Sunday, September 11, 2011

run for your lives . . . .9-11-11

10 years ago, tonight, I sat with Hunter at the TV and we watched some of the footage of the Twin Towers. Then we headed to bed, and he spoke about death and asked questions. It was at that moment when I believe he truly felt and understood his mortality. He was 5 1/2 . .He is now 16.

Lord, what can transpire in 10 years is amazing, hurtful, harmful, wonderful, and yet . . . .it still passes by so quickly that it seems like yesterday.

It was about 10 years ago that our family rededicated our lives and went as a family and joined a beautiful church and enjoyed wonderful fellowship and life was good despite the horror of what was going on in New York and around our world. Life gets hard fast, but you tend to not realize it because you get so busy - too busy. The Enemy used that business in our family to slowly erode away some basic practices. However, that is the past and God is the God of 2nd chances.

I believe many got 2nd chances in the days following the 9-11 event. Many also met their maker and I can imagine that many were lost to eternity. I make no bones about it. I was scared that day. I remember that morning. I had taken my 4th graders to computer lab and the tech person there was in tears and on the phone. Her son was in the military and oversees and she was trying to check on him a she had the TV on and was watching the news after the first Tower was hit. She cried, she was worried. I got the kids settled, told her to shut the TV off and walked to the office where there was already some fuss and people where off to the Library to cut access to TV for the rest of the school and I sat down on a table and watched the next 20 min. and the 2nd plane hit the 2nd Tower right on TV. Right there. I was shocked and scared all at once. Was this really the end?

*** Today is now Tuesday. A few days after I started this post. Today, in our marriage counsel, we had to speak about honesty. Funny how even with this blog, I am reminded of 'how' I was 10 years ago and what I allowed to show, what I allowed to be spoken, and what I hid within me. Honesty. I was scared. I was doubtful of my salvation. I loved the Lord, or thought I did to the best of my knowledge -- yet, still it was NOTHING like the relationship I have with HIM now. Hunter was 5 1/2. I sat with him that night in his room and we spoke about death and heaven and salvation. And I timidly, asked him if he knew Christ and what HE did for him. I remember feeling awkward and now, realizing how important this decision is/was, I would now be jumping up and down, but back then, 10 years ago, I timidly told Brendan.

Anyway, that was not my point, my point is this -- run for your lives. I did not see what was happening to my life, my family, my marriage because I really did not want totally trust God. But deep down, I wanted the BEST from God and I wanted to be close, as close as possible to HIM. Those were my prayers when I did ask.

We should run for our lives to HIM. We need to be careful that we don't get too busy and complacent about stuff. We need to be honest with ourselves and others, and not try to hide from God. HE created the stars and knows the number of hairs on our heads -- HE knows anyway.

I believe 9-11 was a wake up call. We need to run for our lives and make sure, that we daily seek HIM.

I am no longer scared.

I am honest with myself and others now. After tonight, I won't 'hide' stuff or a thought, but seek to reveal it when HE wants me too as then it can be dealt with.

Lord, I pray that this random reflection will glorify you. I posted a video a few days ago that really hit me hard, it was called run for your lives ... LORD, may I always run to seek you in good and in bad. Thank you for counsel this eve. Thank you for the thoughtful conclusions and illustrations; however, I seek YOU. YOU are the ultimate counselor. YOU are our healer.

Your beautiful daughter, that knows YOU esteem her with HIGH regards,

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