 

 And God says, "Where are you?"    He is speaking to Adam.  

Where are you?  

Where are you with your relationship with God?  
Where are you with your intimacy with our Lord? 

Why did God created us?    To engage with have relationship with us.  

These blogged prayers are focused on marriages but today -- I am just focused on one person. 
 You.                    Me.           The one reading this... where are you in your relationship with God? 

Where are you?  

Are you satisfied with the HOW in your life? 
  The where?    
The when?  
Truly.... within a marriage, there has to be communication and a relationship.   I  know how easily  that  communion with each other can be strained and separated.  

So again... Where are you?  

Lord, as I am writing these prayers, my focus has been on marriages and the dynamics of them.  However, today -- I am just seeking you and posting a prayer and asking the reader...where are they?  Lord, that they would use this question to reflect today and truly be honest with their heart and their head.  I pray that perhaps they can be honest with their spouse about it as well.  When we truly have YOU first in our lives and our relationship with you is healthy....I believe that we can improve and work on our marriage....but when it is not -- 

Those are the ones I pray for right now...Lord, that they would seek this question and truly seek YOU today.  Where are they Lord??  Only You and 'they' know where...may they see and realize if they are NOT where You want them to be and may they WANT to change that...IN Jesus name  - Amen.  

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