Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Random thoughts - not a RANDOM God

double amen

God evening....

It has been over 2 weeks since I have blogged.  I felt I had WRITERS Block.  Truth be told.... I just was not getting something worth sharing.  

My life has been good - busy with wrapping up the end of the 9 weeks at school, HP has had a little more playing time for FAU...and TP's team was 2nd runner up for District and then went onto win at their SECTIONAL match and now back to REGIONALS...but they have to play a team that has already 'killed' them. can never count their chickens before they are hatched.  

Each AM I would ask God and then look at my computer - what am I to blog about - HE has kept me quiet.   I have been  battling a viral something, but believe that I am at the END of it!  I also burned my hands - badly, but praise God I know they are healing faster than normal! of my brothers got an I phone - I have BEEN so tickled as  he has been FACE timing me or BP almost EVERY day - WHAT a joy.  I don't feel the need to fly home at Thanksgiving...  I love technology!   

So...Random thoughts...  but GOD is never Random.
This am, He reminded me of scripture in Habakkuk.  Habakkuk 3. 17-18  to be exact.  

Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,  and there are no grapes on the vines: even though the olive crop fails, and the field lie empty and barren: even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in  the LORD! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation.  The Sovereign Lord is my strength!  

I remember when this verse was FIRST spoken to me and given to me as a piece of advice or WORD from a counselor to me.  

And  I remember - I did not receive it.  I could hardly understand it.  But the bottom line was -- Jesus had to be ENOUGH...  JESUS had to be IT.  

Is Jesus enough?  

He is NOW for me....  it took a LONG time to understand that and realize it.  However...when one does realize it -- that Jesus and WHAT HE did and HOW we can do ALL things through HIM that strengthens us...

Life does not get 'easier' ...but there is purpose, joy, and a WANTING to continue to grow closer to HIM.  

God is not Random.  

If you are reading this - it is not  'just because'.  It is because you are being DRAWN into - closer to HIM.  HE wants you to experience this VERY same thing.....

It is very hard and yet SO simple....  but it takes a leap of faith - get out of that boat and walk with Jesus - you will never regret it.  

Lord - I am unsure as to WHOM had to read this tonight - but...remind them...that no matter what... they are WORTH everything to  YOU much that YOU sent Your Son.  Lord, I pray they will take the plunge, and believe that YOU are enough.  amen.  

- humbled...and grateful to a GOD who can take my random thoughts and update --- and bring it full circle to a reminder -- that nothing is RANDOM and that the scripture  GOD  reminded me of one of HIS  promises!  Amen.  
And Lord.... I am feeling a burden again to say a prayer again for ALL of the marriages around me.... I pray they will find just ONE more day and SEEK YOU for EVERY decision....  amen.

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