Sunday, February 20, 2011

examine oneself

Each person should examine his own work . . not in respect to someone else. For each person will have to carry his own load. Galatians 6. 4-5

The very nature of love is sacrificial. In fact, if we are not presently feelign the squeeze and sacrifice of loving someone, we're probably exercising a preferential, highly selective, and self- centered human substitute.

God calls us to sacrifice our selfishness.

- from Beth Moore

Lord, I am examining my own work .. and I know that my love for many of my family members and friends have been more selfish at times -- now Lord, I want that to change. I pray that I will daily show a sacrificial love for each of them - being a servant.

I want to be so full of YOU that YOU spill out.

Lord. I love you.

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