Monday, November 25, 2013

..thankful.... there is a LIGHT at the end of the tunnel....I promise!

My Jesus Calling Devotional today ...states this:

Beloved, this is the day that the Lord has made...As you rejoice in this day of life, it will yield up to you precious gifts and beneficial training.  Walk with Me along the high road of thanksgiving, and you will find delights I have made ready for you....To protect your thankfulness, you must remember that you reside in a fallen world, where blessings and sorrows intermingle freely.  A constant focus on adversity defeats many Christians. ...They walk through a day that is brimming with beauty and brightness, seeing only the grayness of their thoughts.  Neglecting the practice of giving thanks has darkened their minds.  How precious are My children who remember to thank Me at all times.  They can walk through the darkest of days with joy in their hearts because they know that the Light of My Presence is still shining on them.  Rejoice in this day that I have made for you, I am your steadfast Companion.  - God   Psalm 118. 24  and Psalm 116. 17 

It is very hard to stay hopeful when it seems like God has forgotten us.  I have said that...I have felt that God has forgotten me, but praise God I have also lived long enough to know
                            ...that is a LIE from the pit of hell.

God does not forget us.  God never has.  HE knew me..HE knows you...before you were born.  HE knows the number of hairs left on my head and how many will fall out into the drain this evening.

I am posting today for 3 give hope and encouragement for three special women of God that I got to pray with today....and for myself, to remind myself how things are so relative and how the enemy  continues to try and lie and weasel his way into our lives.

And maybe I am posting this --for you...the stranger at the other side of this computer screen that I don't know.

Today I was SO pissed..yep, I used that word PISSED.  I was angry.  I wanted to cuss!   I have not been THAT angry with my daughter ....since...since she was 2 years old and pulled her ONE and ONLY tantrum in Walmart during the Christmas holiday.

I have not been THIS pissed off...since....since I saw my neighbor Todd put a shock color on our dog Bella and then I had to watch her get shocked and Brendan gave him permission  to do it ...I was equally mad at them both! (more mad at BP )

Let's see...I was THIS mad at myself when I knew I should of wrapped this one really cool vase better when we moved and sure enough- it crashed...and it was ME to blame, but I yelled at HP. seems there may be a few anger issues here, but not really.

 I was in the dentist chair today when I got a text and to make a  long story short - I am having a Mary Martha Party later this evening and I prayed over the invites  -- and I asked God whom to invite and took great care.  I mailed a few, delivered a few myself,  and then gave my daughter the job of delivering the 16 others to the mailboxes at CES ( my old school ).  Well, today's  text prompted me to ask a few questions and sure enough, the 16 invites NEVER made it to their mailboxes....the party was in 30 is Thanksgiving break, people have plans, the Consultant has  made plans, she will set up her stuff and have only a few here?

The goal is to sell some stuff! ---- (please read to the end of this post - as THAT is not the goal!)

 I guess I got "more" mad cause I later found the invites in her messy car...under junk.  Under volleyball and college stuff.  You see, I rubber banded the invites to her keys and asked her 2x.. and this has happened before!  But again -- long story short, the invites did not go out.  And now, do I cancel or do I call people?

Ok, enough already - this really is not about the forgotten invites.  It really is about the Enemy trying his best to defeat us.  Quickly I was reminded of something the Consultant always says, "Michelle, those who God wants at the party - are always the right ones, even if there are only two people" -- and one time we had a party of two people!   And God reminded me even more quickly - this was the each time Carla shares a word from God - the enemy is defeated....

And I know something REALLY cool will transpire later tonight cause not only did the invite debacle interupt my day...but, the enemy threw a few more things at me.

By the way...
I texted/yelled at my daughter via 1400 miles away.  I said sorry about 4 hours later.

As I said, when it rains, it pours at times, but yet, I became so aware and thankful for my own children and their health as throughout the day, I prayed with a woman that needs her health back and she needs her son to be healthy and whole too.

I read about a little boy that went to the REZ school, that had entered heaven and thought about his family....

I was reminded of Ethan and his children that probably awoke today and were reminded that "their mommy went to heaven today just two weeks prior".    ( His wife, their mom died of cancer on 11-11)

I reached out to a woman that wants restoration in a marriage.

I prayed with a woman that does not have her kids right with her right now, and her heart is so broken.

And I was reminded of MANY other heartbroken people.

I was reminded that we always need to be thankful.

I think it is important to be real and to be aware.  Because of God....there is HOPE and there is light at the end of the tunnel even when we think it can't happen.

It is a very hard concept, but there can be joy in our circumstance.

Tomorrow could be the day the situation turns around....tomorrow could be the day....

I am quite sure that my 'party' will be fine.  Carla's goal is not to have GREAT sales, she does this as a ministry and she is able to speak about God.  My goal for the party was to have some time of fun fellowship with my pals from CES...and share with them the wonderful products that could bless them.

But, even though the enemy seemed to weasel into today - I am thankful.

But, I have prayed this evening and I will continue  to pray specifically for those three women I spoke to today...that God will uphold them, that maybe tomorrow the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel will be revealed..I will pray that they grab ahold of the edge of Jesus' garmeant or walk OUT on that water and hold ON for dear life...and allow God to be there.

God has to be it.
HE has to be our all.
HE allows strife and heartache within out lives - cause HE wants to draw us near  -- HE is getting our attention. That was NOT HIS intention but we are in a wicked world and we chose the path, we have that free leads us into temptation and then sin.
It certainly seems  like ALL the others ( around us )  are getting the breaks and the ones who are ARE on their knees seeking God are NOT winning...but hold on dear sister...hold on beloved....YOU are HIS.

Please don't compare your situation with others -- you have no idea, but maybe Satan does not need to mess with them...and he is able to bless then ( Satan can bless people ) cause they are NO threat.
So consider it an honor...that the enemy is seeking to destroy you -- and your dreams and family...cause he knows, God has great plans in the future.

Lisa Bevere says that you are probably being attacked ...cause of WHAT the enemy knows YOU can do for the Kingdom of God in the future -- so he is attacking now.  Don't let him win.

Don't let the enemy tell you God has forgotten you -- HE has not.
Cry out to him.  Demand GOD to show up and move....just make sure that you are RIGHT with him first - confess any sin....make sure YOU have asked HIm into your life and heart, and declare your love for him.

I realize it may be hard to declare your LOve for God...I was unable to really do that for many takes time to trust something that is 'unseen'.  But, if we will...Glory will come.

Hang in there sweet ladies....YOU are deeply loved.  Memorize these verses  below.  Personalize them.

Michelle, be strong and courageous, don't fear..for God is with me and HE won't leave or forsake me.
__________, be strong....

Lord, God.....I am thankful for this day - as I close my eyes now finally at 2am...and rest, I pray that tomorrow - ( later today ) - YOU will show up in a mighty way to those sisters in Christ that touched me today....God they need miracles, guidance, advice, and direction and they need healing and restoration - I pray that for EACH of them.  amen.

God they may not have the faith right now to believe there is  LIGHT at the end of the TUNNEL - but I will believe it enough for them -- I will!

Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV 

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Psalm 55:22 ESV / 

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

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