Saturday, December 16, 2017

If I could tell you ...

 Many of us struggle with a prodigal child or prodigal children.  But others of us struggle or pray for parents and family that are so very close and yet, don't want to claim Christ as Lord.  They allow their opinions and the world to dictate what they place their trust in.

It is Christmas season -- a season where everyone is aware that a baby was born to bring us something.  He came - born in a manger, grabbed some other 12 wandering vagabonds  and began  something that people still read about and talk about today.  He turned the world around from B.C. to A.D. ......Literally.

I wrote this letter to a loved one in my journal earlier this year.  I never mailed it.  I penned it one Sunday when my thoughts captured me and took me away from the message that was being preached.

 Today, as I read it again -- I felt it could be written for another.  

I felt it could be written from a daughter to a mother.
I felt it could be written from a young woman who can't understand why her boyfriend continues to hurt her.
I felt it could be written from a mother to a son.
I felt it could be written from one sister to another sister.

And many of us have been hurt by a spouse or significant other  because they have  a hard heart towards God or never truly experienced the saving Grace of God to begin with ----

The bottom line is --hurting people hurt people. 

No one is perfect.

 None of us were given the perfect parents or the perfect children.  Adam and Eve even had one child that obeyed and one that disobeyed...  Many of the great 'men' of the bible were failures at many things first.  I take comfort in that - there is always a 2nd chance. 

And us 47chances if we need them -- cause He knows that on the 48th time you mess up -- YOU will indeed get it and quit that pattern of sin or ugly! 

Anyway, I have been hesitant to publish this blog, as God has been disciplining me lately, and I have been fearful.  However, by faith I will post this one, as I believe there is a daughter out there, who will come across this blog; and  she'll will read this and know, she must seek out her dad and let him know -- he was the 'best dad he could be' and forgive him.  Therefore, she can then move forward herself. 

Humbled -- Michelle


If I could tell you -- I would tell you --- It is  OKAY!  

I struggled trying to understand why you act a certain way or I struggle to excuse it.  I explain it away in my head.  

That is how you were raised.  You were neglected and never allowed to enjoy the love of a father...

I have also spent time making excuses.  I have spent time judging and persecuting you - because there was something that I missed as I grew ---

But today -- 

Today I would say -- 

I have truly forgiven you for what was lacking and I am in a place that does not need understanding -- as the Holy Spirit has filled every gap and filled me.  

Today I'd say -- thank you -- thank you for pushing me, reminding me of what needed to be done or changed in me as a kid.  Thank you for being the best dad you could be -- at that time.  

Thank you for the smiles and the follow up when I am near.  Thank you for always being a good example of hospitality.  Thank you for teaching me about a work ethic.  

You were the right and appointed dad for me -- as you did well.  

I would also tell you -- Or I would ask, have your forgiven yourself?  I don't harbor any unforgiveness towards you and I pray that you would understand that God chose you.  He chose you -- it wasn't because of anything you did or didn't do. 

 I would remind you that you are a holy being.  God created you to be His - a joint Heir to eternity.  And I would tell you that right now, if you could hear the audible voice of God - 
        He would say to you --

--My beloved

--come to me - come rest in the shadow of my wings - you are the apple of my eye.

There isn't anything you can do to change that - you are loved. 

And then, I would pray that you truly received that and live in that knowledge, free from bondage. 

 And  if you really did live in that knowledge -- you wouldn't feel the need to fix and /or correct everyone else.  You would see them as children of God... imperfect but loved.     Yes,  you would guide and give counsel, but you would also realize that you are NOT the Savior -- Jesus is.  

I would share with you - "I get it!"  That need to fix others is a big is a stronghold that I myself am recovering from -- but Jesus is the Savior - not us.  

And I would pray that as you woke up tomorrow -- you would see and know within your heart that you are a new creation in Christ.    Jesus was born of a virgin and came to this earth for you....

And I would believe your eternity is secured.  In Jesus name...Amen.   

And that Dad, would be the BEST Christmas present ever! 


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