Monday, July 25, 2011

the world according to Tucker . . . .

This is Tucker . . . my nephew. He is almost 4 years old or he is 4, I forget. There are so many nieces and nephews now running around Wisconsin that I get confused. He is very bright and tickeled me so. I must relate a conversation I witnessed:

T: Dad, arr we going campin or what?

My brother Trevor: Yes, Tuck, we are going, one more day of Nana's and then a day of being with me and then we will go.

T: But Dad, we have to be ready. I need my toys, I need to get my tractors and I need my floaties.

Trevor: Yes, Tuck, we will get all of those things.

Auntie Chell pipes in: So, where are you going to sleep Tucker?

That question seemed to send Tucker into another train of thought . . .

T: Dad, who is coming?

Trevor: WEll, me, your mom, Tanner, Elise, and Silly Grandma . . .

** note, now, Tucker is taking his fingers and counting as his dad is listing all who is coming and pretty soon, he runs OUT of fingers .

T: Stop Dad . .we can't have all those people camping - we just can't . we don't have room . .

Tucker gets really frustrated and seeks some sort of understanding . . . .

At this point, as the finger counting took a few trials, he would start with one, and then when my brother said another name, he had to start over with one and then 'two' . .and this proceeded and so my brother slowed down a bit, but with each person coming . .he had to restart the count. He is strickly a facts sort of kid - at least that is what I saw and heard in the few short days I was in his presense.

I can't say it enough - how much joy I received watching him calucate and figure things out. and then to see him get so frustrated when he ran out of fingers. and shouted, "no, they can't come there is NO room".

He is very social and when we were at camp that one day, had no problems making new friends in the pool, but when he accidently fell onto the pool floor and scratched up his eyes . .he became the little boy who needed ice on the eyes and his daddy. Classic. And his daddy rescused him.

Oh how Our LORD does that too . .I think we count and calculate 'what' we think God is doing . and then HE addes in a new element or problem. It sort of seems we run out of fingers at times and they cry out to God -- stop . ..I can't handle this anymore.

Today, while Brendan was making the bed and I was finishing my face, the TV stopped on Joyce Meyers and we both distinctly heard, "many people--- when they get trouble think. . .wow, how God is missing from this problem, when in reality is was our doing -- our problem cause we did not put God into it in the first place". She reminded us that if we are 'in' a problem . . .and we are not dead . then God is working. God has all the facts. HE knows the beginning and the end. We are quick to give up we need to stay the course.

This verse today hit me: 2 Chronicles 16.9

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the Earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.

It was so cute. So innocent. Such a 3 year old brain . ..He wanted to make sure he had all the facts and was prepared. I can do a really good impression of Tucker if you get close to me.

I am fully committed to HIM. I know a time when I wasn't and I can see a time when I tried to be, but in the past months . . the joy of the Lord, has been to know that I know- being in the CENTER of HIS will is not a penalty and being in the CENTER of HIS will brings such fruit and joy even when there is trouble.

I wish I was closer to Tucker, to see him more often than just once a year, but I will TRUST in a GOD big enough to place 'many Auntie Chell's' into his path as well, as trust his parents to teach and foster a 'heart that is fully committed' to HIM.

LOrd, for all of my nephews, nieces, and family - extended, whether a blood relative or a relative by YOUR doing . .. ..Lord, for all of the children around me, may they see Good real facts of your people . . .living for you . being real . . for you . . may they not be foolish and seek man to help them with their problems but YOU Lord. It states in the 15th Chapter of Chronicles that . . when we seek you - we find you . .rather YOU find us. May I always seek you, bless Tucker and all the REST of them too -- may they SEEK you and have a heart that is fully committed to you.

Thanks for my mini-family vacation up north -- YOU blessed me so Lord, I praise YOUR name!

- michelle

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