Thursday, September 8, 2011


The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful. James 5.16
The intense prayer of Michelle is very powerful. James 5.16
The intense prayer of HIS warriors is very powerful. James 5.16

prayer . . . . many times we say, "all we can do is pray" . . . .

Each time I hear that now, especially when I say it, I get a sick feeling . ."sorry Lord" . . . . .

THAT IS WHAT I AM to be doing -- that is the BEST thing I can do. That is what we are called to do. And we are to pray without ceasing.

I admitted last night, in my praise time with God . ."it is easier to have belief when something you have prayed and prayed for, comes into view".

It is easier when a prayer is answered to believe in another prayer.
It is easier to pray for a sick friend when you have been in prayer for another and they were healed.
It is easier to pray for one with a real harmful disease when you have had a miracle in your family and cancer or another illness has been totally destroyed.
It is easier to pray and believe that you can cast out strongholds when you have sat at the foot of another and watched the most glorious this occur and watch that person cast out that stronghold and you literally see a difference in that persons life and walk.
It is easier to pray for one that has had a similar life path as you . . . and now you are on the other side of it so you can extend that hope to another.

It is easier . .but God did not call us to easy - did HE?
HE asked us to have faith.

My Pastor spoke ab out faith last night. There have been many little blessings and miracles in my life over my 45 years, but none were more special or meaningful . ..then when they came at a time when I was the MOST broken and hurting. And these blessings were not even for me -- they were for people I was praying for. When you see the joy and mercy being received and given by another . . .it is just glorious.

Prayer is easy. It is speaking to my father, my dad, my best friend. It is calling on HIM day and night. It is praising HIM for what HE has done and believing on WHAT HE will do.

God is who HE says He is.
I am who God says I am.
HE can do what HE says HE will do.
I can do all things through Christ Jesus.
God's word is alive and active - I AM going to believe in God.

My God . .Our God is Good all the time. HE wants no one to perish, and HE allows us pain and suffering because HE has a greater purpose.

Prayer and HIS word sustains life.
God spoke us into this world, HE spoke the world into existance.

Speak to HIM. .pray.

Lord, thank you, may I always pray and may I pray with intense power. May my life be credited to righteousness. May my prayers be powerful. Lord, answer our call, my call.

Lord, for the prayers I have lifted up today, the ones I will life up tomorrow, and the ones I will lift up in the future - thank you, thank you for answered prayer.

- michelle

PS, have faith. If you are reading this, don't hesitate to call me or ask for prayer. SEEK HIS rightous ones, their prayers are mighty.

Don't allow the disbelief or the Enemy to rob you of what HE has in store.

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