Saturday, October 8, 2011

I watered a plastic plant . . ..

YeP I did it. Yesterday, Friday, at school I was checking over the last bit of stuff on the lunch table. Heather and I have decided to do lunch duty at PECS -- otherwise my kids have PE and Culture in the am and it would be almost noon before I spend anytime with them each day so we do lunch duty. Anyway, as I was picking up a waterbottle, I noticed something that sort of looked like a think eyebrow in the water, someone had backwashed. I could not even fathom WHAT they had backwashed but felt guilty throwing away the water . . . it should go to good use. As I walked toward the trash and recycling bin, I noticed a plant. Good. "Lord, thanks, that is where I can empty the water and then recycle the bottle".

I did.

As I poured the water onto the plant, I began to study it and after I had emptied the bottle it was then that I noticed -- it was a PLASTIC plant!!


I laughed and laughed and quickly looked around me to see if anyone else saw how 'stupid' and silly I felt. No one was looking.

However, it tickled me so that I tattled on myself to the first adult I saw. Anyway, the plastic plant got some much needed water and it sort of dusted the leaves a bit. Too funny.

As I reflected on that last night, I got to thinking -- how many times do I 'water' what does not need to be watered.

Many articles, devotions, and books have all spoken and told about how we should share Jesus and then 'water' it with faith. Or 'share' this and then make sure you follow up with love , kindness, and 'water' it so it grows.

I watered a plant that did not need any water.

God reminded me that many times, I water stuff that doesn't need water.

For example, how many times have I thought I was to say something or fix something and in reality, I should of just left it be -- it was plastic or basically, that was not God's plan for me to interceed right then.

It was very clear and apparent to me. For the past few days, I have been seeking and asking God and finding myself questioning a few things and HE has clearly showed me to -- leave it be. HE has this. HIS promises will come true. I must wait and allow HIM to complete HIS work.

That did bring me much needed peace and rest.

I found this today, it is from Beth Moore:

R= resist temptation
E=enter into HIS presence
S=seek HIM in His word
T = trust in HIS promises

Many times and now I am speaking to myself --when we try to water what God has told us to leave alone . .. .it shows that we don't trust HIM. I trust HIM.

When we speak or do something because we feel we can 'fix' . . .we are controlling and now allowing God to do HIS mighty work.

And we can have total peace when we really REST in HIM.

Lord, thank you. Thank you for answered prayer and for the way you teach me. I am sorry it takes me so long to really learn and lesson that will stick, but I love that YOU know that about me and yet YOU still do not give up on me.

Lord, thank you for the laugh on Friday, and for reminding me NOT to water the plastic plant. And Lord, thank you for being the perfect gardener . .that you will reap the harvest in YOUR time -- I only need to be patient.

Thank you for your word - Habaukuk 2.3 ...that it may seem slow, but we are to hold on as you will answer in YOUR time and it will be not one day overdue . . . I know I paraphrased that scripture, but I know you know that I love that written word. Thank you for it.

Good night!

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