Tuesday, July 5, 2011

iron sharpens iron. . God speaks through Godly friends

This is my pal Debi ... . . . in the middle of her 'boys' at Word of Life Camp. I just marvel at how God brings people together at the right time for the right things. . . . if we are willing to accept and watch and listen and allow them to speak into our lives. Today she wrote something that changed my mood -- changed my outlook and it was God speaking through her -- thank you Debi. Iron does sharpen Iron . . .that is in scripture .. need to find the address!

Psalm 119: 81-88

My Soul longs for your salvation;

I hope in your word.

My eyes long for your promise;

I ask, "When will you comfort me?"

For I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,

yet I have not forgotten your statues.

How long must you servant endure?

When will you judge those who persecute me?

The insolent have dug pitfalls for me;

they do not live according to your law.

All Your commandments are sure:

they persecure me with falsehood; help me!

They have almost made an end of me on earth,

but I have not forsaken your precepts.

In your steadfast love give me life,

that I may keep the testimonies of your mouth. ESV

And Debi commented:

Wow! This is great! There are so many times when the enemy SEEMS to have the upper hand. It FEELS that way anyway, even though I know it is not true. It is those days when the depression is real and it FEELS like it is not going to ever go away . . . It is in those days when the circumstances FEEL like they won't change . . . and it is on THOSE days when it FEELS the enemy is closer than God. Hallelujah -- that is ONLY FEELS that wasy and it is NOT that WAY!!

Hallelujah I can still put hope in HIS Word and obey even thought I don't FEEL like it. God's Word is ALWAYS trustworthy and HIS unfailing love, yes, HIS UNFAILING love ALWAYS comes through and HE defeats the enemy in my life and brings hope and love and victory and power and forgiveness and freedom!!


FREEDOM is a wonderful thing!

** reposted (copied) from Debi Large's commentary on her quiet time on 7-5-11.

Thank you Lord for speaking to me . .I have typed and retyped this now 3x and my FEELINGS have changed, and YOUR word has renewed my hope and my depression has decreased . . Lord, YOUR unfailing love . . .take the time to speak to me. She had no idea and yet YOU did. Thank you Lord. That was a direct word from you.

I will share that this eve with my girls .. ..as YOUR Word is so powerful and YOUR servants speak loudly for you. Bless her today Lord. Amen.

- michelle

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