Thursday, September 15, 2011

reading into something . . ... . . . . . . . .

Just saying, the ONLY truth that can always be relied upon is HIS word.

HIS word speaks truth. IT can cut through the bull and hit you right between the eyes.

HIS word can also comfort and sustain you when you feel like you are unloved and totally alone.

HIS word convicts but also heals.

HIS word is our lifeline.

HIS word is the love letter HE left for us.

HIS word can be alive and active in anyone's life but you have to want it.

HIS word was in the beginning.

ONLY HE could of came as a man, Jesus, and used the word so powerfully because HE was the I AM.

HIS word brings life.

HIS word should be something we want to read.

However, it seems to be the LAST thing many read . . . until something happens that makes you want to read it.

Last Wednesday, I witnessed a little boy, a boy of only 5 years of age. He wanted to pray with the power of the HOly Ghost. He knew the Holy Spirit was already in him, but he wanted his prayer language.

I watched his Pastor, walk him through a simple prayer. Aidan wanted it. Aidan asked for it and when Pastor Dave said, "Aidan, do you hear something in your head or on your tongue that you wish to speak?" And Aidan said, "yes". I watched a 5 year old pray outloud in his prayer language. It was incredible.

For so many years, I thought that prayer language was for others. I was scared of it. I banked on the fact that I did not 'need' that to go to heaven. Then a time came where, I was at the bottom, and could not speak one more word out of my mouth to pray. I was tired. And a few other events happened and I got a 'phrase'. But oh, how the Enemy reminded me that it could not be real. But, at that time, I was not ready for it. However, when I prayed using my prayer language, I noticed more peace, and more of HIS glory.

But, I quickly allowed the Enemy to cause self doubt and my prayer language became somewhat of a 'trophy' or just something that I knew that maybe I had . .but I did not use it. I did not practice it. I did not 'fan the flame' as my Pastor will say now. Then God allowed MORE crud to come in and once again, I found myself wanting MORE but now, I needed more and I needed a holy power to move out of bed, to believe in the impossible , and I needed it to pray with as I was tired of praying. I was tired of repeating myself . .for a lack of better words, I was just at the end. And then, because of some circumstances and my willingness to seek forgiveness and give forgiveness, God re-blessed me with my prayer language and this time, I knew it was REAL. I remember that night, it took me being really broken and seeking forgiveness of another friend and then bam the words really came. This time I fanned the flame and I practiced.

NO one would tell me it was fake. Power was felt. I changed a bit more.

I witnessed how easy one can receive it. I took the long way. May my grandkids get the easy route and may they seek their prayer language as young kids, for God's kingdom is at hand.

Thank you Lord,

I wrote this on Thursday, but have not been able to get back to it until today. Thank you Lord, for answered prayer, for your direct word today and for the accomplishments that have transpired within our family. Lord, thank you for the extra power you have blessed me so, may I never forget the bondage that was there, may I remind free until the day I see you face to face. Thank you.

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